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. � � . _ . ,..• . . , , 'b,4,.... <br /> , �.. . . .. . . � ... . . . . - -o._..�- :�ius:��� <br /> r� .. � Nv . . .__....�.- �.�1'--_......JririuleLriJa�il✓1H__a.s:..y_� <br /> . .' . ii n'_.�� <br /> .—z-.,,._.,-� <br /> .. M� _����riitFrl�lilNb�'iMh�i�tsn[�+S'�r_'�7!4F4�MP.. .'i..•,t �'.��..- .. - •'T --- ,. .,. . .. . . . ..:�:r•...�.-.._....._._ <br /> �:��t•� .. _ . . <br /> `�"�� ' 17. Tt+���f�r of th� Prop�rty or �B��n�flaial Int�r�st In Borrow�r. it .n or.ny part ot the Props�ly or <br /> ,,,. <br />�''"�f'�rh`?:;� . �ny Intereat In ft la sold or tnnuterred(or R a beneticl�l Intaeat In Borrower Is aold or tnnaferred and 8onower la not�n�Fxwl <br /> , peraon)wlthout Lender'e prlor wrltten coneent, L�nder may,�t Ile optlon.requlre Immedl�te p�yment In fuN of�N aums oecured by <br /> � thla Securlry Inetrument. However,thla optlon aluY not be exerGsed by Londar II exerclse Is prahlblted by (edenl law oe ol Ihe� <br /> dats ot thla securiry Inetrument. <br />_ , ��+ If Lender exxdaea thls optlon, Lender sh�plve Borrower notice o}�ccelentlon. The natice eh�ll provlde�p�riod ol noty <br /> leas thin 30 d�ye hom the dute the notice ia detivered or mslled wflhln whlah Borrower must pty all auma eecund d�y Nfe <br />- � S�curlly Inetrummt. !( Borrowsr f�Ns to pay th��� auma prior to the explratlon of thle perfod, Lender nuy Invoke�ny rem�h�• <br />�'�''�" ..i.�i pamltted by thla 9ecurily Inatruma�t wlthoul turlhK notlae or demand on Bortower. <br /> � 18. Borrower'c Rt�rit to FiQI1lit�ti. N 6oirower nieele certoln condltlons, Uonowsr shall h�va the rtqlil to h�v <br /> enforcement of thls 3acurfly Instrument dl�co�tYwed at �ny tkne prlor to the e�dler ot: (a) 5 daya (or such olhe►pelad• <br />_�� appllc�bte Iaw ma e e tor rdnet+�tanent belae aale of the Pro y power of eale contalned In thle 9 <br /> y p cNy � perty purouant to an <br /> Inetrument: or @) entry o1 a Judgment enforcing thla 3ecurlty Inatrument.7hoae condlGons are thst Borrower. (R)p�ya LendK a <br /> - .� numa whlch then would be due under thla 3ecully Instrument end the Note es B no acaeleraUon had occuned; (b) r,urea my <br /> ��•� delsuR of nny other oovenant or agreements; (c)paya all expenaes IncuRed In onforcing thle 3ecurfty Inetrument,Ineluding,but <br /> � `� not Ilmfted to, reneonable attomeys'tees; and (d)takes such actlon as Lender may renaonably requlre to aeaure thnt the iien of <br /> ' thls Securlty Inetrument, Lender's �ights In the Roperty and Bortower's obllgaUon ta pay the suma secured by thla 8aarfty <br /> �� � � Inshument shall cnntlnue unchanged. Upon rehstatement by Bortawer, thls Securfty Inatrument and tho obllgetlona s�cvred <br /> �'��� w�' hereb ahall rema(n fu g Pply <br /> �;�r?° y 1ry effeclke as II no aceekr�tion had occurred. However,thls d ht to relnstate shell not a in the ase <br /> _`�+•'�� ^ of aecderatlan under�angnph 17. <br /> v,.;•�,,:"k.