;r.� . , �r.n•r.�.v�.wn� �. • �j��' .tar`.�..,_
<br /> �r`-"f��'..'w�yrj� 11� �'f�'``1`T"'i'i�-
<br /> J��e ^r*a4i��+M •9rt+�!s.t,�.w . n.-rnalv .�.' �..v..
<br /> ;:;c_�v;h-r�Atq�f!. •�......tk`.,..�!itn`'':•}G.. '� ,._,_ .':�`¢,��—� ::�y�.
<br /> —- -- ��`
<br /> �?- 1�1'�1�F;
<br /> fi, All fulurc udv�ut�cs frum Itindcr��►U�uutur ur nt I�lr fu�wc���I�Ilh�:i�lu�iv ul t I�;miur�u I.c�idcr�mdcr any prumisu�ry
<br /> nntc,ramrncl, Ku�irunty,or oth��r cvi�Wncc nl alcl�l cKC��ut��al hv t ii�intur in la���ur ut I s�nQrr cxcculcd uftcr lMn
<br /> ti�:curity Insb�umrnt whctlicr or nut thir ticcmNy htvtiumcitl Ir ,�k�rflir,dly i�•Icrcnrc�l. If nw�c ihun onc �xrc��n
<br /> siKny tids Sccurlly tnsvumcnl�rncl�l}r��ntur iiKi����Ihul lllir 1.•e�l�lly h��I�no�rM wlll ticru�c�dl futurc udvyiti�cti nnd
<br /> (ulurc ohliµnUun�thnt urc N,Ivcn lu m hK��nc�l by m�y �mr�n wu��• �Irunl�u,ur uuy unc ��r m�orc (iruut�►r nnd
<br /> uthcr.+,Ali fulurc ndvmuc.r iuid�►Ihcr I�utnr.•�ddiK:iliuuv�u+•w•�ivr�l bt•�hl�tir.wAy Imtrumcnt cven Ih��uKlt nll ur
<br /> putt may n►+!yc�t Ix�n�lv,mcc�l.All fulie���n�lv,m►�:r u�o�l��1l���i luliu.•����fi���illuu�ai�� �crui.d+iv if ntndc on lNc Qi�rc y
<br /> oi Ihi.r 5ccurity Pn�l�umenl.NulhinµIn thly!+1cuiUy ImUie�nrnl�b.+ll c��u,Idlul�.•n r��mn►ihneni t��n►nkc nddilfnnid
<br /> ur fut��rc lu;ms ar udv:u�ccs bi nny umouW.Any,nch r��umif�mrn�nw,i Ih�aN�r�:d 1��in n�cp:�rntc wrilinµ.
<br /> .. .u u�__.i_.._i�_.........».......�..� .....l..« u.1�L,h ua��.I.J�u .u1�.� b�II�u���la`III Uu1111�1I1II1IIl'l�I1V IIIW.�IIL'IUI��IIY�IIU�
<br /> ♦.. twuimgtu�.a���nnu.... ......,....................... .....� ... . .._. . . .
<br /> nut lirnited to.lfuhUiticy(nt uvrnlndts rilating en uny�Ir�Nwi�o��+uun uµi��,nnrm Ix�iwrcu(.irnntur�mJ I.�nder.
<br /> D. AO ndditf�►n�d tium�isdv�ourd nnd ex�x:n+�v Im.unc�l hy I��mlrr lur in,uiinK, �+ic��'ivfnK�rr uthci�visc pratccting
<br /> thc Prn�xrty und itr viiluc wtd uny otl�er h�unK udve�ncr�l uud rh�h lir�'ti III�.Ur It�I (�y I n�iut�:r undcr Iho tc�rns�si
<br /> this Security Instrument.
<br /> 'Chis Sccurity[nslruntent wlll m�t�cttrc uny othcr eld,l if I dmlu►I�dl�luµi�r�my�r�p�l�rd��eiNce uf 11��rigi�l nf rc�'itiybm.
<br /> 5. PAYMEN'1'ti.Ciruntnr ngrrc9 Utttt i�ll pnyn��mtr un�lct Iba:tirsw4��l 11�;b1 wlll !��r �i;dd wlicn duc nnd in uccurduncc
<br /> with thc tenns nf thc Srcurcd llcbt nnd this ticcurity f nntr�nucu�.
<br /> 6. WARRANTY OF'Cl'1'G�:.Grnntor warrnnty tiuN lir aiuu��iv ue wlll IK� luwl'nlly����icd uf IUc ctilaUc c�►nvcycd hy this
<br /> Secudty Instrumcnt and hne U�e right tu irrcv�x;nbly �;r�ml,c�►nv�y. �iud�cll Ihc 1'ru�►crly to'1'rustcc, in trust, witl�
<br /> power of sttic.Qr,�ninr el�:n w,+rrnnts thut the P��upert4•i�tn►ci�c��ntlx:rrd,cxrcp�f��r cncunthrunres oi n�card.
