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<br /> __ �A�CQ+MNNIl�
<br /> w/q11M1�1�III�fMM G1pM1
<br /> ' Z,OUt NO. X16 47 85
<br /> g?- ir�7i��
<br /> This Statsmsnt Is pres�nted to a ttlinq otflcar tor ttling purauant to the Uniform Commercial Code,and
<br /> refera to a�iqin�l Flnancinq Slatement and Seauriiy Aqraeme�.
<br /> N0. 84—o0i889� dated April 6, 1984 � Hall COU�ty
<br /> Nebraska . ��(„Ep; Anril 12� 1984; cont'd 03/21/89 N 89-101k18
<br /> Dabtar(s) Securod PartY and Addrs�s FiUn� Oata►
<br /> LUHN, 6sry Douglos & Neea Jan���B��Q�
<br /> 1211 Lilley SccaQe �������a -
<br /> Wood River, NE 68883 ��� ���� ���y
<br /> Zsso North ote�awmna
<br /> P.C. �ox 159
<br /> arand taf�nd,Nebraaka 88B02-atS9
<br /> -
<br /> � Tumination Statemu�The Metropofitan Uts Insurance Comparry, secured party named he�ein,
<br /> certiMHsa th�t the�y no longer ctaim 4 security In�sreat under ths Flnanain� Statement and Security
<br /> A9�eem�nt bearing the flle number shawn�bwe�deecribsd aa"
<br /> � ���.�■����tw,�m�The�Ngtnai Finanaln9 Statement and Securiiy A9roement between the
<br /> � torepoin� Oebtor(a)and Metropoittan Life Inaurancs Compuiy�the S�cured Party named herotn,
<br /> E bearin�ths tqe aurnber shawn above,ta atlU eti�ctiv�e�and ddacri6�d as'�
<br /> � �
<br /> :�� ❑ puq�{Rsletws: From the cotl�teral deacc�tiaed in the Financinq Statement and 5ecwity Agrce�men
<br /> � . boaciny the tlls number shown sbove.tfie�Aesi�pafji�u iJta ir.our�;.a Carz�:�zy. !��8�c�.::� �rs^
<br /> � named h�rsin. rolsaaas ths ioflowing'
<br /> + *All irrigation pumps. motora, engines� pipes, sprinklezs and all other irrigation
<br /> � equipment connected therewith naK or hereafter placed os inatalled on N$}SE} and a tract
<br /> of land in the SE}NE} Sec. 9 described as heginning at the SE corner of sa+rd NE}� thence
<br /> � , N alonR the E line, of said NE} 330•, then�e W parallel to the S line of said NE} 518'
<br /> : t3�ence S pnrellel to the E line of said NE} 330', to a point on the S line of �id NE�,
<br /> � �hence E al.ong the S line of said NE} 52B', to the point o� beginning; ALL in �tioa 9�
<br /> Township 10 North, Range 11 West of the Sixth Yr3ncipal Nesidien, Hall County� Nebraska.
<br /> � tagether w3�th all water and watering rights of every kind and description.
<br /> i
<br /> s
<br /> :,�
<br /> ' 7ltia llen ts to coMinue in full force and effect on the remaintnv prapstty dssadbed in sdd Fin�ncinp
<br /> Statement and Se��uity A�reement
<br /> � MatropoNtan Lfis Insurancs Comparry
<br /> OSted July 9, 1997 B�� �.
<br /> efb//3,a X16 47 85 J . i ey� c a e anager
<br /> _��:A� .�c r-rv1: �y
<br /> �' ) -��r'-` }. . .. • . . l •+i�KI�..'t4� , . f� �P��Q'lj"� w i+k\L'• —
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