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<br />:r�r . ' 97-- lo'�►QB'7
<br /> S.Hanrd o�Property Insarance. Borrower shell kccp the improvemcnts now cxisting on c�rcafter uxted on the Propcny
<br /> insurod ��inst loss by C�rc, hazards lnclud�wlthin the tem� "outendod coverege"and any other ha�aMs, 3ncluding floods or
<br />"""�°� � floading,for which Lender roquires insurance.7t�is insurarce shall bo maintainal in the amounts and for the pariods that Lcnder
<br />-� rcquires.'Rte insorattce carrIer providIng the Insurancc sh:tll G;.�:hoscai l�y IIarrowcr subjcct w Lendee's approvul which shall not
<br /> bc unroasonably withheld. I�Borrower fails a mainrain covuage described above, Lenda may. at L.cndcr's opdon,obisin
<br />� coverage w proioct Lendu's righis in the Proputy in accordance with peragraph 7.
<br /> AU in.gurance potkies ar►d renewals shall be acceptable to i.ender uid shall include a stendard mortgage clausc.Lender shnU
<br />:�.. hava Ihe rlght W hold tho polkies and ru�ewals. If Lender roquires.Borrower shall promplly giva to Lc:nder all rccelpts of paid
<br /> premiums and renewal notices.In the event of loss.Borrowu shall give prompt nodce to tha Insurance carrier and I.ender.I.ender
<br /> may make prnof of loss!f not made prompdy by BoRnwcr. =
<br /> _i. ;:.; Unkss Lenda and Botrowcr othuwlse agree in wridng,insuranoe proceods shall be appUod to cest�ration or npair of thc
<br /> ,-•:;�f�;il �P�nY��8�,�����n or repair ls econamicaUy feasibk end Lend�r's securiry is not lesseaed. If the rostorntlon or -
<br />=?.,r_'.�.•..:, . ropair is not economkally feasibk or I.endcr's security wauld 6e less�od, the insurnnoe pr0000ds shall be applied to the sums
<br /> � � � secared by lhis Securiry Instcurnent,whether or not then due, with ony excess paid to Borrower. ff Borrowu abandoas the
<br /> v.
<br />_=,,:;'�i+� Propecty,or da,c not aaswer within 30 days a nodce from I.ender tl�t the insurance carrIer has offined to seule a claim,then
<br />--'` ��:`�' Lender ma collect the lnsutance
<br /> - - � Y praceeds.I.eader mtty uso the proceeds w r+cpair or rest�n tlee Property or w pay sums socured
<br /> .•,';��!�µ�. by this 3ecurlry I�strumtat,whethu or not Ihen due.'Itie 30-day periad will begir►when d�e notice is givan.
<br />:-:;,+�'!;�;rt Unless Lendu and Borrowu otherwise agroe in wrldnB+�Y�PP�n of proceeds to principal shall not extend ar postpone
<br /> '' •' the due date of the:nonUily payments referred w in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments.If under paragraph
<br />-�..�,,i4,� 21 the Proputy is ecquic�ed by Lendu,Borrower's dght to any insurenca policles end proceeds resulting from damage to tha
<br /> ����`�t� Propercy pdor to tha acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums sc;cured by this SecurIty Instr�ment LnmediataIy
<br /> <<: .; �
<br />,=;�};;�;, pr�or to the scquisItion.
<br /> _ _�� • 6.Occupancy,Preservation,Mnintenance And ProtecHon ot the Property; Borrower's I.oaa Applkation;Lesiseholds.
