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<br /> – �_-r,-
<br /> N``��� Od-z7-t�7 DEED OF TRUST p�N 6 �' -
<br /> �' � �o«�t+o� ccon�n�,.a) 97 1G'7ii5 �-
<br /> �. . � .—,:_,--
<br /> �> --
<br /> (�) ENMt M p�rwn a by WMf�wlth a wNhnuf bdnpin0�nY�cMon w prc�oMMnp�a by�nCNver�PPdnNd by a couA tnd wlthoul ���r-;`-
<br /> np�rd to th��d�4�Y ol���N��M�r uPon�nd Wc�poNN�ion ol MN ProP�rtY�a tny put th�nof�In Ilt own rnrrN a in tM nrrrN _
<br /> af Tn�M���nd oo any�cb wl�fch N d�trtw rnoMUrY a d�k�bl�lo pr�wrw Ih�wh��m�rlcN�blNty a nntebWly W th�Propwty�a put . ;.
<br /> o11M Prop�fy a kMwMt In 1!�Prop«fy;fnonsw th�Incort�kom 1M PropKly a prol�cllh�NourNY M th�Prop�rry;and�wkh or wlth0ut -e�;
<br /> � Wckq poaMNan M tIN Rop�rly�fus fa or olNwwfN eeN�ot Ih�nr►ts.Wuat�nd proM�ol ttN Pro�rty.Indudirp thow Pµt du�and �,�-
<br /> unp�Td,u�d aPpM!M unN.1�ao�arb acP�of op�nNon�nd cal�clion.Indudinp aRorrwyi tMS�to any Ind�bNdrna�wcund
<br /> a1•uoh nnli,aiawstanwd Mprollb, nd�M�OPMawin trNno�sh�N�oot our+�a wik�i any dMaulf�a no��dNault undsr- th(t��DMd W� �. _--
<br /> Cr lnvaflsdate tct dCne In rwponaA!�euoh aWauN a punu�M to luoh iatlo�ot dNatAh,and,nohwltMttandirp tM contlnusna In
<br /> v aarr��yY -
<br /> .~. �� P�bn af�R'cD�Y a 11ro coNolion�noMM and�ppMc�llon d n�N�� a prallb�TnnM� a L�naK sh�N W�raiMd to -_
<br /> MNrcu:�Y P�'�nd•=:L�C;s HaM or fh�FiNaMd Dooum�nit w bY law upon th�oocurnr�ol any rwnt of dNwN�Indudlnp tM
<br /> „�„+�:` �qn+ro.oarcr..��puw.►a swc . _---
<br /> -'--
<br />---•s�arw��.�c �vj Wt�ri�w�iuv��i ii�iu�t�u iNw�iw��n1s uM0 01 TIIMf q Y f110f����POdnt t f�ONYM Of tpOqllQi�l�(ItOfp any Of lrN GuM��lrri�s -
<br /> n .T �� �• t '�..^t 11.. � .. M" �•.� .
<br /> �' 1�� �,`� d�Qilr�llqn of dMault and d�nYnd}or saN aad a wrllMn nolkv o}dMtdt and Nwstlon to caus�Trustors �`''-
<br /> . % �� ��l� �fokl;vr�hlph noMa Trus1M shM at�lo b�duly M�d tar ncord In tM�pproprlaM oMces of th�County In °"_-
<br /> . � tvf ,Ih�p�hKM��IWi!�!� .
<br />, � d( ) VYNh�lo M a u�y P�of fh�P�nornl RropKty.L�nd�r ahal t�w aM th� rtphts and nmWNs of a�ound R�Y undK th� —
<br /> � t�MbraNca U Comm�rdal Cod�.
<br /> 1w�oioMr�y►hwK d!W. M Lrnd�►M�It b Ior�oloN bY�wroN�of tM Pow�r d SM�h�nNn conWn�d�L�ndw shiN nol�►Tn�uid �
<br /> sAM d�Po�M wMh TfU11M IAI�DNd M'fttxt 11nd 1M NoM and wCh r�odPls�nd�Md�t�d�o�nditurM rt�d�tnd wCUnd by thk DMd W �:
<br /> � Tn�t asTttNlM tn�Y�W�• N
<br /> (a) lJpon noNP1 of s�ah notlo�kom l�nd�r.Tru�N�sh�N c�uM b b�noord�d�Publsh�d and d�Nwrsd to Tnnta such NnUo�of DM�ult �°
<br /> ted Nak�af 3W ws MNn�qt�r�d by law and by ihit OMd W 1YuN. 1fut�aRY,wlthaut�nd on Tnnto►,sflK wch tlme ts may .�'.°
<br />- !Mn b�tiquM�d by kw and a11K r000rd�ron M wch NWfo�of DNwlt and a1Mr No1lo�of 3aM h�Nrp b»n qwn a nqdnd by kw,qM
<br /> th�ProprAy at Ih�lirn�and pko�of a�N lbad bY R In wch NoMa�of SYq �Ilw►u a whoN�a(n aop�nN lob a p�rab a IMr►n ss ;�,,ie;:
<br /> Tn�1»N�dN�n�►t�md In wch ordK�a R may drMrmlr��at publb aucYon to th�htph�t blddK ta cash In law(ul monry of , ;:y.;::
<br /> . th�Lk�IMd SkIN pal�bM�t tM tlrtw of�N. TrwM�shNl dMwr to weh PurchasK or purchas�rs tt�wf ib pood and suMcl�nt dMd a • :,.