�; 19. Sal� of Nat�; Chango of Loan �ue�'viCO►. The Note or a a partlal Interest In the Note (together wfth lhls - <br /> ���'�,�;��`�t', Security Instrumml ma be sold one or moro tlmes wlthout dor not�e to Borrower.A sale ma resutt In a chnnge !n the entlty <br /> ,.,.tt,;:;:jtt ) Y P Y <br />,:�'.;,;;:�;;;1 j'•:°�` (known as the'Loon 3ervlcer')that collects monlhly paymmte due under the Note and thls Secuclty Instrument. There dso ou�y <br /> �ti:. <br /> � :;;��:�; � be one or moro chsnges of the Loan Savlcer unrdated to a sale of the Note. It there ls a change of tha Loan Se�vker. <br /> ° ��'�'ti;;;; Borrower wlll be gNen written noUce of the ah�npe In accordance wRh paragraph 14 above and appllcable law. fie nodeewitl <br />�';f;',!;,;:�:��,', stete the name and eddross oi the new Loan Senlcer and the addmss to whlch payments should be mede. Thm naUce wtll tlso <br /> ' �""= cant�ln r�ny other IniortnaUon requlred by applicade lew. <br />`.:�,.�:i,".:;:':rt:: <br /> �'�:�' � �0. Huardous S�ibstanees. Barr�wa shaN not cause or permlt tha presence, use, dlaposal, storage,or releaae of <br />_:Tir''�� any Haz��dous Substancea on or In the Properry. Borrower sha(1 nat do, nor allow anyone el�e to do, anything a1Tecllnfllh8 <br /> .7�t <br /> J� ;� Properry thnt Is In vlol+itlon of any Em(ronment�L..�w. The precedfng two sentencea ahall not apply to the prese�ce,uae,or <br /> `'�s�' stora e on the Pro <br /> y perty oi amall quenUtles ot F4¢�ardous Subatences thet are c�ene�ally recognlzed to be approp�te to namal <br />�_s.��,a� raldenHal uses and to malntenmce of the PropMy. <br /> __ _ BoROwer ahai prompUy ghre Lender wriiten �oUce of any inveatlgatlon, clalm, demand, lawsult or other actlon by any <br />�-;�;�� govemmental or reguktory agency or pdvate party involving the Property nnd any Haxardous Substance or Emironmentel L�rr of <br /> ..,.,,�..�.� whleh Borrowa h�e actu�t knowledge. 11 Bonower leams, or Is notlfled by any govemmentai ar regulatory authority,th�t eny <br />___j7.�s� remowl or othet remedkUon of any Ha=udoue Subatance atteot(ng Property Is necesaary, 9ortower ahell promptly t�►fca all = <br /> '.:_�n;� necesa�ry romedlal ectlons In accordance with Envlromm�nt�l Law. <br /> —��;�;� Aa uaed k►thls panpreph 20, "Hazardoue bLbstances' are thoae aubstancea deMed ae toxlo or h�zardoua aubaLncea by <br /> --_-- _.- Em(ronmental Law �nd the foYOXing aubatanas: flasollne, kerosene, other 1lammabte or toxlo petroteum products, loxlo <br /> = peadddes and herblcldes,vol�Ule aolvents,mateNla contehing aabestos or fortneldehyde, and radloactive materi�ls. Ae uaed fn <br /> _�� peragnph 20, 'Enrkonmental Law' mana fedenl lawe and lawa ot the Ju�ladlcUon where the Propaiy Is lacated that rolat�to <br /> _ heaRh,eatery or envlronmenUl proteatlan. <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. 8ortower and lender turther covenant and agroe as follows: <br /> �= -�— 21. Acad�ratton; R�m�dl�s. L.