•� :-s�A-�s.wr.�X.��.e.,-....-,� . . _•W ' ' "P.:t:-- �_��.
<br /> .,�1�� ' '�' - - ,�.�.� ...�...ys.�'�.',S�"_--°
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<br /> _ _ "::lt;`��5��`� .- . n �,�^"K'?pa'r=�"-'—.
<br /> 'Procs�'�in oontsr.�tlon wNh condsmn�tlonor dhsr tYsinp of ths Prc,poty nt paR therool�or tor aon�y�i�ki�i Ql�o�tlon.
<br /> Lsndsr�haM bv�r�itNd�t Hs opllon to cort�.�,+iOP�+«��nd QroMCUts k►ib own nrrrw�u�y nclbn or pr�oa�dkp�.�nd�M Nw
<br /> be entitl�d to ma�ce any oorr�promlas or eetttemes»In oo�x�sciio�with wch takM�q or dw»aqe.!n the ewr�t�ny paUon M th�Property b
<br /> so taken a►dsrtuwsd�La�kr ahaN have tf�o�1bn In ib�ole hnd�b�oNib dfscretbn�W aippty �II wch procs�dr� �fbr d�d�ctlrp
<br /> tt�M�f�+om sll oo�b and oxp�nsss Mxuned by N M aorxNCtion wRh wch Prac��upon�r►Y i�d�bte�s�Ncurod honby iind In wch
<br /> order a�Lsnd�r msy d�tem�k�s�or to eppiy �I aexh Proos«N. aft�r wch dsductiora�to!Pw roWOrwNon ol th�Propsny up4n�uch con�
<br /> dllfona u L�endsr may dstem�ins.Any ppliatlon af Proo�eds b k�dsptodnMS sfwM not extar�d o►paatyon�th�dw d�M d�nY WY-
<br /> mc�nts und�ths Note�or ax�er►y defaW tt��rndor a herwnder.My unappiied fu�s1u�N bo prild to Tnisto►.
<br /> 6.P�riwnwna by L�nd�r.Upon the oxumencs ol�n Event of 19efaWt h�teu�dse,or If any�ct b tak�n or IpU Proce�dfr�y
<br /> cortwnencsd wt►kh malertaNy eftects Lenderehterest in the PropsAy�Ur►rJsr may In itr own dbastbn�bulrrithout obNpWan b do w,
<br /> and wtihoui�wiic�io a 8arrtianti�yfan Trusior us�d wlitwuY ro;aaefn�Tastar from eny ebHpaHon,Qo any�t whlcl�Trt��r hR�egreed �
<br /> but fail�d to do and may�ko do�ny Whsr ict M de�ms nepwary to P�o�t tM►�ih� horeol.Trwlor NwM.krntNdl�hh► upon
<br /> demand tl�arMa by Lender�Pay W Ler�der sil oosb arrf expenssa k�curtad and sixne axperxfed by lender In connectlon wkA tl�exer-
<br /> . . . . -
<br /> ase vy i.eraer oi�e iorepoir�p ripi►is. wpesaMr win ioterent ti�otevn at tna aaiauii raw�nwi�ww i��6w iw�ia.wiwcn siwii iw w�ueu iu
<br /> the MdeMe�fnssa eecurod hereby.Lende►stwl nol kx:ur anyr Nebillt!►beceuse oP anylhk�p k may do or orttll to do hawndsr.
