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<br /> 97- i4'�iS4
<br /> . WHE�tEAS,tt�uwdersigned,Fivo Puints Bank,a NebrASlca Corporation,as Trustee,under
<br /> tl�D�eed of Tn�st d�tai April 15, 1997,cxxutod by James A.Stauss aud Cerol J. Stauss,husband. A `
<br /> and wifc, ia which Fir�o P�in�c Bank is naoUed as Beneficiary, and tbe undersi�al as Trustee, W\ �
<br /> w�ich was recorded in the office of tbe Register of Deeds of Hall County,Nebraska, entered as �
<br /> Document�{9�-102798,on the 16th day of Aprll, 1997 and °
<br /> WHEREAS,said undersignod,Five Points Bank,as Trusta,has received from Five Points
<br /> Bank, as Beneficiary, writoen reque�t to reconvey the real estate describod in the Decd of Tn�st
<br /> above mentioned as follows:
<br /> Easterly Flfty-five snd One Tenth Fect(E55.1')of Lot Sixteen(16)and tha Southerly One Half(S%a)
<br /> of the vacated elley adj�cent to L.ot�ixteen(16). in Blcek One(1),in Cunningh�Subdlvision�an
<br /> Addition ta the City of Gcand Island,Hall Counry,Nebraska
<br /> said rrqu�cstto roconvey reciting that all swns sociuod by snch Deed of Trust have baa fully paid;
<br /> 1+��W THEREFORE,in a�cordana with such request and the pmvlsions of such Deed of
<br /> Tcust, th�undersigned as Tn�stee, does l�emcby reconvay, without w�nanty, to the pason or
<br /> • persons t+�gally entiticd tltereto,the estata rav��eld by said Trustee hereunder.
<br /> IN WIINESS yVHERE(aF, tbe ucxlersigaod has executed this Deed of Reconveyance, at
<br /> Grand Islaod,Nebr�ka,this 29th day of Augaut, 1997.
<br /> - n � � .
<br /> i�� �Nts� �
<br /> � � By: William W.Marsl�aU,III
<br /> � Title: Chairman 14�President
<br /> � �L
<br /> � �
<br /> �
<br /> ' )§
<br /> � COUNTYOF HALL )
<br /> Tl�e foregoing I�ecl of Reconveyance was acknowledged before me this 29th day of
<br /> Awtust, 1997,by V�lliam V!.MarshaU,ID,C}►airman 8i President of Five Points Bank,a Nebraska
<br /> corporatiou,on behalf of said corpora3ion as Tn�sKee.
<br /> ��I�lMO(Mr�pM M IWra4 `
<br /> O►tf�aE+�11w.2I.1l11 No Public
<br />