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<br />-'�-;�'��.'� 08-2�,�gg7► DEED QF TRUST � Pep�4
<br />_�-°'-"v l.o�n No 643173 (�o�nuect) �7 7.Q'r0+�
<br /> ,
<br /> •,y'r,. ApONCillpn pf!N!p►ocNd�. If aN or any pad of lha Proparty Is condemned by eminonl domeln prxwdlnps a by tny procMdlnO or �;`�_
<br /> �� '- purolxN In INu of cond�mn�tlon,Lendw moy�at Ils eNction requira thnt eil a any po�ian of the nat proCMdt of iM lwwd b�!���1M _
<br /> '�� � ° Ind�bNdr�1 or th�r�p��r a nsta�tlon o1 lh� Properly. Tho rnl proceeds ol lha award shtll me8n ihe awud�ftK p�Ym���d�"�w�o^�bM = �
<br /> !?�..�. -' �pds,�nty,�nd aHarwys'f�N Incumd by Trustw or LendK In eonnecuon with tho condamnatlon. _
<br /> prpoNdlop�, I}�ny prxwdinp In condamnation Is hlad,Trustor ahell prompUy notity L�ncNr In writinp,tnd Trustor thM promPlh►kks tuch __
<br />;'k.ri•r'�. �yp�q mq b�n�c�sf�ry to d�Mnd Ih�actbn�nd obtain th�Rward. Trusta m�y be lM nominal p�rty In suoh p�o01�dn0�bul LMdK�h�M =�
<br /> b�sn6tNd lo participd�In ih�proceadlnp�nd to be represenbd in ihe prf oeedln0 oylim�t perrrlt such pt��adOra Trusta wtr dMIvM Or
<br />,i� quw b b�clYllvwod to Londor auoh Inzirumont.^,as mny bo roquosted by �'=>
<br />--�-.-.-�, IMPOfIT10N OF TAXEQ,FEEl�AND CHARQES BY tiOVERHMENTN.AIJTHORITIEB. Tha toBowinp Drovklons rWtlrq to pov�mm�ntU Uxn, _
<br /> hw arb chrrq�t�r�a p�A of thh DNd of Truat: __
<br /> .::,J` t��� (�rrMt T�x�s,Rws Mid CbKpN. Upon nqwst by Lsnder,TnKtor shall exeaute suah doourtNnb in addiUon to thls OMd o1TrWl tnd tak� &�__
<br />� °• �?�, wh�tw�r olMr aotlon Is roquest�d by Lsnd�r to pKhal and conHnw lsnda'b Ilen on tl�He�t PropMy. 7nnta shd rMmbu�1 L�ndM'fa�11 w__..
<br /> tuus,ts d�scrib�d baow,topather wlth atl�xpmses Incurred In recordlnp, pertectirp or continulnp thfs DMd of Tiust, Indudirp withou! __
<br /> , � � Iimltatlon aH funs,Mes,documanlary stampt,and otha ohuqss for reoordinp or replslxinA thFS O�d of Trust. �
<br /> ''�' Ta��. Ttw followiny ahatl consUtute taxes to wNoh this sectlon tpplles: (a)a sD�����t���a Dead of Tnxl or upon�M or any
<br /> ` ' - �� p�rt ol ttw Indabtedrwst tacutad Dy lhK Deed of Ttush, (b)aspacIH¢tax on Trustor whkh Trustor b tuthodud a roquksd W d�duct hom
<br /> ��'`' p�yreNnls on ths Ind�bNdnrss�sewW by lhls typ�ot DMd ot Trust; (cD a ta on this hP���a T���~�����°T
<br />_�`r;^•: th�hddK of tFw Notr,and (d)a Wooiflo t�c on aY a anY Patlon of tho IndabUdn�ss a on piym�nb af DrkrolplJ �nd fn11rM1 m�td�by _
<br /> '� ���� Trusta.
<br />.+I '•Y:St ."
<br /> ���;�• lub�qutnt T�ota. If any tax to whkh th3s s�cuon apF���^�cted subsvquem to Iha data of thls O�d of 7nnt,lh�s�v�s�tt+�l►�aw tM ;�:_
<br /> •�,, �rrN NhCt q an Ewnt ot Oelaull(u deRne� �Now),snd��ndK maY exerclse any or R1101 Ns avtMabl�rom�dles ta an EvarA W ONat�t a _;;;;..
<br />.-�:�.,.,-;,, " proWdW bqow unNaa Tntsta sMh�r (a)pays Rha fax bafors it b�COmea deiinquoni�or (OD conUtts th�taz as provid�d�bour in tlN Tluas and -�-
<br />.;�y`''ri,t, Upr�s tac'�on and depcslb+vilh 4ander s�sh or e suHfcient corpocat�aurety bond tx ellier�cwlly o4UStactory Qo Undu. ��t p�of �
<br />,_�:, �'• fE4'�I�UTY AGREEMENT;F:N➢ANCiND STA4EUNE�NTS. The fo8owirp pravlslons relallnp�o thls Osod of Trust�a f�curth�a9�
<br />--,.��� Mi9�Md ot Trusb _
<br /> " �'� S1ctlrily Apream�nt. 7hls instrurtant shtY constilute a secudly�preemant to the extont nny of tha Prapwty aonsdtult� A�Gtx�Or othK
<br /> '�--- p�rsond property,and Lendsr shaY hsve�1 ot the rlyhts ot a secured PaAY under the UnHOrm Comm�ndal Cod��t�mend�d Nom Ifm�to
<br /> �i;i� tlm�.
