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<br /> lp, R�utemen� Borr�r hxa a dght ta bc rcinstatcd U�ender has rcquired lmmediatc payrncnt in ul �..
<br /> ��� � � bocausc of Bormwcr's[aliar¢to puy�n unount duo under tAe Nou ar thi�5ecurlry IustrumeaG This right sppUcs ��.
<br /> '�:�. �•: _�:� even after(oreclasuro prooadiap Rre insUtutcd. To reiast�t�ths Secutiry Insuumcnt,Borrnwcr shKll tondcr In a lump ���:-
<br /> ' .,, eum ail auwunts rnquirod to bring Bnrrower'a�ocouat cunent includln�,to ede cxtent they ara abligations of Bonower �:
<br /> •� • under chfs Security Inatrumeat.toreclosure oata aad eeasonable and customAry attorneys'fces ead expetts�s propetly ,. .:
<br /> -=:-.h� ,. tdis Security Instrumeat aad the _. �
<br /> _`.p��'•�` �ssociatat with the forociosu�re prouoodtn�. Upoo ntasuten�nt by Hotrower, -
<br /> ' . abligations that ic sa��r�s shat!remaln in ef�ect ag U Lcader dad not requlred immcdiate payment in tull. Howe,wer. �•�_
<br />=_:'_��� L,ender ts aot roquircd to permit relasu�tomeat if:(q Leader tws swoePtod reibstatem e n t a f t er tha oommcnccment of �
<br /> '�,,.�• ;� foreclosun prooeedln&g within two Yc� i�►e�auh' prooedina tde oommeaament of a current foreclosure
<br /> .,�....,�.....,........�..,:��.�►�t��nw fnrnriniure nn diffettent¢rounds!II the futu[C.OL(III)ICIIIStaIClriCAL WIU
<br />� �Il�/►�GW11��f�u��viswww...•... ...»C'_"_' ' _.
<br /> _ _ adversely af�'�ect the prlodty of the lien created by this Securlry Instrument. _
<br />�- , � 1L Bor��+rcx Not R� �� b1'�� s w� �a�ion of the Wae of payment or -
<br /> v modificatlon of amortizatIoa of We sums xcutod bY thls Sa;ur�ry IaKtrumcat granted by 1.endcr to any suooessor in
<br /> _�..�.;r"�. . intotest of Borrawer sha11 not operau to rela4se the li�bWty of tt�e odgiiwl Borcaw�er or Banowcr's suoocssors in °
<br /> `.;�.�;s. Intens� Lender sh�lt not be roquired to oommenoe gmoeedln8�a8sinst any suooessor ia interest•�r nfuse to a�tond
<br /> ' ..,.':-��';', tlme for paya�ent or othaiwLse modity waortIr�doa af the sums sa:urod by this Socurlty Iastrumeat by reason of uty -
<br />��f�: . ;,, der�+i nwde by the origlnal Borrow�er or Borro�wec's stiwo�ssors in inures� Any forbearance by Leader in eaerdsiag
<br /> ,:..�;,��s` art9 rigba or remrody stwU not be a waiver of or prxlude tbo ezerc�sa of any dght or nmody.
<br />-_ ;•�•'r;5� 12 S�oaea�ns a�A�rt�Bo��Joiu ad Se�l I�i�try:�lA�� 'Iha cavenants aad agram�nu of this
<br /> ;'.�,.�,::
<br /> . .:�:,. Secudty Instrument stw11 bi�d aad benest t�sexsessors and asslgas ot I,ender and Barrow�er.aubject w the provlsions _
<br /> ;�,.:r�s�:. of psraBaPh 9(b).Bo�xon�+ePs ooven�nts and agaments shtU be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this
<br /> ;�'�.<�,� ;.., "' Secudry Instrument bat d�rs aoi ei�cute thz Natz,{a)�S m-sigcing thts Secudty Instrument only to mortBaSa 8�t �
<br />�= •-- and ooavey Wat Burrower's interest Ia the Property under tha cerms of this Securlry Iasuument;@)is n9t person�Uy -
<br />��;°;�t'�;�: " obUgated to pay the sums secured by tWs Sewrity InstrwneA�and(c}aRroes that Lea�fer and any other Bormwe�may
<br /> ;��'�W`� • agcee to e�tend,modity�forbear or make aay a000mmodations with n�nd to the tetms of this Socurlty lnsuument or
<br />=;.:,";_!��.'�"�'" the Note wlthout that Borrow�er's oonsen�
<br /> -�-,irY L?� Nottoea Aay notioe to Barro�wer pmvided far in this Socurlty Instrument shaU be givea by delivering it or
<br /> ;;.;�4: blr ssai�iag it by Hrst c,lass mail�nkss applkable law requir�use oS encether method. The notice sball be directed to
<br /> ;;�;�:;.. ti ti�Pr�p�rty Address or any other address Bornowar desi�r+ates by notioe to L,eader.Any aotla to Lender shall be
<br />=-;�.:� .`, vcn ftrst class mail to Lender's addr�ss statod herein or u►y Address Lender destgnates by notlx to Borrovvcr.Any
<br /> -��'"��_ ���..��r��t ��r�ry tncm�menc shall be deemed to have been gi�+en to Borrower or L.ender when given
<br /> --_.�-;�r,,� as pr�vldod ia this paraS�P�
<br /> .._,,;: i4. t3oMa�i�Ianr,3av�aa6iHg► 'I�Secudry Iaqtrument�hall be governed by federal law and the law c�f the
<br /> `�:,.1';�� jur�cii�tton in which tUe Propeny is located. In tLe e.went that auy provLsion or clause of this Securiry Instrume.�t or
<br /> -'_-°— tho Note oontlicts wlth appllcabk law,auch ooatUct sh�ll not a8tect other provistons of thls Secudry Instrument or the
<br /> ��'���� Nota whkh caa be givsn eBoct without the oonflicdng provisloa To this eAd the provLsions of tbis Secudry Instrument
<br /> r;��' apd Wc Note sra decl�red to be severable.
