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<br />_ , .t t�n
<br /> ' � 't n piymin" t�Lindi►ricilvii trom�Bormrowir or foi Borrow�r'i biMflt wldil bebeppli'ed fdit.to iny emountr Bovo e�owes on thstsecured debi _ ._
<br /> ° .�� oxclu�lv�of Inter�u or p►Inclpd,��oond to Intenft,and then to princlpal.If partl�l prep�yment of the�scured debt occurs for any rsason,It wftl
<br /> � •. � not ndua or�xcw�any�ch�duNd p�ym�nt untll th���ca�d debt 1�paid In full,
<br /> � x � ��A����Aprrow�r vrI11 p�Y�N tox���a����ment�, and other chu�es ettribut�bta to thsprop�rty when due�nd wlll dsfend tltle
<br /> � � '� to tM p��y�aNnst�ny�t�im�wMch would�mP�i�th�Ilsn ot thb deed of trust. Lender mey rsqulrs Borrowsr to ss�lpn eny ritit�ts,cidm�or _
<br />_b��.� � �}�����nrhich 6orrow�r m�y haw�p�k+�t p��e�.���/f�, �upp1Y I�bor or m�t�rial�to impove or mNnt�ln ths propsrty.
<br />_ . :;" 3.Inau►enc�. Ronowe► wlll keep tM propulY inwre9 unde► Urm�acc�ptablo to Lender at Borrower's sxp�nss�nd for Lsnder's ben�Ht.All
<br /> ���ur�nC�polkle�ih�ll Inciud���t�ndnd mortp�p�clw��in fovor of Londor.Londar v�ill ha named ee loes payes or a:the insured on any cuch �_
<br /> irnunnc�policy.Any Insunnc�procnd�m�y W appII�d,wit�rrowsriqrisi to�maint�in wchhnsuanc tfar as lonp�ai Lir�iderarequirei°��
<br /> .,�t�R or to tM t�cund d�bt.If L�nd�r nqulns mortp���inwrmcs.
<br /> w;" ' ' in ood condlUon�nd meks NI repelrs reiaonably necesury. _
<br /> _ 4.hop�t�•�rrowv will k��p th�prop�rtY 9
<br /> 6.E�Cp�«.Bortower apn�s to p�Y a�l���r's sxp�nsn i�cludinp rea�onable ettarneys'fees,if Borro�ver breaka any covenanta in this d�ed
<br />�� ` ' - of trust or in sny oblipatlon s�cured by this eed of truat.�orrower will p�y these amounts to Lender as provided In Covernnt 9 of thia deed of
<br />�'� . :,� trust.
<br />_ , s,euff�tyn t�n�t�.galp'^�uwi� p�rformill�oft8orrower�i�obllyitlons undor iny�prior�mortpape�deed of trust�or�tatheicse uritytapaeement
<br />`� � Includtnp 8orrowK'���MMf to m�k�paymsnts whsn due•
<br />�- .'. � 7,MsionrMnt of R��nd Prolks•Borrowe aai�nt to Lendn the ront4 and profite of the property.Unleta Bor�ower end LenAer heve apreed
<br />;���• . ottNrwft�in writinp, Burawsr may colleat and te�In tM rents aa Iong ns Bortower Is not in defauh. if Borrower defaults, Lender, Lender's
<br /> �" '�'� ap�nt, or�coun ep�wtnt�d nc�iver may take pos�ei���o�ndi�dcourt co6t4�and att�ro neys�fees commiislo s�to�rentd e ents,a�nd inY other
<br /> �' �,;,�.::;T: appOsd flrst to ttH costs ot m�napinp the propertlr. p
<br /> rpi�,' . ,�+ : n�c�scarY rot�ted exp�ntes.Th�rsmaininQ amount of r�nu will then appiy to p�ymenn on tha aecured dsbt as provided in ovemnt 1.
<br /> . �.L,MaNWdr Cordomh�+mrs Pi�sd lfnh DwN°p�^�nt°.�owe agrns to comDlY with the p�ovi�lons of my bas�If tN�dNd of Vust It on
<br /> � ' •�����Aotd.If tMs dNd of uuat is on�unit in� condaminium or a punnad unit d�veiopmsm,Barrowsr wUt poriorm all of BcrcovYx'e dutks
<br /> � ' r und�r tM cawnant�,bytawa,or rputatbns of the condominium ar plannsd unit d�vebpm�nt.
<br />_ �� 9.Autho(it}of Lwwl�r to PKfotm to►Bortoww. If Borrower fails to per(orm any ot Borrower's duNes under this d�ed of trust, Lend�r may
<br /> T�,;;;. .:x'.-:. pertam me dutk�l ar oausa them to ba psrtormsd.lander m�y si0n Borrower'a name or p�y rny emouM B neceseary tor psrtormance. If�ny
<br /> �� � �� �� ecur�i y�intereat in ths P oI PBrtYatmb mey InGudecanplmi e �the conmucHonmsnner,lender may do whetever is neaeawry to protsa Lend�r's
<br />�f`Y•'.�'��i.• L�ndx's failure to pe�form wl0 not p►ecluda l.�nds�hom exe�clsinp any of ite other dphtc under the law or this deed of ttust.
