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<br /> • ��-.,-o �06�
<br /> (i)AU or part ot the Proputy,or a beneficlal intRxest In a wst awning all or part of the Property.is sold or L
<br /> otherwisc transferred(other tlun by devise or descent),and
<br /> (ii) �tUe propecty is not occupiod by the purchaver or grai►tee as his or her pdncipal nsiduice,or iha
<br /> purchasu or granue docs sv occupy the ProPatY but his or her credit h�s not bcen approved in accordanoe
<br /> with the rcquirements of the Secretery.
<br /> (c)No Wdver.If eircumstance�occur that would permit L.e,�du to require immediat�Paymer�t in full, bnc
<br /> Letidu does not requin such payments.Leader does noc waive i�s rIghrs wi�h respecc a subsoquenc evenfs.
<br /> (d)Re�{ubt[oos ot HUD Secreb�ry.In m�ny circumstances regulatlons Issued by the Seaet�Y wUl limit
<br /> I.e�xler'a rights.In the case of paymcnt de�sul�s,w requ�re immediata p`ymtAt in fuU and forecbse if not paid
<br /> 'Il�is Securlty Insuument does not suthodze accclasdon or fonclosiuo if not permiqerl by ngul�tlons of the
<br /> �•
<br /> (e)Mort�aae No!Inanred.Bosrowu a�oes thac if this Sac�ultY Instrumc�t end the Not,e ace not de�n►ined W _
<br /> be diglbk for insurancG unda ihe Nadonal Housfag Act wlthiz►60 daya from the date t�aoof�L.emler may,at
<br /> its op[ioa� raiuice immediate psYmer►c in full of ell sums seciuod by edis Sxurir� Instrumei►G A wriaen �::
<br /> stataaent of any authorized agent of the Secretary datod subseqaent to 60 days from the date hereof,declining -
<br /> w Inanre this Socurity Ins�umait and the Note, sball be doemed conclusive proof of such lneligibility.
<br /> Notwlthstanding the foregoing, this option may aot be exercLsed by Lu�da when the unaveilability of
<br /> insurance�S solely due to Leiider's f�ilura w remit a mortgage iasurance premium ui the Saxete►'y.
<br /> iQ.Rei�stRtesea�Bo�rowa has a righc to be rcinstat,ed if Lender has requircd lmmediste paymait in full bix,ause -
<br /> of Bamwa's failure tu pny an amount due unda the Note a this Socuriry InstrumenG'IUis right epplies even afta
<br /> forocbsura proceodin8s are institutad.To reinstace the Socurity Instrumu►t,Bamower sball tenda in a lump ssim all
<br /> amounts requi�od to bring Sarowa's aocount curcent including.w tho wctent they ara obligations of Sarowa uader
<br /> tl�is Securltv Insuument, forocbsum costs and reasonabk aad cusWmary attomays' foes and expenses P�'oPulY
<br /> �socWed with the foroclosure proceodin8• UPon re�nstetement by isomower. �his Socuriiy L�u.,�u-z� aati �c
<br /> obligadons ttwt it scciues shsll nrtwi�► in effoct as if Leader had not roquirod immodjata p�Yment in full. Nowevcr,
<br /> I�enda Is not roquired to gcnnit ceinstatune�nt if: (i) Lender l�a4 acx,�pted�+eL►statunei►t afoer the canrtx,ncement of
<br /> facecbsum procxedin8s w�thin two yeacs immedistetY P��B � ��t of a curtem foreclosure
<br /> ' procxoding,(ii)reinst�cema�c wW proclude foreclosvro on diffaent�nunds ia the fuwre,or (ill) nins�atement wiil
<br /> advasely affxt the priority of the lkn created by this Securlty Insuument
<br /> il. Borrawer Not Rekaaed; Borbes�rasce Br Lenda Not a Watvu.Eatension of tbe tima of payment or
<br /> � madifica6on of emonizat�oc�of the sums soaued by thls Socurity InstNmau gianttd by I.enda w Any successor in
<br /> int�a�est uf Bamwer slwll not operete to nlwe the liabiliry of the orlglml Bamwu or Barower's snaessor in iat�erest.
<br /> - I�x�shall not be roquired w commence proceedings ag�ainst eny successor ln interesc a refuse w exta�d timme for
<br /> - paymp�t or otl�av�rise modify ernoruzalloa of the s�uns securod by this Securiry Instrument by rcavon of any dema��d
<br /> m�de by t�e orlginal Borrowa or Barnwa's successors ia intaesG My forbeua�ce by Lecidri in eau�cising any right
<br /> or nmedy sh8ll not be a waiver of or prociuda the wcercise of any right or mmody.
<br /> • 12.Sucoeaeore and Aseigos Boundi Joht and Sevenl LiAbility;Co-Si�aers.'ILe coveneuts nnd s�greanents of
<br /> this Socuriry Instr�menc shall bind�nd ben�fit ihe succes,socs aad assi8ns of Lender and Barowa. aub,�oct to the
<br /> provlsions of p�graph 9(b). Bamwa's wvenants �nd agroements ek�ail be.jpint+uid several.Any Borrower who
<br /> co-si8as dus Sscuri�+ Insti,�ut�Ent but does not exc�utc ihc Natc: (a) is ca-�S thl� Sece��it�� Ia�+.zme�t only to =
<br /> mo�tg�ge.�smt and�ouvey that Borrowa's inte�est in the Proputy nnder the terms of this Socurlty Insuumen�(b)Lc
<br /> not peisonaIlY ob138ated w PaY the siuns secuc+ed by this Sacurtty Instrumen��►d(c)a,�oes that I.end�r end any otha�
<br /> Bcxrowa may a�ree to oataad.modifY.forbear or make any accommodations wlth regard W 1ha Oerms of this Socuriry
<br /> Ins�ument or�he Nois without that Boirowcr's wnse,��t
<br />-_ �4A(NE)toeo�l.o� P.a•6 a�s �,�.,r�'n��+�--
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