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<br />_�is,..�a�
<br /> ,.:,.,,,:� �c
<br /> Wo,wg�� E Marin�and Vtrnint� K M�rina Husband snd Wff�. � Jp�t Tenants o
<br />....-.�rj� ' \
<br /> �'�..
<br /> _,. `�..F ,(•Truata') �
<br />;��c _ P. O. Box
<br />-:�: " undx the ToNowtng Deed oi Trust to be entered Mto among Truetoro,11nnd R Back. Attorn�v at L�w.
<br />-:��_�r> 790 Gru�d Islsnd N�bradca 88802
<br />- :�<"_..i; (•TtuaUe').
<br /> �, :��5. . .
<br /> :'-+r:�w> and Th� Ov�rl�nd Nwtional Bank of Qrand blsu�d
<br /> '•:,`'�`;/i.�gr desaibad below hareby acknowled8e that ft Is underatood th�t(�)the Dsed of Ttu�t to he
<br /> ('Bmeflck�ryr')ccverin9 the propertyr
<br /> 'y .3;�•"„• executed by Trustor Is a truat deed and not a mortgage and(b)the power o}sale provided tor in the Deed ot Trust pmvides
<br />:-cf;�,'� substanif�Ny diHeront righta and obOpations to the Tmstor than a mortgage in the event of detauft or brsach of ob6gatlon.
<br /> '�:.4�
<br />:�^'�;,;V�,� Truator a�knowledges that thls Adviowledgment was mede prtor to the execuUon of the Deed of rust.
<br /> Executed and ddhrerod this 22n day of AuSlust � 19gT
<br />�,'���
<br /> ,,�%�"?.�"'�t� r.ostc� rrusto �, an E. wring
<br /> -_i� -- � � � �I�
<br /> " 1
<br /> ----��� _ ,_�.� � ;.���w !4. !!!s�!o
<br /> _���� Trustor V
<br /> --- ;:��
<br /> -�'�'"a"'�' DEE� OF TRUST
<br /> �— rr�is�eo oF�usT Psecu►ity IncwmenY)Is made on Au ust 22nd ��97 -
<br /> � -�-- The wstor Is Loa�n E Ma►Ua and Vtrainl� K Ms�lna Husbsnd and W As Jotnt Ts�nb������
<br /> The wstee is Ar�nd R Bs�ok. orn�v �t L�w P O Box 790 ran Islalld N i�Tbras�'6�e�,�y�
<br /> Th� �rlan Nation�l B�ek of Orand Island whlch ta orpanfzed and exlaUn9
<br /> undsr the kwa of Th� Unit�d ht�s of Am��o� ,and whose address is 304 W�st 7b�rd��t_.
<br /> ra��d i nd E 801 (•lender•).
<br /> � 8ortower owes Lende►tho prindpal aum of �v�n Thouqnd !tt 0 100
<br /> - DoNaro(U,S.S 7 000 00 1. This debt Is oJidenced by BoROwer's note
<br /> '�°- dated the s�me dete �s thls 3ecurity �nstrume�t('Note'),which provides tor monlhy payments, wHh the tuA debt, H not p�id
<br /> �— - earNer,due�nd p�yable on Au�ud 22 2000 •
<br /> This Security Insuument aecures to Lender: (a) repayment of the debt evfdenced by the Note,with interost,and ep renewal�
<br /> extenatons end modillcaUons ot the Note; (b) the p�yment of �il other sums, wkh Intemst, sdvanced under paresnp
<br /> protect the securNy ot thls Securtly IneWment; �nd (c) the per(ortnance ot BoROwer'a covenants and agreements. For thia
<br /> ------�----- purpoae. Borrower IRevoc�biy grat►ts and conveys to Truatee, k► truet, with power of sab, the tollowing dese�lbed Prope�tY
<br /> toceted in Hall Counry.Nebraska:
<br /> A vact ot lend eomp�lslnq e part ot Lot Four(4)and nll ot lot TNee(3), Fdracras SubAi�islon.loeated In Me Southwest Warter (SW1/4),ot SecUOn
<br /> Y fireo (3),Townsmp Eleven(11)Nor1n.Rnnge Nlne(9).Wrt ot the 6M P.M..Hpll Counq,Nebrnska more particulnrty deseMbed as tollowe:Beqnni�9 at
<br /> mu Sout�west Cemere of sald Sedion 1'hree(3),thence rumirq North nlonq toho Wast nne ot suld Sectbn Three(3).s dstence ot Ono Thou^,ond Four
<br /> W-�.� Hundred E�flhb Slx end EIyM TeMh�(1ABS.0) Fcet:thence deAecting rtgM 91 29' S2"°^a�+^��^9 Easterty pnrmlel with the Soum Nna of xld SectlOn
<br /> —^� �� Thee (3),a dstanco ot Slz HundreG Flvn and Th.rleen Hundretlth�(G05.13) Fee�to the nctull polM of boglminq,caltl polM also bemq tho Southwest
<br /> -�R�=��'� corner of cald lot Tlvee(3), Felrecrce SuodNSlon;theneo dcAecUnq�c1t 91°29'52"oeA rurr�q NorthMy Nong tho West��nQ of sn10 Lot Threo (31.