<br /> }s gan�'+t7op�r. Borrowtr shall be given one oonfotmed oopy of the Note and of this Se�uri�y Iastrument
<br /> -_._��,. it5� Haucdou�Sobwsors. Borrawer sbail not cause or pecmic tha presena,uso�disPosal+swntge.or relcasc of
<br /> � �ny Hazudous 5ubstaaces on or In the Fropetry. Borrower shall not do, nor allaw anyone else to do.anything
<br /> ---- affectfng tho P!so��srty Wat is in violatiou of any Environmental Law. The praxding two senunoes sLall not aPP�'�
<br /> — - the gresence,�ss�or storage oa the Propeny of smaU qnantities of Hs7ardous Substanoes that ace genecally reaognized
<br /> co be approprlsu to aonnal residential uses and to mnintenanoe of the Property.
<br /> Borrow�ar shall pmmptty give Lender written n�tice of any invcsdpatIon.cieim.d�mand+lawsuit or other aCr��n
<br /> by any govemmental or regulatory agenry or prtvate party invotvin�thc Properiy an�d any Hazardous SubstanGe,or
<br /> Environmental Lw of which Borrower has actwl knowledgc. 1f Borro�w�er learns,or 3s noti5ed by any governmeat�l
<br /> _�-. or regulitory authaMty,that any removal or other remedi�doa of any Hsz�udous Subdt�nas agocting the Property is _
<br /> --- _ neoessacy.Borcower s6all promptly teke all neassaiy remodial actloas in a000rdance with L�nvlronmental Law.
<br /> ,4y used in thts panataph 1G,"Harardous Substaaoes"are those substanas definetl as tmdc or ha7ardous substano�s
<br /> � by Em�imnmcnt�l Law and the followWg substanas: gasollne,kexosene.oWer flamtnable or taaic pettoleum prodncts.
<br /> toadc pestiddes and herbiddes.vol�dla solvan�� miterlals wntaining asbestas or formaJdelxy�+le,and radioastive
<br />_�_ mzuriala. As�sed in this paraBraph 16.'Envir�oameatsl Iaw'me�ns�'ederal laws aud laws of t6e Jvtlsdictian where
<br /> -- the property Ls located that ireiate to healtb,safety or environmental protoction.
<br /> -i ��'��' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS• Borrovu�er and Lender turther oovenant aad agre�as follows:
<br /> � — 17. A�tpcnt o[Reats. BorrovNer unoondttionally assigns and transfers to Lendet all tha nnts sud revenues
<br /> � L�� ot the Yropeny. Borrower suthorizes Lender or I.�nder's agents to wllect the cenu and revenues and hareby directs
<br />��;�''�;�F each teaant of the Pmperty to pay the rents to Lender or L.eader's agents. Ho�wever,prtor to Lender's notioe to
<br /> "'^��i�";°"�'" "' Borrower of Borrower's breach of any oovenant or agroemeat in the Securlty Insmunent,Borrower s h a 1 1 oo llect an d
<br /> �:s',,...:t,�'.. �i
<br /> .__��,c•,i:i.;rc`•'�' _.
<br /> _-°_v��,,.;:_;:; receive aU rents and revenues ot the Propeny as trustce tor the bcneSt of Lender and Bomov�er. Tdis assi�,mment of
<br /> .��•-��.:::;f;;. rents oonstitutes an absolute assigament and not an assignment for addidonal security onty.
<br /> - `"'�°"r ' If Lender givcs notioe of breach to Bonovrcr. (a)all rents rooeiv�ed Dy Borrovrer shall be�asld by Borrower as
<br /> ,.�. :.:t'+ ;
<br />-•�{���;'.`ij�"' • � trustee for benefit of Lender only,ta be applled to t6e suau secured by the Securlty Insuument; (b)Lender shall be
<br /> �;%_:`'���' peny,and(c)each tenant of the Pro shall all r�nts -
<br /> ..r�� 7�, entitled to oollect and receive all af t6e rents ot the Pro �L� PertY PaY
<br /> - '?-y�1?�!� A��a onA unnulrl tn�P11t1Af(1f I P.t1AlI�A 90P�t OII I�11dCC�5 WIILLCII�ICII�IId IO �4fr LCDZIIt.
<br /> -.'y,`F:(:;.if:�fr . : ......�..��..r����-- --------- -�o-- - -.
<br /> ����:��c�!'^• ' Bonower ha►not executed aay prlor assignment of the rents and hcu not aad will aot pedorpn any act that would
<br /> :;_i;'.. :•• �i °
<br /> �. .:�c• : prevent Len�ler from exercisWg its dght�under this paragraph 17. _.
<br /> �'' '' '�� 1 I.rnder shall not be required w enter upon,take control of or m�intatn the Property+before or after givin$notice _
<br /> � __I ot b�each to Borrower. However,Lender or a Judiclally appointed receiver m�y do so at any time there is a breach.
<br /> ` �
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