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<br /> �.:;:-�;� , 'I'OC3BTHER WITH all the improvements now or hercafter erected m th�Pcopecq+. �P� `�_
<br /> fi.zturGS aow or hercafter a part of the property. Nl replacementa aad add:*.ions sra11 also be cc�vered by this Security �._
<br />- lastmment.All of the foregoing is refemd to in thia Securiry Ins►cumeict ns[�.�°�'°P�nY•� —
<br /> "o,�,,� BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower le lawfully seised af tha estate tunby coaveyed end has the right to grant and
<br />_.- :�� convey the Property and that the Property is una�cumbered,except for aneumbrances of cecord. Borrower warrants �nd will _-
<br /> dofend generally tha title tv the Pcoperiy against all cluime and daraaada.s¢Dject to u►y encumbrances of ncord.
<br /> ��t����� THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combincs uaifocm covaunnt�fac nadaaal use and non-uu3fo[m CoVGA1At9 wlth limitCd
<br /> •� '� vatlatfona by jurisdiction ta constltute a tmlform sccurlty iQatauraCat covedng real proP�rty• _
<br /> ,.w:.
<br /> ��s,� UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowar and Lendar co���te Chsrga�BorroWer shall promptly pay when due the
<br /> ' 1. Pxyment o� Prineipel �nd Interest; YrepaYa� a ment end late charges due uader the Note.
<br /> `;,�^� priacipal of and interest oa ttte debt evidanced by the Note and any prep y
<br />_,�,; 2.FY�nds[or Taxes r+nd tneur�ece. Subjxt to applicable law or to a wrltten waiver by Lender.Boaower shaU pAy to
<br /> �'�� Lender on the day monthly paymenta are due under the Note,until the Note is paid in full.a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly taaes
<br /> '-,;.
<br /> z� and assesamente which may aaai�►priorlry over this Secudt3+Insuument a�a lien on the Progerty:(b)Yeuly leasehold paymenta
<br /> �jz� or gmuttd rante�u ttte Propercy,if aay;(c)Year1Y hazard or property in�urance pnmiums:(d)Yearly flood insurance pnmium�. -
<br /> - _-- if anyr:fa)Y�u'ly mortgage iasurance premium4. if u►y;and(8 �►Y S�PaYable by Borrower to Lender, ia acc;ordana with
<br />-';�� the pmviaions of paragraph 8,in lieu of the paymeat of mortgage insurance pnmiwns•These items are c�11ed'Escmw Items.'
<br /> _±�"��� Leader may, at any time. collect aad hold Funds in an azaount not to excxd the maximum amaunt a lender for a federally
<br /> nlated mortgage loan may require for BorroW�r'S e�r'°W �°�t�der ttze foderel Real Estate Settlement Pmcalures Act of
<br />:�:�.�;� 197�1 as amended from dme to ticne. 12 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless another law that applies to the Funds
<br /> ----- seta a lesser amounc• If so. L,ender may. at any time. wAect and hold Funda in nn emount not to excad the lesser amount.
<br />__:�:;�� L,ender may estimace the amount of Funds due on the biais of current data and reasonable estimates of w�penditures of futnre
<br /> =-""":"!� Escrow Etems or otherwise in accordance with applicable law.
<br /> - — The Funds ahall be held ►a an insdtution whose deposits are insured by a foderal agency. insuumenteliry, or entity
<br /> �� ({ncluding Lender,if Leader is such an institution)or in any Federal Home L.oan Baaic•1.�nder shall apply the�unds to psy the
<br /> --•� �i;i�w It-ms.I.za3�'m���os r.hargs P`-'r="-'wer for holdlna aad aAD1Y�8�e F��•��ly�y�g�e escrow account,ar
<br /> - —"""� � verifyiug the Eserow Items.unless I.ender pays Borrower intenst on the Funds and applieable law permita i,ender to m�3ce suct�
<br />'`;=� a chazge.However, I.ender may cequire BorroWer to pay a one-tirne chuge for aa independent nal estau taac teporting service
<br /> used by Lender ia connection wIth this loaa, uatess applicable law provldes otherwise. Ualess an agrxment is :m�We or
<br /> '.r app]icablo law requires interest to be paid,Lender shall aot be required to pay Borrower any interost or earnings oa tbe Fw�ds.
