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<br /> � .�� ' ld.Borrower'e Copy. Borrowee shaU be given one conformed copy of the Notc:and of this Socuriry InswmeisG =
<br />. ::;,. `� 17.7Yaeafer ot t6e ProperR�w'a BeAetictai Iaterest in Borrower. If all o�any part oC the Property cx any intcrest in it b _
<br /> sold or transferrcd(or�f a bcneficial interest in Barower is sold or transfecrod end eorrowcr is not a�atu�a!p�o n) without
<br />.�� Lender's prior wriuen consent, Lc+�dcr nwy,at iu opd�n.require immedinte pzymes�t in Cull of nll s�►mg tocunxl hy thiq Security =
<br /> �,�.,_r,�„� InstrumenG Howevcr,this optbn sha41 not bo exercuod by Lender if ea�ercisa u pr�hibited by fedual law as ai tha dsto oi thls
<br /> �j��� Security Insuumcnt. -
<br />_„ ,,� If Lendu cxercises this optioe,l..cndc�'shall 8fve Borrnwcr notice of acccleradon.Tha nodca shall prov�dc a periad af not las9
<br /> -- - �han 30 days from the data the noace is dcllvered or maila!within which Bomnwer must puy all sums securod by this Sxuriry
<br /> InstrumenG If IIorrowu fulls to pty thesc sums prior to tho er�cpiradan of this period,Lcnder may invoke any remadics pcmiittad
<br /> " by this Seciuity Instrumentwithoutfurther natice or demAnd on Borrower. _
<br /> 18.Borrower's RighYto Reta�te. If Bonbwer.mqet.� certnin conditions, Borrower shall havo thc dght to hnvc _
<br /> ' � � u�forcement of this Socu�ryInsw�t�discehF�tiial'At artY dme pdor ta the esUer of: (a) S days (or such othcr period ns
<br /> �� : . applicable law may spocif�for sti�wan,a►t)b�tim•sale'cff�he Proputy pursuant w any power of salo contained in this Secusi
<br />:�.� :,�:: -
<br /> ,, .,� Instr�men�or(b)entry of u'j�m.Cefi�cxc�ig this Socurity Instrv�ment'lliosc condidons ara that Borrower.(a)paya Let�der
<br /> �-�-;�', sums which thu�wouid be dues uader ehis 5ecurlry Instrument acncf the Note as if no acceleradon had occurred; N)curos any
<br /> � �-'s�r default of eny mher oovea�nts aragroement�;(c)pays all exp�iacurred i,�enforcing this Socurity Insuument,lncluding but
<br />_�;��,�;:,
<br />_,..�,:;;.�;.:, not Wnited to�re,asonable�►tameys'fees:and(d)tates such acnoa�Lender croay reasonably require m assura that the Ilen ot�this
<br /> ge�urlty Inswment, Lencier's nghUs in the Propeny and Boemwer's o�ligation to pay the swn.s secured by tltle Sxurlry
<br />�.:1-iJ.��i' Inslrument stwll candnua uncQnang,.�l. �,'�pon reinstatement by Ba,raower. lt�s Sactsrity I��tn�ment and the obli�ona sxurod
<br /> � " hereby shall remain fully effecave�s,u�na acceleration had accurre.�.However,this sight to rcieestate stiall not app y In tha cese of
<br />:�'�r i,ti•":� acceluatlon undu para�aph 17.
<br /> '.�"`�'��` 19.Stdle of IVote;Clwnge ot Loxn 5ervker. 'Itie Note or � par�al interest in the Note (together with this Secetcity
<br /> . •�.,,
<br />__����{ Ins�ucpent) may bo sold oae or moze ti�nes without pdor nottce to Borrowu.A saie may result in a change in thts entiry pmawn
<br /> as th�°L,oan guvlcer")that colle�ts monthly payments due under the Nou and this SeciuIty Insonunent'll�em also may be u�e a
<br /> ,:`5:,;:r!,. more changes of the Loan Servicer unr�:lated w a sele of the NoY�.If thcre is a ch�nge of the Loan Servicer,Borrowcr w�,Y be
<br /> ,•;4z:, given written notke of the chenge in accardance with parngcaph 14 above and appllcable law.'ltie nodce wlll state the�n�<a�d
<br />:�;:°r;� address of the aew Loan Secvicu and the address w whkh paymoats should be made.'Ibe nodce wiU silso consai� sr.}��ctfha
<br />;:i�i.... .`: �: informatloa rcquircd bY a�PUcabk law.
