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<br /> ' (d) � wril ol �xscutbn or �tlachm�nt af �ny s+nfW proo�s� �h�l b� mt�r�d �p�hst Tn,ilor whbh •haN b�com� • N�n on th�
<br /> Truit Etqt� o►�ny poribn the«af or htKt�tl th�reln �nd such �x�culbn. ulachrt�nt or skniyr proc�ss of JudprMnt h not rNMf�d.
<br /> bondKl�Nti�fi�d� we�l�d or�Uy�d w�n�,�n�cy c6ul aavs�n.r a�Mr.y o� lovq� ar
<br /> (�) tMn has xcunod t brMOh of or d�huM undu�ny t�rm,cov�nanL�plrKm�nl.condrtbn, pravtfbn, npr�seoGltbn w w�rrUnty
<br /> conur�d h �ny prbr d»d o�tmst or monpag��t�eotinp tn�Trust Estan.
<br /> 10.Acc�l�r�tlon upon D�iault; AddiUonal R�medlts. u .n •wnc ai a�aun occuc., BM�NICI�ry �'My d�o�ue �M
<br /> tndebtednsaf t�cuc�d hMyby to b� du� md payabb �nd th� s�rtN �hw1 lh�rwpon b�com� du� �nd P�y�bi� wlthout�ny prNM�tnMnt. -
<br /> d�n�nd,protat or notico ol��y kL�d.Tltiaa'tu, BG�3fiClssy Tay: �
<br /> (I) NthM h pMSOn or by aQ�nl,wXh or wkhout bNnphp any aelbn a p�oeNdh9� or by � r�cM� appoinbd b� � couA and
<br /> wMhout np�rd to IM ad�quaoy o1 ks acurity,�ntw upon and tak�poasession ai thi TN51 E6t�t�,or�ny p�ut M�not, In k�own n�
<br /> or fn tM n�of TrustN,�nd do any acts wh�h K d�ns n�c�ssery or d�tMabN ta pntMw th�v�lw, maAc�tabWly or rontabMky af
<br /> tM Trust Esuts. or p�rt ther�ol or „tenst thKein, Inare�s� the Incoms thKelrom ar prot�ct ths s�curRy h��of �nd, wMh a wkhcut
<br /> takirp poss�stion of tM Trust Ebtat�, su� for or oMorwis� coN�cl th�rontb, EsswS md prof�ta thu�of, NciuOfny thos�patt dw�nd
<br /> unp�id. and �ppy lhe sam�,I�ss costs and sxpans�s ol op�r�tion and colMclbn Inaludinp sttomtys'1�,upon�ny hd�bt�dn�ts
<br /> s�curW h�nby, aN in auch ord�r oe B�rwficwry may datertnim• Ths�ntaino upon end takhg po�sossbn of tM Trust Ettab, tM
<br /> CoNSOtfon of auoh nnte, issu�s and profils and tha oppNCatior th�nol as�loro�eid sh4A not cun or walw�ny OMwk or notla of
<br /> dNauk Mnunder a InvalWtta any act dorw h nsponso to auch dNaut or pu►su�ni to such notic�ol Wfouk md,notwkhit�ndinp th�
<br /> conCnuane� in poss�ssbn ol th�Trust Etlat�or ths coM�ctbn,rsc�ipt md�pplie�tion of nnts,issu�s a proflts,TtuftM or B�nMk1uY
<br /> shaN W u+t�tled to�xweis�w�y ripht pravkfW tor In any ot th�Loan hstrumenla or by �w upon occurt�ne�of any�v�nt of dMwk.
<br />- Inciuditip itsa ripht to exercise the power ol sab;
<br /> ('.) ep�rrsm�nc� �n action to forabse thfs Dwd of Trust as a moRy+pe,�APoht a receiver or apscfBcdh► �nfora a►Y ol tM
<br />' cownanh he»ot,
<br /> (f� do'fN�r to Truslae a wrftton daci�ation of detauR and demand tor etle ind a written notice o!dafauk and abctbn to cauf�
<br /> Truato�s htersat h th�Trt�st Esut� to be sod,wh�h notice Trustae sh�ll c�use to be duy fikd for rmcord in ths approp�tr oM(ca of
<br /> ths County in wt►kh the Trust Estate b located;or
<br /> (Iv) sxMiefev such other tiphts or remed�es at lew ar in equ'dy.