<br /> �..�t�y:.�+i�•S�i.
<br />-.,p�Y ..�, Any amount�,P�td by Lander to protact Lender's s�curiry interoat wili Oe secured 6y this dead of uuet. Such amounta will be due on dama
<br />�u�:�;�,.,�� and wlll bex�ntersst hom the date of ttre payment until pNd In full at 4he interest rate In eNeat on ths secured debt.
<br />��. „�j`,� �
<br /> �p, p�{�and Atsc�Nntion. If Bortow�r i�ila to mak� any payrrwnt when due a breiks�ny covenants under this dsed of tru�t o�any
<br />�"�+�+ 'i obliqatbr+securM by thl� dNd of trust or�ny p►ia matOape cr desd ofi trutt. Lender m�y aacdente the msturity of the s�cursd d�bt and
<br />"'""'��, d�ma�d imm�dlat�payment and m�y��vok�ths pow�r of a�N and�nY other remedi��permitted by�pplicabie law.
<br />�s�.,r, 'k;,r.i
<br /> +� �=�� -- »,��wst fa Noric�of wiwi�.ii is�+�raby ra�-i�.'«�.�t�°^s thP nntfces of defeult and aak be�ent to each person who is�putY
<br />�"-'�`cr�it�'; �a,at th�eddnss of sach such peraon,aa set fath herein.
<br />�„>��;���
<br />- -"'-'a-��i�'.�i
<br /> ��� 12,powu of 8W. if tM L�nder invok�s ttn Powsr of ufe,ths Trustes sh�ll tirst ncord In th�oNice of the reptstar of d�eds of sach county
<br />-�}c� „„Mn(�tM trust prop�rtY or som�D�rt or petc�l tMraof is situated a notics of detwlt containln��hi,^���o�o���f�oni�is ptisaibid bV
<br />��:�',�� , �hall also m�il copla�of ths notie�of d�f�uk to tAe Borrower, to saeh p�raon wtw is a party ha
<br /> - appifcabls Nw. Not Nss th�n orn month aft�r tM Trusts�rocords tM noUcs of d�fsult or two months if tt+� tru�t proPertY �� not U�ny
<br /> � — irworporatsd city or viilsp�md is us�d In fa►minp op�ratbns card�d on by tM trustor,th�f►ustse th�ll pive publio notice of sab to tM p�nons
<br /> ��_��_- abW�d�i.��quk�bpy ths�F�itm Homistiid PrateotbnsANOi.Trustie ihal�oHer ths�Pe�•ty�h�l�'iipariti sel sii riquk�bY�pplf�cabliliwt
<br />�_��� TrustM m�y postPon�i�l�of all a any pucel of ths property by publio ennouncemmt at ths tirM�nd pl+c�oi any pr�vfousty�cMdul�d s�N.
<br /> _"*�'•�"! Und�r or It�d��prw�m�y ywclaio tts�RroRerty nt eny arle. _
<br /> -'� Upon nuIpt of p�ym�M of th�priu bid.Truat�s thdi d�Uver to th�pureh�ar Tru�tN's d��d conwylnp th�prop�rty.TIw nciHab cont�kNd in
<br /> � TruaN'�dNd ahNl b�prim�t��N�vWl�nc�of tM truth of the�t�t«mmts corKatMd tMnin.T►u�tM st�aA�pply tM procNds o}tM pM In tM
<br /> �:�r��a folbwkq ard�t: IU to dl �xp�na� of tM sal�,I�cludinp, but not Iimtt.�d to, n�sombl� TrwtN's fNS, ►��adNbN �ZtO�MY�� 1N� ��Id
<br /> --�� ninct�tsmrnt iN�:(b1 to aH sums sscund by this O��d of trutt,�nd(cl tM bH�nc�,If any,to th�pn�om NpallY�nUtl�d to r�aiw it.
<br /> -- a 13,�un.At l�ndK's option,this d��d of nust may b�foncloud In tM muvwr povid�by appliabl�I�w fa fa�cb�un of matpp��
<br /> '� on nN props►ty.
<br /> � �4,It�p�oyo�,L�nd�►m�y�nt�r tl»prop�►tY to Inspct it if Lander yfvss Borrowa notics b�ta�hand.TM not(ee mu�t st�t�tM n�sonabM
<br /> -.� eaus�for L�ndM'�insp�ation.
<br /> i �6,CondMn�wdon,Borrowsr asdyns to Lsndsr thepr aeeeds ot my�wed a clsim for dun�yaa conneat�d Mdth�condemnatlon w oth�r takkq
<br /> �;� ot a11 a any pwt of tM prop�rtY•Su�h p►ocNds will be applbd�t provided in Cown�nt 1.7his ai�tynrmnt b wbJ�ct co tM tKms ot ony p�ior
<br /> acurity aprMm�nt.