<br /> 9.flmndous A�1�ri�b.Tn�stor si�ul keep the Property(n cort�liartoe with all appNcable lawa�ordN�ances and repW�tk�
<br /> roledny b incluatrial hyptene ot enWronmenW pralecUon (ooMecttvely refe�d to h�nNn aa"Emrlron�ns�teJ Laws'�.Trwlor et►W kNp
<br /> the Praperty tree from all substances deemedto be hats:rdous or twaia under eny Env(ronma�tel Lewa(�►retaRad to Fwt�fn
<br /> as'Haarcloue Ma9edals7.Tniator hereby wrrsnla and repregente b Londsr thet then ers no Hauniaa Metad�ls on or unds�1M
<br /> Properry.Tnrstor her�eby agrees to Indemniiy end hoW harmless Lender.(ts;dlroctora�ottk;ers.empfoyeas and apsn�s,end Any aiocea-
<br /> fon to Ur�s Inbro�t.from and aQaln4t ary end all clalms. damaaea,fosses and IlabillUes edsinp Ire connactbn with ths presence,
<br /> uae�di�poaal or hens�ort of eny He:erdo�ss Mwteitals on.under�imm or about fhs PropeAy.THE FOREOOINO WARRMITIES AND
<br /> 1Q. A�sl�ntrieM.s o!EleMfr.Tnntot Mrehy ea.�n to Leridet.�1 grants I.ender a aecurity IMereet k4 aM preaen�fuWro�nd
<br /> after artsing rents,tssues anc�profits of the Prope�r:pm�r�ded tfiat Trusmr sheN,unW the oocurt�of en Ev�ent of DsieWt.herax�de►,
<br /> have the ri�ht to ootlect and retein such rente�Issues and profits as thay becoms dua and payable. Upon the oocurven�of en Event d
<br /> Defauft,Lender may,either tn pereon or by epant,with ur wlthout bdngiix�any acUon or proceecfing,or by a recetver appointed by a
<br /> oouR and wfUwut regard to the adequacy of I�security,enter upon end take possesston of the Praperty,a any paR ihereof,in Its own
<br /> name a In the name of the T�ustee. and do er�y acts Nrhich it deems necessary or deeirabk t�fxa�eave the vawe, mericetebfliry or
<br /> rentaL�iNy of fhe Property,or any part thereof or interest t64oroln,or to Increase the inaort»therofroas cr�prt�ic.-t Me so:.u�iry heroof end�
<br /> wNh or wlthout takk�y posaessbn of the Propaity.we for or othenalse colk�t the rsrels,isa��es ar�c!Prefi�is 1f��eot,3nr.ludinp tlaee peet
<br /> due a�d u�peld,by nottfying tenants to make paynenta to Lender.ler�der may apply renb,issuas arrfl�vofits,le��ta end oxpens-
<br /> es of operatlon en�f cdlection tncluding nttome�a foes,to any rnaaacsa�ea��rea here�y�a1 +m such ader sa Lerxbr►r�c'�Aer-
<br /> mine. 1he enta�inp upon and taklnp possasebn M the Property�the ::allectbn o?suc��rents�is�ea and p�a�lS,and tbe a�ppiic�V�on
<br /> thereof�s atoresald ahall not cure or weive eny default er notice of detauR hereixidec vr lnvallda2e ar�r ect dane ira raapor�ae b auch
<br /> defauft or pureuant to such notloe of defaun and, notwit�SlAnding the conUnuance in possesslon of the pmporly or the oolbctlon,
<br /> roce(pt end epplication of rents,issues a p►ofi�.TrusMe and Lender sAaN be entitbA to exerr�se every�p�t providea ior in airy a3 ihe
<br /> Loan Indnwr�enb a by law upon oocurteneeof aMr Event of Cletaufl,inctutiinp witlwut Ilmltation the tight b exan;ies ths power of s�b.
<br /> FuAher,Lendera righla end remedles und�r tlds paragrap�ehell be cumulathre wfth,and In no way a IlmMntlon on,Lenders dghts end
<br /> remedier undQr ar►y aeaiprWr�ent of lesaes �d rents resarded ayalnst the PropeRy.Lander,Trustee and the receiver shall be Nabts to
<br /> a0C01Jllt 01�1}Of 11108@ f911lS AGlt1aN�►1�BCAh/@d.
<br /> 11. Ev�nb of O�faul¢.The followb�shail oonsGtule an Event of Detauit under thls Deed of Tms�
<br /> (e)Fallure to pay any Installment dPrindpal or interest of any Wher aum aecured heroby when due;
<br /> (b)A breach M or detauR under any proviston oontained In the Note�thta Da�d of Tniat.anY otthe Loen instnxnenb.or�ny
<br /> dher Nen or sncumbrance upon the Propei►!,
<br /> (o)A writ d�a�vaon or atfechnbnt a any stmNer prooess eh�ll bs entered apain�t Trustor wMch ahaN bacort�e e Nen on
<br /> the PropeAl►oranY Por►ion thereof brloterest theretn;
<br /> (�71tere st►aN bn�Iled by or�Qalnst Truator or Borrower en ection under any preaent or tuture leder�l,state or othet stah�te,
<br /> le�r or rs9ulatbn robtlnp to benlcn�pRCy,Inaolven�y a other relbf(or deMoro�or thero aheN be np�dnted any Webe.recshror ar
<br /> Yqu�idri�ot Tn�stor or Bortower a of d or eny pa�t of the Property.or the rente,lssuea a profita tlbreaf,or Trustor or Borriower ,
<br /> . ohall make any penxal sssl�nment tathe bene�t of creditors;
<br /> (e)The sab, trenaisr.lease,asslpnrnent.conveya�ce or turther�nbrer�ce of dl or u�y pert of or�ny IMsroK in ttt�
<br /> Pmporty.Nther vokxMerily or irnolunWi�y,witla�at the express written oonsent of Lender,provfded that Tn�1or stbll be pemiit.
