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<br /> The Funds shall be held in rin institution whose depasits azc insured by a federal ugency, instrumentulity. ar entity
<br /> (including t.ender,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Feder�l Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> Escrow Items. Lender may not charge 9orrower for haldiug:znd npplying the Funds,nnnualiy analyzing the escrow accaunt,or
<br /> verifying the Escrmv Items,unle.�s Lender pays Bonower intea�st on the Funds:u�d npplicablc law permits Lcnder to muke such
<br /> n charge. Hawever, l.,ender muy require Aorrow�r to pay a one•time churge for an independent rcal eswte tax �eporting scrvice
<br /> used by Lender in com�ection with this loan, unless applicable la�v provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made ar�
<br /> applicable lnw rcquirc�s intcrest tu b� paid.Lendcr shull not be requlred to pay Barrower any intc�si or eamings an thc Funds.�
<br /> Borrowcr anJ L.�ntter may ugrcc in wnting,�a•zvcr,thc�t intcrest shall be paid on thc Funds.Lender shall givc to Borrower, �
<br /> without churgc. un annual uccounting of th: Funds, showinb crcdits nnd dehits t�� thc Funds and thc purposc fnr which cach
<br /> debh tu thc Fundc was made.nc�Fi�nds arc pledged us udditiuh�l security fur idl tiumti sccurcd by this Sc��urity Instrunxnt. Ir
<br /> If tl�e Funds hcW by L�;ndcr excccd thc s�mounts permitte�►tc,ix held iry applicuble luw. I.cnder shall uc�:uunt to Bnrrower
<br /> f�u the excess Fw�ds in uccordunce with the roquiremcnts nP applicable law. If tl�e umuunt uf the Funds held by Lender ut uny
<br /> ti�i�e is nut suf�cicnt to pay�hc Gxruw Iteroc when duc, I.cn�ler may so notif'y f3�n�niwcr in writh�b, and. in+uch casc Aorruwcr
<br /> .hall pay ti�l.ender the unx�unt ncr�:ssary ro make up thc deiiciency. &irrowcr+hnll nuikc up the deficicncy in ni� more then
<br /> tw�clvc umnthlY paYn�entti. ut l.erKler's nolc dlticrcti�n.
<br /> Up�m puyuxnt in full �d' ull tiums ucurcd by thiti SccuritY Intit�vmcnt. I.cndcr tihidl pn�aiptly rcFund to f3urruwcr +my
<br /> Nu�xk held hy l.c�xlcr.If, uixfcr purugmph 21,l.cudcr shull ucyu�rc or scll Qic Nru�xrty. I.cndcr,prior tu thc ucyuitiition ur+alc
<br /> of�he 1'iu�x�ty. hitiull apply uny Fund.v Iteld by I.ettder ut ihe Ilme oF acquitiiti��n ur�ulc i��u credit ug�dn,t ihe sums secured hy
<br /> �hi+Sccuriry I��titnmmnt.
<br /> �.Applic�Nou ot 1'�ymrnty.Uolc�h upplirublc Inw prov�lc�:othcr��•itic,uli puynu nts rcrcivcd hy l.cndcr uixlcr par.tgrnphz
<br /> I �md � �hull ix��q�pli�Yf: 1 irht. a�any pr�:paymcnt churg�w du:undcr thc Notc: ticcand. to umowu� puyublc under p:trubruph 2:
<br /> third,tu mtcrc,t Juc;li�urth,tu prinr�pul dnc; und i:�.rt,tu any lue char�;es duc under thc Notc.
<br /> 4.Ch�rK�w;Llen+. H��rrawcr shull psy ull taxes,a:;.ressnxnrs,churNcs, fincs und impusidons attributable to the Propeny
<br /> whirh muy uttuin priority uver this Securrty �nvtruntent.aixi leasehotd puynxnts ur ground rents, it'uny.Bc�rrawrt shall p�y
<br /> thr+c uNligadun9 in thc n�anner pravidcd in piirazruph 2, or if nat puid in tt►at manner,Burrawer shall pay them on time direcqy
<br /> G�the(x'rsun owed paymcnt.&�rrnwer�{iall ,prom�tly fumfsh ta Lxnde�s!!notic�cs nf znu�unes to t+e paid under this para��aph.
<br /> If Bnrrnwer makes the.,e puyments directly.Sarrower shall pranptly fumish to I.end=r receipts evidencins the payments.
<br /> Borrowcr shull promptly discharge any lien which hua prionty over this Sccurity In:�trument unless Borcawer: (u)egrees in
<br /> writing to the payment of the abligation secured by Nie licn in a mmuier acceptable to l.ender, (b)contests in�,ocni fuith the lien
<br /> by, ��r defcnds against enfi�rcen�ent of ehe lien [n. Icgal praa�ings which in the [.e:nder's opinian operate to prevcnt the
<br /> enforeement of the lien:or(c) secures from the holder of the lien an agrcement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to
<br /> this Security Instcun�ent. If Lender determines that any part ot the Property is subject to u lien which may attain priority over
<br /> this Security Instrument, I..ender may Sive Borrower u noticc identifying the licn. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take onc or
<br /> morc of the actions set forth ab�ivc within l0 days of the givi ng of notice.