<br /> ��� t6.�y�,gy�xK�{jU��ny nm�d�r wailable to Lend�r. UndK does not pivs up mY riphtt to lat�r up�nY otMr rom�dy BY not�x�►cis{np
<br /> any nm�dy upon Bo►rowsr's def�ult.Und�r does not w�ive any ripht to later conolde che evsnt a def�uR If it h�pp�ns apNn.
<br /> ---°-�
<br /> . .7 ��, ,��nd g�wrN Wb�qri Ca��: s��a+ � A���• All duti�:und�r thia d�ed of vust�re JofM �nd ��wrN. Any
<br /> �oWK � �_��m�� d� a}�� p� does not co-sipn tM undKdl�{�p d�bt Instrurt�ntls) da� �o onty to prant�nd conwy th�t
<br /> �_,_=��� BonoUvwrwrsBonow�r�undir�Ul�i�d of t�ruat�msy eM�wid�mto�d�or m�k�anyo thu ch�n add Inotlro tci m�o�thls rd�id of umuit w tM pax�
<br /> d�bt without that Bortow�►'s cons�M and without rotminp that�orrower from th�termt of thi�de�d ot truat.
<br /> _='_�--'��•--= TM duths�nd b�nefib of this dwd of trust shail bind and beneflt the wcceuors end�ulpns of Lendx and Borrovwr.
<br /> -;ys,a�i��� � 1f.Madn.Unh�s otMrwi�e requirsd Dy law,any noUee to Borrower ehaii be pivan by delivetinp it or by m�iliny It by certifl�d m�N�ddr�ttsd to
<br /> -�-Y`=��� gprrovwr at tM prpputy addresc or�y other�dMe��that Borrower has olven to 4end�r.Borrowsr wlll piw any ratics to Lendet by cetifi�d
<br /> _�,�;,�s" m�fi to Lendat's�ddnts on paW 1 ot Mfs desd of trutt,w to any other acldtess which Lsnder ha�d�s{ymtsd.Any ott�er notic�to L�nd�r nh�ll
<br /> -_,�„��i�. b�aurt to L�r�r•a addrsa�s stated on paye t of thU doed of trust.
<br /> ;=•.:h..--'-
<br /> =_�:x�;Y�;.,s� Any noUc�sh�N be d�arr�d to havs bean piven to Borrower or Lender when ptven In the manner steted above.
<br /> �,s: ty
<br /> :•'�"•' � 1�.7raml�t of 1M P►op�rtY«��r�K��t tntM torrcw�r.If aIi or a�y pert of the(xoper ebt�Len�dir�miy alto d mand�fmm�dlete
<br /> ' � W�thout ��nd�r�s prior written consenL Lender may deemnd Immedi�te p�yment of ths secured d
<br /> � ���+-.;�:� paym�nt If ths Borcower ia not a n�tur�l psrcon and e benefic{al interest In the Borrower le aold or transterred.However, Lander may not
<br /> '�'�� • d�mand p�y m ant In tM abov�skwtioni if k la prohibfnd by fsderd luw es of th�d�te of thft deed of truat.
<br /> .�?"� -� -!�� � 20.R�aonwy�ne�.When the obllyation secured by thla deed of truat haa been pald, md Le�der hes no funher oblipstlon to ma k�a d vances
<br /> und�►tM instrum�nts or apnsmenu sscured by thi�deed of truat,ths Trustee�hell,upon writtsn requsst by iM Lender,reconvey tM Vust
<br /> ''�' ` TM Lender shdt dsiiver to the Borcower, er to Borrow�r's wceetsor in Interest,ths tru�t deed snd the note or other evidenco of the
<br /> �r'=- ����• .�.�It.. anv.�rnr�latlnn COitt.
<br /> . onugmon so siii8i�o.:.°�.�:.:..._...-_:_.., ---- -
<br /> .�r�`: .-�-� fit
<br /> p����� 21. Suaa�ssa TrustN. Lander, at Lender'e optlon,may remove Trustee and eppoint a eucceesor Vuatee by at, mafling a eopy of the
<br /> =�'�"� �•, substitutlo�of truatee as rsquired by applicabls I�w,end tMn,by filir�the eubatitutbn of austee tor record in the office ot the repirter of deeds
<br /> � ���4 succsed toui Iihe po a►tdutiee autho R�y an�d tfUs of the Trustee nsmed In t deed af uust ns d�of any�eucceieor vuatee.�f the property,shNl
<br /> ��`
<br /> r_�
<br /> — . IPap�2 0/21
<br /> �� . " ' SAHI(p1S gY6TEM$,INC.,ST.CLOUD.MN 66701 tt�l0049T•2]411FORM OCRMi6-NE!/19191
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