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<br />:�:�'• �• • o lon er be rc u�red�at the optlon of i.ender, if mo=tgt8e insurAnce caveraga (In the amount m�for th��P���
<br />,--�:,.•� P a Y�a t a m a y a 8 9
<br /> ._�,. that Lender requires)provided by pn insurer approv e d by L en der�g d a b e�m e s�v d l�b l e�n d l s o b t a i n e d. B o r�'�wer shdl p�y
<br /> ;���� �p�pnu�ium,y require�l to m�lntaln mortgagc insttrnnce in effect,or eo provide a loss nserve,until the nquinmeut for morcg�8e c
<br /> iasuranc�e ends in accor�ana witd wy wcitten�gceemeat between Borrower and Leadet or spplic�blo law. ��er sd�il glve
<br /> faA C
<br />�_.,.,,�� q.Iaspedton. Lender or its agent may wake reasonable entr�a upon aad inspections of the Property
<br /> '-��� Borrower notice at the time of or prlor to an iaspection specifying reawnable cause for the inspection,
<br /> 10. CODda110A1I011.The procxds of any awazd or claim tor demages, ditect or consequendal. in oonnection with �ay
<br /> �,'� condemnatian or other talcing of any garc of the Propercy,or for conveyance in lieu of caademnation. u�e hereby atsigaod and
<br /> � , � shall be patd to L.ender. -
<br />"+�''�;: 'F In the event of a total Wcing of[he Pcv�pertY.t�ee F�oo�s adall be applied to the suma secured by thia Securiry Instmnnent.
<br />"��f�� d to Sorr�wu. Ln the event of a parttal taking of ttu Property in which the fdr
<br />•�,i�:;n� whethcr or uot th�a due, wich�ny excas�Sai
<br /> n
<br />-;°:�i':,:} , market value of the Propeny imnnediateLY�efore the taktc�g is eq�at ro or greater than the amount of t6e sums axurod bY s
<br />'`,::'�'..,._ Secudty Instrumeat immediately before the e�ng�unless Borro�rc wd!Lender otherwlse agroe in wrlting,the sums secured by
<br /> -��� Wis Security Insuument shwll be reduad by the amount of tDe�ro��W3 muldplied by the following fracdon: (a�la el�
<br /> - amount of the sums securcd immediatcly before the takin8. dirided h�X fb) thc fair market value of thc Property Y
<br /> ,�:w��
<br />.�, befor�the taking. Any bilence shatl be paid co Borrower. In the event af a p�a�taking of the Property in which the fats� _
<br /> -=�}� market v�lue of the Propeity imaaediatdy before che taking is las tha�s the amoua�ef the sums secured innn�diately befon tha
<br /> �"5'"� " taking�unloss Borrower aad Lender othenvise agree in writing or unless applicab�e 3aw othenvlse provides�the procads s6�11
<br />--"- b�applied to the sums secured by this Socur►ry 3nstru�nt whether or aot the sums a�tt►en due.
<br /> '`�,V� If the Pcoperty is aU�d�oned bY BorroWer.or if,after notix by L.ender to BQr.c�sarer that the c�ndemnor of[�ta co make�a
<br />:M`:=".�'� award or aettle a clai►n f��r�lamages. Bonowcr fails co cespond to Leader witkid 3D days after the dau the uotia is given,
<br />'-�`� 1 the roceafs,at iu npdon.etther to restonaon or nepatr of the Property or w the su�s
<br /> '�"� L.ender is authorized w�od;re�t aad aPP Y P
<br />_;___:�� �cured by t�5ecudty Insttvmeut,whether or not thea due. lication of pmaeds to PrinctPal shaU not extend o=
<br />_�:�� UNess L.�nder and Bosrower otherwise agree ia writing,anY aPP
<br /> _._- �ostQone the due date of tbe n►onthly paYments referred to in pac+grapl�,+1 and 2 or change the amouat of such payments•
<br /> ~�.� 11.Borrowa Nut Rdeased►Focbwrsnce By Laeder Not s Woi�ver.�xtens�oa�o athccessor ia tnt nst of B�a�s adall
<br /> -_-,:,�- of amort�zation of the aums secured bY chis"aa:��it�r��t;r�ate� Y-- -=- Y
<br /> -----� not operau to reloase the liab�iry of the original Boaov�ar ar B+.�awes's successors ia interest. I.eader ah�ll not be req�nred tv
<br /> oommence pmceal�nSs aBainst any successor in iaunst or r�fus� z�er�t�nd tiane for payment or otherwise modilj►aimorc*.�mian
<br /> �� of the num� sawred by Q�s Security Instnimenc bY rea�on of any demand wade by the original Borrower or Aoccmwr.r's
<br /> sucoessors in intenst• AnY lorbearar►ce by I.ender in exercising any riBht or remedY shall n°�be a wa�ver uf�ar�soclude c�e
<br /> �- —= exereise of eny dght or remeedy.
