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<br />. -";."=_� BORROWER COVBNANTS that Barrowcr ts lawfulry scised of Wc estate hcreby aonv��ed andlws�b��a'["to =
<br />--::_.;�� grmt snd oaav�sy�b�Yropeny and tlut tt�Prnperty Is uneacumbered,exaept far eacumbrancrs uf rcoord Borrawer �
<br />.�:,��'':7:� wurants at►d wiQ defend generalty the dtk to tbe Property�gainst all c1AGns aad demAads,subJeoct to any eACUmbnnoa �
<br />';;y;,�,; nf rooarO. -
<br /> ;:;;;� � THIS SECUR[TY INS'IRUMENT aombines uniform ooveru�nts[or national usC and non-unitorm a�venaau wlih
<br />-::���+;i•'� Umitod var�atbns by Jurisdictbn to oonstitute a unifotcn sxw[ty insuument omvering rwl property.
<br />-.k :. '.1 UNIFORM OOVGNANT'S. Borrower and Leader aovenu►t�ad aara as foltoyvs: -
<br />--�--^-�� 1, Aryaeat ot prl�dp�l.Llerat a�d I,uo GarDe. Boxrower sh�ll pay whea dws the p�tacipal o�and intertst �
<br />—. �--��-� uu,iiN;4c`vi ci�r'wu�i,�i�,'j i,`w-i�u[c�uai Iiic 'u`wi�aa uii� iiuw.i La'w;I':.^.i:.. _.
<br /> �`'''� Z. WO�t�'pJ�C�t O�7�,�l�74��ItiC[aif�'i. BOtIOWrf SZllll IIlC1qdC�C3Cb Q10Qt�►jlIIyAitnt,
<br /> . --�:_�: toaether wlch th�:prindpal and iaterest as set forth In the Nou and any lau chu�es,a swn for(a) uus and spoci�l R
<br /> �� ' � assesamen[s kv�od or to be levtod aaaiast t6e PropenY�(b)�Sehold MY�nents or ground nnts on the Property.aad -
<br /> . .';:- (c)Premivau for insur�aa requirrA under paisdraPh 4. In any y�ear ta which the Lender mutt psy a morta,agc c.
<br />: _.,�.,_.Y .
<br /> -..,�;' ,: insuranoe pnmiwn to We Saxetuy dt Housing u�d Urban D�v�elapment("Socretuy"),or in any yeu in wbir.t►such
<br />;.��e7���;;. pna�ium would have been required if Lender stW held the Security Instrument,each moathty PaYment ahsll also
<br /> �=�`' include either.(i)a snm for the annual mQrlgsEe insurtna premIwn w be paid by Lcnder to tlta Saxetary.or n s
<br /> (�)
<br />�_..,-���' cnonthly cbuge inscead of a mortgaae insuranoa premium if this Security Iosuument is detd by[ho Secretary.In a
<br /> --T� reaiomble awouat to be dctexmined by the Sasetary. Fsoept for the montdly cLugo by the Secnepry.Wese iums
<br />_ -°���'°r'r� aro callod'Fscrow Items•and We su�s piid to Lender ate caUod'F�to�w�nds.'
<br />'�'�'"�.,. L.ender m�y,at any tlme,aollect and hold awounts for Exrow Iuras in an aggrepte�nount not to�xoad tDe
<br /> ti'..�• . muimum amount that may be reqtiired for Borrowe�a escraw a000unt under We Real}state Settlement P�ocedures -
<br />._,�,.�,•-• Act of 1974.12 U.S.G 2601 e�.and implement,ing regulatioas,24 CFR Part 3500.as thry cnay t+e amendWd from
<br />---:_:�s�� time to tiane("RESP�►').exoept tint the cushion or resem pennitted by RESPA for uwwdcipzted disbwseaients or
<br />��A 1�,;� dlsbutsements betore the Borrow�er's payments are availabk in cbe s000unt may not be based on amaunts due for the
<br /> moct�ae iasuranoe pnmium.
<br /> -'��� If t6rs amounts hcld by L.ender for Faccaw Items eacot�d the amonnu penNttod w be held by RESPA.Lender sLall
<br /> �=°�� a000unt to Bonower for tLe exoess funds as roquired by RESPA It the amounts of funds held by Lendet at any tima
<br /> �r�„� an not sugideat to pay tbe L�scrow Items when due,Lender may notUy thc Bormwer end nquire Bocraw�er w mNce
<br /> - . ,.,_, up the shortage u permittod by RESPA
<br /> — 'I7ie Escrow Funds are paedged as siddItloaal security for all sums secured by this Securlry Instrumen� IP Borrawer
<br /> _---= ceoders co Leaacr tLe tull paymenc o!au such sums,Bor,rowcr's aa�ounc sl�au be czeditod wi�h the b�laaa remaiaing
<br /> - for all insqllment[ums(a),(b)�and(c)and aay mortpge insurrnae premium instsllment Wat I,ender has not beoome .
