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<br />=��-;. p�ymente a�xy no lon�er be rcqutred,at the opdon of Lender.!f mongage l�uur�wce coven�e(in t�c amoupt�nd far tho pedod =-
<br /> that I.ender nquires)provided by an lusucer rppr�val by Lend.r agaln becncney availablo And ix obtxined. Borrower shAJl pay -
<br /> :,. the premivais required to mainudn mort��ge intivrnnce in�ffect,or to provide R loss resenre.until tt►e reyuircment fnr murtgrge �q `
<br /> :��=••,, ;nSUrAnce ends in acwrdxnc,e wtth any wrltten xgreement betwaa Borrower aad L.ender or�pplic�ble lAw. i _.
<br /> '-�� 9.Iasaxtion.Lender or its aaent mav mak�e reASOn�ble eAtrl�s upon and Inspecdaag of the Prapetty. L.ender stull give
<br /> -�'� Borrower nodce At the time of or prIor to an inspectioa spaifylttg reasonAble cause for the iiupecUon.
<br /> � 10. Condemn�Qon.The proceeds of atty awud or claim for damages� direct or consequentt�l, in connecdon wlth atty Ir _
<br /> �� coademnxdott or oWer takIng of any part of tbe Property,or for corneynnce in lleu of condemnadon,are hereby assigned ancl � _
<br />- • ' sLaU bo pAid ro i.ender. � -
<br /> � •� In the event of�total taking of the Property,the proceeds shAU be applied to the sums securecl by this Security Insuument, � -
<br /> ���' •' w he t h e r o r a o t t h e n d u e,w l t h a n y e x c e s s p a i d W B o r r o w e r. I n t h a e v e n t o f a p a r t i a l t a k i n g o f t h e P r o p e rt y i n w h i c h t h e f a i r �
<br />� mxrkat value of the Property immediately Lefon the takIng is equal to ar grcaur thxn the amount of the suats secured by this � _
<br /> -;,=:;;.' Securlty Insuument imnaediately before the iaki��g� unless Borrower and L.ender otherwise agra in wrldng,the sums secund by -
<br /> �'r�`�',::, tl�s Savrity Instrument shall be nducai by the aa►ouau of tho proce�s muldplial by the followlag fracbion: (a) the total
<br /> `�.`':"'° amount of the sums secural immalisuly before the taldng, divlded by(b) the fair muket value of the Propeny la�malixtely
<br /> �RF'w;;�� before the taki�g. Any balance s4a11 be paid to Borrower. In the event of a pardal taldng of the Property ia which the fair
<br />`�`���� markBt value of We Praperty immediately befon the taldng is less thaa the awount of the sunns secunll immedlauly 6efon the
<br />='�;x���� taldng,ualess Bonower end L.ender oWeiwise agree in writing or unless applicable law otheiwIse pmvides� the procads shall
<br />��'�'�"� , be applted to the surus secured by this Sceurlty Iastsument whether or not the sums sue thcn due.
<br />_=_';'`.';�'�. If the Property ia abandoned by Borrower,or if,after nodce by Lender to BorrovKr ttwt tha condemnor affers w maice sw
<br /> -=,<:�
<br /> - AwArd or seule a c]nLn for damages, Borrower fails to respond to I.ender vv�thin 30 days after the date the nodca is glven,
<br /> �� Lender is authorIzed w collect and apply the proceeds,at its optian,either to restoxadon or repair af the Property or to the sums
<br /> _� secured by thls Securlty Inttram�nt,whether or aot then due.
<br />�-��'`%�'� Unless I�ender�nd Bornnwer otherwIse Agree in wrlting, any applicadon of procads to principal shaU not e�ctend or
<br /> ��'�'� postpone the due date of the iuontWY paymenis refernd to ia pzragraphs 1 and 2 or changc tbe amount of such paqments.
