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<br /> cxecut�d f��r�hc purpus�of crcntfnK,kci�rfng or gui+rantying thc k:curcd Dcht. A K�KxI (�dth Ix;lici'hy l.cn cr t�t
<br /> IAndcr nt i�ny tirnc i�in�u.cur�with resExct tu nny�xr�►n�►r cndty ohiiKatcd un thc ticcuru�l prl�t ur thut t6e �nr.;�xct
<br /> of+my pnynuiu o��hc w�luc nf thc f'ra�xrty i�impaircd eheli nlsa am;litut��+n evcnt��t dcfiud�.
<br /> 15. ItIsMFUIl�:50N 1)E;KAl1�.'i'.In M►mc instamccs.fcdcr�d unJ sl�ntc luw will rcquirr I.�n�lcr tu pu►vl.dc t�rnntor with
<br /> nuticc ��f thc rlKht tu cur�:ur i�thcr natices und mny cstnhlish�imc schcdeilcs G�r furcrl�nura+zclium. tiuhjcct to�hrw
<br /> limiti�tion�c. It nny, I.cnJcr may uccelcu�tc tha Sccurcd Urht and furccl�isc thi�Srcurity Inctrumcnt �n�� �nunnce
<br /> pruvia�d hy Inw If(iriuuur Is i�defi+ult.
<br /> At thc ��tiun uf l�:ndcr.uU ur�►ny part uf thc n�;rccd fcrs und diargrs.uccruc�l inurr�t �nd princ�p�l shalE hccamc
<br /> immcdintcly duc�ind puynhlc,i►ftcr giving nuticc if rcquircd hy law,u�xm thc �wrurrcncc��i a dcG�ult nr nnytimc
<br /> ii�c�c�.oic�. :n��uSli�.��i.;....i�.ic�:�S�.ti t�ti:nitil.c!iu�!!th: r•mrs3i�:.pre�e4•1��hy�nw.�hr a•rm���f�h��`�currd 1)ebt. _
<br /> this Sceurity Instrumcnt and nny rclatcd dacuments,including without limilatian,thc�wwcr to kll thc Pn��krty.
<br /> If�hcrc is a dcfaul�.Trustce shcdl,in adilition to uny u�her�xm�itted rem�dy.+►t the rcqucst oi'thc I xndcr,:�dvc�tix�
<br /> and x.11 thc Pruperty es n wh��lc ur in x:parntc �i�rccls ut public utiction tu thc highcst hiddcr fur ci�sl� an�f�v�nvcy
<br /> ttbsolutc titic Fnc und rtear uf nll rigl�t, Utic ni�d interest oi Grantcir at such timc and plau:as'1'nutes:ditiignutes.
<br /> Trustee sh:illgive notice of s:de inGluding the time,tenns nnd place uf salc und u dcscriptinn ot th��r�►�xrty tc�1►e wld
<br /> as required by the upplicable law in cifcct iu ihc timc otthe propc�scd sulc.
<br /> Upan sale of the property and to thc extcnt not prohibited by law.Trustce shnll makc+md tk Gscr a d�:�d ta tAe PruEx:rty
<br /> sold whtch canvcys abxilmc titic to thc puechnscr.and aftcr first payiag aU f�cs,chargrs anJ a�sts,tihall p;►y to L,a�ndcr nll
<br /> moneys advanced for repairs,t�+xes,insurAnce,liens,nsses�mems and prior cncumbrnnc�s und interest ihercon,end the
<br /> principal and interest un the Secured Debt,paying the surplus,if a�y.tu Grnntar. L.endcr may purch:ise the Pa��xriy.
<br /> Thc rrcitats in auy deed of conveyanc�shall b..prima facie cv�dence cif the f:sets s�:t furth therefn.
<br /> All remedies are distinct,cumulativc and not exclusive,and the I.ender is entiticd to ull rcmedics provided:U luw or
<br /> equity.whether or not expressly set forih.The acceptuncr:by l.cndcr af any sum in payment or Qnriiul payment un thc
<br /> 5ecured Dcbt after thc balance is due or is acccleratcd or aflcr fnrerlosurc prcx�:cdings arc fled shall nut cunstitutc n
<br /> waivec of L.ender's right to require complete cure of any existin�default. By not exercising any rcmedy on Gruntor's
<br /> de[ault,Lender dces not wuive Lender's right to later consider the event n defnult if it continucs or hap{x ns again.
<br /> prohibltcd by law,Grantor agrces to pa�aU of Lender's expenscs if Grantor breachcs any co�enant in this Security
<br /> Instrument.Grantor will ulso pay on demand any amount incurred by Lc:nder for iasur�ng,inspecting,pres�:rving ar
<br /> otherwise protectfng the Property and I.ender's security interest.These expenses will bcAr interest from thc date uf
<br /> the payment until paid in iull at the highest interest rate in effect as pi�ovided in thc terms af the Secured Dcbt.
