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<br /> ' ^(Pr=n 2 ni 3) '
<br /> TOC3E'THBR rrith all the improvemente now ur heresiter erxted an the proporty, and all e�ecmente, ti�hts,
<br /> �ppurtenenca and rents (subject however to the rights and authorities giv6n heroln to lxnder to collect�nd�pply euch
<br /> rents�,ep of which shell be deemed to bo and remain a pert of the property covered by thie Dend otTruet; �nd�ll ot the
<br /> fore�oing. together with said property (or the leasehold esuto if thie Aad of'1'rust is on a leu�elwld) are hereindter
<br /> referred ta�s the"I'roportY•"
<br /> rrower covenmts thst Borcower is lawiuUy eeisod of the estate hereby conveyed�nd his the riRht to�esnt end convey
<br /> e Property, end th�t the Property is unencumbered except tor encumbr�ncea of rxord. Botrower covenants thtt
<br /> rro�vcr wamant�s and will dcfend generally the title to the Property againat ell cleims md dern�nds, subject to
<br /> cumbrYnces ot record. =
<br /> UNIFORM COV�NANTS. Aorro�ver and Lender covenant and�gree as iollowe:
<br /> � 1. P�ymont of Prtncipal aad Intorest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principl and intereat
<br /> ' indebtedness evidenced by the Note, including eny varietions reaulting irom chnnges in the conuact rate, and other
<br /> �chuges es provided in the Note.
<br /> � 2.Funda tor Ts:es and Iasursnc�. Subject to applicable law or written waiver by Lender, Borroxer ehall pay to
<br /> Lender on the diy moathly payme:nts oi priacipel and'enterest era payable under the Note,until the I�Tote is psid in full,
<br /> a sum (hatcin "Funds") equal to one-twel[th of the yearly taacs aad asses�ments (including cfladominium tnd plannod
<br /> urut devctopment asseasmente, if any) which may ittein priority over thie Dad of Trust. md grouad ranta on the
<br /> Property, if eny,plus ono'twelith oi th�yearlY premium installments for hszerd insuranco, plus oae'twetfth ot yesrly
<br /> pn�mium inetallmenw for mortgage insurance, if any, all aa reasonably est�mated isutially and fmm tirrie to time by
<br /> La�der on the b�sis of assessments snd biUs and reason�able estimnus thereof.&,rroker shall not be obligated to mslce
<br /> sucb peynnents ot Funds to Leader to the e�ctent that Bocrower makea such psyments to the holder of e prior mort�age
<br /> or deed of trust it stxh holder ie an instimtiond lrnder. -
<br /> If Borro�ver ptys FuAds to Lender. the Funds s�ha1) be held in w institutioa the deposits or a000vnts of wtuch ere
<br /> insurod or guarant�eed by a Federal or state ageacy(including Lender ii Lender�a such aa inatitutionl. ��eha11 apply
<br /> the Funds to pay said taxea,assessmcsnta, ins�uance premiume aAd ground rents. Iaader may not chsrge for eo holding
<br /> and applying the Funds,aaalyzIng said account or verifying nnd compIling said assessmeats and bills,unless Lender paya
<br /> Borro�er iaurest on thtl Funds and applicable law permits L�ndcr to make such a charge. Homorer�nd Leader may
<br /> rgroe in writing it the time of execution of this Deed oi Trust that interest on the Fuads shall be pid w Bomo�er,and
<br /> unless such egrament is made or spplicablG law requir�s such iAteraat to bo pald,Lender shall not be required to pay
<br /> Borrower any inurtst or arnings on the FuadA.I.endor shall�ive to Borrower,without chu�an tannal accountin�of
<br /> the Fuads showing crodlte�nd dabits to tho Funds u►d the purpuee for which each debit to the Funde was msde. The
<br /> Funds u�e pledgod as additional security for the sume securod by thie Deod oi Trust.
<br /> If the amount of the Punda neia by I.endcr, w�'�ri� �iih�h�futur:.tanitsly im^t:tlm�„� ;��'�r3:��:hl�priar:�
<br /> the due dates oi t�xes,aset�sn►ents,insurance promiume and ground cante,shall oxcxed tho amount t+equired ta pry Btld
<br /> tues, assessmen�s. insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, such ezcc�s shell bo. tt HorroRer'e option.
