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<br />`�¢ . � TOaBTI�IBR W1TH all the improvements naw or here�Rer erectal on We properry.And all exsemeats,nppurtenwces,�tnd �:'�
<br />:-,;;�.�' fixtuns aow ar herexRer a pArt of tt�e propecty. All rePlacements aad AddIdan9 shall also be covencl by this Securtry � k'<
<br /> , Inst�ment./�.11 of t�ae foregoipg is refernd to la this Securlry Insmuneat as the'Propecty' `
<br /> B012ROWBR COVBNANTS tl�tt Boao��rer is lnwfully selsed of tt�e estate hereby wnveyed and uas the rlght to grant a�d i� �.��
<br /> .,,,..�,,. convey tbe Property�wd that tbe Property Is uaencumbered. except for encumbrnnces of record. Borrower warrants und wUl i,'
<br /> `- -� defend aercrallY�e dt�c to tha Progerty�tB�t�cl�tms and demands. svbject w any encumbrwyces of record. �
<br /> ���— THIS SECITRITY TNSTRUMBNT coaibines unifomx r,oveaants for nadawd use and nan•unuarm cove,nwa wiu,:L;;itw: Q _�-
<br /> � vulaHonv by jurIsdicdon to coasdtute a nniform securlcy lasuvment cove r i n g r e�l property. � ��:.
<br />- UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Borrower and Leader cavenaat and�gra as foAows: �;`_
<br />,_:<'N,,..:� 1. P�ysna�t o[Prtnci�wl itnd Interesti PrePayment and I..�te Cl�w. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the v `-_
<br />_� '., principal of and Interest on tha debt evIdenced by the Note and anY Pttpaymeni aad late charges due wider the Note. Q �.
<br />�_�_�,.:'' -
<br /> --- '`"; 2. �nds for Taxa nnd Ingur�nce.S�bjxt to appUcable law or w a wriuen waiver by Lender, Horrower shull pAy to _
<br />``�����` L.enckr on the day�toathly pAyments ere due w�der the Note,undl t1�e t�iote is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(a)ycarly ta�ces _
<br />"'�'1,�� and use.�nents which mAy Attaiu priortty over this Sxurlry Inst�umeut as a lien on the Property; (b)Yearly leasehold payments �
<br /> V1_
<br /> -� or gcoundronu on t�e Property,if aay:(c)Yearly hazard or property iusurance premlums;(d)Yearly flood insurance p ums� _
<br /> -""'� if aay; (o)Yauly mortgaga ituvrw�ce Pncniums� if anY�aad(fl a�y s�s Payable by Bonower w L.ender,ia accotdance wlth �._
<br />_-..,.._._
<br />:��'•� the pmvisions of paragr�ph 8.in lieu of the pAyment of martgage insurance premiuu�s. These items are called"Escrow Ituus." E�:�
<br /> � Lencler miy. at any time, eollxt and hold Puads ia an unount not to wccad the ma�.lmam simount a lender for a f�alerally
<br />:,k�';�g' relatal mo�cgage loan mAy require for Honowar's escmw account under the fcd�ral Real Sstate Settlemeat Procedurcs Ac!of
<br /> ��:r,•�
<br /> -°-- lg�a as �nended from dcne ro time, 12 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 a seq.("RESPA'). unless anoWer law that appHes to the �`
<br />:t� sets a lesser amount. If so, Lender may. at aay dme, coAect nnd hold Punds In an amount not to excee�tl�e I�sser amount. �::
<br /> 7��.----= under rn�y esti�maxce thc amouut of Fiwds dne on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expendltures of futute -
<br /> =�`°4�� &emw Itm�s or otheiwIse in�ccordance wlth applicable law.
<br /> - 'IUe Funds slull be held ia an insdtudoa whose deposits sue intivred by a federal agency. insuuinent�litY, or endry
<br /> -'Y'� (iocludiog I..endar.if I.etxkr is such an intdtudon)or in aay Federal Home I.osu►Hank. L.ender sl�all apply tlu Fuacls to pay the
<br /> __--- Bscmw Ixms.Lender m�y mt�huge Borrovrer for holding aad apP�Y�B the Pun�ds,anu�allY�Y�B the escmw�ccaunt.or
<br /> --- verifying the Bscma Iums.uuless Lender Paya Borrower inucest on the Funds and applicable law peanits Lender w make such
<br /> --- , a chuga However,Len6Cr mty trquire Boisuwcs iv Yay a�-t�2L r,�zaC f�r���j!' � r„n�t�Are m:renordnQ seivfce
<br /> �=`� used by I.onder In connecdon with this lwro, ualess epplicable lew pmv ldes atherwise. Unless nn A g r e a n e n t is made or
<br /> ;�N�,yei =ppllaibk 18►w re�uites intenst w be pAid�Lender shAlt not be ral��PAY Borrower�ny inoenst or esminga on the F�da.
