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<br /> 17.TrxnsfEr o!the PrnpeHy or�eneflciwl Intrnyt�n liorr�►wcr.(f ull ur un�t of thc Propcny or any inti�io it
<br /> is uild or transfcrrcd(ar lf'a bc�xliclui in`tcrcst in 13�►rrc�wer is snld or trunsfcrred aixi Hi�Frowcr is not u nutural persan)wittaut
<br /> l.enJcr's priar wdttcn consent, Lcixl�r muy, ut its option, reyulrc immccllutc puymcnt in full of uU sums sccured by thi�
<br /> Security Instrunient.Hmv�vcr,dds option shall not ba cxcrciscd by l.c:ndcr lf cxcrrisc!s prohibitcd by fulcr.�l law as uf th�datc:
<br /> of thEs Securlty[nsimnxnt.
<br /> Of I.ender exercises tl�is aptton,Lender shull give Borrower�wtice cif acceleration. The natice shAll provlde a per[od of not
<br /> less thun 30 davs frnm r�,...��� =�r ;y�t;�� ;,uciirc�cd u� n�uiir�l wi�hin whicn norruwer must puy W� sums socured by this
<br /> �cur►ty Instrument.If Barrowcr fails ta pay thcsc sums prlor to the explruNon of this pertal. Lender muy invoke nny rcmedies
<br /> perminad by this Sxu�ity Instrument without further notice ar demund un 8orrower.
<br /> 18. Borrawer's Right to Retnstate. [f 13orrawcr mcets ccrtain conditians, Borrower shaq huve the rlght to have
<br /> enforcement of this Security in�;trument dtscontinued ut any time pris�r to the carlicr of: (a) 5 days (ar such other period es
<br /> applicablc law may specify for rcinstatement) before salc of the Praperty pursuunt to uny power of sale contained in th(s
<br /> Secur(ty Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security lnstrument. Thase canditions are that Bomawer:(u)pays
<br /> Lender all sums which then wou[d bc;due under this Securlry Instrument and the Natt as if no acceleration had occuned;(b)
<br /> curcs uny defauit of any other covenants or agceements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument.
<br /> includirtg. but nQt limited to, rcasorwble uttorneys' fces; und(d) takes such action as Lendsr muy reasonabiy require to assure
<br /> that the lien of this 5ecurity Instrument, I.ender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> thls Security Insttument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstntement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the
<br /> t�bligutions secured hereby shall remain fully effcxtive us if no acceteration had occucred. However.this right to reinstate shall
<br /> not apPly in the ca.0 of acceleratiou under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sa1e of Note; Change of I.oan Servicer. TI,� Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Securiry
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Bonower.A sale may result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer")thut callects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument.There�Iso may be one
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Scrvicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer.Bortower will be
<br /> given written notice of the change in accordunce with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The nodco will state the name and
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The aodce will alsa contain tiny other
<br /> tnforniation requireA by upplicable law.
<br /> 20. Hezardous 5ubstancec. Borrowcr shall not cause or permit thc presence, use, despasal, storage. or release af any
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Boaower shall not do. nor allow anyone else to do. anything affecting the
<br /> Property that is in violution of any Environmental I.aw. The prexoding two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use.or
<br /> storage on the PropcRy of small quantities of Ha�ardous Substanres thnt are gcnerally recognlzod to be appropriatc to norn�al
<br /> z�idt.�tia!u�arsd ia masrte�u�,i;a vi ti�o Fn,periy.
<br /> Borrower ahall promptly give L,ender written notIce of any investigation. claim, demand. lawsui: or other action by any
<br /> govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substunce or Environmental I.aw
<br /> of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Hornower learns, or is notified by any govemmental ar regulatory authoriry. that
<br /> any removal or other remediaHon ot'uny Ha�ardous Su6stance affecdng the Property is necessary,Horrower shall prompdy take
<br /> all necessury remed(al actions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br />. As used in this paragraph 20. "Haznnious Substances" are those substences defined as toaic or hezardous substanc�s by
<br /> Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> pesticides and he�lcides,volatite solvents,mater�uls containIng asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive matedals.As usod in
<br /> this paragraph 20t. 'Environmental Law" means federal laws und laws of the Jurisdiction where the Properiy Is locatod tlwt
<br /> rclate to health,safery or environmental protection.
<br /> NON-UMFORM COVENANT5. Borrower nnd I.ender funher covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 21.Acceteratlon;Remedtes. Lender shall give nutice to Borrower prbr to nco�le�ation following Bon+ower's bre�ch
<br /> of any oovenant or agreemmt tn this Security Instnsment (but not prior to Aooderation uader p�ragraph 17 urnit�
<br /> applicable law pcOVides otherwise).The natice shall spectfy: (s�)the defoult;(bj the AMbn r�equired to cure the default=
<br /> (c)a date,not les�thwn 30 days from the date the notice ts given to Borrower, by whtch the de�fiult must be cured; and
<br /> , (d} that fAilure to cure the defoult on or be[ore the dxte specifed in the nMtce may result in woeeleration of the swm
<br /> aecuned by thte Savrity L�strument and saie ot the Pnoperty. The nottce sludf further In[orm Borrower of tNe rlght to
<br /> rranstate After Acv�eler�tion and t6e riaht Ro brina P mort action to essert t6e ne�-esis*�r.�� c�fault or any�Y.�er -
<br /> definse of Bonower to Aeceieration and sele. I�the default is not cured on or beforc the date specifled In the notke,
<br /> Leader, at its o�tion, mpy require immediate payrnent in tldi of ell sums secured by this Security Ynstrument witbiout
<br /> ibrthe+'demand and may lnvoke the power o[sale and any other remedies permttted by applkable law. Lcmder s1u11 be
<br />' enNtkd to collect all expenses Incurred in pursuing the remedles provtded in th[s p�rAgraph 21,Including,but not ilmited
<br /> to,reasonsible attqrneys'fees and costs ottitle evidence.
<br /> If the power ot ssile is invoked, Trustee shall record a notice af default in e�ch county in whfch any port of the
<br /> Property is located�nd sfwll nwil ooples of such notice In the manner pnscribed by appliable iaw to Borrower And to
<br /> the ot1�'p�isonv prescri6ed by Applicable law.A(ter the time requtr�d by Ap�{icable law,T�v.stee slwll give public notia
<br /> of sale to N�e persore�nd In the manaer prescribeti by appltcable Iaw.Trustee, without danand on Bornower,shall sell
<br /> ihe Properly at pubBc auction to the hig�xst bidder At the time and place and under the terms designated it�the notice of
<br /> sale tn one or more p�t+cds and in any order Trustee determtnes.Tn�stee may postpone sa�e of All or any parcd oF the
<br /> Property by public announoement At the time and p1ACe of any previously scheduled ssde. Lender or its designee may
<br /> ' purchase the Property at Any s�le.
<br /> Form 3028 9/90
<br /> Pep�6 0l 6
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