<br /> ::•_!r.y:i•�
<br /> _- --- t1alNly InMreN. Upon reqwst by Lander,Ttustur shail execulo flnancine statements and taka whttewr ottwr aatlon ft nqued�d bY L.�n e�'
<br /> '��� t0 p�rNCt tnd oOntlnuY Lendart secudty Inlere�l In the Rents end Personal Property. In addiHOn to reCOrdlrp thb DMd of Trust b tM nd
<br />-��_�� propMty ncordi,L�nder may.�t any Bma and withou►further authorizatlon Bom Trosta,flie exoout�d cauntarpuls,co�Nt or np►oduatlaK of
<br /> IAI�0»d of Ttust as a flnanciny atetemenl. Trustor shall relmburse Lender tw all expensss incurnd In p�rt�ctlnp a aanN�uirp tN�s�ourMY
<br /> „�-y,;� InIKNt. Upon d�huH,Trustor ahail assambla lhe Porsonal Praporty In a manner and at a placa rasontbty conwnNnt to T�udor and�M�d�►
<br /> - �nd m�k�R avaliabl�to L�nder wilhln three(3)days afler receipt of wrftten demand hom Lender.
<br /> -�- pr■�3'by th�t36ad 0!Ttuolds:t..��obl3l�!Q{?S�h'"c�rar�ilred b�hes Unilorm Com'me�cial CrOde),�t�A�s staUd on th��llrjt pq�a�OMd
<br />,--,,�•'"n,� d TN3t.
<br /> =- FURTtER A88URANCH3=ATTORHE1f-IM-FACT. The lollowlny provisions reiaUnp to furth�r assunnas and attarny-�n�hct w a pWt of thi�
<br /> —°=— DNd of Trust.
<br /> FurtAM MMU�r►ces. At�ny tirrN,nnd hom Urn�to tima,upon rsquest of Lender,Trustor wiN mak�.�x�cuM tnd dM�wr�a wM a���
<br /> mad�,�ucuted a d�Nwrad,to LwW�r a to L�ndK's dalpnM.��d when raquat�d by L�ndK. au�b b�N�d,raoard�d�►�d.ar
<br /> nncord�d,as th�o�ss rmy b�,at auch Um�s�nd In auch ofBas and pieces as LsndK rnay d�m�DPfOP�w.�Y a������'
<br /> u�id�ollwr�do�aut��y�In�th�e soN�op�nbn ol on�de.W r�ssary ot doslra4M In ord�r�to�iM tl��twb comDl�M�P��•�^w a
<br /> pnnrw (a)th�obNp�NOrn of Trusta unrf�r th�NoN,this Deed of Trust,�nd tM RWI�d Oocum�nb,and (4)tM M+a�nd�cuKf►1��
<br /> p�MU�W b ylhLentHr nl writlnp,T o eF e�rNm6urse Lender for all c s�d �sxpenses bnournd in o tNCtlOn��tM matMa��b
<br /> V�it pwpnph.
<br /> Attomht-�n•F�at. If 7rustw falla to do any of Ihe ihinfls referred to In th0 pncadinp pan4n�ph�LendK m�Y do eo ta and��p�
<br /> Truttor�nd Rt TnMtor�wcpense. For suCh purposes,Trustor hereby Irtovocaby�ppdnts LaM�r�f Ttutto��atta�rMY^�
<br /> of m�kirq,uacudnp,deiiverinp,811np,recadinp, an d d dng ati other thi n ys as may b�r�ssary a d��M• ��«�s�°��'b
<br /> 1pCOmplish ttw mattare reteRed to in the pncedlnp ptraqrnPh• T��u��
<br /> � FI�LPR�AFORNIANCE. If Trustor pays oll tha Indebtedness when dua,and othwwls�PKtamt�M���bMW���P� �
<br /> DNd of Trtwl,L�nder sh�M �x�aub and deliver t0 Trustas� tequest tor fuA taCOnvayanc�ar►d sMN paouM a�d�dM�v� to T�lo�s��N
<br /> NtMm�r�4 of Mrm►nt�on of�ny Mancin0 ataleme�on file evidsncinp Lendar's a�cu�itY irtbnsl In ih� RMtt�nd tM Fwso�t PropMY•• �►^Y
<br /> ncpm�ymo�N�nquk�d by lew shal►be pdd by 7rustor,It permitted by applicabl�law. _
<br /> DEFA{�.T. Fach of th�foMOwinp,at the option of Lender,shall constituts an event ot detaWt('Event of OohtulP')undv thh D�d of Tn�
<br /> DM�UM on Ind�bt�drNw. Failure ot Trusta to mnke any payment when due on the Indebtedn�ss.