<br /> eitha promptly nep�id to Borro.ve�'or crec}ital to Borro�cver on monthly installmente oi Fuads_It ttie amount of the
<br /> Funda held by I.ander shall not be suf{icient to pay tues,esBessmeate,insuranoe pramiume aad ground rente ae they fall
<br /> due,Borrower shall p�y to 1.ender aay unount neceseary to make up the deficiency in one or mon psyments ae Lender
<br /> raay requiro.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums eocured by thie Deal of Truat,Lendor eh�ll promptly refund to Somoaer any funda
<br /> h�td bp I.ender.If under paragaph 17 hereof the Property is sold or the Property ia otherxiee icquIred by L,ender,
<br /> Lender shall apply.no laur than immodiately prior to th� sale ot the Yroperty or its acquisitioa by I.euder�any Funds
<br /> held by Lender tt the time of application as a credit egainst the sums secured by thie Dead of Trust.
<br /> 3.Appllatlon of Payments. Unlese applicable l�w ptovides othorwieo, �ll p�ymrnts received by Lendec under the
<br /> IJote uid pra�phe 1 and 2 hereof shall be applied by Londerr 4ixst in peyment of amouata p�yable to l.ender by
<br /> • BorroNer uader par�graph 2 hereof,thcn to iaterest pnyable on the Note at thc applicable oontract rate,and then to the
<br /> principl ot the Nou.
<br /> 4.Prior Moctss=es aad Deede of 1'rust; Char�es; Liens. Bornnwer eh�ll perform al ot BoreoNer'e obli�atious
<br /> under m�► murtgtge,decd of tcuat ar other security agrcomc�nt with a l�an whieh has priorlty oE�et tb�ie 1?ted�i Tn�t, -
<br /> ;nciudin� BorroMer's covenaate to make payments when due. Bonower shall pay or cause to bo patd all tuee,
<br /> �aeeesmeate usd otha chugee,fines aad impoeitione attdbutable to the Property which may �ttaia a priority over this
<br /> Deed ot Truet,�ad la�eehold peyments or grouad rents.ii any.
<br /> � 3. H�zud Inaunnce. Borrowet sha11 kap the improvements now eristIng or hereafter erected on the Property
<br /> inaured against loes by fire, hazarda iacludod within the tetm "exteaded covotage," and such oilier h�zarde as Lender
<br /> • may roquiro�ad in such amounts aad for such periods as Lender may require.
<br /> The,nsuruice r.arrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by the Borrower subject te� �pproval by I.ender;
<br /> . pnovided, that eucli epprov�l sh.a11 not be unrcasonably withheld.All insurance policies Aad ronewale theroof slutl be in a
<br /> , forrn acceptnblo to Lender er►d chall include e atandard mortgaga clnuse in favor ot and in a form ecceptable to Lender.
<br /> Lender shall hsve the right to hold the policies and renewals thereof,subject to the terms of any rnortgage.dxd of tn�st
<br /> or other secucity agceement with a lien which has priority over this Daed of Trust.
<br /> In the ovent o[ los�, Bonower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make prmf
<br /> of loss if not rn�de promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unleas Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, insurance procxds shall be applied to reatontion or repair of
<br /> the Property drmagod, ii the rescoration or tepair is economically feaaible and Lendar's sxurity is not lessened. If tiae
<br /> restontion or npair is not economically feasible or Lender's sxurity woutd be les�ened, the insuruice procads ehall be
<br /> applicd io the sums secund by thie Security Instrument, whether or not then due,with any excess paid to Borrowar.Ii
<br /> �.�:_ �.. �_�_ �.�_ t__��.t_..`_:__.�__ � ��--
<br /> �OI'fOXC!a17l11QOI19 LRC YfOpC�I�'.OT tit�l ttvi ouovci n�uun av va�o o iriiaiw uvw uvuawi u�n��savu�vwouw�.miics wo
<br /> offered to settle a claim,then Lender may oollect the insurance procec�s. I.endcr may usC the ptoca;dg to repair or
<br /> rcstore the Property or to pay sums securod by thio Security Instrument.whether or not then due. The 30-day period aill
<br />- begin when the notice is giv�n.
<br />- If the Pmpercy is abandoried by Borrower, or if Sorrower faile to respond to Lender within 30 days trom the dete
<br /> notice is mailed by Lender to Borrower thnt the it�surenc+e c�arrier offers to settics a claim tor insunnce benefits,Lender
<br /> is authorized to collect and apply the insurance proca� at Lender's option either to restoration or repair of the _
<br /> = Property or to the sums secured by this Deed oi Trust.
<br />= �•]0'/1 D��d ot Tiust NE ��a��� ir�����������e�������� NE007�22
<br />