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<br /> � � � ; 97-- so�.�4
<br /> 2teTAOFOLiTAN Y.21�`E II16tIlt!l11GE �.Pl�tfY, �s a��or�tion ot tih� !ltiat� o! - -
<br /> N�w York, witb it� prinoipal ottia� loa�t�A �t oe►� Madiwn l►��nu�, H�w YArk,
<br /> lt�w llark, do�� h�r�by aoknc�l�dq� that a a�rtain lbrtqay� dat�d ]1pri1 6, 195�,
<br /> �ad� and uc�autrd by W�AY Do0GIJ1i LtMM Rnd 1M�TA J7111i LUNII, hu�band and Mil�,
<br /> oi �all Counly, N�bra�ka ta lMtropolit�n Lii� In�uraaa� CoMpany. o! NN+ York,
<br /> 1tM+ Yosk, aov�rinq land� and pr�iNS situ�tM ia th� County oi Hall, dtat� oi
<br /> ifobra�ka, d�saribed a� tollcwi:
<br /> Td� ltorth�w�t Quart�r ot tis� eloatls�a�t Qua�et�r a.atioa 9 and a traot oi land
<br /> in th� south�a�ti Quart�r oi tlf� llorth�a�t Qu�rt�r o! s�ation 9 d��arib�d as
<br /> �qiaai.nq wt th� soutls�a�t aorn�r ot •aid iforCt�a�t Quarter, tMac� ltorth
<br /> alonq th� sast lia� o! said 1lorth�a�t Quart�r, 330 lMt, th�nc� N��t parall�i
<br /> to tb� iouth lin� oi �aid NortMa�t Quart�r� 5Z8 lwt, th�a� Eouth parall�i
<br /> to th� sa�t 1l�a� o! �wid liortb�a�t qu��rr 330 l�aL, to a paint on th� aou'ttt
<br /> lin� ot �aid ifortt�a�t Quart�r, tls�ac� �art aloaq th� aouth lir� o! �ai.d
<br /> ltort2u�a�t Quask�r, 5Ze iNE, tio tls� poiat o! bsqinuinq, ALL in s�ion 9,
<br /> Zownwhip 10 1lortih, Ranq� 11 11��t oi th� 81�sth Pr�noi.psl lt�ridian.
<br /> b.� a KortQa�. ..cur� �t+. �ay..nt ot a=xr�c asvs �eoQS� coiiar.
<br /> (=65,000.00), duly r�cord�d iu tb� oflia� of tl� ibq��t�ae ot DNd� o! Hall
<br /> County, 1Nbra�lca, a.� Doau�at nuwb�r 84-00189a, i� r�d�d• pa£d oti,
<br /> �ati�ti�d, aad di�chasy�d ia tuil..
<br /> =N 1RS�Ri� N�of• tt� lhtropolitan bi�� In�urana� Corpany has cau�ad
<br /> ttMN pt�Nazs Lo w 6ii�sua`.i� = I?A_°.P,w:.T,,x�oit=� ' ,
<br /> its ViCE•PRESIDF��7 , �wd it� carporat� s�al to b�
<br /> h�r�Lo a!lix�ds thi� � day o! Aucrust , 1!1l7•
<br /> lIiTROPQLITIIIQ �Z� IlfflURllltCi �0�[l1U1Z
<br /> ..:j� � •�`
<br /> . ��
<br /> .t� Q, ��l • .
<br /> ���� �' •
<br /> L 7-S , c. :
<br /> ]1tt��ti s
<br /> KHNNSTH L. OLLAlC 11�If�ant �c,�itasy,F;t
<br /> ,`
<br /> . 8Tl1Ti O! IUIllDlls ) �'•;�• ... "f".5.
<br /> ) s�.i �, .1111'•'���-'�
<br /> 00011T1f O! .70MIiON � ' ' .
<br /> 8� i! r�wbar�d. that on thi,t �th___. day o! August , . .1..
<br /> 1999, b�for� w tbe w�d�rsiqa�d, a liotuy publia in and !or t!� County and
<br /> 8lat� alor�said, p�r�onaily ap�ar�d {�AR nr-i � s�,���' ---'
<br /> YICE•PRESIDENI , o! �tropolitsn
<br /> Lil� Ia�ur�s►c� Coa�aay, a IIN+ York Corposstia�, Mho i� p�rsonaliy k�aown to w�
<br /> to M tha Vlf C_PRF�If�FR!r ot �aid aorporation, and tt�
<br /> •awe p�rwn who �x�out�d ttk lo�rqoi.aq instrwMnt, and h� duly aakrwwl�dQ�d
<br /> th� �x�cution of th� �w tor and on b�halt ot and a� th� aat ar�A dNd o! �sid
<br /> anrporatioa.
<br /> Ia witn��i MZI�=f0�, i hav� h�r�unto ��t my hand euid aftix�d �►y otliaial
<br /> s�al th� day and yaar la�E �bov� writt�a.
<br /> �r:, .,��'�.D
<br /> xotary Pubiic
<br /> Loan X16 49 85
<br /> __ � HELAINE S. REED
<br /> Not�ry Public-State of K�n1n
<br /> M A t Ex �ree D��31 Z000
<br /> --
<br /> � _ _
<br />