<br /> s �d�oonwykq Ih�aopKb�o taW,but wMhoi�t�nY oowrMnt a wvr+NN.1�+Mt a knpN�d. Th�ncitak In such dMd ot any m�tlws ���3�'=
<br /> or Mcb thM b�oot�dwlw Praof of th�tuMih�lmes 1Mr�of. Any pKSa4 Indudlrp v�thoW Nmltatlon Trustor.Trust»�a Lend�r,rt►�y ;�.-,..
<br /> �.� � ; ptrchw at wcA wM. --
<br /> �'� (p) At maY b�p�rmllbd bY kw.afMr d�ductlnp�N cak.tws and��of Tnu�tnd d tl�ia Trust�Indudinp cocb of�vldK�cw of -- --
<br />- WN In connw.11on wFM�N,Trut1M sh�N�DPN tM P�oa�da of saM b pyirwnl d p)d tuna�nd�d und�r ih�Mrm�of thlt OMd of - -
<br /> ;,� � ' TnNt a tx�tM t�ms d tM NoM not tMn►�i+dd�tndud)ro but nof Mm11d lo�oawd InMersl and kt�ch�rpM� (N)�N olhK sums Nwn —._._
<br /> • s�ound Iw�bY.�nd (W)th�rwn�kbK�N RnY.to tM p�non a P��MO��Y�ntllMd thKMo.
<br />.�� (o)Tn�IN rtwy In tM mtnnw�proNcNd by M�w poslpon�aM of aN a a�y pabn ol th�PropMy.
<br />-;: �,' ,�,. ;.� �ww i:vi a�ia�w::.T�'�:ssd L�sC:.�ar.d�cts a!!!���.�!ba�n4l�J1��n[cre!n.;n�.�t�nri�rraen�r�ot any Ind�bbdr� ,
<br />- a obNp�llo�Mcund by 1Ns DNd of Ttu�t and Eo�xKCiM u ripl*and powKa w►dK tt�DNd a1 Tnxt,und�r tM NoM.und�r any d tlw�
<br />--��.. :��� ..� HM�Md Ooot�r�At,a ur��nY dM►�pr��t ar�mr kvn now or hK�YM�In taa7 noRwlt�ndln0�sorrN or M o4 such kid�bMdr��
<br /> sti': ��.�.t,y Mld Oblp�1f0�1l�MOIM�d bY IhM DMd M TN�t IMy 110w Or hKMfIM b�OflNfwli�MCtN�d.wMtMr bY morlp��dNd ot 1R1St�OMdQ��iM.
<br /> y;:¢•,•. �t��t a otl�rwM�. N�NMr!h��oo�ptina of thM ONd of Tn�t na i!s�nlwo�rt�+1�whN1Nr by oou�t actlon or purswnt to th�powK M
<br /> a-�..?''�`�. �N a otlrr Vowr�e�lYrMd in 1N�DNd af Tnwt�fh�N PrN��dlo�a In �nY rtrn�►aM�ct Tru�M�'a or��ndws d7M ta ntlsupon or
<br /> u�`?��.�� �nloto�u+l►oMy►MaxilY now o►h�IMr hNd by Tnw1M a L�nd�r.It b�lrp a?Md that Trus1N an0 Und�r.and Mcl►of MMn.slWl be
<br /> .. M�d b MMara tli�DMd of Tn�t�nd�n1►o1hM wcurilY now a A�rMlhr hMd by�,�ndu a 7rwM�in auah ad�►md rtu�nrMr�f th�y a
<br />��:,�A.,'�_� �d th�m enay In lMlr�beokiM d�cnYon d M K m t n�. No nm�dY�n d upon a►�r w d t o T n i s M�o r I.�n t N r�b k M n d�d b E�
<br /> iat;;�L°:: �oich�tw of any olh�t r�rfMdY In thll DNd of Tnxt a bY law pr�d a p�rn�lllb�but Mch sMM b�oumulaUw and sh�N b�In�ddYOn b
<br />-�.�''s=�� �wry othK nnNdY OIw�1n thh OMd of Tnat a now a h�nafl�r�xkYrp at Wv or h rquNy a bY s1duN. Hwry powr a nn�df►piwn bY th!