<br /> --.��,��,. Zp.H�rardoua Substanc�s. Borrower shall not cauae or permit the presei►ce, use, disposal, storc�a, ar iekase oF any
<br /> �%s'.r ya�ardous Substances on or in the Property.Bomnwer shaU not do.nor allow anyone else to do.anything affccnng the Propesty
<br />°f��"1`>`'' that is in violadon of any Envinonmental I.aw.The preceding two sentences shall not apply to tk�a�presence,use,or storage on the
<br /> Y�-:''"'�; ��af°msl!gi:anili�s of Ha�-ndn��c Substences that are generally recognued to be q�DriaGe w normal residential uses
<br /> y`� and to maintEnance of the Property.
<br /> � '-�^� ; Borrowu shall promP�S' B�ve Lender written nodce of any investigatian.cltiiim, demand�wsuit or other ecdon b any
<br /> m
<br />-�:,;��.•�• g o v e m m e n t e l or n g u l a t o ry e B�Y or prlvate party involving the Propeity and any He�ardw�s Substance or Hnvlronmen Law
<br /> ----° of whkh Borrower hes acwsllawwledge.Y f Borrowar learns. ctt i.s�no W�e d by any govemmen t a l or re g u�w ry a u t h o r I ty.�t a nq
<br /> --� . re.anava�cu wher�iatbn ot'ar►y F[azutdous 5ubstan�e��ing�he Property is necessary.Bomowu shall prompdy take all
<br /> --::-_- a�'�emodial ecdons in aocordance wi��nvirorimctua]LAw.
<br /> -- ,� r�i in this puagraph 20, "I3�eardous Substances" are�7wse substances deCined as wxlc or ha�ardous substeuxes by
<br /> �v�nmentel Law and the folbwing substances: gasoline. rerosene, othu flammable or Wxic petrok.�m �raducts, toxic
<br />_ pes8cides and herbicides.voluile solvents,materials contaiaing asbesws or forn�aldehyde,and radioacdve matenals.As used ln
<br />_�_Th p: ��ragraph 2p,"Environment�II,aw"means federal Iaws and Iaws of lhe ju:isdicdon where the Proputy is locaud that relate
<br />-_-:''4,:�: to healtb.safety or environmcaral pc.rnection.
<br /> ��� � NON-LJN�ORM COVINAN't'S.Boaower and Lendet further covcnant and agra as follows:
<br /> ' 21.poakrat{o�;Reamedies.Lendar shW give noNa to Borrowu prbr to acakntbn fotbwing Borro�ver'e brach ot
<br /> — any rnvenant or agre�ement In t6Es Security Iestrument (but not prbr to aoceleration uader parA�rap6 17 unk�e
<br /> ' appllcsbk law provWes otherwbe?•T6e notice shall spectty:(a)t6e default;(by the actbn required to cure the detault; (c)
<br /> - �date,aot less t6�n 30 days (tom t6e dnte the notioe b�iven to Borrower,by whk6 the default must be curedi and (d)
<br /> t6at tafa:re to cure the defiWt on or betore the dAta speciikd in t6e notiee moy resWt in acakratioe ot the sums etcaral
<br /> _.-_:.--� by���►y Instrumeat and sak ot the Prop+erty.The aotloe shail furtMer jnPoren�orruwer of t6e rig6t to reir�s�tc
<br /> �a aooe{er�ttbn and t6e right to bring a couri acdon to assert t6e non-existence ot a de�iult or�tn�ot6er defense ot
<br /> Borrawer to acoekratbn and sile.V the default i�not cured on or before the date apecitkd in t6e notke�Lender�at ib
<br /> optbn,moy require im�nediate payment in full ot all sums aecured by t6ts Security Iustrument without further demand
<br /> - and may iavoke the power o!s�le An�any other remedks permitted by appllcabk law.Ledder sh�U be eatit{ed to milect
<br /> __ _ nll expeneq incurred ie pursuina tbe remedies provided in thi�paragraph 21,includieg,but not limited to,reasonabk
<br /> -_= attornepa'tees and casts ot titk evidena.
<br /> _�,� It the power ot sak is invoked, Trustee s6aU record � nWice ot defs�uk ia eac6 county in whkh any part of the
<br /> _r 4��1� property is bcated and shall r.iAil copks of such notice ie t6e mAaner pr+escribed by applicabk law to Borrower and tu t6e
<br /> - ::��a- otha�pt►sona prescribed by appliaDk Ww.Af'ter the time requtred by Applkabk law,Truatee shall give publk eotic�e ot
<br /> '• �:���-�'' sak to the persoes and ia the manner prescribed by applicable law.Trusta,without demand oa Borrower�slwlt sell the
<br /> ;'�r�?xk;+.,
<br /> -::..;,;�;,;>:, Property at public auctlon to t6e htghest bidder ut the time and place and under We terms destgnAted in t6e notia ot sak
<br />-..•i�(,� �y)
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