<br /> !ec!to er.ear!s�kex ot ttw Prop��ly Itwt d�oe�s nat contatn an opUat to purchsee and tlx�tertn d wlwch does t�ot exoeed one =
<br /> Y�:
<br /> (Q Abandarne�t ot the Properly:a
<br /> (p)It Trustor Is not an tndivlduai,�e hauance,sale,trensier,esstgnmant,oonveyance a e�cumbrar�ce of more than�f a
<br /> oorporatton>a total of pxc��t ot Ita Issued end outstendtnp s�odc.or(If a partnershlp> a totel a per-
<br /> oent of partnerat�fmloreste,or(if a imited Iiabiliry oompanY)a tofal of percent ot the Ih�iled IlabNiry oornpa-
<br /> ny NNeroata ot voMt9 rights durirg the period thla Deed oi Trust romains a Ilert on the PropertY•
<br /> 12. R�rtwdl�s;Acabntlon Upon Od�ult.In the evs�t of eny EveM of Defauit Lender may,wjthart noUce except as requ�red
<br /> ny law�dsaere aN G,debtedne�s securod r�roby to be due and payab+e end tne sanx,sr�au tnereupon oxaee due and payawe witlr
<br /> out any pre�ntment,demand,protest a naYce of any kJnd.Thereafte�lencler may:
<br /> (a)Demand tftit Trustee exerclse the POWER OF SALE�ranted Mreln,and Trustee sheN thereafter cause Trustors Inter-
<br /> est In the Pnope�ty b be sold end tt�e proceeda b be distributed,aU tn the�manner provlded tn the Nebr�ska Trust Dastls Ac�
<br /> (b) Exerdee oa�and all�i9hts provided fa in any of the Loan Instrumenta or by law upon occumence of eny Event of
<br /> Defwk;and
<br /> (c)Comma�ce an action W foreck6e tlils Deed of Trust as a moRgaqe,appotnt a receiver,or spacfflcally entoroe any o}the
<br /> covenat�ts hereot.
<br /> No remedy herein confeme�i upon or reserved to 7rustee or Lender Is intended to be exdustve of any otfier remedy herstn,in the Loen
<br /> tnstruments or by law provided o�pertnitted,bu!ea�shell be cumulaUve.shall bo tr�additbn to every other remedy piven hereun�ier,
<br /> In the loan Instruments or now or hereafter e�dstYg at law or In equlry or by statute,and may be exerclsed concurrentry,IndepertdenUy
<br /> ��13�Tr�u�.The Trustee may resignet any tJme without cause,end Lerxler may at eny time ar�dwitt�out cause appoint a eua�
<br /> �snror substie,tA 7rust�_Tnure•shau mcl�e ttable tn anv nartv.Indudirw without IimRation Lender.Borrower,Tniator or emr pur-
<br /> cbaser of the Property,far any loss or damage uNess due to recldess or wi1HuT rt�isoonduct,and shall not be requlrod to take any action
<br /> in co��ecWn witli the enioroement of thls Deer!of Trust unlesa tndemn(tied,tn wriHr►y,tor etl aoets,oorripensetfon or expenses whk;h
<br /> may be asaoclated therevrlth.In additlon,Tnutee may become a purchaser at eny sale oi the Propedy Qudidal or�nder tho power of
<br /> seb grented hereln):postpa�e the saJe of al or eny poRion of the Praperry,as provided by Iaw;or sell t!a Properry aa a whole.or In
<br /> separa�parc�ets or b�at Trustee's dlscretiai.
<br /> 14.Fws�nd Facp�ns�e.In the event T�ustee sells Uie Property by exeodse ot powe�of sale,Trustee shall be antiUed to appy
<br /> eny sale proceede Hrst to payment o�alI cosb and expenses of exen;istrp power of sele,tnctudln�all Trustee's tees,and Lerxler's and
<br /> Trustee'e attomey's tees, actua�ty incumed ro a�nent permtned by appl�cabte law.U the event Borrower or Trusta exerdses any ripht
<br /> provided by law to cure an Event of Defeult.ler�der shell be entitled to recover from Trusior aB costs and expenees sctualy incumed as -
<br /> a resuftof Tnrators detau�,(ncludfng wltlw�tirnNetbn all Trustee'a and attomey's fees,to tt►e extent pemJtted hy applicable law.
<br /> tb.Futun Adva�i.Upon reque�o!Borrower,Lendnr may,at its optlon,make additbnal end future edvancea and read-
<br /> vances W Bortower.Such advanc�ss arid readva►�cea,wIM Interest thereon,shall be secured by this Dead ot Trust.At no tlme ehall the —
<br /> � �
<br />