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<br /> ~'�""� ' TOt�THEH 1MTH �I th�knprowrnmts now or h�redtv K�cted on the property, and �p assin�nts, �ppudeo�ncea, end
<br />"_��,�
<br /> . A�Aure� naw or hKwftr� put of th�propary.AN ropltcemente�nd�dditlone ehaM�lao be cov�ered by thla Saailty Inetrument,
<br />- �, AN o1 th�(a�palnp Is r�lared to in this B�curity Inetrumsnt�s the "Prop�ty.'
<br /> ~,� '+ BQRROWER COVENANTS th�t Bortowa Is I�wfully aelzed ot the estate haeby conveyed �nd hte the Hyht to pnnt and� _
<br /> � . ,, conwyr th� Properry ra�d th�l the property le unencumbered, except tor encumbrance� 01 record. Barower w�rt'ante u�d wIN� �t-:
<br /> ,,� ... ddend psn�raNy th�tHN lo th�Property�Winat�1 dakna�nd d�nda.eubJact to my enwmbrances ol recad. _
<br /> THIS 9ECURIiY IN9TRUMENT cambkies unNorm cown�nta for natlon�l use rnd non-uNfwrm coven�nta wHh ilmlts�
<br />_��j:` vulationa by Jurtsdkltan b conatHute 4 unNorm s�curity Inatrumenl covahq red properry. _
<br /> UNl�ORM CAVENANTB. Borrowa�nd Lender covenmt�nd�qree�a tollowa: ___
<br />"-'�,�,�-.• 1. Paym�nt at Prinolpal �nd Int�nst; Pnpaym�nt and I.�b Ch�r��s.Bortawer ahoN prompUy pay wh �
<br /> '"'T '�� due the�Gp�� of and Intere�t on the debt evi�enced by ihe Note u►d any propRyment md I�te charpes due under the Note. _
<br /> z_ �� 1. ultd� i0r TWCpa Atld lt181lrIIflCe.Sub�cct to nppNcabl�Inw ar to e wrNten walvex by Lencfer,Bartower ahaN p� ��
<br /> ---- to Untf�r on th�d�y monthy paym�nta ara du�undu the Note, untN th�Note la peid In tuA, �eum('Funds')tor. (a) yM
<br /> � _� tucss �nd �aeesama�te which en�y attaln prlorlty over thla Security Instrument aa a Nen on the Property; (b) Ye�r1y le�aehold
<br /> -�+�+� paym«►ts or pround renls on the Propary, H any; (o) yarly haerd or propaty Ineunnce prernluma; (d) ye�►1y 11aod Insunnce �
<br /> � pr�rdums,tl my; (t) yerly matg�ye inaunnce premhrma,R any:end (Q tny auma payahle by Barowato Lender In eccordance
<br /> '.Y� wfth the prodalone of p�ra9nph 8, (n keu of the p�ymant o1 mortqage Inaunnce premluma. These Aema are caqed 'Escrow _
<br /> �'y.• • Iteme' LenAor may,�t any ttme, coNect and ho�d Funds In�n amount not to exceed the mximum amount a lender tor a
<br /> ° IedereAy related mortg�ye Ic�ui m�Y requke for Bortower'n escrow �ccount under the federel Reel Estnte 3ettlemant Proceduroa _.
<br /> TW��'�s��, Aat o1 1874 as amended iram tlme to t4ne, 12 U.B.C.@ 2801 et aeq. ('RESPA'), unleas another kw th�t eppllea to the Funda �..
<br />`;��E?�;a
<br /> ��J�"� eeta� leaaer amount. H so,lender may, at any Ume, eolieet end hold Funda tn en amount not to exceed the leaser amount.
<br /> "'Y°',� Lender may estJm�te the aenount ot Funda due on the basis ol current date and re�sonable estinates of expendfturos ot future
<br /> '�-. 1:.a.� �
<br /> ,-;a�;y Eacrow Items e4 othe�wbe in�ccordance wfth appRc+�We I�w•
<br /> ::;�'L��;I The Funds sMN Oe heW h an InatttuUon whose deposks aro insu�ed by a teder�i ngmcy, imslnovmntt�Nry, or entriy(hduding
<br /> �_�t,��_ Le�dK, M Lender b auch am hsU:uGon) or In any Fede�l Home loan BRnk. 4a�der shnN�ppy lh�Funds to pay the Earxow
<br />_�;i.w,r� Itema. Lender may not chsirqe Borrower for holding and y�ptyYiy the Funsfs, annualy anatyzing lhe esaow�ccount,or verHykip
<br />''`�'�"�'� tha Eecrow Iteme, unbsa I.ender p�ya Bortowor hterest on tho Funds and appNcnbie law pertnita Lendar to mako auch a c
<br /> � `��,�'�, charye. Howeve►,Le�der rrry roquke Borrowe► to pay a onetime cherge for an (ndependent red est�te tuc repartkig service
<br />-S�_�..�
<br /> -�•�_, uaed by Lender In connectbn witb thle loan, unlesa appNc�hle law providea othawise. Unbsa en ageament la made or
<br />':'�f�; 51� appNoable I�w rvqulr�na htereat to be peld. Lender ahdl not be requked to pay Dorrower any intero�t or�mings on the Funde.
<br />��,� Bortawe► end l.ender mW �qree In w►itin9� however, that intaest ah�N be ptid on the Funds.I.ero�er ah�H gNe to Bortower, _
<br /> ,�� wkhout chuqe. �n eannudl exountlng ot the Funds, ahowing crodits �nd debite to the Funda and the purpoae tor whlah each _
<br />,_;;;,�na�, debft to the Funds wae made. The Funds aro piedged as addiUonai aecurfty for all svms aecu�ed by the Security Instn+ment.
<br /> ----=
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