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<br /> ;'ti, Tp(ifiI�IHR WiTH rll 1he lmpmvemeau aow or heroafter erocted on tho Proporty,uuf dl e��t�,appu �taid
<br /> ��� fi�itura now or heroafter �p�rt of tho p�mpeAy. All roplacemAnta md �dditioas �hall �lw ba covered by ttd� Socurity �.
<br /> .,.,<„ ' In�tn�ment. All of�he focegoing i�ceferrQd to in thi�Sacudty Inatrument w the•�'ropody." �""
<br /> �- BORRQ�WBR COVSNAN'1'S that Borrower 1�lRwiWly�ef�od af the atate heroby conveyed�nd h�s tho ri�ht ro�rant�nd �
<br /> , convoy the Propetty w�d tlui►the M+ope�tY i�une+�cu°�b°rod. except for encumbrwnca uf record. Borro�wer warranb�usd will
<br /> defwd�onenlly the titte W tuo 1'ropoRy�gaL�et all cl�and dem�adi,eubject to�ny encumbru�ce+�of record. �.;,
<br />��.y.•-.•� '[HIS SBCUAI'TY INSIRUMBNT combines uaiform covenanU for nadonsJ w�a�d aon-nnlform coven�nb with limlted -
<br /> variatioai by judadiction to conedhiUo�uaifom�secwiry iastrument covering real propeRy. ��
<br /> UMFORM COVBNAN'i'3.Horrower�nd Leador coveaaat aad��reo a�foll�wo: _..
<br /> 1. P�,ytneat ai �'t[ndpal iutd Intere�t; Pt+ep�y�nent and I.ate Chtr�es. Borrower sh�A promptlY WY when due the �
<br /> �'�y...�� principal of�nd interost oa t6a de6t evideaced by the Note ind�ny pmpsywent amd late chuge�due under the Note. -
<br /> -=°'01� 2,Ftiad�E'or Ta�cw and Iroueanoe. Sub]eat to RppAcable law or w a wr�tteu watver by Leader, Bonowar�11 pay to _.
<br /> , _.�� Lcadu on the day monthly p+�ymeata are due uuder the Note,until the Note i�paid in ti�ll.a Rum("Fnada")for.(s)yarly tues
<br /> and aaae�smeuu wbicb may sttain prlodty over thit Security Inatn�mwt as a Ilea on the Property;(b)Yearly lwehold p�ymeata
<br /> ' �� or gtonnd reate oa thn Propeety,If�ayi(a)Yarly lu�+d or proporcy jnsuanco premiwna�(d)Yruly flood inst�ranco pnaiium�. -
<br /> ;..,;�" , , —
<br /> _ , ff aay;(e)yeuly mortgage insunnce pmmium�, if�ny;�ad(�any swns p�yable by Borrower to Lendar,in�ccordaace wtth
<br />:��;:�;','•�,, ) the ptoviaions of pusgtaph 8, in lleu of tho paymeat of mortg�ge inaurance premiums.These items uo called"F�acrow Iteta�."
<br />:':Jn;;;.. : I,eader may. �t aay time. coUact aad hold Fuada in an amount not to eacad We muimum auww�t a lendar for�fedendly
<br /> �'(�•�� re►�ted mortg�ge loan msy roquiro for Borrower'�e9cmw u,count uuder the fedenl Aal Estate Settlema�t Pcocedures Act of
<br /> i•� 1974�ameaded from ttme to tItno. 12 U.S.C. Sectlon 2601 u seq. ("RFSPA").uales.+utother I�w that appUes w tho Funda
<br />__�.:__
<br />'':.:s�� �eb a leuer imouat. If eo�Lerider m�y� at�ny time� coQect u►d hold I�adi la�n umunt not to ezcad tho lowa�moua�
<br /> �-'"```''� I,mdct mty e�timte the�mount of Funds due on the b�sis of eurnat data�nd re�sonable esdm�te�of expeadidire�of fut�u�¢
<br /> �a:';d.i,�
<br />_,��,�,,,�+.,� Facmw Itemn or dhe�vi�e in accordance wtti►appUcable hw.
<br /> ,�,� 'Ihe gunds ahall be held in an iastitudoa whose dopoeite are fn.+ured by a federil ageacy. instNaimtalih►. or eatiry
<br />'`-_�.`�;,�. (including IraK3er,if Lendar Is wch�a instiNtIon)or in�ny Fedenl Home Loan Bank.Leadar eh�1D�pply tha Funds w pay tbe
<br />_'�:;�� Bacrow Iteme.L.eader mRy aot charge Borrowar for holdlnq aad applying the Funde.annwllY wtlYtinB tho wct�ov�'acc°unt,or
<br /> _:as:,, ver�lyiag tha Fecrow Items�unla�L�eader payr Borrowcr Intoroat on the Fnnda and applicable laa permtta lrader to m�ko auch
<br />-,.�;�
<br />---= a char�e.Hoaavu. L�eader msy roquite Borrower to pay a ono-time chuge for an indepeadent real at�ta 4�reportin��eniiL•e
<br />--"'� us�d by Leadac in connection with this lwa, unless appHcable law provIdea otheewIse. Unless an aaroemeat i� m�de or
<br /> -.�:� �ppitcable law require�intemst w bo pdd,I�mder ehall not bo i+oquirad w piy Bocrower�ny iater�at or wniage on the Funds.
