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<br />°'"�:�� paymeat�m�y ao lon;er be roquired,tt the optioa of Latder,if taort�tge iasur�nca covengo(in t�o�mount aad for tbe pedod
<br /> '` � th�t Londer reqalra)provided by w lasuror�pproved by Lander ag�in become�avdlablo Md i�obWned.Borrower�h�ll pxy -
<br /> �� ' '� the pnmlurtu requlrod to maint�a mortIIsYe iwunace in effxt.or to provldo�lu�t+e�erve,until the requiromeat far mortgaYe �;
<br /> ina�rmce endi ia�ccord�nce with�ay wrItten a�reemeat between Borrower aad Leader or appllc�ble l�w. ��
<br /> • . � `+ !. lnpection. LAader or ita a;ant nuy mike raaonxble GuUiea upoa�nd inrpectloa�uf tde Properry. L�eader shap glvo �-
<br /> _ ,_ ��i' Borrower notice tt the time of or pdor to an inspectton q�eol(yin�rea�onable cause for tho Inrpoctioa. �`'�
<br /> '�'M1 �• � 10. Conct�mtu�Hon. '!be proceeda of�ay awas+d or citim for d�mage�.direct ar coniequenttal,in conaxtIoa with�tay
<br /> condemnatlon or other takiag of any part of the Properly. or f�t convaynnca in Iteu of condemnetion,�ro heroby�satgned and �
<br /> • ehaq be pRtd to Iandar. k.
<br /> •�•�. IA the evoat of a tot�l takIn�of t6a Property,the proceeds sLall be applled to the eum�iecurad by thi�Secudry Irutnimoa2, �-
<br /> _._. , r
<br /> whet6er or not then due, with itny exeese p�id W Borrower.In the eveat of a putial Wcing of the Property in whlch the fiir =
<br /> _-- - mulcet valuo of tho Property immediately befose tho W�iang 1t eqwtl W or g�+ester than tho�mount of the�ume aiecut+ed by thie
<br />--�--•-~.: ��r -
<br /> Seeuriry Inshumeat immedIately beforo the t�kInQ,unleu Borrower aad Lender otherwioe agroe in wrlNng,the�umi eecu�+ed by
<br /> , + thie Secueiry Inetrumont eh�U be raluced by the amount of tho proceode mult�plied by the foUowing fraction: (a) the total _
<br /> ' amount aP the awm �eeured immedtately before tho W�ng,divlded by (b) tho fatr muket value of the Property fmmedIately
<br /> ti.. ' ..� ; befom the taking. Any Ml�ace ah�U be pdd to Borrower. In the oveat of a putlel tsking of the Propetty in which the fiir
<br /> '��;: : m�rket value of t6o Property immedIatoly before the t�king le less than the amount of tho sume axural immediately before tho
<br /> •: >:::.. : hldng,unlevs Borrower md Leuder othenvise xgree in wridng or unless applicable law otherwise pmvtdca. tho praceeda ahsll
<br /> ;, �.�. _ .
<br />-:�_..�t.riy,�,-; be applied to the suma securad by thi�5ecurIty In�tnimeat whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> a'-. �:.. � If tha Property ie�bwdoaed by Bomower,or if,tfter aotica by Leuder to Bomower t�t tho condemnor offer�to m�ke an
<br /> _•.�.��-. .
<br /> �� � awuYl or edttie a claim for damogeo� Borrower fails W rapond to Leader within 34 days nfter tlze date tha aoHce ia gtven, —.
<br /> _;_:�,�;,�:. Leader io authorIzad to callxt and at►ply tho proceeds.u ite option,aither w ratontion or npstr of the Property or to the eum�
<br /> , . . ., axuted by thie Securlry Insttument,whether or not thea due.
<br /> Unleas Leader and Bomower otherwise agroe in wdtln8. �Y �PlIcatlon af proceed9 to principal stWl not extead or
<br /> -��-�";"�#� paapone We due d,�te of the monthlY WYmona refemed to in paragraph.i and 2 or chango�he amount of eueh paymear,.
<br />�,� �" 11. Bo�e+nwer Not Rdt�;Forbear�na Ry I.enda'Not a Wai�er. B�ctea:ton of tl�e time for psymeat or madificstIon
<br /> �R�:��.