<br /> 7. PitIOR SECURI'I'Y IN'f�:R�S1'S.With n:gord tuanyu!t�:�r�rnlg�iK►,dred nf'uuwl,�curfly uKrccnunt ur ulhc�r licn
<br /> dacument thnt crcutcd►i prior sccuriry intcrcxt or cncumh7�i:r.r;Y�hro��hc Hru�zrrly.�iramtur nKrccx,
<br /> A. Tn ms►ke i�ll piiyments wt�en due und to�x�rfurrn nr cacnr.HS•w�flh idl rin�rnunlx.
<br /> H. Tc�prcimptly dclivcr to I.cndcr�iny notices thnt(brunU►r rcccivcv fr�►m thc liul�kr.
<br /> C. Not tct allnw imy ntcxllGcuti�m ur cxtcnsion nF. nur 1u rcyucsl nny fuUuc�+►Iv:�nccti undcr nny nulc ur ngrrcmcnt
<br /> ticeurcJ by thc licn documcnt withuut IAnJcr'�prinr wrUtrn r�m�cn1•
<br /> N. CLAIM5 AGAINST'['ITLE.Clr�uttor will pay sill i:�xcs, m+��srnicnts, Ilcny,cncund�rnnccy, Icu�r p;iymcniti,µruund
<br /> rcnts,utilitics,nnd othcr charges rcls�ting to thc Pro�rty wl�cu duc,I�:n�lcr mny rcyulrc I iriuilm�1��pr�widc tu I�:ndcr
<br /> copics of nll nuticcs thnl such nmauntti arc duc a+nJ �hc rc�i���y�vl�lcncing Ur+uuur'e �i++ymcnt.(ir�+nlur wfil dcfcud
<br /> ittic to thc Property i�gninst tiny clnims that would hnp�tlr thc IiGn uf thiy 5ccurft,y b��tromcnt.�i�unlur nµrcrti to a�.rign
<br /> to[.cndcr,ns requested by L.cnder,any rights,clulm�ur Jefcnn�s(lrnntur�nny hnvc nKaintit purNrx whu Kupply leh�ir
<br /> or matcrials to mNintuin ur improvc thc Yr�perty.
<br /> 9. DUE nN SA4E OR�NCUMBRANCE.I.�:ndcrm;iy.ai iu��niun,dcrinr�ihc cnliro halnur�nf Ihc ticcurcd Urht tn
<br /> bc immcdiatcly duc and payablc upon thc crcatiun uf',or cuntract(ur Iltc crculi�m ��f,iu�y Ifrn,encuntbrHncc.trunstcr
<br /> or sulc of thc Property.'Chis dght is subJcrt to thc restrictiuns im�xr.•cd by fcdcri�l Uiw (12 t'.I�.H.ti41),�ir up�illrablc.
<br /> This covcnimt shall run with the Prupcny and shall rcmoin in cffcct until Ihc lrcurc.l I)rht i�pidd in tull Emd thi.r
<br /> Secur�ty Instrument is rclesscd.
<br /> 10. PROPEIdTY CONDIT[ON�ALTERA'C'tONS ANp INSNM:C770N. (irumur wHl kcrp �lic 1'r�►p�rty in K��ud
<br /> eundition and make ull repuirn that nre reason�ibly necessary. t3runtar�h+il) nul cummil ur s►Ili�w uny wn�tu,
<br /> impnirment.or dcterioration of the Property. drnnt��r w1U kccp the Pto�xtry t'rcc u(nuxl�►uv wcrdv�utd µru�sus.
<br /> Granwr ngrees that the nuwre uf lhe occupancy and usc wfll nut su:��antially chuode wfthuul I,endcr'+priur wrftten
<br /> eonst:nt.l3rnntor will not permit uny chnngc in any license,rest�ictic� covenant��r entiement witlioul Ixudcr's priur
<br /> written ennsent.Grantor will nottfy lxnder af all dcmar..�s,�ir�xcedings,clnimq,c+nd i+cUony xKNin�1 l irxntur,nnQ�►f
<br /> any loss or dama�e to thc Property.
<br /> Le:nder ar l.cndcr's agcnts muy, ut Lrndcr's oplk�n.cntcr Uic Pru�x�rty at any rcnconnbl��fmc fnr thc pur�w�; ut
<br /> • inspecting the Property.Lender she�ll give Grantor ncitice ut thc tlm� uf an c�(nre nn in.rpectfun .rrcri(yfn}e a
<br /> rcasanablc purposc for thc inspcction.Any ins�CCtiun of thc Nr�►petty �Imll hc cmircly for l.cndcr'ti Ikucfil�md
<br /> Grantor will ln no way rcly on[.endcr's inspcction.