<br /> ���� Borrower�nd I.mder may tge�ee in writing,however. ttnt intetett e}Wl bo paId on the Fnnds.I.ender slWl give to Borrcwer,
<br /> - - wIthout charge. m aaaual�ccounting of ttw Fuad��ahowing credlta�nd deblb w the Fuad�aad the purpoee for which each
<br /> ,�� deblt to the Fuad�waa m�de.'lhe Funds are ple�ge6 as xdditionai eecuriry for a�aums socutod'oy'�W:u�,'az:y L-s�-ausati.
<br /> �� -- If the Fund�held by Lender exceed the amouuta permdued to be held by sppHcable law,I.mder ebaA account to Borrowar
<br /> � -= for tho excas Ftinds ia accortLnce wtth tha requitemait�of applicable lsw.If the amount of d�e Funds held by Leader at any
<br /> time is not aufficieat to pay the Bscmw Itmm when dne�Irwdcr may eo notify Borrower:n writing, �nd,in such c�ee Borrower
<br /> — �WY to Lendar d�e amouat naceesary to m�ke up t}w deficieaay. Borrower e6aU make up the deficlancy in no more duv,
<br /> trvelve montlilY P�Y��•u Leader's eole dieo�etIoa.
<br /> UP� MYmeat fn tiill of dl sum�xcu:ed by thie Security Inshvment. Lendu ehiU promptly refliod W Bornower�ny
<br /> FY�ocL hold by L�eader.If,uader p�u+�raph 21�L.eadar sbnU acquire or�ell the I'rope:ty.Leader,prior to tLa acquisttion or ale
<br /> of tbe Propetty.�ball+�pp1y�nY F�ada held by I.wder at the Hme of acquiattton or stle a+a crodit aYainst the sums sxwed by
<br /> this Secutity Insbumen�
<br /> , 3.Applkatlon ot Pxyme�.Unlas�ppllcable law pmvides othervvise,all paymeats:+oceived by Lender undu p�eagapbs
<br /> 1 aad 2�baU be�pplled: fir�t,to anY P�Y�t charges due under the Note; exond, to amouab payable uoder p�ragraph 2;
<br /> ---� third.to intarrat due:fauth,co principal due:�nd I�at,to�ny late char�ea due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Chu�ai Lie�. Bormwer�hall pay all wca.a�e.umeaU.chsrga. fina and imposItlons attribut�►ble to the Pmperty
<br /> whlch may attain prlority over this Security Iasaumeat,and le�udiold piymeab or ground renta. if any. Borrowa sball P�Y
<br /> thae obli�ttons In tl�a a�oner provided in pva,gnph Z.or tf not pdd ia W�t m�oner,Bomower d�all pay them oa time directly
<br /> to the p�on owed paymenG Borrowot slull promptly furnieh w lmdet all aaticea of amounte to be paad ua�der tbi�pan�npL.
<br /> If Bormwer malca the�e p4ymeats direcdy.Boerower ah�ll prompUy li�miRh to I.mda noceipts evidmcing the paymonb.
<br /> Somnwa aWl Pi'��Y���8a my lien which lus prioriry over thi�Secudty In:tn�mmt aalas Bonnwa:(�)s�tee�in
<br /> ariting to the p�ymeat of the obltgation eacurod by the lien in a m�nner icceptablo to L�eaefer;(b)conrost�in�ood fiith the lien
<br /> by. or defeads igain�t eaforcemeat of tho liea in, le�l proceedinga which in the Lender'e oPinion opeiace to preva�t the
<br /> eaforxmeut of the lim; or{c)eecuna irom We�older of tba liea�n agroemeat e�tisfactory to Leadec subo:dinating the lim tc+
<br /> --- tl�ie Secuitty Instiumen� If L�eader def�erminer tlut my part of the Pcoperiy is eubject w:lica which mty attain pr3ority over
<br /> thi�Seeurlty Inatntmeat, Leadec m�y give Borrower a nodce Idendfying the lien.Bomow�r etult ea6sfy tUe liea or tal�a ono or
<br /> - � more of che acaoos eu�nh above wtihin 10 dsy.of�e giving of nodee.
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