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<br /> TCX3ETH8R with sll the improvements noN or henafter erectod an the pr�perty, and all easemcntr�, ti�hta,
<br /> enpurtonancai�nd renta(aubject hoNever to thn rights end suthoritiea Qiven herein to I..endar to wllect and spply euch
<br /> ronte),�1!of whteh sh�ll be deemod to be and remein s part nf tho property coverad by thie Deed �af Trust;and atl oi tt�e
<br /> toreYning, ta�ethor with eaid property (or the lcasehold esuto it thie Dad of Trust ie on a leaaehold) aro hereinafter
<br /> referrod to�s the"Property."
<br /> Borrovrer covenants thst Barrawor ie lawtully seised ot tho estete hereby cor.veyed end hae the right w grent and convey --
<br /> the Property, �nd thu the Praperty ie unencumbered except far oncumbrances of record. Borrower covenante thtt
<br /> Borro�ver wnttente and witl detend �enerallY the title to tho Property againet all claims end demanda, subject to `
<br /> encumbrances ot record.
<br /> UNYFORM COVBNANTS.Borrower end I.ender caven�nt and agree as tollows:
<br /> 1. Paymeat of Principsl aad Intoreat. Horrower ehnll pramptly pay when due the principnl and intereat
<br /> indebtednese evidencal by tho Note, including sny varintlone resulting trom chnnges ia the contraet rate, and other
<br /> chuges�s provided tn the Note.
<br /> 2.Funda for Tsxes and Iaeuraace.Subject to applicable law or written waiver by I.ender, Borrower ehell pay to
<br /> Lender on the day monthly p�ymente ot pr�ncipel and intercst are peyable under the Noto,until the Note ia pnid tn tutl�
<br /> s sum (herein "Funds")oqual to one-twelith oi the yearly t�es end asaessmente(including condominium and planaed
<br /> � .unit developmeat assessmertte, ii any) which may atta�n priority over this Deed of Truat. �nd geound rente on the
<br /> �. I'roperty. ii any, plus one-twelfth oi Ehe yeuly promlum installments for haznrd iasurance, plus one-twelfth oi yarly
<br /> premium inatallmonta for mortgage ineuraace, if any, all ae reasonnbly estimated inittally and irom timo W time by
<br /> � I.ender en the b�sie of�ssesemente�nd bills and reasoaable estimaus theceoi.BorroNer shall not bo obligated to mdce
<br /> s��ch psymente n[Funcla to Lender to the oxtcnt that Borrower �eekes such peymenta tc�the holder of a pdor mortgtge
<br /> � o, �eed af truat it such holder ie an inatitutionel lender.
<br /> If Horcower pays Funds to Lender. the Funds shall be held in an insdtutton the deposits or accounte ot wt�ich are
<br /> ' insured or guaranteed by a Podera�l or auta agency (inclvding L�nder ii Lender is such an institution). Lender ehell apply
<br /> � the Funds w pay said taxes,assessments, inautance premiums and gcoui�d r�nts. Lender may not char�e foc eo holdin�
<br /> dy snd applying the Funds,nn�lyzing eaid account or verifying and compiling said essesamente and bills, unless L.ander pays
<br /> Borro�rer iatenst on the Funde and applicable law permits Lender to mtke euch a ch�rge. BorroNer and Lender may
<br /> agtee in writing at the time of oxecutioa of this Doed of Truat that inurest on tho Funds shall be pnid to BocroNer.aad
<br /> unleeB such agroement is mede or eppitcable law requires such interest to be ptid, Lender shall nat be required to pay
<br /> Borro�va any interest or eernings oa tho Funds.I.ender ehall glve to Borrower. Mithout chargo,an anmual �ocounting of
<br /> the Funds showing crrlditts end debits to the Funda aad the purpose for khich e�ch debit to the Funds w�s m�do.The
<br /> FuuJr,rio Yio��3 as additIan�a...urit�f�r tha antns�^tr_r!by thia T�ed o!Trust. .
<br /> Ii the smouat oi the Funds held by I.ender,together with the future monthly installmeats of Puade payablo pcior to
<br /> the duc dates ot Uutes.�ssments,insuranco premiume aad�round rente,ehdl excoed.thtl smaunt requtred W pay s�id
<br /> tues, asseesmente. ias�rance premiume and ground rents as they tal due. such excese ahdl be.�t BorroNer's optton,
<br /> dther promptly rep�id to Borrower or credIted to Borrowa on moathly iaetallmenta ot Fonde.If tUe amauat of tt�e
<br /> Funde hdd by Lendar ehall not be auit{cient to pay tates,asseasm�nte,insunnoe premiums and�rouad renta es they fall
<br /> dve�BorroMer ehall p�y to Leader any ur►ount necees�ry to make up the deiiclency ia one or mnro payinents ae Lender
<br /> may requiro.