<br />�'_��-:,� ^ NoM or anY of Ih�RM�Md Oocun�iit to Trut1M ar L�+ida a W which Mthu of th�m mnY b� olMrwit��nMIMd. may bs �oarqlM.
<br /> y L,:,�'��.. ooncuR�nlN or{nd�p�nd�rdlri Irom MrtN b tlrM�nd a oMn at may b�dMnNd�o�p�dMnt by Tnn1w o►L�rb�.tnd sNh�r of ttwm rt�Y
<br />_�e,_uv-_nz:�- ��Tf11i�Of Z0�rIMf1�fNCh�� p�rm�tad y kw th�l b�oonsl'iNd q prohlbWtp LM�kom»McInO�dMld�ncY k�0��
<br /> .` - �w�dr►N�k DNdTof�Tn�t� b�rtwNddb tMm d 1M ad�dna���t ta�In II�1ntaDwOnPhrnof Ihk DMd M Trust�a�y��N�
<br /> ��n� • 1Ndyrr;lJ�CMsn el Mw�M��. A wMvM by any w+y a a�a a aoN.ia� a mrs o..d a Trua se.N na oo�sww.a w.i+�w a a
<br /> --_���,�,� p��M�MN Pw✓���oMwwM�b d�nand N�l compN�no�wNh lh�t pto�lsbn or my o1Mr ProN�k�n. EMellon by LN�d�r b puntr atry
<br />�"�'•'�"•= ��n�b nMic�wandllur'n b 1���sYon b�0�rlotT��obMp�Mn«�a1�T ditxlo und�r 1Nt GW of TFu�!�a� 'I�u�ior k�
<br /> -- ----= pMonn th�Y not MNoI L�nd��ripht b tMaNn a d�uit sod 10�cw�uty d f�r�rwrkc. ~ ` -
<br /> ,._:_d�;:.=�'i� . MknN���FMr�M�. M L«WK Ina111uMs any Wlt Or�fsllOn t0�Mor��nY d tM 11rrtM Of 1hk DNO of TtINf.LMtdr th�N b�M�Mwd 40
<br /> naowr wCh wm u th�caM m�y�dJiWp��farbN a atlorn�y�'M�s M 1riY and o�r'u►Y�PPw. WhMMr a not�ny eourt�llon Is
<br /> kwoMd�N rM��onbb�o�ns�s Mcand by L�nd�r whtM M l.�ndws optntan�n r�e�rY�t anY ttm�for 1M aoNcYon M Ib Ir�M!a th�
<br /> � «,�o�o.�,,.r�c w w��o.�o�+�.s v�a m•��a.baa�,.+.a.r.cM o.,e�+a a�a�ew M�..�.t n�.Noi.►.w+►o�,a�.a.w a
<br />'.°,_`���`� �luv unM rpMd. E�res covK�d bY�P�nPh Includ�,without 1lmN�lton�ho�wvw wbj�ct to AnY Mmlb und�r app�cWM I�w.
<br /> -°���,� LMb��Nort�M�N»�+rMlh�r a nof i1�R a IawsWl.IndudNip aqan�yl'1�for W►�ruD�Y P����+(�udnp�Korf�to moclN�►or
<br />�:,:�•7,; �,s`� ob�Wnkp Iltli npal��ncN�dkq��fondasun�l s�urwyas'M►�orl+,�PPr�ik�It��N�s 1111�c k�nu���ti�tar�tMT�i.b�w uc�Mnt�
<br />�;�,',:� :1r`�,`:f;r'.; Pwrt�bY�PP�rw. Tnistar d�o wfN p�y amr cou�!casl�.In�ddWa�b dl otl�wrtet provl��d by kw.
