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� <br /> , . . .. _ <br /> . -- <br /> , .��.�,��.-.�:.s:.�. .-•-_.— <br /> -- - - � —. <br /> . - - <br /> �y <br /> ments mxy no lunger be rcquirod,at thc aption uf Lender,if mortgage insumnee cavcroge(in th�wnounti�or t �la�i <br /> tlut i.,endcr requires)provided by an insurcr epprove�i by Lender dgain becames availeblc anJ is nbtgined. Ba�rower Rha! pry <br /> thc premfums roquirat to mafntain mortgAge inwrance in effect.or to provide a lots reservc,untll the rcyuircment for rtwrtg�c <br /> insurance ends in occordance with any written egreecr►ent betwan Borcower and L.tnder or applicable IAw. <br /> 9. Inspectlun. 1,ender ar its agent i»sy mni:c rca.o►�al�lc caules npnn xnd inspecHons of the Pc�peRy. Lender shall g{ve -- <br /> Aorrower notice�t the time of or pria�to wn i�eccion spccifying re�soiwbte causo for the inspectton. <br /> 10. Condemn�t{on. The pmceeds of ar�award or cleim for dame�es.dirat or cwnsoquential. in connecttun wlth any <br /> condemnatiun or other teking of any part af tAe�' for conveyar�ce�n Iieu oP w►►Jc�ur�:iEar..arc h:.ttlsy�.sESseed end <br /> shall be paid to Le�der. <br /> In the event of a total teking of the Property.the Proae�is shaU be appliod to the sums socurod by this Securtry Instniment. <br /> wt�ether or not then due. with any excess paEd to Borrower.In the event oi a p�tial tal:ing of the Proporty in which tha fai� <br /> market value of the Prope�ty immediateiy bef9ce the wlcin8 Is oqual to or greattr than the ecnount of the sums secural by this <br /> Security Insttument immediAtely befon the tald�Z.unless Borrower ard Lender otherwlso a,gree in writing.the sums secured by <br /> this Security Instcument shall be reduced by the amount af the procads multiplied by the following fractlon: (a) the total <br /> amount of the sums saun�InrunediatelY befon the taking.Jivided by(b) the fair mar/:at value of the Pmpetty immad{ately <br /> befon the taking. My halance shall be paid to Borrower. In the avent of a pu�tial taking of the F'�operty irt whioh the fair <br /> muka value of the Propeny icnmediately before the taking Is less than the amount of the sums secured icnmodi4cely befare the <br /> taking,unless Banower and l.ender othenvisc agm in writin8 or unlcss applicxble faw otherwisc provides, the prooads shall <br /> be appliad to the sums secured by thls Security Instcument w6ether or not the sums arc chen due. <br /> If the Propercy is abandoned by Borrower,or if.after notice by Lender to Bomower that the oondemnor ofters to make an <br /> awerd or settle a claim for damages.Bortower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the noa'v�e is given. <br /> Lender i�authorizzd to oollxt and apply the iu option,either to nstoration or repair of the Properry or to the sttms <br /> secured by this Securiry Instrument.whether or uot then due. <br /> Unless Lender and Horrower athenvise agree in writing, any applicadon of proceods to principal shall tat extend � <br /> postpone the due data of the monthly paym�nts refemed to ia paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the aa�unt of such payments. <br /> ll.Bomuwer Not Re�ed:Forbarinoe 1�7�NO��W�vK.Extension of the time for payment or modificadon <br /> af amo�tization of the sums secund by this Sea►rlty Inswment grantal by I.ender to any suooessor�n interest of Borrower shall <br /> not operate to nlease the liability of the origiml Borrower or Borrower's sucassors in interest. Lender shall aot be required to <br /> commen�;cc proceedings agdnst any suoassor in imeresc or niuse io caic��ti�t�;i�Y'�t ar ostzer�i°.��.�;a�st�zA!'^n <br /> of the sams secuned by ttns Socurity Instrument by rcason of any demand made by the original Boisower or Borrower's <br /> sucoessors in intec+est.A�y forbearanoe by Lender in ezerrising eny dght or remody shall not be a w�iver of ar pnclude the <br /> exercise of any dght or nmcdy. �� �Ve��� a ats of tfiis <br /> 12. Suoc��+ora�nd AssiBn� Bou�d: Jofnt and S�veral Usbiiity: CCo--skuers• 8�M <br /> Secudty Instrument shall bind and benefit the snooessors end assib*ns of Le�der and B°m°wer. subjxt to the provisions of <br /> pu�agnph 17. Borrower's oovenants and agreements stwdl be jo[nt and sevenl. Aay Borrower who co-signs�th9s Secudty <br /> Instrume�t but dc�es not exxute the Note: (a)is co-signipg this Security Instrument only to mortgage.granc and'oonvey that <br /> Horrower's inteoest in the Property under the terms of this Security Insaumeat;(b)is aot personaUy obligatod tb pay tha swns <br /> serurod by this Security Instiument;and(c)s�gc'ers that Lender and any other Borrow'er may agtee to oxtend.modify,forbw•or <br /> m�k�any�coommodatio�s with regard to the terms of this Securiry instniment ar the Note without tt�at Borrowetr's oonsent. <br /> 13.I.o�a Chsrtes.If the lou►secured by this Security Inshument is subjat to a Iaw which sets rtw�timum loan chuges. <br /> and thu Itw is finally inte�pretod so that the intercst or other loan charges oollected or to be oollocted 3n rnnn�ction with the <br /> loan exoeed the permittod limits,tlxn: (a)any such loan charge shall be roduvod by the amount nxessary to recluce tho charge <br /> to t,he permittod limit;and(b)anY sums alteady collected from Borrower which caoaedod pertnitted Itmits wiil be nfunded to <br /> Bonrower. Lender m�y choose to malce this refund by roducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct <br /> p�yment to Bomower. If a aefund rexluces principal. thc rcductiu�i 1vllt b:, ttraitcd as a pr.rtisl prepayn�c�t w;tlxwt any .-- <br /> ps+epayment ch�rge under the Note. <br /> 14.Notteas. Any ratice to Borrower pmvidod for in this Socurity Instcument shall be given by delivering nt or by m�iling <br /> it by 6rst class mail unless applicable law requic�es use of arather method.71ie eotioe shall be directed to the Pnoperty Address <br /> or uny dher eddress Bon�wer designates by aotice to Lendcr. Any notia to I.�nder shall Ue given by first clus mall to <br /> Lender's�ddnss statoct hec+ein or any other eddress Lender designates by notia to Borrower. Any notioe provided for in this <br /> Socutity Insttument shall be deemed to have boen gtven to 8arrower or Lender when given as provided in this paragtaph. <br /> 15.Goveroing; Severpbility. This Securiry Iastrument shall be govemed by fexleral law and thc law of the <br /> jurisdiction in which thz Property is located.In tbe event that sny pr�ovision or clause of this Securiry Instrument or the Note <br /> conilicts with applipble law.such conilict stiall not affect other pravisions of this Security Insuument or the Note which can be <br /> given effect wi�fiout the oonflictins provision To this end the provisians of this Socurity Insqument and the Note are declaned <br /> efl be severable. <br /> 16.Borrower'e Copy.�orrower shall be givcn ane oanfom�al oopy of the Note and of chis Security Instnttnent. <br /> r-o�,ao2e s�so <br /> v.y.�o�e <br /> ,___ -�— �_.���,-�_ ---__�__ —° <br /> ---_ -- --=a�#.�caa±Y?i�r;����------ _- -- -- <br /> --- <br />