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<br /> �� 97—�a�x.s3
<br /> T�ETHBE! dl the irapcovemrnt� uow or 6arattor crected on the pmperty� end all CzSCRIt'DIB,
<br /> appurceaance�.�d fiatum now or herea8er x part of We property All npl�ce�ixnte and�dditions Rhall also be covered
<br /> by thfie Secudty Insuumeat. All of the foregoing la referred to la WIs Securlty[natrumrnt �the"Property."
<br /> BoRxawEa Cov�NeNrs tlut Bomower Is lawtt�tty xieed of the eatate he�eby cctnveyed�nd hu thc right to grutt uid
<br /> coavey the Property and that the Proptrty la urinacumbered�excegt for eucumbru�cee of roeord. Borrower wucaats ead
<br /> wlll defend gerarally tha title to the PcopectY agaiaat ill e1�Sma and demands.aubjxt tn any encumbrances of record.
<br /> 'THis S�cururr InsrxuM�xr comb7ue�uniform wvenants for aation�l use�nd aon•uniform coveaants with liraited
<br /> vuiatioa$by juriadictioa to r,orutltuu a uniforai seciuity insuummt wverlag nal property.
<br /> UNIPORM COVENANTS.BOROWCi�L�![!d!!COVCNR�/Ildag��a follows:
<br /> 1.Payma�t ol Princi�l�nd intenret; PrepoyuKat�nnd I.�te CharQa.Bunower sbell prompdy pay wbru due
<br /> the prUtai �l of�nd iaterat on the debt evidea�xd by We Note ued auy prepsymeat and lau chargcs due under the Noce. -
<br /> �n
<br /> 2. de[or Taxe�and Insur�nce.Subject to�ppltctble law or to a wdttea wxtver by Leader,Horrower shal pay
<br /> to Lcndar oa tbB day monthly p�ymaua are duc undcr the Note, undl the Note le paid la full, a sum("Funda")for: (a)
<br /> yo�riy tiuce�end assass�neate whicb m�y att�in prlority over tbis Secudty Inst�umeat�s a llca on thc PropertY;(b)Yeu1Y
<br /> l�ahald pAyaxate or grouncl rents oa tue Propecty,If any;(e)Yeady 6ezard or Pvoperty iasuru�ee gmniums:(d)Y�Y
<br /> flaod inauraace pmniun�s�if any; (e)YeArly mortgsge insur�nce pmn�nms�if Aay;apd t��aY sume yap ab�y Bormwa
<br /> to Land�r.iu sa:ordan�x wittt the pmvislana af par+graph 8. in Ucu of tha paymeut o rmctgage ineu p�^�..�.�!�.
<br /> Tbaso ite:me are caUod "Escrow[temt." Leader may�at any t3me.coU��ct end hold Fuada ln an amouat not to excad tha
<br /> maaim►un�mount;lenda for� federally rclatcd mortgagQ loan any require for Bornower's escrow acxount undcr th�
<br /> fodoral� Re�l Estate Seulement P�urp Act of 19T4 as am�ded frum time uo time, 12 U.S.C. � 26�I�et s�q.
<br /> ("RFSPA"),unless�nother law th�t�pplies to t6e Funda seta a leaaer amount.If so, Lendet muy, �t any time.wlkct�nd
<br /> hold Pwndi in pn aawuat aot to axaed the leaser amouat.I,rnckr mry estim�te the imount of Funda du�on tl�e b�si�of
<br /> curieut dat��nd rasowbla rsllmxtes of expeixl[ture9 of fntur� Escrow Items or atherwise in scc8r�tance with appllcable
<br /> law.
<br /> The Fuada elull 6e held in ui jnatitution whose de�wsits t�re icaured by a feder�lagen�y.inaavmentality,or entity
<br /> (�ncluding Leuder,lf Leader ia such an institutioa)or in any Feder�l Home I.out Bank. Lender shall ap ly the Fw�ds to
<br /> n
<br /> pay the Sscrow Items. I.mder may aot ctiargo Borrowa foc holdlng and applylnK the Funds. um yaa�lyzir�the
<br /> es�nw acoount, or verlfyIng the Escmw Itemt, wiless Lender psye Borrower interest on the l�nds andapplicable law
<br /> �Lender to mpke sucb i chuge. However, L,ender at�y require Borrower to psy a ono-time chuge for an
<br /> a�t rail et�t�t,e Wc repo�ting aervia used by Levder in onrmection wlth this loan,ualass applicable law providea
<br /> Wberwise.Un1GSe m ag�eemeat ia m�de or appllc�ble lawrequires Interest to bep�d,L�ender ahall aot be requtrod to pay
<br /> Bor�oaer any intereat oz aualage on the Fwida.Borrower a�►d L,ender mzy agm in writing,however.thu iaterest shsll be
<br /> paid oa tbe Funda Lender shall g�ve to Homowa�without chuge,an ainnwl aocwnatLg of tLe tunda.showing credita�nd
<br /> debIta w the Fun�da and the puryox for which e�ch debit to We Fwids was made. The Flinds an pledgod ae addlHonil
<br /> socurlty for all suim secured by this Sec�uri�y lnauunneat.