<br /> 11.Foreclosurp by Power Of SIIC. If B�natickry slrcts to loracbsa by exercise of tha Powe► 01 SaN hMNrt contaMMd,
<br /> Bm�flCiKy sh�N�otify TnistM�nd shaN d�post wNh Truste�lhfs S�cond Ored ol Truit end any nota evidancMp tM Indabt�dn�ss�nd suCh
<br /> nc�ipts�nd rvidence of�xp�ndkuna mad�and s�cund hKeby as Trusts�may nQuh•
<br /> (a) Upon ��pt ot such notia f►om BaiMlcMry.Tru�tM ehaM cau�t�����dof Trusl.h7rus N eha�M wkhout Nd�nd on
<br /> ,; i�oi'c� oi t3�uic ���i I�HjRi� �t ,��:s ils�s r�ts'.�s.d b; .».. s.�4 hy -- -
<br /> � Tni�tor,a1fM suCh thw�s may lhen b� nRut�d by Itw�nd aR�r ncadatbn cf auch Not�� of DNauk�nd dIK Notic�ot SaM hwin�
<br /> - bMn piwn �s t�qutrd by law,s�N th�Trost Estats at th�thw�nd pYa of sale fxed by k in such Notica ot S�I�.�Mh�r�s a whow,or
<br />� M s�pud� bts or p�rcNs or R«ns �s TrustM shaN dNrn oxp�diint,�Rd in sueh ord9r�s it may dat�rmfn��at pubMC wctfa►!o ihe
<br /> hqMtt blddrr for ctsh in kwlul man�y of th� UniWd States payAbk at the tine ol Saie. Trustee shaN deWa to such purcAaa�r o►
<br /> pur�Ctwws thrnof ks qaod�nd sufficlMt deed or dssds convey(nq the property so sold,but wilhout any covMiant or warr�r►ty��ss
<br /> ' pr impWd.TM ncitek�n such d�ed of �ny matters or faots shau be eoncUsive D�oof of the truthluhsss lhenof. My p�rson,IncUdinp
<br /> - e ..n.�_ ..w�n.�. en�w..te .
<br /> witiroui iinii�uw�i�usiJ�',Tcuotw G: ..»s,,....:i,T:;Fs...,.,.,. _t
<br /> (p) ,�s may b� psrmkt�d by kw, eltet deducthp �II costs, leoe 4nd axpmses of TrustM and of this Truat, hciudinq costs of
<br /> - wldmc�ot titM in con�sctbn wkh sNs.TrustM shab apply tha procMds ot saq t�ptymant ol(I)tho Indabadn�sa(i�)t1 oMN aums
<br /> - tMn sacund hK�by,�nd(�i)th�rsm�hdu, if my,[o the person or porsons lagty eetkbd th�nto.
<br /> � • (c) Tnish�m�y In th�nwnn�►provldW by Inw postpone sak of�N or my DoRbn of the Trust ESLb.
<br /> - yZ.Rlrmedlea Not Exclutive.TruttM�nd FlenaHChry,fnd wCh of tham,s�h�N b��ntkMxl to entoriC�p�y�t ind p�omrnw
<br /> � of�ny ind�bMdMS� or obNp�tbns s�cund henby u►d to�IS��Y rlphri and powMS und�r this S�cond QMd of Trust or undn ar+Y l,o�n
<br /> InslnH+�nt or otFMr aprwn�nt or�ny Iaws now or h�ntRer In forcr, notwlhstuidinp,sarN or aN of th�such hdbt�drnas�r►d o611pWions
<br /> .� Wcund h�nby nry now a h�n�tbr b� otl�wlea sscured, wMth�r by morty��,d«d of trust. PMdOs� IMn� asslpnm�nt a o1hMwlp.
<br /> NNtNK tM Iicc�panc�of this Sscond OMd of TNSt nor ks antorcema►t.whottwr by court sctbn a pursuant to tM pow�r of saw or oth�r
<br /> g powas h�nt� contah�d,shall pnJudice a in any mann�r nMect Trustee's or Ben�fkfuy's r�ght ro realize upon Gr mfo�a any oth�r s�curity
<br /> .� now or hMM1tK heW by Trustw or Ban�l'�ciuy, it hoinp apreed that Trustea and B�ncNCnry, and eech ol thMn. s1uiN b��ntkbd to onforc�
<br /> � this S�cond OMd of Trust and a�ny oth�security now or h�tqRer hoW by Beneticiary or Trusti�k�such ord�r�nd m�nnK ai th�y or�ttMr
<br /> H of th�m rrMy in th�lr abaolut�dlsentbn O�termNte.No remedy hrr�in co�terted upon or ros�rved to Truat�e or Betwfiatiry is 1n1�nOsd to W
<br /> • poClualw ot�iny otMr rort�dy hKNn or by kw provlded or permitted,but each shH be cumul�tiw and shall b�h addition to �wry otMt
<br /> 'S �lnwdy ylwn h�nundK a now or h�Rw�xistlnp at law or in squity or by StaNte. Evwy powYr or rwnady Ohren bY �nY of tM Lwn
<br /> � Inshum�nts to Trust�or 6�nNiciuy or to which�ithw of them may be dhervvts9 onlitNd,may be wcorcl�ad�eoncumnty or hdp�nd�nty,
<br /> ( kom tkt»to pnw end as o}c�x►�a may b�dewned s�cp�dient by Trusteo a BenNicL7 Rnd eRhx of thsm may pursus inconskNnt nm�dNs.
<br /> � Nothhp lNwir+3AtN 6�construQd�s proh(bNlnp Ben�ficl�ry kom seekln0 �defkb^oY ludprt�ent agains:the Ttustor to the extent suCh�Ctlon
<br /> ' is p�mRbd bq isw.
<br /> F,aa.o.�Ma t�ro>> Pap�9 0l 6
<br /> f
<br /> i
<br />-� tis5
<br />