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<br /> lf the unouats held by l.en�ier for F.scrow Itcros excad thc Amounte pe:rmittnd to be Uotd by RE3PA. I.ead�r
<br /> ah�ll�ccount to Borrowar for tLe cacess fi�ads as cequir�d by RESPA. If the amouitta of fUnds hold by L�endar at ntty
<br /> tlme ue not sufficient to pay the Eacmw Items when due,Lcndor may nodfy the Bomower aad requirrs Barmwnr tn
<br /> milce up thc shonage as perraitteQ by RFSPA.
<br /> Tbe Eacmw Fuadn s� plcdged u addicioant security for ell sums secund by this Secnrtty Inctrimmont. �f
<br /> Borrower teaders to l.endrr tha tWi paycnent of all such swos.Borrower'e xcount shaU be croditcd wit�t tho�Almtce
<br /> ramaining for all fnstallweat iteme(s).(b),wd(c)and any mortgage lnaur�nce prewium inetallment c�at L�eudorlras
<br /> noc become obligatod ta pay to the 5a�retuy, �nd 1.euder sh�l pmmptlY nt�nd �uY excess fund� ta�arn�wer.
<br /> Iu�edlateiy prIor ta a fareclasur. sate of the Propecty a It�acquiettlon by Lender, �nrowsr's�ec-uunt ah�ll be
<br /> crod;ud with aay balu�ce nm�ining for all inst�nta for items(a).(b),uvl(c)•
<br /> 3.Applkatfon ot Paymente.All piymenta under Par+grapha 1�nd 2 shal!be appUed by Lepder as followa:
<br /> gjpT,to the mortgage Insurence premfum to ba paid by Leader ro the Secntary or to the mon[hly charge by the
<br /> Secntuy iastesd of the moathly mortgage iasuranx premiuui:
<br /> �.to eay taxes�spxi�l agsessm�nta.lelsehold paymeuts or ground nnts.and fita.flood and othcr hazar�
<br /> iasur�nce premiums,u requiral;
<br /> . �,to interest due under the Note;
<br /> g,�y�,to s�mmorti�ation of ttie principal of the Note; aod
<br /> gj$h,to late ahuga due under the Noto.
<br /> 4.Ftre.Flood and Other Ha�rd Insur�nce. Borrower ah�ll Insure dl improvementa on the Properiy.wLether
<br /> ua::L-.:.zisi�c:�as�equensl;rn�M,f!o°ainq a�y r�#r��,cr�cu�lNe.e,atid contingeacies,including fire.for which
<br /> I.encler requires insurwce. This insuruice s�ll be mainutined in the oawunts and for the perloda thu Leader
<br /> requira. Horrower ahall also insure all impm��emeats on the Pmpe�ty,vrhettKr aow in existenoe ar aubeequwdy
<br /> ereaed.a8�inst toss by flooda to th�extenc royuirod by the Secretary. All iasurance n6a11 be carried wIth comp�nies
<br /> : approved by Leader.The insurancx pollcia and�ny rcnew�ls ahall be held by Leader and ahtU inclnde loes payablc
<br /> elauaa in fxvor of,and in a form sicctptable to.Le�nder.
<br /> In the ev�nt of loss,Bomower shall give Lwder imm�Qiato notice by mxi1.L�ender aoiy m�lce Proo!of loss if mt
<br /> made promptly by Borrower.Each Inaurana oompany eonxrnod ia 6ereby autlwrizod and c�inxtod to m�ice gaymen�
<br /> s for auch loss direcdy to I.cader. ic�te�d of to Borrower end to Leader joindy. All or my pxrt of the Insurma
<br /> � prooeeds may be applial by Lender,at its option,either(�)to the nducdon of the indebtedness uader tLe Nota end
<br /> �" this SecurIty Instrument,f3rst to any dellnquent unounts�ppliod in the order in paragr�ph 3,end then to prep�ymeat
<br /> � of princip�l, or(b) to the cestoration or repair of the d�magal Property. Any applicadon of tLe proaeda to tbe
<br /> principal aha11 not eztend or postpone tbe due due of the monthly piyaxats which ue refernd to in puagr�ph 2. or
<br /> change the amount of such payments. Any excess iansurance pmcads over an amount required to piy a11 outsqading
<br /> � indebtedness under the Note and thls Sxurity Instnvncnt ahill bc paid to the endty leg�lly antitled thereto.
<br /> In c6e event of foreclnsure of this Socurlty lnstrument or other transfer of titie to the Prop�nty that extingulshes
<br /> '- the 9ndebtodness. all right, dde aad iaterest of Borrower in and to iasuraata polIcies in forcx altall pat3 to the
<br /> , purcbater.
<br /> 5. Occup�ncy�'resen'atton�Maintenance wnd Protecdon ot t6e Propaty:Borro�rer'a Loa�Appltc�tloni
<br /> I.e�ee6oltb. Horrower shaU occuPY,establish,and usa the Property as Hormwer's principal resldmce within sixty
<br /> daye�fter the�xecudoa of t6is Security Insuument (or within aixry daya of a later sale or transfer of the Pmperty)
<br /> �nd ahell continue to oocupy tha riroperty at Bornower'a principal resldenx for at least ono year ef�er tbe d�te of
<br /> occupaocy,ualeu Leader determines th�t requinment will cause undue hatdabip for Borrower,or uniess exunwHng
<br /> cIncumsw�oes exist which are beyond Borrower's coatr�ol. Borrower shall aodfy Lender of any extenuating
<br /> circumataxe�.Borrower shall not oommit waste or datroy,ds�mage or substandally change the Property or allow the
<br /> Propetry to daerIorate.reasonablo wear and tear axcepted.Lender may inspect the Pcoperty if the Property is vac;ant
<br /> or abuidonod or the loaa is in defaulc. Lender may take reasonable action to pmtxc and preserve auch vacant or
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