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<br /> Bonower shall promptly givc Lendcr written notice aP any investigation. claim,dcmand, lawsuit or wher act6nn by any
<br /> Yovernmtntel ur regulatary agcmy�r privpte purty lnvulving the Praperty snd uny Htzncdous Substancc or Envjronnunta!l.aw
<br /> ot whi�h Hnrrowcr has actuul lcnowi�dge. lf I�rrower learns, ar is nodfied by uny govcmrrkntal or regulutory auttwrity,lh�t
<br /> any re��x�vul or ather remalintiun of nny H+rrurdnus Substu►xe uffecting tiic Prapcny ih ixcessury. Burrnwrr sl�ull prt�u�pU�+�ukc
<br /> wll neces�A�y rcnx�llul ucticm�in a�c��rdu�xe with t?nvlroumen�el l.uw.
<br /> A,uxc�l In this purugrunh 2Q. "Hu�ardc►us Subtitmxes'urc thusc wAibstunce.r• Jefinc�l s�s foxic or hara�rduuw nubsiun�cy hy
<br /> �m'Ironutental l..uw ui�l the tiiilowing �,uhstu�xe�: gar;oli�x, kerusene. other fltunn�able ur tuxic (�cimlewn pr�xluc�y. tnxic
<br /> �xslicidrs utxl herhicliles. volutila�olvcntw,nu►tcrfnl+►c�►muining utihestos or formnidehydc, und rudiuu��ivc �n+teriul.r. �9 usal in �
<br /> thi.r pura�ruph 2U, "L�nvfmnmentul [aw" n�euus f��lcrul luws uixl luws .if thc Juri.ufictiun whcrc tl�i Pruptny Is I�xutcd ti�ut ,�
<br /> rclatc tu tKUlth, safety ur cnvir�nmcR�al protecNon. �
<br /> NON••l1NiF0ItM COV�NAN'!'S, Hnrm�++r.r m�d Lcixier fi.�rtl�er covenunt uixl ugrcc us fuil�►ws:
<br /> 21.Acseleratla�i Remedke. I.ender bhall Qive notice tu 8urn�wer prlor to wecrleratlon 1'd1uw�InR iM►rrnwer'�brrw�ii�
<br /> oi�ny �bven�ot ur n�ceemeM In this Security lnsti'utnent (but not prio� to �ecelernabn under pwnl�rnph 17 un1aN
<br /> YMIII(�III! IAW W'OVI/�!3 ONIlS1YISt�.Tbe notlae Fhxll speclfy: (A)the dePault; (b)the nctlon reyufred tu cure the dehult��
<br /> (c)s d�te� rat Ie�th�n 30 daya hom the d�te the nattce Is�iven tn Burrnwer,by whkh the det'iult muct be curcd;rnd
<br /> (d)that fnilure ta cure the de��ult on ar I�fore the dAte s�ecltled_1n the notioe msy result in acctlerntie►n i►t the sum+�
<br /> secured by this Security Instrwnent and sAle af the Amperty.The nottce shpll further intorm Iiorrawer �►f tf�e riRht to
<br /> rcinstate uiter aacderatlon and t6e right to h�ing w court actiun ta ussert the non-exi�tence oi o dehu�it or pny other N
<br /> defense ot Bonr►N�er to aooelention ond sAle. If the detau�lt ts rat cured on or before the date speclfled In tbe notice,
<br /> I.ender,�t it� optlon,m�y nequire Immedlate pAyment in lldl ot All sums secured b� thls Secadty lnctnunent withaut
<br /> (tMher demxnd And may Invake tlie pmver of rale xnd wny other rcmedics permftted by appflcoble luw.Lender shAll/x
<br /> entlNed to collect all expen�s Incurnd In pursutng the ranedles prnvided in this pwr�gr�ph Zl,i�xfudinq, but not limited
<br /> to.rexsonsible Attorneys'tees and costs of title evldence.
<br /> I!the power o[swle Is iavoked. Trustee RhAll record A not(ce of de[QUIt in r.ach cc���e�whi h a��Po���
<br /> Property is located And shall m�il copies of such notice tn the mxnner prescr[bed by appl
<br /> tt�e oti�er persons prescribed by applicable lu�r.Atttx the lime requit�e�l by ap�►ltexble law,Tn�vtee shAll Rive pu6lic notice
<br /> of sale to t6e person9 and in the rnanner prescrfbed by uppl(cabk law.Trustee,without danand on Burrower,sl�all sel�
<br /> the Propecty at publk�ucNon to t6e higlrcst bldder at tl�e time and place and under the tams destgnated in the notice o�f
<br /> salr in one or more�nxls and in any order Trustee determines.'I�ustec ros�y pastpone sale of All or any�cce! ot tbe
<br /> property by public aan�ounoement at the ttme And p�ace oi Any previousty scheduled sale. I.ender or(ts designee�y
<br /> purctwse t�e Property at tn,v sale.
