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<br /> ' "' . SC07T• M6YaR8 SaVERLX l+�YERS ��„_ ���
<br /> , z -
<br /> • UNIPORM COVBNAMCS. Borrower and I.onder coveawt and atcee�s foUs when due thee pdaciptl and intcmc .—.
<br /> t
<br /> ;.fi 1, ps� ot Prlaclpd aad IntaeK. Barmwer sbill PmmptlY P Y �_;
<br /> ; indebtedness cvidenced by the Nota�ad late cbac�es as Provlded la the Note.
<br /> �, ; 3.�y�o�tor Tiuca�nd Iwurana. Subject co�ppUc�ble l�w or a wrltten w�ivu by Ixnder.Borrowor sSaU�u�� --
<br /> l.endor on the diy monthlY WY��of ptincipal nud interest ue ptYable under the Note.undl the Nate i�p�i ��
<br /> . "r� aum (Eecdn �Funds") e4w1 to one-twelRh of t1u Yeuly wees wd tssesuneme(i�ludia�caadominium uid Plta°�d unit ��,
<br /> dodty ovet tbl�Dad of Ttust.ud�rou�nNa oa the P�opertY�if
<br /> �� develupmtnt �ssessroents. if myn�ium�Yinsa�llm�ents for�d tusvcance.PDus one-twelfth of yarly pnmiu�a lnsullmenta �.__-
<br /> f� any. pl�s anc-tweltih of Yif u►y. a11 � raisonibly admiud intdallY and fmm dme co dme by I.euder on tlyeeob+d�
<br /> '� '•�' f0T n10rt�� �•
<br /> �ssme�and bills wd tasomble estimates th�reof. � the holder of P���°�� if��holder
<br /> to L.ender to t6e extent t6st Borrower m�lces such PsY�
<br /> ,-�; .. is an{nstltudonil lcnder. ts or axounts of which tre
<br /> �� If Eomnwer p�ys fimds w Le�er� tLe Funds siuU be Leld �C�����°� i�n nsdtudon). Lender siuU app1Y _
<br /> .. � �d Qr guuantud by s Federtl ar state agwcy(iacludip8�rents. Lender may not chu�e for so holdins�nd
<br /> "� tLe Fuuds to p�Y�d tues.�ssessaxnts.insu��P�� ���� � � y�bills. wiless Le�det PiYs
<br /> :` �pplylnig ►�e Futds. aailY�aB siid tccount or verifylt� Bottower and I.endet mtY t�e
<br /> �• Bonower�n�tst on dse 1Funds and�P4licable law pe�mus l.ender to m�ke sucL s c�arg�• to Bomnwa,aad unles9
<br /> ts on tbe Fwu�s sfi�a�1 be p4W
<br /> � in wdd�g at tbe time of e�cecudon of dus Dced of Tmst tbst int�tcst � Hoirower
<br /> ' as made or spplicable law nquires sn�ch iute�+esc ta be pdd.Lesder sh�ll �of the Funds
<br /> (� '� ���� e m Homower. withont chu8e.
<br /> .�. �
<br /> . �ny�tecest or eanilugs oa the Funds. IRader shall S� for wl�ich euh dehit w t4re Fuu3s�-•��de. 'Ibe Futtds�re ---
<br /> � showiqS�ts and debits 1Ofor the sums secu�ed b�ad of Tmst.
<br /> pledged u addidomi securltY of Fuads i�n3�:P�or to
<br /> If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. t�ngeums�uid��ou�d �n�s s������'pgy s�i�i
<br /> ` . � �c due dius of tues,assessments.iasvranc,e P �as theY fa11 due. sac�2xcess sh�ll ae. at Bo�ei�$ap�.