<br /> 11. AU'1'HUitr'1'Y'1'O P�RFORM. If Cirnntor fady tu periurm nny duty ar►�ny ut thc ruvcmmts c�mi�iin+:d in tiii,
<br /> Sccurtty Instrumcnt.I.cndcr,may.without nottcc,p�:rtorn�or causc 11►cm tu hc�x�rformc�.l.liruutor u��w�hi1+I.�nd��r
<br /> us attorncy in fact to sign Grantor's numc or pay any xm�unt nccc�.tiNry fur{xrCurman�c.I xnJrr'�;rlKht t�►�xrf+�rm f�►r
<br /> Grantor shull not crcatc an abligatiun W perforni, and l�:ndcr's L•►ilurc t�►�x�rfurm wfll nut prccludu I.cndrr fr�nn
<br /> excrcising nny of I.�ndcr's c�thcr rights undcr thc law or this 5ccurity Instrumcnt.lf any c�m�Itactf��n nn thc I'�upcity Iv
<br /> discontinucd ar not carricJ o� in ri rcasuni►hlc mi�ancr.I.cndcr miry Uikc all titcps rnrcr+��u•y t��pr���rcl 1 cud►�r'x
<br /> scc�rity intcrest in thc Properly,including complc�fun uf thc cumtructiun.
<br /> 1Z. ASSIGNMENT O�LEASES AND R�[V7rJ.Urnntur irrcv�Kably grimts,c�►nvcys amd ully t��'1'ni�tcc,in��u�i t��r Il�r
<br /> bcnctit of I..endcr,i�s additionnl sccurity nll thc right.titfc r�nJ intcrest in .mcl tu nny���ul ull rxi,�in�t��r lut�nc Icn,cr,
<br /> sublcascs, and any c�thcr wrlttcn nr�crbal agrccments fnr �hc usc r�nd occupun�:y ut'wiy �Hn�fun �►t Ui,� Nr�+�►�•�ly.
<br /> including any cxtcnsians,ronewals,mcxliGc.Uiuns ur substitutiom ut tiuch aµrrcme�ily(:dl rctci ic�l ln+�+"I r,i,s•+")��wl
<br /> rents,issuec imd pr�filti (.�II refcrred to ns "Rem.s").Grnntur will pr�mi��tly ��r��vide Itin�lci wftli Uu�� �w►1 rui���i:t
<br /> copics of all existing and tutw�:[.c;ases.Gmntor may coflcct,rorcivc.cnjoy nn�l utic Uir Iscntti M�(uiiµi+��ii�m�w i�nn1
<br /> in default undcr tlu tcrms of this Sccurity Is�strumcnt.
<br /> Grantor acknuwlcJgcs that this.+ssignn►e�it i�perfcctcd tqx►n thr tcc�►rdinµuf thi�Urcd ui 7 rual �ind Ihnl 1 rn�l�•r I��
<br /> cntiticd to notify.�ny of Grantur's tcnunts tu m�kc paymrnt oi Rentti duc ur t�� Ixcuw� �Inc ��� 1��mlrr. 11��N�:«r�,
<br /> Lcndcr agrccs that only cm dcfi►ult will lan�irr��aify(lrantor an�)(ir+intur'ti tcu�u�lti iuui nuik►�Icmm�d Ihul �dl Uil�nr
<br /> Rents be p�id dircctly tu I.cnder.On recuiving noticc uf detnull.(ir�mtur will a�ndnr+r aml �I�il�i�r t�� I rn�lri uuy
<br /> pnymcnt nf'Rents in Gr.►ntur's possetisi�m :inJ will rcccivc;uiy Itcntti in trutit for I.cn�kr u�iQ wiU nm ��mn�un'�Ir lh�r
<br /> Rents with any olhcr lunds. Any amciums CoItCCICl1 wllt hC n�tptlCO ns p�twlttCtl m ntiti 1cCnriry in+intmeni i ir,ni�rr
<br /> werrants that no dcfault exi�ts undir tnc I.�a.res urnny�qipliri�blr Isuidlunl/�cnunt I,ns.t iinnw� ,il�u.�pi������„m,i�n�uhi
<br /> and requirc.my tcnant to c��mply wi�l�thc t�rmti��f thc l.casrs imd i�pplicahlc I��w.
<br /> 13. LEASEHOLb5;CUNDOMINIUMti=NI.ANNf:I) UN17'UEVi�:l.11l'MEN'1'�i. cii�uHui uµir��+ lu �u�n��l� w�lh Ihr
<br />= prrnisions c�f any Ir�sc if tl�i.r•ticcurity In�tr��m�n�i� on:�lemi�hald. U Uir 1'r�yir�ly inrlud.•�,,i unu In,i�u�nlunihuum
<br /> or a planncd unit dcvclupmcnt. (iruntor wUl �urfurm ul! uf(irun�ur'�,dinirti mulrr �hr rmrn,i�u�,, h� Ln�,. �n
<br /> regulutions of thc randominium ur��I�mn�il unit dcv�lupmci�t.
<br />_ 14. D�FAULT.Gr��ntar will I�c in dcL•wlt ff u�iy�r.irly ��bliE;��l�d u�1 Uttr Sccurrtl Ilch�6ulti 1��mukr p:i�mrn� ��hrn�fu�•
<br /> Grantor�vill b� in dcf�wlt if a hrciirl�oc�urs tuxl�r�I►c ��rrm� nf �hn tircu�i�y In,u uiueni ui nnv ���hri �hh un�rm
<br /> u�a;h,..���1��
<br /> O 1BW Bonk�n SyN�m�.Mt.SI CbW.MN l�•000:17/:NII�mn 1�1'�Df N1:/bli�
<br /> 1
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<br />