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<br />_�� of Borrower'a oavenanro and�oementa under this Sxuriry Insaumeat �od tha Note. For thls purpoio. Bortawer �
<br /> k:' "� imvocaDly g�nts�n�d oonveya to the'I1�uax.in auat,with power ot�ale,the following deacribed gsoPertY lxated
<br />�;r:3.�� � � HALT. Coua¢y�NEbtatki:
<br /> =�.�Ca�y1^
<br /> –_ !� Ttie 9outherl Thirty-five (35� feet ot Lot �elve (i�) aad the Norther].y
<br />..��,�:-
<br /> --�.��M_is � 7Yrnnty (20) eat of Lot Fourteen (14�, Sloak Niaeteea (19) , in 8aar!! e
<br /> -:="�±''.±`��, Addition to Neet i�e��rn, in the City o! Graad I�laad, Hw�l County, Nebraeka.
<br /> _. „+' .
<br /> - _�dr.es.:,�,..
<br /> ���
<br /> �;�.�'L' _
<br /> :���� ..
<br /> s.nim��
<br />`��':;� wl�ieh h�a the�Wrq�a ot 1709 Taylor, (3rand :taland [saeet.Ctbrl,
<br /> �" Nebra�ica 6860� � �/�, ` (zij►Coae) ("phropertyAdd�s')t
<br />;,:�A��
<br />- - - TOGfi1�tSR V1�liH aU the improvemsuts aww or riere�fter eraxcd oa the pmpercy. and a11 ea�ccuEUU,
<br /> .»��� .
<br /> ;; appurt� aad fi�now or hereafter a pt�rt of�fie properq'• A11 re�aveaxat� wd additaaa� �haU ulsn be
<br />.�_,.�;�; xova�ed by this Sauriq Instrs�meut.AA of tbe fo�regaing is referad w la thia Socud2�y Iostiumeat a the•pm�n�.•
<br /> - --�� BORItOWBR COVENANTS thu Borrower�Lwthlly�eiud of the aate hereby convryed aad ha�tba ri�ht w
<br /> — ? gnmt ad oonvey the Pcopaty�od that the Pmpecty is uaeocvmbe:+ed�eaoept for eaambaooe+oi reooi+d.Boimwer
<br /> c Namnu and wW defwc! gcx�eraily che title to the Prorerty ag�iest dl cldms md dem�nda� wt►laet to �nS' -
<br /> ', eaaunbrsnoa of noord.
<br /> 1
<br /> '� THIS SECURI7'Y INSTRiJMENT oombinea unifotm coveaanu ior nwrloosl we �od aoa-unlform oovwmn
<br /> � Nith limlted varl�tlo�by luriadiction w constitute a wiiform tec�utty instiumeat oovata�ral propaty.
<br /> � Borrowa rmd Lamder oav�nt�md agre�as follo�n:
<br /> i
<br /> � 1. P�ayrert a!Modpal� Intee+at wd L�te Ci�a Boci+owier �6a11 pq �fien due tbe prtncipd of. �md
<br /> � intem�t on.tbe debt e,wideaoed by the Noto�od l�te a�e�dne unda the Note.
<br /> Z. MontWf!ly�eat d T�ca, �munnoe nd Otiee Cdu�a. BorcvMer thall incit�e ia a�ch montWy
<br /> x y� tojaha�►Ith the princtp�l aad interat��a foith in tLe Notc aod any lau chat�es.a�sum for(a)wus�od
<br /> aaa�meab leded a w be Iavled apitut she Pt�epaty. N) laubold paymeat� or gcu�u�d ceoa on the
<br /> S �r.�(�)P��for inwraocee requlced under parajr�p�t 4. m�ny year�n.,��e i.esaa m�uc p.y a
<br /> __. --- morc�e i�wr�aoa pcanfwu w tLo Sxseury of I�Yw.uin�and Uifi�a Dcvclo�ment('S�cretasy'),a='in a�y Yar i� -
<br /> � �vhich wch prcmium rouM Lave baa requi�d it I.eader Kill beld tbe Saauiry In�hua�at.ad�moochlY P�Y�
<br /> ' �ll al�o include dt�a: (i)a am for tl�e taaual mott�aja Iniurmoe pnemium to be p�id by Leader w ahe 3a�e+ctacy,
<br /> . or(ii)a monthly charje inuad of a mort�ge inwraooe pee�oinm if t�it Savrlry Inanumeat i�held by the Sxrettry�
<br /> in a tra�ootble�mount to be detetmined by the Secntary. Bt�oept for the moathly chu�e hy t6e Saxetay, t�ae
<br /> r iter�t u+e c.�lled'�cs�Item�"�ud the wms p�id to I,eader m called'Bu[�u�v Fuads."
<br /> ; I,eader m�y�at my tlme.ooUeci tod Lold�mouats for Bkrow Item�i�n an a�a amouat not W exeeed tLe
<br /> miaximum�tnount th�t mry bo teqttired fot Bomovvet'�acrow�000nnt uader tho Ral Euate Seulemeat Pmoedura
<br />-- — Act of 1974. 12 U.S.C. Sectlon 2601 d scq. �nd implemeatin� njulatloaa. 24 CFR Part 3500, as t1�ey may be
<br /> �meaded trom dma to time<'RESPA'). exapt that the cwhion or re�xve pamitted by RBSPA for unmticipa�ed
<br /> dis6use,menct a disbursemeau befon the Bomower'�paymeau ue avail�ble in t6e a000�at may not be buod on
<br /> -- �a�ounu dua for the moctg,�e i�surmoe premium.
<br /> _ �, ,
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