<br /> . - taxes� as�ment�. in��� Premiums nnd Bmund �s af Fuads. If the amocrat Q€@ie I'u�
<br /> � dther promptlY rep�id to Borrower or cndited w Borrower oa���Y��p�vms pad Bmupd reu4v��I'��me. �_
<br /> h e l d b y I.a n d er s6aU mt be su�cient w paY tu6s�ass�s°0C ao II.ender msY
<br /> s,, . .;;,. :. �:t Bomuwet shtll psY w 1.ender�Y a�munt�suY to m�k e up t h e d e fi c i e n c y i n one or mor.e psY�
<br />' . ;;•;.: cefmd ta Botrower�ay Funda
<br />%>., tfiis Deed of Tsusc, 1.ender shaU Pror�Y
<br /> . �UPoa Pry�nc in fuA of all sums socured bY ns otheivvlse uciuired bY ti�r�u�r
<br /> � held by Lender.Yf und�r��B�Fts 1T��•g c2+e�rarperty is sold or the Fm�� °u�sls Y�!'Y
<br />��;'`"��'-_�" Qo o3�e sa�e of tLe Prop��cY or[cs��u�sition by i�ica. �i !
<br />-�� �y '''"�' s6a11 app1Y.no lster than immodiatelY Pa'�r this Dsed of Ttos�
<br />�..,�,,:.. ,�.� f� the sums sa.�uced bY
<br /> �'���f K'h�!�1.�• �ii at t�e dme of�ppliqttion ts a cxet3it agaia�t received by I.ender under the
<br /> TJ�Id'►4 i�Q���AW TfIOYi�iB O'lbOIWjSC.A�1��� �
<br />-"sr 4:•�s�. ,, �,eqdcr first inpaYment
<br /> n g.�ia�ot P�7mmts• of amounts I�aYstble to LenderbY
<br />�=''�%�:i` 1 a�d 2 Leroof sball be�d�Y
<br />�,:�n.���, Nde aud P�f.then to interest PaYcbK an the Note,asd dun w tbe princlD�l of tLa Note.
<br /> �>�'i,�•'<� . undec pu�pb rfozm�ll of Boaower's obli�dovs
<br />�'�'='�• 4. l�ar M�lg�t�'��Deed� ot Tn�ti Ci�e�ai 1�,Hom�wer ehall Pe ovu this Deed of Tcuc�
<br /> :�;���""` u�r�ny nwrt�e� deod of avst or other sxuYity aB�xm�s wlth a lien which���d all wus,�
<br /> �.�`�. �n 's cov�nWe w m�ke paYments when due.Bottowa stW1 PaY dorl over this Doed of Tnut,
<br /> __ --�.-.� incl�din8 Bou'°w� doag aaribuable to the Propeicy which mtry att�in s P tY
<br /> -� '�'. and other ch�r�es. �S� teats.if u►y
<br /> --__-— and le�eehold WS'�s �°d sow e�ci�dnB or heraftec erxted oc tbe Pmp�rtY
<br /> -----�-� s.Ha�ard I�ano�. Bo:rower shall icceP��PT�'�� and such other haacde
<br /> �_.���.�`� imured a�at�t locs by fi�e.2untds included within the t�rm"extended covenge'. �s Laader maY
<br />-�-�v�� s+equire utd Ia svch amounts and for soch Perlods is I.ender miy requin•
<br />�--�-_-rt .���qrci�r pmvtdin�t�e in��be chosea by Aouower sab,�ece Lo tppmval by I.eoder:Pmvidod.