<br /> 5. tiuza�d ar Properly Insurance.Borrower shall kccp the improvements now existing or hercafter crected on the
<br /> Praperty Insured against loss by fire,hazards includecl within the term "extended cuverage" and any other hazards, including
<br /> ilaads or floc�ding, for which L.ender requires insurance.This insursnce shull be maintained in the umounts und for the pe:riods
<br /> that l.ender requires.The insurunce carrier praviding the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to l,ender's approval
<br /> which shatl not be unrcasonabiy wiihhrid. I1'Sar��u��::r tai:;;a .;.a�r.taih ctz:��ssge�!�s^_r!!+� 2hnv�, T.ender may, at Lender's
<br /> option,obtain coverage to protect L.ender's rights in the Property in accardance with paragreph 7.
<br /> All insurance policies and renewals shall be�cceptable io Lender und shall include a standard mortg;�ge clause. Lender
<br /> shalt have the right to hold thepolicics and renewals.If I.creder requires,Borrower shall promptly sive to Lender all receipts of
<br /> paid premiums and renewal notices. In the event of loss.Bonow�r shall give prompt notice to the�nsurance canIer und Lender.
<br /> L.ender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borro�ver.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borcower other�vise agrec in writing,intiurance proce�:ds shall 6e upplied tq restoration or repair of the
<br /> Property damaged.if the restoration ar repair is economically feasible and Lender's security�s not lessened,If the restoration or
<br /> cepair is not economically Feasible or Lender's security would be lessened,the insurunce procceds shall be applied to the sums
<br /> secured by this 5ecurity Instrument,whether or not then duc, with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borcower rtbandons the
<br /> Property, or does not�nswer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurc�nnce carrier has offered to settte u claim,then
<br /> I.ender may collect the insurance p�uceeds. Ixnder may �se the procecds to repair or restore the Propeny or to pay sums
<br /> secuced by this Security Instrumcnt,whethcr or not then duc.The 30-day period will begin when the natir.e is givcn.
<br /> Unless Lender und Borrower othenvise agree in writing. any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone thc duc date of the monthly payments rcferred tc�in paragraphs l and 2 or change the amount of thc payments. If
<br /> . under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by [.cnder,Borrower's right to any insurance policies;uid procceds resulting from
<br /> damuge to the Property prior to the acquisition shaU pass tu [.endcr to thc cxtcnt oC the sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> immediutely prior to the acquisition. ,
<br /> 6.Occupancy,Preservation, Maintenance and Protectbn of the Property;Borrower s Loan Appltcatlon;i.easeholds.
<br /> Bo�rowcr shall occupy.cstnblish,and use the Property fis Borrower's principal residence��ithin sixty d:►ys after the execution af
<br /> this Security Instrutnent and shull continue to a:cupy the Praperty as Borrower's principal raidence fi�r at Ieast one ye�►r after
<br /> the date of uccupancy, unles� Lender otherwise agrees in writing,which coment shall nut be unreasonably withheld, or unless
<br /> extenuating circumstnnces exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shull not destroy, dnmage nr impair the
<br /> Property. allow thc Property to deteriornte, or commit wastc on the Property. Burro�ver shall be in default if any forfeiturc
<br /> action or pmceeding, whether civil or criminal, ic begun thnt in Lender's good faidi judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> Property or otherwise materially impair the lien created by thiti Security Instrument or L.ender's security interest. Borrower may
<br /> eure such n defuult and reinstate,as provided in parabraph 18,by causing the action or proeeeding W be dismissed with u ruling
<br /> that, in Lender's gocxl faith dctcrmination, prccludcs Farteiturc of the Borrowcr's intcrest in the Property or other materit�l
<br /> impairmcnt of thc lien crcatexi by this Sccunty Instrumcnt or Lender's securiry interest. Bonower shall ulso bc in dcfuult tf
<br /> Borrower,durin�the loan appllcation process,gave materially f:�lse or inaccumte inforn�ation i�r statenunts to Lender(or failed
<br /> to providc Lcnder witl�any material information)in connectan with the loan evidcnced by thc Note,including,but not limited
<br /> to,mpresentations concernin�Borrower's uccupancy oF the Pr�perty as a principal residencc.lf this Security Instrument is on a
<br /> Ieasehold. Borraw�r shall comply with nIl the provisiaixs uf thc lease. If Bonowcr acyuires fec title to thc Property, the
<br /> lcasehold afiti tlx;fee titic shall not mergt unless Lender oFrccs to the mcrger in writing.
<br /> 7.Profection of Lender's RighGs In the Property.If Borrower fails to pertorn�thc cuvcnants.ind ugrumentti cuntained in
<br /> this Security Instrument,or therc is a legul pruceeding th:it may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property (such as s
<br /> proceeding in bankruptcy,probatc,for mndemnaticm or fcir(citurc or tn cnforcc laws or rrgulutions), then Lender may do and
<br /> �ay for whutever is necessary to protect the value of the Pmperty und l.ender's right�in the Property. L�nder's uctions may
<br /> include paying xny sums tiecured by a licn which ha, pnorit�� over this Security lnstrument, appearing in court. paying
<br /> rcationable uttamevs fees und cntcring on thc Property�o rnakc rcpairs. Althaugh I.cnder may tukc urtiun undcr this paragraph
<br /> 7.Lcndcr does noi havc ro do�o.
<br /> Any amounts disburseci by I.ender unJer thix paragraph 7 shull lxcunic udditi��nul debt of Borrower securui by this
<br /> 5ecurity Instrument. Unk�x Borrc�wer and [.cnder agrce to othcr tcrm.uf puymcnt, thc�c amaunt� zhall bcar interest from the
<br /> date of disbursemcnt at the Note rate and �hall bc payuble, with interetit, upon noticc t'rom Lendrr t�� Borrower rcqucsting
<br /> __ payment.
<br />