<br /> Borrower�nd I.anBer m�y agra in wrlti�ng, however. thnt interest ahAll be pxid on the Fur►cls. Le n d er s b a ll give to B orrowrs,
<br /> wlttwut cliaarge� an wauil accountinB of the Punds� showing credid and debits to the Punds nnd the purpose for which each
<br /> debit to the �1►acls was made.Tbe Funds Are plalged as addidonal saudry for aU sums secured by this Seeurlty Instiument.
<br /> If tLe Puuds held by L.ender eacad the�nounts pemutted to be held by tppliable law,Lender ahAll�ccount to Hornower
<br /> for tLe ezo�sa Funds in�ccordsnce with the miwtar��n�s of Appltc�ble Lw. If the�mount of the Fnnds held by I.ealer�t any
<br /> dme is not sofficient to pay tLe Bscmw Items aIun due�Lender msty so mtify Borrower in wrlting.am,in such case Bomower
<br /> . �p�Y� u�der the unount�r to malce up the deflciency. Bomnwer st�U m�ke up the deficlency in no more dnn =
<br /> • twelve monthly gapments.ac 1.eorkr's sole discredoa
<br /> Upun ptyaseat in fall of�Il sums secural by this Secudty I�steument, Lender s1u11 promptly refl�ad w Botcower siqy
<br /> Fund�Ldd by Leuder.If.under pu+8iAP1►21�Lender shall�cquine or sell the Prapecty.Lender,prinr to the uqu�sidnn or snie
<br /> of the Propeny, s1Wl apP1Y aaY Funds held by L.ender at the dme of ncquisidoa or sale as a credit agatnst the s�►ms sacured bq
<br /> ' this Secudty Iasuuu�enG
<br /> 3.Applicadoa of Fa�rma�te.Unless appilcable law provIdes aheswLse.�11 PxYments re�eived by I.ender under pat�t�Ls
<br /> ' � i aad 2 shail be ypplir,J: ficst, co�nY P'��Ymer�i ci�c�g:s duc u�sr L'-fe Nats:�cond.ro amo�nts�nyable�!Yk���onunb�2; -
<br /> • third,to iaterest due:fouttt►�to Princil�tl due3 and ls�t�ro any late darges due under the Note.
<br /> — 4.Chartesi tJans.Bomower shtlt pay�ll taxes,assess�uenis,c�t8es.fines md im�OSltioas atulbi►able to tLe Propaty
<br /> ahich my sadn pdority uver this Soci�clty Ias�ment,and lasehold payments or grouud nnts. if any. Borrower sh�ll PnY
<br /> tt►e�e obli�adoas in the manaer pmvlded Ia pu+�ph 2�or if not pild ia th�t mirmer,Borrower sball psy them on time directly
<br /> W We pason owed p�ymenc.Borrower sball prorr►FtIY fumish to Leocler�ll mtices of xmouats to be piid under thia pantgcaph.
<br /> If Borrowes malces these payments dir�xtly, Borrower shall promPtlY fisrnish to L�ender reoelpts evidevcing the ptyments.
<br /> Borm�r stu�U pmmptly dischuge my llen which h�s priorlty over this SocurIty Insttument unless Borrower.(i)�grees in
<br /> ----- wrltinig to tiu psyment of the obliguion sa�ued by the liea in�manoer�oaceptable w Lender.(b)cont�cts in good fatth the liw -
<br /> -' - W by. or defends agx[nst cnforoement of the lien in, legal procee�ings which Ia cbc I.ender's opinioa operAte to prevcnt the
<br />-- x'.,ae� enfom.ement of tbe liea;or(c)sxures from thc holder of the lIea�n agceunent satisFacwry W Lendcr subor�dinating the lien to
<br /> "T.'°"` thL9 SecuritY Insaumeut. If L.ender detemui�s ttut any part of the Property is subject w a llen which may atain pdority over -
<br /> -=°�� this Sec�ity Ias�nimeat,L.ender may give Borrower s aodoe idenhfying the llen. Borrower shall sa8sfy the liea or tai�e one or
<br /> _`'��;A+*:-�:� tnon ofthe�cdon9 sot forth above wltLin 10 days of the giving of nohce. '
<br /> ='�,,,;�+� Form 30 8 —
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