�nd�r shall gfvo notic� to Borrow�r prlor to �cc�bra�don <br /> iollowlnp Borrow�r'� br�at:h af �ny cov�nant or �pre�m�nt tn thts S�curity Instrum�nt (but no�t <br /> prlor to �ccde►atlon und�r parayraph 1 T unloss appllc�blo 1�►w provldos oth�rwla��. Th� notic� <br /> r shsll ap�cHy: (a) th� dNaulh (b)th��tlon r�qulr�d to cur� th� dsf�ul� (c) • dat�, �ot I��s th�n <br /> 30 d�ya rtrom th� dat�the notic� la�plv�n to Borrow�r, by whlch th� drhult must b�our�d; �nd <br /> (d) thst failur� to aur� th� d�f�utt on or b�ton th� d�t� sp�cffl�d In ihs notia� m�y ntuH In <br /> ' aca�l�r�tlon of th�sums acur�d by thls S�cu►ftyr Instrum�nt�nd aal� of th� Prop�rty.1'h�notl¢e <br /> shslt lurth�r Info►m Borrow�r of th�rl�ht to r�tnst�t� att�r �cc�l�nitlon and th� Npht to brinp a <br /> _._. -_-y court actlon to aas�rt th� nan-�xld�nc� ort a d�fauk or any olh�r d�tans� of Borrowsr to <br /> --�_-- acc�l�ratlon and a�l�. N th� d�huR I�s not cund on or b�fore th� dat� sp�cifl�d In tho nart(c�. <br /> I.�nd�r at Its optlon may nqulw Imm�dlat� paym�nt fn full of all �ums s�cur�d by thts S�c�rity <br /> Instrum�nt without furtt»► d�mand �nd may Invok� th� pow�r of sal� and any oth�r rvmwdl�e <br /> ------ p�rmilt�d by �ppllc�bl� lwv. L�and��ihsll b� ontRlsd ta aoU�ct all exp�nsss inaurnd tn purs�ing <br /> th� nm�dl�s provld�d In thls p�ra�nph 21� tnoludtnp, but not Itmltod to� roasonabl� arttorn�ys' <br /> _ __ f��s and costs of tklo �vld�nc�. <br /> _ - _= If th� pow�r of sal� ts Invok�d,Trust�o shalt r�cord a notico of dofauk tn ��ch county t� <br /> _�ti?�� which any po�t of th� Prop�rty ts locs�hd and shall mAfl copt�s of suoh notlao In the ma�neR <br /> _�_i�_=�_�� proacrlb�d by�ppllcsbl� law to Borrower and to th� othor p�raons pr�sarlbed by appllcabl� I�xr. <br /> .-=y,�=m..-- A1t�r th� tim� r�qui��d by �ppltcabb law, Trust�o shall glw publlc nottc� of ato to th� p�rsons <br /> --�"�•w� . <br /> _:���}�, ��,. �nd tn the mann�r prescribed by appllcable law. Trust��� witheut d�mand on Borrower, ah�ll wll <br /> `�+}s��: th� Proporty �t publlc auctlon to t�hlgh�st bldder at tho tlms and placo and u�d�r tt»t�rms <br /> `.�-;;if'F.'�� ' d�slpnatad In th� notic� of aal• In one or mors parcels and tn any order Trust�� dstermims. <br /> '�•�•{`��;4,• Trust�o may postpono sale of all orany parcol of tho Property by publlc announcemsnt at ihe <br /> ;.:,�'i;�,., tims �nd plac� of any provtoualy achoduled sal�. Lsnde� or tts d�slgnso may purch�a� iha <br /> '' r.-x.L.,k+k: Prop�rty tt any aal�. <br /> '�_� Upon rocoipt of paymont of tho prico bld. Trustoo shall dolivor to tho purcha�or Truslu's <br /> c_ <br />_``�.-��,�:; vesa conv�yiny iiw rropsity. T�� ��ciEa(s In tn� Trustee'a cNsd shatl be prlmr i�cle �vldonc�of <br /> ,,,';r;"" th� truth of th� sht�monts mad� tl»r�ln. Trusteo shall apply th� proc��ds of th� aal� In ths <br /> - following ord�r. (a) to all coats and axpons�s ef oxs►clsing th� pow�r of s�lo, and th� �I�. <br /> � Including tho paymont of the Truata�'s toos actualty inaurrad� not to exao�d thr�� <br /> ' 96 of tho prinelpa! amoue�t of tha <br /> not� et ths tlm� ot th� declaratlon o}d�huR, and reasonable attorney's te�s aa permtttad by Itw; <br /> (b) to all �ums s�oursd by thts Sscurlty Instrum�nt; and (c) any exceas to ths psraon or p�raona <br /> I�gally �ntitl�d to k. <br /> � `,' F1316-LMO(1Nn Paqe 4 uf 5 � � ' <br /> � 97100 � <br /> , _ _� <br />