<br /> __ 11.Bonrower Not Rdeased;Forbarsnce By I.enda�Not s Waiver.Bxtenslon of the dme for paymeut or madlficABon
<br /> — of Amortirxtion of We sums secured by tbis Securlty InsWment grantal by Lender to any successor in 9nterest of Borrower sl�ll
<br /> -- not operate W rclease the liability of the original Borrower or Batrower's successois in interest. Lender sball not b�required ta
<br /> = ��m,�+�„�pmceedtags agaiact any successor in interest or refus�to eatend time for payment or othenvlse modify aa�o�flon
<br /> of the soms sxut�d by this Securlry Instrumens by mson of any dem�nd macle by the orlgipai Bocrower or Homnaer's
<br /> __— ' ' s�xxessors in Iaterest. Any forbear�uce by Lender ia exercisfng any right or remaly shAU not bo a waiver of or preclude We
<br /> ' exercise of r+ny rlght�r remedy.
<br /> 12. Suooeesart aad Aad� Bonod; dotnt and Sevaol Labtlit�; Casi�en. 'ihe wvemnts aad agreemento of this
<br /> � Sx�urity Insuwnent shall bind a�bene�iY the svccessore aad asstgns of L.ender and Borrower. subject w the pmvistons of
<br /> -- . p�ritgr�h 17. Borrower's caven�nts and sgraments shill be joint uxt s�weral. Any Borroarer arho co-signs this Security
<br /> � Inchvmeat but does n�t execute the Note: (a)is ca-stgning this Securlty Iasuuwent only w mortga�e� �cant and com�ey thtt
<br /> • Borrower's interest in the Property under the t�rms of tbia Sepuity Insst�ument:N)is not peravnaUy oblig�tal to pay the dvms
<br /> , secured by thls Secudty lnsavment;aod(c)agrxs ttut Leader nnd tny other Bocrower au�y A�e to eatend,modify.foebe�r or
<br /> m�ke aay accammaQtdoa9 wlth re�ud to the tetms of thia Securlty Incaument or tLe Note without ttwt Bomnwer'r�consen�
<br /> 13.Lom Char{e�.If the lwn socuml by this Secucity Instrmnent is subject to a law which sets m�ximwn lo�a charges,
<br /> ' and tlut Lw is finally i�tecpreted so t}nt the interest or ather loxa cl�arges collected or to be coUectal in connecdon wlth the
<br /> ' lan exaod the pecmitted limita� tben: (a)�ny such loan cl�arge shall ba raluced by the amount nxess�ry W ndnce the cl�rge
<br /> -=-3 to tine per,uitted Iimic;s�nd('u)�ny���ty wllec:ed�om Bauowcr ar2�ch c�cceded g��ittW limits��ill tse rciunsla!to
<br /> Borrowtr. Lenckr miy chonse to make this nfund by renlacing the princIpal owod under the Note or by maldng a direct
<br /> WY�� to Borrower. If a nfund nduces pr3ncipAl. the red�cdon ar�ll be treated as a pArdxl PnPaYment withont Any
<br /> prepaymeat ch�rge under the Note.
<br /> 14.Nottas.Any mda w Borrower providc�cl for in this Security Iasuument sLaU be given by delivering it or by ma�liag
<br /> it by flrst clus m�il unless appltatble lAw roquires use of�unother method.The noda slqll be directed to the Properry Address
<br /> - ar any other Addr�Harrower designates by mtia to Lender. My notia to Lender shall bc given by first class msul to
<br /> Lender's addcess sqted henin or any other address Le�er destgnates by aodce to Borrower. Any mda provlded for in this
<br /> --- Secnriry InStcument shall be deemal to have ban glven W Bomnwer or laader whea given as pmvidcd in this patagraph.
<br /> - I5.Goreraia�I.aw; Se�aabWty. T4is Securlty Insuument stwU be governed by federal law and thc I�w of the
<br />-'� jurisdicdon in whish the Property ic located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Securlty Inchwnent or the Note _
<br /> �-�y��'; wnAicts with appliable law,such conflict sl�ll not a�Ct other pmvLdons of this Sec�uiry Instnument or the Note which can be
<br />- _ - givea cffect wit�ut the conflicdng proviston To this end tl�e pmvis�on4 of this Secutlty Instcument and the Note an decland -
<br /> ==,,:`i�.> to be sevenble.
<br />`i=r��`�;. 16.B�orrower'a Copy.Bonower sl�all be glven o�confocmed copy of the Note aad of this Sxurity Insstromen�
<br /> �,3""�^ Form 302 9
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