<br /> —"='' Borrower end L,ender may agra in wdtin8. however, that iaterest ahall be paid on the Funds. Lender shail give to Borrower.
<br /> _�'" wlthout chuge. an annual accauntin8 of the Fuads, showing credita and debits to the Funds and the pucpose for which e,�ch
<br /> �� debit to the Funds was made.The Funda are plalged as ddidoaal securiry for aU sums securod bY tLia SecurltY Instrument.
<br />=-,-�; If the Funds held by L.ender excad the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law,Lender shtll account to Bomower
<br /> �::, for the excess Fuads in accordance with the requirementa of applicable law.If the amonnc of the F�mds held by Leader ut Aay
<br /> • dme ls rwt sufficient to pay the Escrow Items�e uu���deficieneY Bo wer shall einak p the ficiency in no more thm
<br /> � sball pay to Lender�he amount necessary P y
<br /> twelve montlily prymenta,at Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> Upon piymeat in fiill of all sums aecural by tWs SavrltY Insuu°xnt, I.ender ahall pmmptly nfund to Borrower any
<br /> � Funds held by Lender.If,under paragraph 21,Lender aha11 ac4uiYe or aell the ProPert}'�L�der,prior to the Acquisitioa or sale
<br /> of the Property,ah�11 apply any Funds held by Lender u the ttme of acquiaiHon or sale a4 a credit a8ainst the suau secucod by
<br /> __ -_ tht;Sr.coriry Inane►msnt. P
<br /> _-— — 3.AppUeadon ot Paymenta.Unless appllcable law pmvides othenvise�all Payments received by Lender under Pua$raphs
<br /> — 1 and 2 shaU be ipplied: first, to any gnpayment charges due under the Note; socond,to amounta payable under par�graph 2:
<br /> � third,to iatenst due;fourth�to princ[pal due;and l�st.to any late chazges due under the Nota.
<br /> 4.Ch�u�gest Liem. Bomower ahall pay aU tu�s.asseumenta��b�BG+•�a°d imposidons Atuibutable to the Property
<br /> which muy�ttain prlodty over tt�ia Secudty Insnvmeat. and leasehold payments or gmound rents, if eny. Borrower sh�ll pxy
<br />------ tbese obflgationa in the maaaer providod ia paragraph 2,or if not paid in that mannes,Borroaer ahall pay them on time diraxly
<br /> _ to the person owed payment.Borrower ahall prompdy flimlah to L.ender all norioes of amounts to be paid under this paragcaph.
<br /> ----- If Borrow�r malces these payments dirxtly,Bornower shall promptly fucaish to Leuder rxeipta evidencing the paymenta.
<br />-.-�='= Borrower shall pmmptly discharge any lien which has priorlty ava this Securiry Insaument unless Borrower.(a)agras in
<br /> `������ wrlting to the payment of t�e obligaflon securod by the lten In a mann.er acceptable to Lender; (b)contests in Seod faith the Uen
<br />��`'''�'�"�°,�; by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal pmceedia8s wt�ich in th� 1�ender's opinion operate to pnveat the
<br />:.��_
<br />_LL_-;�,��a:�� enforoement of We lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien aa agrxment satisfactory to Lender subordinatIng the lien to
<br /> -��;w�ti�•; � this Security Insminnent. If L,ender determines tliat any part of the Property is subject to a lien wbich may attaia priorlty over
<br /> .,,-.;�!Y.•t,. -
<br />.�t�;:-;:;'�; , this Securlty lnstnwjent. Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien.Bonower sbatl sntisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> �: ; � mon of the actiona set forth above within 10 days of the giviag of notia. _
<br />-_.,�+" .,,• ` Form 3026 9180 =-
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