<br /> ;.;`.ci�;.tiif�_� r r.� ry�/�M of Tr1NIN.Ttua1N�hN haw�II af th�rlphb md duYss of L�ndK ss»t faTh In iM�wcNon. -
<br /> ...ri�i;r":�•'i7 ----
<br />�1�:�>; ,.{�r�.! POWdtt AND Of1L.IGAT10NS OF TRIJSTEE. TM loNowlnO ProNSfont ntttlrp !o tM Dow«s�nd obNpaUons of TnnIN ar�put of Mls DNd of =_
<br />_•; TrusG
<br /> ,',}�t°''� lbMNf�W Trt1NM. In�dditlan to�M F+owas of ThuN��rbinp a a rtrlMr dt�w�Tiv�M�sheU l+aw ttw powK to t�k�1M taNaWrq aeYons _
<br /> y� wN�n�pw�t b tM Prop�H W�IM wrMNn r�4wst W L�nd�r and Tn�br. (�1 lofn k+OnD���and 1NMp a rryp or DMt of 1M FiNI Prep�ry. _-
<br />_T u�id(o�j jo�n In��iubordn�Yon ot otMt��qr�mwfl�}pMallrp tNi D d d TN�it ortl�i�Ir►Nr�tl of UefJKrun�tl�k DMd Of TrusL���M -
<br /> ' T�NM�. T�utIN th�N m�t�14uWACayp�n aqulnd for 7nnt»under�ppNabU kw. In add�lYon to tho rlphts�nd nrtNCWs at forth abow. -�-
<br /> rn
<br /> ��,�,y� vAfh r�t tp�N pr�ny d tM PropKty,th�TrusW sha haw ttN dpht b tonclo�hy nolic�and sW,and L�nC�r shU t+RVS th�rlpht to �-,
<br /> la«staw by J��d1C141 oturo�In Ntlwr Caw In aoCOM�no�wlth and to th�ful�xMnt proNded�y eppNC�bl�kw. ,:i
<br /> ...
<br /> • • � Suecwor Tro11M.Ll�tdM.tt L�nd�f's oDYon,rtNY kom tn1�to Wn��PPoMd a woowa s�..�o.�y T�ww..pvar�wd r�.uod.r by.� �;:,
<br /> - , kMlrtMnM�t«aCUMd�nd�cicnowMdp�d by L�ntf�r and ncorded In tM o11101 of eM rrCOroK or FMII Counry�Iv�Drafiu. na xwtt�K stwi -
<br /> - . conhln,M 11ddlYOn to dl athu malNn rWulnd by t4M kw.tM nan�af tl» c�4�L�ndK.TruN»��nd Trustor�fh�book�ndpape(a
<br /> compuMr sysMm Mu�a)wh�n tNt DMd of TnKt k noorcMd�and tM nam�a�i aEdnp af tM woa�ta trust»,and th�Imtrurt»r�t M�ll
<br /> W��Md and�cicnowMdp�d by Y th�b�nollclri�und�r tM DNd of Tniq orth�ir woo�e�ors In I�N�at. Th�suoa�sor trtnl».wMAWd �.
<br /> M��p�oac�dura fOr aubstlANon of tustw��'n 1P�th��aioachnbn of�M oTh�r p ovlslonsTn�stM In�ONd of Tnni utd by�ppMC�bN .
<br /> ' NOTICES TO TRUBTQR AND OTIL�lt MRTIE�. Any noYo�und�r 1Ns ONd d Tru1t sIW b�In wriMnp.m�Y b�s�nt by NMI�csImlM(unNss
<br /> ofh�rwks��quk�d�Y kw�and shY b�NNcllw wMn�c1u�MY d�Yvrnd.a wMn d�O�iMd wlth a n�tlorw�N ncopNx�d owr^bht courfK.a,if
<br /> tn�N�d�t�h�M b�dMrtNd Mf�C1lr�wh�n d�PodMd M M1�Ur�Md Sk1N rtM1 Ikst dns�olrYMd ot npisMtW mill.F�ottp�Pr�Pakf.dfr�CNd t0 tM
<br /> �ddr�s�how�n�v tM b�pin�+lnp of thk W�d of Tru�L Any p�rty may ch�np�Ns�ddr«t for noflas urtd�r thfs DMd of Trtn!bY 0�+����
<br /> wrNlr,n nofo�to tM dtNV P�rtiK.sp�cltykq Itrd fM P�P�of th�noYc�1�to cfunp�ih�pvlya addr�. AN copi�t of noqon W tohclaun koen
<br /> tM ho1dM of�ny N�n whbh hat prlority owr lt�ONd of Trutt ah�N W Mnt to 6�ndK't tddrMS.a shown nMr tM b�pinnlnp of tt�ls OMd of Tnn4
<br /> Fa noro�purpwM,Tn�lor apr�lo kMp L��nd Trut1N IMorm�d at d Krmt a(Tnista's curt�nt addr�. ,
<br /> . i
<br /> _ � �
<br /> i
<br /> � ,. . . . . .., . .__ ,_ ..-- - -�
<br />