<br /> Upon paymeut in full of ail sume aocured by this D�od of Trust,Lender ahell pcomptly retund to Horra�+er any fuade
<br /> hetd by L,andor. It uader p�ragraph 17 hereof the P�operty ia eold or the Pcopecty ie othenviee acquired by Lender,
<br /> Lender eh�ll apply.nv laur th�a immediately prior to the stle ot tbe Pmpetty or ita acquIeitioa by T.oader,aay Funda
<br /> hdd by L.encbr at t't►o tlme of applicatioe as a eredlt a�ainst the suma sxurod by this Deed o!Truet.
<br /> 3. Application ot Pty�nonts. Unlesa applicablo IaM provides othenrise. dl paymente recaivcd by Lender under the
<br /> Note nnd paragraphs 1 and 2 h�reof shalt be applied by Lender first in pryment of amounte p�yable to I�ender by
<br /> Borrower under puagraph 2 hereaf,then to intote:st psyabla on the Note at the applienble contract rate�and t►hea to tha
<br /> principal ot the Note.
<br />- 4,b'riar Mart��cs sad Daz�s ot Truat;; Charyea; T.iens. Borrowec shall pertorm ell of Borcower'B obl.i�ationa
<br /> under any mortgage, dxd of trust or other seeurity egreement with a lien �hich has priority ovec thia lleed ot Tn�st.
<br /> including Borro�ver's coveaaats to milce paymants when due. I3orroxer shall pay ar cauee w be patd al Wces.
<br /> �seeasments u►d other charges,fines and impoeitions attributable to the Property which may atuIn a priori'ty over thie
<br /> Deed of Truet,utd lasohold peymente or ground rente,it any.
<br /> S. H�x�r.d Iasuraace. Borrower ahell keop the improvcmeats now existiag or horeatter erxted on the Property
<br /> insura! a�aainst loes by fire, hezards included withia the tarm 'eYtended coverage," and suah other hazuds as Lendr_'
<br /> may cequire and in such amounts and foc st�h periods as Lxnder may require.
<br /> The insurance ctnder providing tho insuranoe shall bo ahosen by tha Borrower subject to approval by Lender;
<br /> provided,that such npprovel shall not be unreasonably withheld.All i�nsurenco policies and renewds thereo!ohali be in a
<br /> form ecceptable to I.ender and shall include a etartdatd mortgage clause in favor oi and in a form acceptnble to I.ender.
<br /> Lender shall havo the right to hold the policies and renewals thereof,subject to the torme of eny mortgage,dxd oi trust
<br /> or other security agreement with a lien which has priority over thia Deed o!Trust.
<br />- In the event of loss,Bonower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may maka proof
<br /> _ of lo�a if not mede promptly by Sorrower.
<br /> - Unlese Lender and Borrower otherwiee egree in writing,insurance proceala ahall be npplied to rostaration or repair of
<br /> the Property damaged,if the restotatinn or repair is economically teasible and Lender's aecurity is not lessened. If the
<br /> restoration or repait is not ceonomically fcasible or Lender's security would be lessenod,the insucence proceeds shall b�a! -
<br /> _�__�._.t_�. �.....�.A f...�1.:e •n..«fv I�efn�mwnt mhwther nr nnt then due. with anv eYCG49 flaid t0 BOltOYVQt.�i
<br /> - stl�/ttvY w ►uv ouaiao w�rww v) ..ua.........) �.�...-"'-�., ....--•--' -- -_ .. •
<br /> - Borrower a�andons the Property.nr dnes not answer within 30 days s notice irom Lender that the insurance cucier hss _
<br />�- oifered to settle a claim, then Lender may collect the ineurance procads. Lendor may use the proceods to t�epair or
<br /> = restore the Property or to pay sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.'Che 3o-day period will
<br /> , begin when the notice is given. _
<br /> = If the Property is abandonod by Botroacr, or it Borrower feils to respond to Lender within 30 days [rom the date _
<br /> notice ie mailed by Lender to Bvnower thet the insurance carrier offers to settle a cl�im ior insuranco benefits, Lender -
<br /> � is nuthotizal to collxt and apply the insurance proceoda at I.onder's option either to restoretion or repair oi the
<br />-- Prop�tty or to the sume sxurcd by thie Deed ot Trust. -
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