<br /> If ilee Fs=t�hsld b� i.�M=.��1 ttst st�ttmi�g�ttwi L4 t�e�1_+!bY T"F!!!`�hk laSV, TrnciK�eh�ll�orfu�nt tn ,
<br /> Bomnwer for We excxs�Funda 1�acxardanoe wIth the roquIremeata ofapplicable law.If the amount of the Fund:held by
<br /> I�eader at iny time i�not auffickat wpay the 8scrow Itaro whes due� L.encler may so nodfy Bornower in wrIt�g.�ad�ia
<br /> such case Borrower staU pay to Leader the urauat neassary to mAke up the deficlrncy. Bomower aluU m�ce up the
<br /> deficlency in no moce th�n twelve monthly paymeats.u Lwder's sak disc�etioa.
<br /> Upon pay�a t in liill ot W eums secucbd by this Sxurity Insdrud�ent.Leader a6ill Proa�ptlY refund to Bomowa
<br /> any Fuuda 6eld by I.eoder. If� underparagraph 21. L�ender shaU acquire or eeA the Pcoperty� I.eader, Prlor w the
<br /> �cquisitlon or atle of We Prop�ty.ehW apply any F�ads Leld by Lender at tLe time of�cq�aIdoa or sale ts a credit
<br /> �g�in�the tume aecuned by tl�i�Secudty Inahument.
<br /> 3. Applicatlon ot P+ayipenu. Unlesa applicable law pmvides othecwiae.tU paymrnts raxlved by L,eader uadec
<br /> paragnipt�s 1 and 2�11 be appliod: firet,to anY PnPaymeat chuga dne under the Nou: aeoond, to amounts p�y�ble
<br /> vnder pu�gr�pb 2;third,to intuest due;fourth.to princip�l due;wd l�st.to�ny l�te charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4.C6ar�;Lim�. Bocrower ah�ll pay al turs, �saessmeate, clurBes� finra And ia�osidona attributable to the
<br /> Progaty which miy atuin prbdty over this Security Inamunmt, aad le�ehold paymeate or gruund restte� if �ny.
<br /> Bocrower ihaU pay thex obligWo�ia the m�nnec providod in puagraph 2.or if not pud in that ir�anaer,Boirnwa ehW
<br /> WY tl�em on dme di�octly to the pcYeon owed payment.Bomower shtll pmmptly furnith w Lxnder all noticea of�mw�nts
<br /> � • w be paid under this pu�groph.If Bor[ower a�lc�es these paymeate direcdy,Bomower ahtll promptly fumiah to T.eader
<br /> - receipta evide�ncing the piyments. �
<br /> Bomower ah�U Proa�UY diac�ar8e�ny lien wl�ich hu priarity over thia Secudty Instn�meat unleae Bormwer.(a)
<br /> e�ea i�ivricia� to�jlsylL+eIlt Of�1lr c�liE�Nal�uned by We liC�fu t e1tilDec�OCEpt�ble IO LCOdCi; (b)coetats!n _
<br /> � �ood fdth the l�ea by,or defads�g�inst eaforoemeat of the ltea in. legal prncxdinge which in the I.eader'e opinion
<br /> operate to pnweat the enforcaneat of the lien; or (c) aaw+ea from the 6older of the llen aa ag�eaneat uti�facwry to
<br /> LRader:ubo ,�g the Ilea W thi�SecurIty lnstnuaent.If I.ender deteaaines that any put of the ie sub ta a
<br /> � lien which ms��y a�3a priority over this Securiry Iastrument. I�eader mty give Bosower a notica i tifyiaa llen.
<br /> Borro+va�hill suiefy We liea or talce ane ar mon of tLe actions eet forth�bove within 1Q di}a of tlue giWng of notice.
<br /> S.Har�u�d ar Propn�ty Ineunnce. Bormwer shall keep the impmvcarata now�xiaHng or heneafter eraxed oa the
<br /> Propetty insured �gainst loss by tue� huuds lncluded within the term "extended coverage" and any other h�z�rds,
<br /> � F«m 302a 8/90 tpap�2 0/sJ
<br /> w�cn�e srareua.xre..sr.c�ouo.Nxv ee�os n•eoo3a�•:s4n Fo�Ma�.�e a�ere�
<br /> �.
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