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<br /> � � J7- i�D7146
<br /> U the atncxinu t�tW by Lender for Etcrow Iteuu�xceed ibe arnouau permitted to be beld by RESPA,Lender suall
<br /> accounc to Borrower far the exces� li�nds as requic�d by RESPA. If the ainoona of tLnda beld by i,ender at aqy ttme
<br /> �re not suffictent to p�y tfae Fscrow Items wtxn doe.Lender taay nodfy tbe Bonower aud require Borrower to mike up
<br /> the ehorta�e as permltted by RPSPA.
<br /> The Escmw Fw�ds tn pledged at stidd[domi securlty for aU sumt secured by this Securiry InEUUmeat. If Honower
<br /> tenders w Leader tbe lUll p�yment of all sucd suau,Borrower'a accounc ahall be cndlted wIth the b�lu�ce reuWutag for
<br /> aU installment iteuu (a), (b). and (c)and wy morteage iasur�nce premium installment that Lender tws not become
<br /> obligxud w ps1Y to the Secntary.u�d Lender sh�U prom�xly reiwxl any excess t�Ms to Boaower. Immediately pr[or to
<br /> a foreclosure sale of the Prqxrty or ite acquIsidon by Le�er.Borrower's accou;n a�ll be credited with any balance
<br /> reauining for aU iattnUmenu for ite�ss(a).(b).and(c).
<br /> 3.AppNcaBon ot Paymeats.l�►ll paymeats uader pua�raplu 1 a�2 alnll be u,plied by Lender xa foUowa:
<br /> Fj�,w the mortgnge insurance premium ta be paid by i.�ender ta tbe Secretary or to the monthly charge by the _
<br /> Socretary iastead of the moattily mortQaQe insivance premtum;
<br /> �,to any tues.tpeci�l asussmau.lcaaehold paymeata ox ground rents,uid fire.flood and other harud
<br /> insurance pcemtwns.�s required;
<br /> Th�t�i,w intenat due w�der tl�e Note;
<br /> g�{��,to amortiz�don of tLe principal of the Note;and
<br /> F'jgh.to lau charga�ue w�der the Note.
<br /> 0.PYre.F7ood pnd Other Hazud imurance.Borrower shaU iasure aU iroprovements on the Properry,wtxtt►er
<br /> now in extstence or subsequ�ntly erected.against any h�zards.caswi�,wsd wndngencia. iucludIng fire.for wldc6
<br /> Lender requires ia�urance.Tl�u iasorance ahall be m�inrained in the amoanta aad for the periods that Lender nqulre:.
<br /> Borrower sball alw tasure aU improvetnenu on the Property,whether now in existcnce or aubiequendy encted,ag�ut
<br /> t�i�y itcxds to tbe ex�e�u requiad by tLe Secretary.All insurance ahall be catrled with comP�ni�a appmved by Lender.
<br /> '1'he insurance pollcies and any nncw� al�ll be held by Ledder and sball include loss payable clnuaee in favor of.and
<br /> in a form�captabk to,l.onder.
<br /> ' In d�e eveat of lo�,+, Bonrower �halD give Lender immedl�u mtiee by mail.Lender mzy ma�e�Taof of las if uot -
<br /> �P�Y by Borrawer.fiach inaurancc company concemed�S heraby authorizod and directed to.�ke payment for
<br /> - Quch loss direcdy to L.e�er,iaate�d of to Hotrower and to I.ender jointly.All or ury put of the insunuxe proceals may
<br /> • be�pplkd by I.onder,at iu opdon. ettt�er(a) w tLe reducdon of+ehe indebtedness w�der the Note av�l thi,t Se�curtty
<br /> ' Immuant.fust to xqy delinquent atnamta tppllai ln the order la puagts�ph 3.u�d then w pnpaymeat of princlpal.or
<br /> (b)w tbe restoradoa or npair of the damaged Pmperty.My agplication ot the proceed:to thc principal a6a11 not extend
<br /> or pwtpane the due dace of the uwnthly payment� which are rcferred to In paragrttph 2.or chaz�ga t�e�nwuat of Ruch
<br /> paymenta. Any exceaa fasuranca proceedi over an amouac requtced to pay all out�txnciim� indebtedness undet the Note
<br /> and thlt Sa.�urIty Imuume�x aball be patd on the cndry lerally entItkd tberew.
<br /> In tbe eveat of foreclosure of tt�Savrity I�m�ment or other tramfer of dtk to tl�e Property ti�at eatln�uislxa tl�e
<br /> indcbtedaes�,�ll dght,dde ud iaterat af Borrower in and to insuraxe policies in fone slnli p�ae ta the purchaur.
<br /> , � S.Occupet�cy. Pnservstion� 1Ndntenonce and Protection a�the ProPert3, Bo�rrovrer's Lo�a Appiicationi
<br /> I,arel�oid�. Borrower�hall occupy.atabl�h.aud use th�Propecty as Horrower'a princip�l resWence wIthiu tixty dayt
<br /> aRer d►e execution of thfs Sec�ulty Irntnuncat(or wlthin sixty days of a laur sate or mwfer of tLe Pmperty)ud�h�U
<br /> cootime to occupy tt►e Propecty as Borrower'a princip�l resideace far at leaat one year after the date o[oceupancY,
<br /> unias Lendcr determinu that requirement wiU ca�ue unduc hardsLip fAr Bonowcr,or unla�eatematin;circuautances
<br /> exist which are beyond Botrower'a control.Borrowa ehall noHfy l,rnder of any extenuatia� circumatu�ces.Honower
<br /> , sh�ll not commit waau or deatroy. daa�ge or�u6ttanti�lly change the Propeny or allow tt►c Properry to detc�torau.
<br /> re�wnabie weu and uar excepted.Lender may iaspect drc Property if the Property is vacant or abu�doned or tl�e lwa Is
<br /> in defa�tt. Ler�er rniy take re�.wnable acpoa to prnuct nnd preserve such vacuu or abaidoned Property.
<br /> , �IR(NL� crai.ai rye�at �,���n:
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