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<br /> � WARRAPITY DE�D ::
<br /> THIS INDENTURE, made thls � day of August, 1997 bctween JU�IN K.
<br /> ME?NARD, a single p�rson, heseinafter ceferred to a� Cirantor, and IiICi () ' '.`��f?
<br /> DEVELOPMENT, INC.,a Colorado corporation,hereinafter referred to�s Crantrn.
<br /> The (3rantor, for and in consideration of the sum of one dnll�r(S 1.00) und u�her
<br /> valuablo considerativn to it paid by Grantee, the receipt whereof ia hereby acknowledged,
<br /> hasg�ven, granted, bazgained, sold, remised, releaaed, altened, convqral and confirmed
<br /> and by these presents does �ve, grant, barg�in, sep, remise. relaase, alien, canvey an�
<br /> confirm unto Grantee,the following described reAl eatato(tho "Praperty"), situsted fn the
<br /> County of Hall, State of Nebraska, more particularly describad a�follows:
<br /> The Southerly Two Hundred Fcet (21�0') of Lot Thicteen (13), Menard
<br /> Second Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island,Hall Counry,Nebraska.
<br /> Together v�ith all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thcreunt�
<br /> belonging or in any way appertaining.
<br /> To have snd to hold the Property as sbovc described with the hereditaments a�d
<br /> a�purtest�stc�w untQ n�tnt�p A�rt t�it4 a�icces.aors ttnd assians forever.
<br /> This conveyance is make subject to building snd wning Idws, county and
<br /> municipal ordinances, state and federal re�ulations. easements, covenants and restnctions
<br /> of record, and the fallowing covenant wh�ch Grantor shall reserve for its use and the use
<br /> of its successors or assigns, as en appurtanance to the P�operty:
<br /> , Approval and Site Development: In order to insure that the sret consisting
<br /> of Grantor's adjacent property and the Property is developed and
<br /> maintained as a cohesive development, thnt tha development of the
<br /> Property does not k�a.ve a material adveree impact upon the vis�bility of the
<br /> � Grantor's pmperty and that the parking, access snd c�rculation aras can
<br /> accomr�odate an orderly flow of traffic to and from the res�ective
<br /> propertios, the Grantor, its successors and assigns� resorve the r�ght to
<br /> approve or disapprove, in writing, the pinns and specificatione, for
<br /> Grantee's development of the Prope�ty. No bu�iding,structure,landscepin�
<br /> ; or other improvcment shall be erected, materiaily altared or placed upon
<br /> the Property unless the plans, specifications and site development QlAns and
<br /> ' proposed use are approvcd by Grantor in Grentor's sole discretion.
<br /> Grantor shall approve or dieapprove an�r plsns or specifications within
<br /> thirry(30) days after such plans or speciRcations hnvo ban received by
<br /> Grantor and failure to approve or disapprove within said thlrry (30) dnys
<br /> shall constitute approval.The Property shall not be s�sb-dlvided or split into
<br /> multiple lots, and Grantee must improve, devetop and maintaln tha entire
<br /> parcel with e�ther parking facilities or landscaping in order to avoid the
<br /> � appearance of any vacant or undeveloped areas on the Property. These
<br /> : restnctions shall run with the land for a penod of twenty(20)years.
<br /> Exce�t as herein stated, Grantor for himself and his successors. does covenant,
<br /> gant� bar�a�n and agree to and with Grantee, its succesaors and assigns, that the said
<br /> premises, �n the quiet and peaceable possession of Grantee� its successors and assigns,
<br /> against aU and every person or persons lawfully claiming the wholc or any part thercof,by,
<br /> �i�rc►ugh or under Grantor, it v�ntl forever warrant and defend.
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