<br /> .;,,:;•.;.•.a of amort�tIon of We suass�ecured by thi�SeeurIry Instruivent grwted by Luider w any succes�or in intorest of Bomower eh�ll
<br /> `;;i;,j� � not operate W releue the Habllity of the odgiaal Borrower or Borcower'��uccewon in intanrt. I.eader slWl not be requlrod to
<br /> -A�;' �' commmce procoodings�gain�t any aucceasor in iate�+eat or refuae w oxtend time for paymeat or othetwIee modify amortiuHoa
<br /> -'�� of tho aum+ aecw+ed by thie Seeurlty Insttumcat by reason of my demu►d made by the orlginal Borrower or Bormwer't
<br />-��'�h�► � auccea�ors in inureat, pny fofieat�nee by Lcader in ezeroieing�ay right or remedy ehall not be a wuver of or preclude t4te
<br /> -°"'="_.'== a��,.:.af sa;rl;hi ur remad;.
<br /> -�-i��;�• 12. Suooessoes and Assi� Bound; Joint and Se�a�al I.i�bilib'i Co�si�nas. The coveaaate and a�reew�ute of tlns
<br /> --�on°:�• Seeurtty In�huxt+mt e}WI bind aad beaefit We ruceeuora�nd asaigne of Leader�ad Sosrowor,subjxt w tLe pmviriom oY
<br /> -� _— � �n�pb 17. �orruwer'e wveoants and ag�+eemeata shall be joint �nd soveral. Any Bormwer who co-sl� thie Sacurlty
<br /> — Inswmeat but does not execute the Note: (a) i�co-si�aing tLie Security Inst:umeat only w mort�e. �ant and convay Uiat
<br /> - Barrower's Intenet in the Pmperty uader the termt of thiti SecurIty Inshvmeat;N)ie not persoatUy obligated to p�y tha eiims
<br /> eecured by thla Secudty Inatiumeat;and(c)agras that Leader aad aay other Bomower msy�gs+ee to extead�modttj�.foebat'a
<br /> milce�ay�ccommodsttons wlth regud w the term�of thia SecurIty Inetrument or the Note without that Bomower'�conxn�
<br /> _ 13.Lom Ch�es.If tho lwa securad by thi� Security Inst:ument is subject to a law which seb mucimum IoRn charga,
<br /> ---- aad tl�at law i� finally intelpreted eo that the interoat or other Iwn chac�a collxted or to be collected in connoctinn wlth the
<br /> s lwa oxceed the permitted IimiL.thea: (a)�ny such lom chtrgo ehall be nduced by the aaaunt necetnty W reduce tlw chargo
<br /> to tLe permttted l�mth and N)a4Y sums alt+eady collocted from Borrower whtch exceeded permlued llmiu wlll be ref�nded W
<br /> Borrower. Lender miy ehooeo to mdco this refi�nd by reduaing che prineipd owed under tbe Note or by mwJcing a diieet
<br /> � paymrat to Borrower. If a refund nduces princIpal, the roduction wW bo treated as a putial prepaymait wlthout aay
<br /> .�.— �t�epnymeat clwge�wwder 4he Note.
<br /> 14.Notioq.Any notice to Borrower provided for ln tLle 5ecuri3y lnahument e]aaU be givcu by deliverint i¢or by m�lin�
<br /> �- it by firrt clase miil ualas appllcsble Ixw nquirea uee of another met�od.'11�e aottce ahall be dlrected to the Pr�porey Addra�
<br /> �—...� or�qy other add�ess Barrnwer dadgnates by nodee w Lmder. Any noNca to Leader s�ll be givea by fir�t cLse aWl to
<br /> _ Leader'e addre.ae etated herein or�ny other addrean Lender dealgn�tea by aotico w Borrower. Any notice pmvlded for in thia
<br /> -- Seeurity Inrwmeat aball be deea►ed to have baa gIveo to Borrowar or Lcadar whw givea ae provlded in dus paragnph.
<br /> 1S.Go�a�nin= Law; Se�aabUity. This Secauity Iathvmeat �WI ba govemed by fedetal law aad tho IRw of t6e
<br />� -- juriedictton in which the Property is locatal. Ia the evart tlat aqy pmvision or claueo of th{s Socurity Inetnimeat or the Note
<br /> conflicts with appUcable law�such contlict eLall not affect othar provislone of tlue Security Inatavmeat or the Note which can be
<br /> givea ef�'ect without the conflicting provleion. To thie ead tbe provi�lona of tLis Secwity Instrumeat md the Note ue declared
<br /> - to be xver�blo.
<br /> -_- 16.Borrower's Copy.Bormwer ehall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Iu�ent. --
<br /> -_'=_::�'° Fam 302Y 9
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