<br /> nably withLeld All inwraace Policies and�ew�thereof aL�ll be in t foim
<br /> --_-_-- �� ttut such �'�'+� � na be unce�so le to I.ender. Iander
<br /> =�-��, �pt�ble to Lender a�shail include a stR���1Te cL►vse in favar of and in a foim acaptab of t�ust or other
<br />-=i�.�� slull Lave the rt�ttt to hold tLe policies atnd renewtls thereof,�t►ject�s�e ieun�ofmy mo�.�e.deed
<br /> `"�"`-� �tp�gcxment wtsh a lien which h�s priority over this Dxd of Tsast. �p�f
<br /> agcee
<br /> �----- _ In ttu eve�of loes�Boztower sh�ll Sive Pmmpt ma¢e to the iasunace c�rrler md Le�er. Lender msY
<br />-'""� of loss if not mde Prom�Y bY��0�. �to I,e�er wlthin 30 daya from the date
<br />- .��� Ii the Pmpe�Y is abw�loned by Borrower,or if Bormwer fiils to nspo
<br /> =��R�,�, . arsier�fftrs to seule a cLim for insurt�e beaefits. I.eader ie
<br /> � =•-•� sadoe is m�iled by Lender w Bortowec th�t the insnru�ce
<br /> _ -���;• - �ythocjned to colleet and apP1Y the inguru�ce Pmcacls tt Le�er's opdon either to nstontioa or repdr of the PropertY or
<br />_-'���-�Y;;1 to ttre au��bY��°�f� � ����; Condom►dumi � or deunond�
<br />_;":::` ,:r . f. Praer� �g��� aot commit waste or peru�it impti�me�
<br />- - , .�,.,�, . Borrower sha111caP d�e Pxop�Y
<br /> _'�; .:, '�`,;•�s p��y�s t�l l c o m p l y w l t h t b e pmvisions of my]wse if t}us Deed of Tc�t is on s lausd►o1d if this Deed of Tivat
<br /> ' . +.1�.: , p c f o rn n t ll o f B o r r n w e c's o b l i�d o a 4 u�et the
<br />�'.:' .; ,.«;�: .,
<br />� •...';t,,:� an s unit in a condomtniwm or�pl�wned unit develo men�Borrowcr s 1 u U Pe
<br /> __ ' decl�ntion or coven�ats c c e�d n 8 or governin8 the comvminium or planned unit dcvelapment.the by-lawe and re8ulsdans
<br />���.:' co�ot�ined ia thia
<br /> -a �, af the caalominium or pltnnod61wi���Pment.ud coagdtuent docu��e�vemuts ttd s$�oem�E-c
<br />�'; 7. Protedion ot I�de�� If Bornower fAtts W perfo
<br /> < Doed of Tiust,or if any action or proc�is commenced wL�ch muerWlY affects L�ender's intaest in tbe PmpenY.then
<br /> ' �"'�� _ Ituder. u Lender's opdon, upon mdce to Hon+ower. may m�ke such aPFean°ces� disbuise s�ctt sumc. �ud�nY
<br /> -•'--- ...-,..e��,�rn nmteet ILOdGt 8�IItue,SG If Z.CndCr�al�� ��
<br /> ���j_ _._ _-�. - ca�som�ble attomeYs� fas. ana uico s,xn a�.��u s :�.-.-.----, --�-- � =+�mium�ro4ai�d io
<br /> � ,_, `'i iasvcaace�s a oon�tidon of malcin8 the losa secuied by this Dxd of Tmst.Bocrower shill M��P in aocordmce wlth
<br /> .. mainain such imtivaase in efkct w�dl such dm��e kwt-9uic+ement for such imvnnce
<br /> � Borro�ver's snd Le�'s wrltun a�rament oz�this Pua�ph 7. with interest thereoa at the Note nu.stWl become
<br /> - Any imouats disbucsed bY Lea�W�� to other te�ms of
<br /> _ �ddidon�l indebtednrs of Horrower secured by this Deed of Tcust. Unless Botrower a�1 Lender�thereof. NotW�W
<br /> piyment, such auwui►ts s6�i1 be pryable upon u�odc+� from Lender to Borcower reque�in8 WY�
<br />- ounnined in this p�ra�raph 7 s1W1 raluire Lender to inour aaY exPease or ake any�►cdon henumer.
<br /> Lender mry m�ice or cause ta be made rezsonable entries upon ind ia�pecdong of the PmpertY.
<br />- a. In��O°• don re�sonzble cause thenfc�r nUted to
<br /> . Provtded thu Lender shall Bive Borrower mdce prior to any svch iu�ec sp���
<br /> ., I,,e�{er's interest in the PropertY•
<br /> -_ , paye 2 ot s
<br /> 1 Nebrati 26d76-3 7197 Oriqinal(A�aosdad) Copy(Brisaah) Copy(Custoa�rl
<br />