<br /> -- ob8gated to pay to tbe Saxetary,and Leader shall promptly nYund any exoeas funds w Bon�aw�er. Immodisuty prinr
<br /> —_� to t foroclosute sUe of the Propeny or its aaquisidon by Lender,Borrow�ePs acrount shall be areditai wltb any b�lanae
<br /> '= remaining for al1 installments ior items(s),(b),�nd(c).
<br /> �� �, ��ioa°�P�eab. Ail PaYments�ader PuxgraPhs l and 2 s6all be appllod try Lendu as fottaws:
<br /> : �,to We mortpge ittsutanoe premium w be paid by Lendor to We Secr�etary or W the moathty cl�arae by the
<br /> � Secretaty instead of tbe monthly mottgaae insuriiaoe premium;
<br /> � SEOOND•to any w�es,special assessmenta,kasehold pay�aeats or ground raats.and&a,Aood and oWer hautd
<br /> iawrana premiums.as sequirod;
<br /> _ �,,,,to Interost due nnder tLe Note;
<br /> � �,"�j,w amactizuton of the prIncipal of the Not�and
<br /> � F W late chu�due uader the Nota.
<br /> �, �. Pira Plood aad OtYar Ii�a�d I�a�oo. Borcowar shall i�cure aU improMemeau on the Propeny,whether
<br /> now in esktenoe or subsequeatl�r er�ad.ag�inst any haards,casualdes.�nd oontinaeadas,inc�udfna Hro.for wbich .
<br /> -- Leadec requires i�nsur�noe. This in3unna shW be maintsined in tLe amounts and for tbe perbds that Leader
<br /> _- - -�. requins. Borro�r sLW also insure all impmvements oa the Pmpeny.whaher now in ccistenoe or subsequently -
<br /> , erected,ageinat loss try floods to the extent roquired by tte SareWy. Ali insuranoe shali b�anled wlth oompanies
<br /> _� apprarod by I.ender The icsurana poUdes aud any renavals shW be beld by Lender and sball inclnde iuss payabk
<br /> cJiuse.c in hv�nr o�and in a form s�captable to�Lendec:
<br /> - - In tha cveat of 1oss,Boimwer shall gfve I.�nder immediate nodoc by mail. Lender may a�ake proof of loss if not
<br /> - : mWe promptty by Bormw�er. F�ch insurenoe oompany oonoemod is lureby authorinod and dir�octed to mrka payment
<br /> __ for such bas directty to Lender,instad of to Horrow�er and to Lender joEntly. All or�ay paR of xha insuranoe
<br /> -= pmoee�ls may be appltod by Lender,at its opclon,either (�) to the reducdan of tbc indebudness undec the Note and
<br /> - this SecurIty Insaument,first to any delinquent amounts�ppliod in tbe order In p4rap�raph 3�and then to prepayment
<br /> _ --_-° of principal,or (b)to the restoraUoa o�rcpair of the d�magod Pcopeny. Any applicadon of the p�oeeds to the
<br /> ---_= - ptindpal shall not eztend or postpone We due date of the monthiy paymenu which are refemd to ia paragraph 2,or
<br /> __.�.:,a:� change the amount of such paymeats. Any eaooesc imsuranx proaeods aver an amount�+equired to pay all outstanding
<br /> �- indebtedness under the Note and thLs Socuriry L�astrument shall be paid to the entity Icpally entItled t3tento.
<br /> �'�v�.�� �
<br /> __,�„�� . In the eveat uf fonclasure of this SecurIty Instrument or other transfer of dde to the Prnpeny that r,rtin hcs
<br />-x�-��,,�� the indebtedness, All dgbt, titk and interest of Borrawer ia and to tasurancx policies in foroe slwll pass to the
<br />_-_;n�� � purch�ser.
<br />-_�r:.i:�e
<br /> S. Ooc�p�to�. Pt�esavatioa. Mai�tw�oe aad Ptotatioa oi tYe Piopeity; Bor[o�'s I�wn Applintiun;
<br />�__=��� . Lase�old�. Bormw�er s6all oocupy,establtch,and use the Property as Borrowe�'s vrincipal r�esidence within sIm davs
<br /> J•�=" °" after the executioa of this Securlty Insuument(or within sh�ty days of a later sale or transfer of the Ptoperry)and shall -
<br /> �5���'��. oonHnue to oc�upy the Propeny as Borrower's prIncipal residenve for at least one year after the date of oocupanry.
<br /> � �''�_� � � unle�s Lender deterniines Wat requirement wW cause undue hardsb�ip for Borrower, or unless extenuating
<br /> -. � V� ctrcwnstances exist whfch ar�e beyond BomowEr's oontrol. Bomnver shall notit� Lender of any extenuating
<br /> .. I�e�taA-t�iw D�n o[r 71tus1' �
<br /> noo�..a 9ywr.0�oa c�)M►lw Page 2 of b
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