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..� , ...�, �-- �.:: , _- - -•-- . _.�._ � <br /> «+.1�rru�4!r Ktw+N►,vu��, <br /> i '� � -- - - — '�1�i! �'t5•, .+: ;.::.'t�lrsY�."^N'r�tY''- -_ _ — _=-=- <br /> ...::.5$:: �c;,i -a�._;i�a �?..�'^'»:s�T`i,..HJ_ {-=�' _ <br /> �. -- <br /> _..,�.J. ' SItSI'r�g e�—_-- <br /> • oonlNot�wMh�pplic�bM �w, auah contlfct shell not stf�cl oth�r pravkbnf ot Inla S�curMy Inslrummt a tM Not� whbh e�n 0� <br /> ptwn eMtet wMhout thi canfllCth9 provbbn. To thla�nd th� provhlon0 0l thla S�eurNy IntUum�nl Ynd th�NoN u�doallnd lo <br /> bn�w�nbM. <br /> 16. BOrrOW�r'a Copy. Borcowa sMtN b�plvM on�conlqrmM oopy ol th�Not��nd of ihls S�curNy In�lrumM�l. <br /> ii. Hwrdaus SubH�nc��. BortowK�h�N nol oauN or p�rmk lh� pna�nC�� ui�, dk{tot��, ttar�, a�Iwt� of <br /> �ny Hwrdou� Sub�uncN on or h tM PropKty. BorrowK sh�N no! do, nor aNOw anYOn��k� to do, a�ythhp IM�+o►Np th� � <br /> PropMty that M h vblRtlon cl any Env�ronnuntal Lnw. Th0 ptetedM+p h+'o se^tsnc�s shall not �PPb to lh�Cnt�nt�,ut�. or ' � <br /> �tonp�on Ilw PropKly of srtwM qu�ntNM� oi Pl�rardou�Subst�ncst th�t u�p�nK�MY noApnls�d to b��pproprwb to nwnyl� <br /> ► u�sa�nd lo rtMht�ntne�of th�Prop�rty. <br /> BorrowM thaN ptomptb ptw LM�dw writt�n no11C� ol �ny hWttlp�lion, olarn, awn+�no, i�wsun w ��:� :CM"• =; =;~ <br /> qowmmM�Ul or rrpul�tory��noY or PM�t�Party„voNhp th�PropKty�nd �ny Huardous�bat�r►C�or Enviro+�mintal4lw o <br /> whbh BoROwnr has�etual knowi�dp�. If BonowM Mame, or M notNf�d by my powmm�+tn� or npuMtoryl �uthaA�r. INt �ny <br /> nrtwwl or oth�r �anwdl�lbn ot any Huardous Su6stmc�t athcthq th�PropMty Va n�c�sa�rY. Borrow�r sMl promptiy qk�1.M� <br /> n�s�ry nrt»dial�otbm h�aaord�nc�wNb EnvYOnm�nnl Law. <br /> M uf�d b thM p�r�prapt► 1d�'Hwrdous Subetene�s' an thoa�subatanr»s dafin�d as toxb a hwrdous subsWic�+t by <br /> EnvkomnM�hl I.�w md tho loNowinp �ubetnnaae: qasolh�, kwoa�rts, othnr flammabl� or toxie p�trolwm produan, toxta <br /> ppt{oW�s�nd h�bfcVdas,voytil�toM�nls, materitis contelnin0�sbestoa or tortnald�hyda. +�nd radloacthw m�t�rhk./►a us�r!h <br /> th�p�nprnph 16. �nvronm.nai uw• means hdsn�IaWa u'd 1nWa ot the jurfsdktbn w�Rro tt+e Prop�Ay N bcabd thtt nqlaN <br /> to hMUh,at�ty or�nvkonm�nul protrclbn. <br /> NON•UNlFQF1M COVENAPI'fS.Borrowar nnd L�der lurthxr covantnt nnd ngror as �ofiows: <br /> 17. Melpnment ot Rent�.. eoROww uncondxwnally tssi�s and truisf�ra to L�nd�r aM th�rwita �nd �w�rnwt of tM <br /> Prop�ty. BorrowK�uthorises l.ondK cr LYnd�r's�pe^ts to aolieat the rants and revenuas nnd hersby dlnats w�ah t�n�ni of tM <br /> PropsAy to pay th�ronts to Lsnder qr Le�dar's eyants. Howsvsr, prbr to L�ndars notic� to BorrowK of Bortev�� bn�al►of <br /> �ny cov�nant or aprwnwnt h th�Saaurily Instrument, BorrowK shau colbct�nd recsNe au rsntn�nd rw�nws of th�PropKty <br /> as trustM tor the 6�Nk of LondK and Borcowor. Thla assqnm�nt of rents canatkunL m abtolut� assipnm�nt a�d not m <br /> atsipnm�►t for addAbn�l s�curity ony. <br /> if Und�t plws notb� ol brach to Borrow�r: (a) aA rsnts nc�lwd by 6orrower shal der sh M be �ntkMd to eoMat�►d <br /> bmNk of Urtd�r ony. to ba�pplled to th�sums aecured by the S�curity Instrument; (b) <br /> r�cNw aA of tho nnts of th� Propwty: and (c) s�ah tenant ot tha Property shall pay all rents du�and unpaid to Und�r or <br /> LM1Wft�pM�t On I.K►tirs wrniw�d'w�iia�ta i�ttt�t. <br /> Borrow�r has not �ocscuted any prbr assignment of fha rents xnd has not and wAI not pertortn any act that wouk pr�v�t <br /> ��d�r Npm a��cillnp RS rights under this Panqnph 17. <br /> Lmd�r shaN not b�requlrad to�nter upon,t�ke oontrol of or m�inteh