<br /> D�fMllt pn OlhN Pym�nts. Fallure of Trustor wlthln ihe ilme requlred by ihis Deed of Trust to mnk��ny p�yment fa tuoa�or Iraur�na.or
<br /> Iny o1hK payrtwnt n�.wsury to prevent filinp at or to eHect dlscharpe of any Iten.
<br /> ONM�it M1 FavOt of T�Ird P1Ktles. Should Borrower or eny Trustor detault unde�any loan,exlanslon of cndR�s�eud►Y prMrt�•pu�c�°�
<br /> __ Borrow��an�y Tr or's ablury o pa1y t1tY Loans}or peAOrm lhelrtrespact��oblipattons un�►i�ad of Tnrit a ma o�s��Md _
<br /> � Docutn�nFa.
<br /> v - Cp�NpN�l1p�Defiult. FaNura of Trustor to compiy with eny otlwr term,oblipatlon,covennnt a condttlon conWrnd�n Ws W�d o1 Tru�t'f�N
<br /> -_,° NoM a In�ny of fh�RMnt�d Documenls.
<br /> -"y'� F1dN�fM�en�nb. My w�manly,reprosentstlon or stat�ment mad�or furnishad to Under by ar on b�Mlf of Ttust�und��b�Md of TNti,
<br /> t��'� 11►�Not�or tM FiMRI�d Doo�ments Is fals�or m�sbtdrr�p�n any matMal rospsot,eftMr now ar ct tM tlrtN rtMd�or Nmbh�d-
<br /> --,y�� a�u�a am
<br /> °"'"�" D�hctlw Co11�Senliretton. Thls Qeed of Tn,st a eny of the RNd�d DocurrNnb aas�s to br In tuM foros�nd MNct(k�ctudn0 -
<br /> ,;1���.,i`.. _
<br />__��.,r•,,. co11�IKv dasurr�nts to a�at�a v�Ud and pertected secudiy Inlenst or Ibn)at arry Um�and for any rwson. _
<br /> -:�=4�)il� -
<br /> 4,,��<<„�_, DNIh or Insnlwncy. TM dMth of Trustar or the dissolutlon or terminnHon ot Trustor's e�dstonc�u a polr�busir a��oM�o�o1�
<br /> TYuttor,ttN appNntrrNnt ot a nscaiver for anY peR ot Trustots properly,any assbnrtwnt ta 1M b�nofit of Cr�dNas.�nY 1YD� 6
<br /> :tr_^ .r• or 1M comm�nartNnt oi�ny proceedinp under any bankn�ptcy or Insoivency laws by or apelnst Trusta. p;
<br />__���".�� Foncfowtr�Forfelturt,ltC. Commencement ot foreciosure cr forieflure proceedirWs,whett�er by judklat procssdlrp,aat►-twlp,npo�sston =_
<br /> -, ,,..,�,.,u,....�.�ti,,.� h�,�v nm�uter et rruator or bv anv oovemmental apency eyainst an Ot IA9 PfOpB►ly Howswr.iN9 9��S�� v
<br /> y ��ur e_______�ww
<br />'',��2'ti? appy M th�owni of a�pood faith dispute by Trusta as to the vnlldity a reusonabieness or uie ciaim wnicn n u���...�•� •� � —
<br />_a„r�.__;.+�, IorM�itun proce�dinp,provfded thal Truslor qlves Lender writlen notice ot Such cla�m and Iurnishes ros�rws or�atXe11►bond lor tM dUm -
<br /> ,; . Ntlthctory to Und�r. _
<br /> �''��> , �• DfNCl10f QtfNf ApfNnNnt. Any breach by Trusta under the terms of any othx ayreerrwnl belw►an 7rusta and l.�ndlr thd�s no!h�dMd .
<br /> '°.•' :�•. ' wNNn�Mr p�p�riod provid�d there�n,Inciudny wuhoui timtletron any tprearrwnt conpmlrp any indebtedn�ss a o1Mr o6fpatlon o�Tn�ta
<br /> , b Lmtf�r,wh�llnr existlnq now or Inter.
<br />� � Ev�nls AfNeMnp GuKentor. Any of the precedinp events occurs wilh respeCt to any CiWrentor of 4ny ot thY Indebbdr►�s�Or anY C�Wh►Ita
<br /> �� �� dN or b�com�s Incompotant,or revokes or disputes the validity of,or Iiabftity under,any(ivaranly of lhe Indabt�dness. LendM'���!ls oPtio��
<br /> m�y,bul thaN not b� requirod to,permil the Ciuerantor's estafe fo assume uncondltionaily lhs obllpations utslnp und�th� puwnty In a
<br /> � rrwnnK ptlshClory ta Lander,flnd,In dolnp 50,cure Ihe Evenl of Defauil.
<br /> �.ti�• •�,.
<br />;.��+'r" AdvMN ChM�p�. A mnla�tal gGverse chanye occurs In Trustor's fmanC�al conditfon, a Lender bellews ih� prosp�ct of PaYrt��� a _
<br /> "�'`• • p�Aartune�Of th�Indebledness is Impaired. ,
<br /> ��E�
<br /> :��....: • .,, , s
<br />