<br /> �:_n:..
<br /> _� Fakncre�SuDdvtaloh a�istance ot Three Huntlred Four an0 FOrty Two HutdredU�s(304.42)Feet t0 th0 Sout11rA5t COtI�l�Ct oald LOt PoW(1). ul�atte9
<br /> F,;::'.
<br /> ��- fi_���� SvDd�aslon; U�ence tlelfucNnfl�eR NE� t'o' 2�" an0 rurWeg Neater�v o dfstnnce oa Three Hunpred Sbty Ono and Thirty Saven (361.3� Fnet to e
<br /> - _�"z� Southeast comer al Lot'wo 12). Jeaslca SuCdiN3lon; tnence tlenacCng ngM 88 O4' 39" nna mnn�0 NoMCrly along fhe EuteAy I�no ef Je35ica
<br /> ',�r��t '• SuDWvislon mtl Its e�Rension,e dlsmnca of Three Hurtdrea Tva a�tl�7+MY Nme Hundreutns (302.39) FneL to a polnt on Mc Northcrry�ino oT se�d Lot
<br /> �:,s....;:�...:
<br /> -ti „r��- Fpur (1), FNmcrea SvbdNalon:Mence detlectlnq rlyht 91° 34'33"and r�nnlnq EacteAy aiong No NaMMy Ilne ot sald Lots TNee(3)and Fout (�).
<br /> "�ai:t��• ��,i•�` FNrncres SuDd�NOlor�a dsLlnco ot S�x Hundred E�ty Two m0 Nlnety Threu Nundtedlh6(692.83)Foet to thu Northee5t comer ot salE Lot Threa (3),
<br /> — Fnlmcres SuDdNtlon;thenca Cetlectmg right 88°2B' 37'nrta n+nNnq Southerty Nony U+o Easterty rr.o ot t�al0 Lot Three (3). Feincros SubdiNSloa e
<br /> - - d�stanr.a ot S�x Huntred E�pht and Ninety One NundredW[60B•91) Feet to the Soulhwst comcr ot ca�d Lot Three (3). FNrnau3 SuhEivlsion:thencu
<br /> -` aclloctinq dgnt 91°J1'26"an0 runNng We�Mtly nlong the Saul�erty�ine of onld Lot Thrno(3).Felrecro�SubdlNSlon.a dl,tnnce of Three HundreC TweMy
<br /> ----- - -='a-' r�nm Fl}IV One HundfCMh�(3T1.51) FCC4 to thC nctuN DOmt OT bey�mNnq.
<br /> .._ -i��`�',y"�
<br /> 'ti+CJ'. ' ..��
<br /> �-....t.. _
<br /> �.r�. ,
<br /> - � �
<br /> which haa the nddresg oi B20 EIl�nstM� Road, __ . Or�nd Isl�nd.
<br /> - suc�•� ocy
<br /> Nebraaks 68801 ('Property Address'►:
<br /> p o c
<br /> � , , Form 3028 9.90 NEBRA51(A S�nyo Fom�ty FNMNFHLMC UNIF6AM INSTqUA�ENP,a` � o}y �(�� '
<br /> � -' F1316.1M011,9�
<br /> . I 9»35
<br /> 1 _ .. _._._....�.. - �...s,r �-_.:
<br /> _ �.,.�,:
<br />