<br /> Grantoragrecs to pay all costs and expenses incurred by Lender in collecting,entorcing or protecting L.endcr's righGs
<br /> and remedies under th���ecun.ry Instrument.ihis amounc ma�•incIucii:. bui i�nui iimitcJ t�.aitivi ucra fccs,wu'rt
<br /> costs. and uther legal expenses.This Security Instrument shall remain in effcct until releascd.Grantor agrees to pay
<br /> fur any rervrdarion cosls of such release.
<br /> 17. ENVIRQNMENfAL LAW3 AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES.As used in this scction,(1)Environmental Law
<br /> means,without limitadon,the Comprehensivc Envimnmental Response,Compensution and Liability Act(CERCLA,
<br /> 42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq.).and all othcr federal,state and local laws.regulations.ordInanccs,court ordcrs. attarney
<br /> general apinions or intecpretive letters conceming the public health,safety.welfare.environment or a hazardous
<br /> substance; and (2) Hazardous Substance means any toxic,rt�dtouctive or hazardous material.waste, pollutant or
<br /> contaminant which has characteristics which render the substance dangerous or pntentially dangerous to the public
<br /> health,safety,wcUare or environment.The term includes.wtthout limitation,any substances defined as"ha�ardous
<br /> cnaterial,""toxic substance�""hazardous waste"or"hazardous substance"under any Environmental Law.
<br /> Grantor reprcseats.warrants and agreos that:
<br /> A. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender,no Hazardaus Substanoe is or wiU be
<br /> located, stored or releused on or in the Property.This restriction does not apply to small quantities of
<br /> . Hazardous Substaaces that are generally recagnized to be appropriate for the normal use and maintenance of
<br /> the Property.
<br /> B. Ex��pt as previo��cly diccic�ed and acknowledged in w�riti�g to Lender,orantor and every tenant have been.a�c,
<br /> and shali remain in full complitu►ce with any applicable Environmental Law.
<br /> C. Grantor shall immediately notify Lender if a release or threatened relcase of a Hatatdous Substance oocuss on.
<br /> underor about the Property or there is a violation of any Environmental I.aw conceming ihe Property.In such
<br /> an event,Grantar shall take all necessary remedial actio��in accordance with any Environmental Law.
<br /> D. Grnntor shail immediatoly nc►tify Lcnder in writing ns soon as Grantor has reason to bclieve tdere is any
<br /> pending or threatened investisation.claim,or procecding relating to the release or thrcatened release of any
<br /> Hazardous SYibscancc or thc violation of any Environmental Law.
<br /> 18. CONDEMNAi1ION.�Grantor wiU give Lender prompt notice of any pen�3ing or threatened action,by private or
<br /> pubGc cntitics to punhase or take any or all of the Property through oc�ndemnation,eminent domain. or any other
<br /> means.Grantor authorizes Lender to intervene in Grantor's Rame in any of the above described actions or clait�as.
<br /> Grantor assigns to L.ender the proceeds of any award or claim for damages connected with a wndemnation or other
<br /> taking of all or any part of the Propt:rty.Such procceds shall be considered payments and will be applied as provided in
<br /> this Security Instrument.This assignment of procceds is subject to the terms of any prior mortgagz,deed of tnut.
<br /> security ngrcemcnt or other lien document.
<br /> 19. INSURANCE.Grantor shall keep Property insured agair,st lo�by fire,tlood,theft and otlier ha•r.ards and risks
<br /> masoaably associated with the Property due to its type and location.This:nsurance shall be maintained in the amo•�utis
<br /> and f.or the periods that[.ender requires.The insurance carrier providiR'thc insurance shall be chosen by Grantor
<br /> subject to Lcnder's approval,which shall not be unreasonably�vithheld. If Grantor fails to maintain the coverage
<br /> described above.Lender mav,at Lender's option,obtain covera�e ta protect L.ender s rip,hts in the Property according
<br /> to the terms of this Security Instrument.
<br /> All insurana policies F►nd renewals shall be acce:ptable to Lender and shall include a stand:►rd"mortgnge clause"and,
<br /> where appliable."loss payee clause:'Grantor�hall immediately notify L.cndcr of c��ncellation or termination of thc
<br />, insurancti. Lendcr shall havc thc right to hold thc poliacs and mne�v;{Is.if l,tndcr rcquires,Grantor�hall immcdiatcly
<br /> �ve to l.endcr all rcoeipts of paid premiums and rcnewal notices.Upon loss,Grantor shall givr immcdiatc nntia:to
<br /> thc insurnncc catricr and Lendcr.L.c:ndcr may makc proof of loss if not m:idc immcdiatcly by Gr:�ntor.
<br /> (p3gA 3 of 4)
<br /> O t09�Bafrxa Sysxms.Y�e.S�Pad.UN It�OG39)•231t�Fwm REAT�NE 639A
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