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<br /> N�BRASKA 1�
<br /> S�CONA DE6D OF TRt1ST �
<br /> (F�A La3t1)
<br />_. This Secand peed ot T�ust 4tl�s 'Second Deed of Tru�st'1,+s made as af lyqguet 21, 199�by and amang ` �`
<br /> �Y !I. 1I1�t�t1i1 M. �� � 1l1�O 1RFE v�
<br /> PTruscoPl, whosa mailtnp address Is 823 Mest 5ttl 3t�� Grao�d I82�� I� b�� a
<br /> l�TN Ii13Sr gD�!lT�CWj•Trustee'1 , whose ma(Itnp�ddress is (� �
<br /> � �� � � g�� , Nehraska; and Nebaska Irnestment Finsnce Audtiority \
<br /> , ('Beneticiary'),�whos�e mailfnp addreat s Z� 0�0 Co�mmerce Court. 1230 0 5ueet,Uncoln.Nabraska 68508-7402. _
<br /> , FOR VAlUABIE CONSIDER�4TICiN,7rustar irrevocabty transf�rs.conveys and assiqns to Trustee,tN TRUST,WITti POWER
<br /> : OF SALE,for the banefit and sacurity of Beneficiary,under and subject to the terms and conditions of this 5econd Deed of Tn�t,
<br />'.f the reat property, lepalty described onExhihit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by�eference (the'Prope�ty'1; and
<br /> t
<br /> TOGETHER WITH,ali rents, protita,►oyalties,income and other bensitts deBved frcm the Propeny(coltectively,the'ronu'�,
<br /> �i. all laasea or aubleases ccvartna the PraOenY or any pottion thereof now or hereaRer exfstinp or ente►ed i�to,and att ripht,title�nd
<br /> interest of Ttusto►thereunder,ali rip t�4 title And interest of Trustor in and to any preater eatate in the Ptoperty owned or hereafter
<br /> acquired, sit Iateresu, estate or otherclaims, both in Iaw and fn equity, which Trustor now has dr may hereaRer�cqulre in the
<br /> Praperty,all e�tsements,ri�hts�of-way,tenemesnts,hereditsnnents and�ppuRenances thereof and thereto,ell water�iphts,�II ripht,
<br /> titis and interoat oi Trwtor,now owned or hereafter acquired, in and to any tand, lyinp within the dphtqf-way of�ny strett or
<br /> ; hi9hway adjaninp ths Property, end u►tr end all alleys and st�ips and poree et I�nd adjaceM to or used in connecdon with the
<br /> P'rop�rty,s�d any and all buitdin9a,f ixNre�and impruvements nnw o�he�eafter erected theraon itha'Improvaments'1.And all the
<br /> ast�te,tnterest. �iqht,titls or eny claim or demand whiCh Trustor now has or may hnreafter acquire tn th�PropnRy,end my md . �'
<br /> stt awsrds m�de for tha taklnp by arninsM domain, or by any prqceedinp or purchaae in lieu thereof,uf the wholA or any paR of
<br /> �• ths Trust F.at�te.Inctudinp wlthout IfMta�on any awards resultinQ trom a chanqe of prade of street�and awards tor severance
<br /> � dam�es.
<br /> � 7Fw Property and the entire estate and intereat conveyed to the Trustee are referted ta coite�tively as the "Trust Eatate'.
<br /> ` Fa tAt Ptapo��of S�curinq:
<br /> A. Payment of indebtodness avidenced by any promissory note of T�uator in favor of Benaficiary;and
<br /> B. Psyment of�fi sums odvanced by Beneficiary to protect tha �'rust Estate, with interest thereon et the rate of .
<br /> _��:z.�r�percent t1696S per annum.
<br /> The indebtedness dnc�ibed�n puapraphs A and 8 above is referred to aa tha 'Indebtedneu.'
<br /> This Second Oeed of Trutt.�ny prom(ssory note of Trust.ar tn tavar of Beneficl�ry and any athar (nstrument yiven to
<br />-. �cvidenc�or fuRh�r sacure the paymentend pe�formsnce of any obli�atlon secured hereby are referred to coilecdvely as the'Laan
<br /> `..�lnstrum�nts'.
<br /> ..t Trustor eovenants that (i1 Trustor hatds title to the Trust Estate and has Iawful authority ta encumber the Trust Estate,
<br /> , •`(ii1 the Trust Estate is trae and ctear o��li liens and encumbnnce�except far easements,restrictions md coventnts of rar.ord�nd
<br /> !chs Dead of Trust from Trustor encumbednp the Property dated on or about the date hereof (the'First Deed of TrusYl, an0
<br /> (iil)Tn,stor will defend the Trust F.state apainst Me tawful ctatms of any person.
<br /> •To Prot�ct th�Sscu�ity af Wt S�co�d DNd of Trust:
<br /> 1. P�yin�rtt ellrx�eDf�dnrss. Trustor shati pay when due the principal ot,and the tnterest an,the Indebtedness and
<br /> all other suma as pravided in the Loan Instruments.
<br /> . � NIPA Z/98
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