<br /> - - �. �����g� �d;Jotnt and Several Li�bility; Co-signar�. The coveaaata and agroaments of t1s��
<br /> � Secnrity Insuument shall bind and benefit tAe suc,cessors and assigns of Lender and Bormwer,aubject to the provtsiorx�n7
<br /> - -' puagcaph 17. Borrower's covw�ats and agraments shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who �w-signs thia Savrisy
<br /> Iasuument but does not ez�cute the Note: (a)!s co-signin8 this Security Instnuneat only to moctgaBe. gtmt smd ooavsy that
<br /> Borrower'a interest in the Pmpeity under the urms of this Security Instnwnent: (b)ia not peraontily obligxo�aa pay tt►e au�
<br /> exuced UY this Securlty Instn�mes►t: and(c)aS�s that Lender and my other Borcower may�gine to extend.mniily�forbeu or
<br /> make any�commodaxioa+wtth ngard to the terais of thls Security Iastrument or the Note without ttut Somnwer'a conseat.
<br /> 13.Lo�n Char6es.If the lo�n aocured by this Securlty Iastn�meat is aubjoct to a liw whicb sets m�ucimum lo�n ci�uBa�
<br /> and thu law is finally incerpreted sn that tt►e interest or other la9n c.huges oolloctsd or to be oollacxed �n o�ueetion wit6 tLe
<br />_ lo�n eaceod the permitted linilta,thcn:(a)any such low charge shill be reduccd�by ahe amount nx�suy to reduoe the c�rge
<br /> - ----� to the permittc�W��it: and (b) anY�uma nlrr�ly cnllecud from Botmwet whicb exseeded pezmitted Umits wiU be retunded to
<br /> ----- - Borrower. Lender may choose to make this nfvnd by roducing the principal owed under the Note or t�y ruaking a dli�cct
<br /> payment to Bormwer. If a refimd reduces principal. the ttducdon will be treited aa a partial Pnp�Ymeat wlthout any
<br /> pnpryment clurge aader the Nou.
<br /> 14.Notioa.Any noticc tn Borrower pmvtded for in this Secudty Instcumeat ahall be givca by delivtrcRB�t or by n�llin6
<br /> it by first class mail unlaa applicablc law requires use of anot6er method. The nodce ah�ll b�sL'n�ted to 4he i�J�perty Addness
<br /> '� or any other address Bon�ower design�tes by not[oe to L.ender.Any notia to I.esder sbiLl be givea by firat ctau �i1 to
<br /> - Lender's addnsa stuod t�nin or any other address Lender daign�tss by nodoe to Borrower. Any notice pmvidal for iu 2�i�
<br /> -- - Securityr Instrument sh�ll be deemed to have baa given to Borrower or I.ender when given a+provided in thia paragraph-
<br /> -� 15.Governiug I.�w; 3evaabtifty. Thta Security Insw.�oent shall be govemod by fedenl law and the ltw of the
<br /> _,��.���� jurlsdiction in which the ProperiY is located. 1n the event thu any provisloa or clatise of thts Secudcy Instrumeat or the Note
<br /> -,.c,�� � ��tlicta vvil}t applicable law,such conflict shall aot affect otber provisions of this Security L�suument nr the Note which aa be
<br /> '�"'=���� given effoct without tln conflicdng provision.To this ead the pmvisioas of this Securtty lnsuument aad the Note are dalased
<br />�'�'"='`, to be severable.
<br /> �r`;°.,.� 16.Borrowa's Copy.Borrower sh�ll be g�ven oae ovnforn�ed oopy of the Note and of thia Security Insuument.
<br /> Y .11r.` �/�
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