<br /> _ Upon recetpt of}�ymcnt oi the price bid, Tivstee siwll deliver to the purchaser Tn�.sta's dad mnveying the _
<br /> property, T�e reciWls ia the Trustee's deed slwll be pdma focie evidence of the truth of the statemmts made tt�erein.
<br /> Tn�stee sha�l�pply the proceeds ot the sale in the[ollowing order:(A)to all costx And expaues ot exe►YWng the powa'af .
<br /> ss�le,and tl�e sa{e,includinq Rhe payment ot the Tnutee's fees wctu�lly incurred,not to exceed f of �50.00 or '� ��
<br /> ot the princip�t nmount ot the note Rt the time of the decl�ratton of default,and reasonable Rttorneys'istis s�s permttted
<br /> by law;(b)to uU sums saured by this Security Instrument;pnd(c)xny exc�ss to thr person or person5lega�ly entitlM to
<br /> it.
<br /> 22. Reepnvoyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security inst�ument, Lender shall request Tcustee go
<br /> reconvey tlx Praperty and shell surrender this Securiry Instniment and all notes evidencing debt aesurod by this Secti�r.ity
<br /> Insttument to Trustee.Tntstee shal!reconvey the Pruperty wtthout worrunry and without charge to the person or persons legally
<br /> entitled to it.3uch persvn or�eraons shull pay any recordation costs.
<br /> 23.Substltute Trustee. 1.ender, at its optlon. may from time ta time remove Trustee and appoint a stsccessor tnistx to
<br /> any Trustce appointed hcrcunder by an instrument recorded in the couaty in which this Security Instrument is reootded.Without
<br /> conveyance uf.the Property, ttie successor trustee shall succeed to all tlie title,power and duties confercod upon Tcustee henin
<br /> and by epplicabte law.
<br /> ?A. Request[or Notices.Botrower requests that cc�pies of the notias of default m�d sale be sent to Bc�rrower's address
<br /> whtch is the E'roperty Address.
<br /> ZS.RWet�to thts Saurlty I�trunient.If one or more riders are executed by Bomower und raorded tagether with this
<br /> Security Instrument.the covenants pnd ugrxments of eaeh such rlder shall be incorporated into and shall amend and supplenxnt
<br /> the rnvenants and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s)were a part of this Secti:ri:y instrument.
<br /> [Check applicable box(es)�
<br /> fl Adjustable Rate Rider ❑Condominium Ridar ❑ 1-4 Family Ridcr
<br /> �Graduated Payment Rider ❑Planne�Unit Development Rider 0 Biweckly Paymet�t'R'ider
<br /> B�llocm Rfder O Ra�� h•.:yrovement Ricler �C�c�►nd Home Riber
<br /> [�V.A. Rider ❑Other(s)[specify]
<br /> BY SIGNiN(3 BELQW.Borrow�r accepts and agrees to the tarms und covenants contained in thls Security Instmment and
<br /> in any rideKs)executed by Bortower and recorded with it.
<br /> Witncsses:
<br /> (Seal)
<br /> Shane A Freeman -��wer
<br /> �[.! �-� (Seal)
<br /> -Horcower
<br /> Roxanne E Freeman
<br /> (Seal) (Seai)
<br /> -Borrower ••
<br /> STATE OF N�BRASKA, County ss: gall
<br /> The forcgoing instniment was nrknowlcdged bcfore me this 15th ��Y°f Augua t '1997 ' .
<br /> nY Sh$ne A F e and,Roxanne E Freeman, husband and wife ' �
<br /> W�tness my�ian�notanal seal at Grand Island. Nebraska itt said Caunty, the date aforesaid.
<br /> � My Commission Expires: /^ �� � '
<br /> Z�`�'�� Notnry Wbl
<br /> • �GEl1ERJll NOTAR��SI�Ie cf NeOrub
<br /> • JUDIIH 4 RAUERT
<br /> , Nry Canm.Exp.Feb.6,199a Pege�t o16 Fotm 3028 91f10
<br />