th�Prop�ty befon or�ft�r 9ivin9 notic�of bro�ah to <br /> Bor►ow�r. Howw��L�ndK or a Judki�My eppoht�4 nc�wo►►naY do ao at eny tim�tNrn ta a bnach. My�ppNC�tion of nnts <br /> ah�N not oun or w�iw anY dN�uh or hv�iidate any olh�r ripht or raiwdy of Lsnder•Thb�ssipnmmt of �ts of th�Propwty <br /> � th�p Ntminab wMn lh�d�bt eaaund by th�Securily Instrum�nt Is Psid h 1uu, <br /> 1d. Foreclo�ure Procedure. If Lender requlres Immedl�te payment in tutl under P�rayraiph 9� <br /> Lender m�y involce the power of sele �nd en�/ other remedlea permltted by �pplicable tiw. <br /> Lender ahdi be entttled to collect ell expenses tncurred in pursulnq the remedles provided In <br /> this Pare�r�ph 18, tncludtny, but not Ilmited to, reaso�rble eSo��eya' fees and costs of tiUe <br /> evldenc�. <br /> If th� pawer of sele Is invoked� Trustee shall record a noUce of default in esch county tn <br /> w�ich �ny part of the Property Is loceted end shell msil copies of auch notice tn the manner <br /> prescribed by�pplic�ble law to Borrower end to the other peaons prescribed by�pplicable I�w. <br /> Af�er thA time raqu�red by appl�ceble ic�'�r'w°Tru�st'ee twttlpiaut��demand n� Bon wtr�, aAlr«!C�ae 1 <br /> �nd In the m�nner prescribed by app <br /> ti�e Property n public auctbn to the hl�heat bidder �t the time end pi�ca �nd under t�he terms <br /> d�atqn�ted In Uhe notics of sele in ono or more paraets end In �ny ordr�� 7rustee detKmines. <br /> Truate� may postpons aels of �II or eny pa�cel of the Property by publla announa�ms�t�t the <br /> Um� �nd pl�cs of �ny previously scheduled ssle. Lender or Its dasiynee may purct�ae the <br /> Property at any sete. <br /> Upon recetpt of payment of the price bid, Trustee �hall deliver to the purchssCr Trustee's <br /> deed convoyln{� the Property. The realtats in tAe Truatee'a deed shatl be prima tacle evidence of <br /> the Vuth of ths statements made theretn. Trustea she�lt epply the proceeds of the �afe in the <br /> tollowinp ordar: (a) to atl aosta end expenees of exe�cisinp the power ot sele, and the a�le, <br /> includinp the payment of the Truatee'a foes actuatly Incurred, not to exceed 3 �6 <br /> of the principsl emount of the note at the ttme ot the declaretioe of detault� end reeaon�ble <br /> etto�neys' fee� es permitted by law; (b) to s11 sums secured by this Security Instrument;nnd (e) <br /> any excess tc the pereon or persons teqally entitled to t� <br /> It trhs Lender'� intereat In thts Security Insuument is held by the Secretary and the Secretary <br /> � requircc lmmedtate ReYment In tull under Parsgraph 9, the Secretary may invoke the nvnJudiclef <br /> powe� of sate provided tn the Sinple Famlly Mortgage Foreclosu�e Act ot 1984 ("AeY') (12 U.S.C. <br /> 3761 � �4g.)by requeatin� e forealoaure commissloner dasignated under the Act to cemmenee <br /> •�_.�s�.. t� �V� wr�w��itww w�w�^n�� <br /> toreelosu�e end to setl the Propeny ea provided in ine Na:. ��...���a ••• •••� r.----�.... <br /> shali deprive the Seoreteiry of eny rights otherwtae aveileble to e Lender under thfs Perayraph 18 <br /> or epplicable Iew. <br /> 19. Reconveyance. Upon payment ol all sums secured by thls Securtty Inst�ument, Lender shell request 7rustea to <br /> ruconvey tho Property and shell surrender thts Security Instrument and all noted evidenclnp debt seeured by thb Security <br /> InsWmant to 7ruste�.TrustYe 8ha11 reoonvey the Property wfthout wartanty and with0ut chnryo t0 the pereon or p�rtons leaully <br />-f entkbd to it.Such peraon or persons shatl pay any recordatlon costs. <br /> F6l18.LM0(0/Y7) P�q� 4 0�6 <br /> 670 <br />
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