<br />__�'j�,' . Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal resldence vv�thin si�ty days after the execudon of
<br /> _-�=�•,�• this Sxurlty inswment and shall condnue to occupy We Pmperry as Borrower's principal residence for at least ona year afrer the
<br /> '':.�,�, date of accupancy, unkss Le►►der osherwlse agrees in wrldng, wtzich consent shell not be unreasonably withheld, or nnless
<br />��`��� extenuating clrcumstances oxic�which are beyond Bomower's control.Borrower shall not destro . pair perty,
<br /> -,..:�r��m Y dan►a8e or im the Pro
<br />---_-- allow ihe Froputy co deterinrxt�e, or cammit waste on the t�rope�ty.t�ortower shal! be in default If any forfeiwre acdon or
<br /> _.�=n;�`::r�
<br /> __. procoeding,whetha civil ar criminal,is begnn that in Lender's good feith Judgment cauld result in forfeidue of the Property or
<br /> �,:w-=�'; otheiwLse materially Impair tha lIen creatod by this Socnrlty Instnunent or I.ender's securlry interesG Bomowu may cure such a
<br /> ----_ default and minstate. av provIded in paragraph 18,by cansing ihe acdon or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that, in
<br /> --------- Lenda's good faith datuminadon,procludes fodeiwre of the Borrowu's Interest In the Property or other materlal impairment of
<br /> °--T.`"� the llen cceated by this Sxurity Instrument or I�er�dcr's accurIry inta+est.Z3omower shaU also be in dcfault if Bocrower,durLig the
<br /> -- loan applkadon process,gave mau,riaUy false a Inacc�rate inforrnation or sratements to Lender(or failed to provIde Ltnder with
<br />___-= any mate�al lnfamatlon) !n connecdon with the loaa evIdenced by thc Note, includIng, but not limited w,representations
<br /> --��-F� . conceming Bormwer's occupancy of tha Property a3 a principal resideaice.If this Sxurity Insaument Ls on a leasehold,Barowu
<br /> � shall comply with all the provisfons of tho lease.If Borrowu acqafres toe dQe to the Praperiy,the leasehold end the foe tiUe shell
<br /> . not merge onless Lenda agrees to the merger in wridng.
<br /> , 7.Protectbn ot Lender's[tights in the Property. If Bocrower feills w perform the coveaants and agreerrxnts containod in
<br /> - this SecurIty Ins�rument,or there is a legal praceeding that msiy significandy affect L.ender's rights in tho Property(such as a
<br /> == proceeding in bankruptcy,probate.for conderanapion or forfeiture a to enforce laws or ngulations).then Lender may do and pay
<br /> -- for whatevei Ls necessary to protect th�value of the Property and I.ender's dghts In the Propert;•.L,ender's acdons msy include _
<br /> paying any aoms secured by a liea which hag priodty over this Saurity Instrument, eppearing in co�ut, peying reasonable -
<br />-_-- ___- attornays' fxs end eatesing nn the Pm�,.rty te m?Ze rcpaira.A:thocagh:.cndtx may ta3ce acttor�under ti��i puragr�ph 7,Lcnder -
<br />— — does not have w do so.
<br /> Aay amonnis disbursed by L.ender uuder this paragraph 7 shall beoome addIdonal debt of Borrower secured by this Secnrlty
<br /> Instrument Unkss Borrower and Lerider a�ee to other terms uf payment, these amounts shaU bear Interest from the date af
<br /> -•---- dlsbursement at the Nots rete nnd shall be pay�tble,with interes[,upon nodce from L,ender w Borrowcr requesdng paymen� -
<br /> 8.Mortgage Insuranca If Lender required mortgage insuranc�as a condition of making the loan secuned by thLc Seciuity
<br /> Instrument, Bormwer shall pay the premiums rcqulred to maintein the mnrtgage insurance in cffec� If�for any reason, the
<br /> '� mortgege insurance cov e Wred b Lenda
<br /> �'__� �B �1 Y 1aPses or ceases to be in cffect,Barower shsll pay the pm,rniums cequired to
<br /> __ �-- obtain covuaga substsndally eqnivalent t� the mortgage insurance p�edously in effect,at a cost substandally equivalent to the
<br /> r�,�j cost w Borrower o f d�e mortgage insurance previously in effect,fran an alteniate mortgage insumx approved by Lender. If
<br /> ____�;� substantielly equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available,Barrower shaU pay to Lender each month a s�un equal to
<br />