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'1✓�i.f1 a'���c'v. �t�..nY � . <br /> �y",i�fid?{TRAR`II#rA�Sy��L4IlV,�f1.7:J�:.b�/f � �J• ••� �W�' • �) <br /> 4�:1�klfA. .:' - � V'Y �iP * ���i��ty I"4a �FRT}�.-+wK�1�r:—�dl'd� _ <br /> �i�acir's r_=-rn�icr�--�----r:a_�N�'�° y;1�'�}nr��4� '1 ��aZ'j^,. t��i� .v�JM�:.��i1�,I"ift1A - .��-.- M1-�sr_-.,.�.� <br /> -..•—� --.,-�si��.�,� ,t,P:...�r+w�""1.^•Y.I�S�3[�4"8�`a�f�Trt'.-�4� t+1W'"+�'1^'�«.���•�L rYJ.,�.s�+_�..°��rt -- ..,,..... . . ... . --. �.�,. <br /> � rti L_ '.'Y•'41�'� .. . � .. .. ... . ._ - <'f�+�rR'vP..�-r--.o-.s.•'....��._:' �.. "�""f . .___ <br />--__���= ----_ . . <br /> ti,��_.��--- - <br />_�`��. , , . 9?- �UG.9�'� <br /> ";'�-=� 16.Borrawer'�Capy. Horcnwcr ehail bo givcn ono conformod co[►y of tho NW,c wnd af this Sacuriry Inauumcn� <br /> �� �w.'•�, 17.Tranete�ot the PrapcMy or�Benetklal Inierest In Borro�rer. If all a eny�rrt of tho Propeny or any interest in It is <br /> sold oe uanaferrod(or if a bencfi�,i�l Intcrest ln Borrowcr is sald or tnnsfcncd nnd Hnrrowcr is not n nnq�rnl �crson)without , <br /> '�"�'�� L�euderb prkx wcittcn conscn�Lender r►uy�at it�option.ro4uiro lmmedLto payment in fuli of all sums socurod 6y Ihis Secudty <br /> dnstrument Hc,wevu�this opdon shall not bo oxcrcisod by�der it cxercLsc ts prohibited by fcdcral law as of the data of this <br /> ?'.`.:� Securi[y in3trurttcnt <br />- If Lender exercises thls opdan,Lendu shell givo Borrower nodces of accelaration.The nodce sdall provide ape�iad of not less <br /> ,-.,,: - than 30 days from Ihc datc the nada is delivered or metlod within whlch Borrower must pay aU awns socured by this ScxurIty <br /> . ;.,� Inst�ument,lf Bonowu Fails to pay these suma prior to the eacpiradon of this per�od,Lender may invoke any rcmedies pcnniued <br /> by this Securiry Instmment without further nodce or demand on Horrawer. <br /> ',�.',:i 18.Borrowe�'e Right to ReiastAta � Bo�W� i►'�a� �� c�ndidons, Bomawu shaU have tho right to have <br />.;,i,_,:�� enforcement of tttis Securlty Ins�ument discontinued at eny time prior to the earlicr of: (a) 5 days(or such other perlod as <br />�°:�:,�.,; applicabk law may spocify for reinstat�ement)befon sala of the Proputy pursuant to any p�wer of sale contained in tfiis Security <br />- Inqcument;or(b)entry of a judgmeat cnforcing thls Security Ins�rnen�'Ihose condiHons aro that Borrower:(a)psys Lendu all <br />-�� sums which tben wauld be due under this Securlry Instr�ment pnd�he Note as if no aceeleratioa had accurred; (b)ciues anY <br /> - default of eay o�her covenants or agrcements;(c)paYa ell expenscs incurrod in enfoming this Securit��Lutrument,includiag,but <br /> ��-°— not Waited to�reasa�ble attameys'fees�artd(d)takes such ectioa as Lendrr ma re3sonabty require to assure that the llen of this <br />-�'-'� SccurIty Insuvmcnt, Lender's rigt�ts In the Property end Botrower's obliga�on to pay the sums axund by this SecurIty <br /> �� Tn�tcument shaU cont�►ue �t�chaoged. Upon�si�sr,��mr,nt by Aor_maP,r,this Sa.vdty Insm�mr.nt and the Ablipafltoiva secured <br />-� her�eby shall remain fully effecdve as if no ecceleradon had occumd.Howevu.this dght to reinstate shaU not apply in the case of <br /> acceleradon under parograph I7. <br />_°�=� 19.Sak otNote;Chan�e ot Loan Servicer. 'IUc Note or a pert3al interesc �n the Nota (tngecher with this Security <br /> Instrument)may ba sold one or moro times without prtor nodce w Barower.A sale may res�lt in a change ln the entiry(known <br /> i��� av the"Loan Suviar")that collects monihly yments due under the Note and this Sccurlty Insavmen�lhere also may be one or <br /> mora etwages of tho Loan Seavku unn�to a sale of the Nota. If there�S a change of the Loan Servicec.Bomnwer wW bc <br /> ---° givea wriuen nodce of the change in accordance withp�agreph 14 above andappllcablo law.'I1ie noiice wlll state the name and <br /> address of iho new Loan Servicer and the addre,ss to which paymenis should be mada.The notice will also contain any other <br /> Infonnsdoa required by appllcabk Iaw. <br /> :�'�°�' 20.Hoxardous Sub�noes. Borrowet shall not ceuso or permit tha ptesence, use, d;sposal, staage, or release of atny <br /> ._� HaTardous Substances an or in tho Propaty.Borrower st�all not do,nor allow anyone eLse to do.anyti�ing affecting the Property <br /> rhat ia in vialadna of eny Env3mnmentat Law.'It�e procedinR two shall not ap�ly to the pnesence.use.or stwage on the <br /> — Pmpaty of sa�aU quandtks of Harardews Substances that are gener�lly recognizal to be appropciat�w nocmai resadenuai uses <br /> and w m�iutenu�co of the Property. <br /> Borrowa shall prompdy givo Lender wrlroei►�otice of ax►y investigation, clalm, demand, lawsuit or other acdon by any <br /> gov�ntal or rcg�latoryegu�cy or privata parcy involving the Psoperty and any HaTardous Substance or Bnvironmental Law <br /> of which Boimwu has acwal kaowledge.If�Borrowa kams,or is noti�ied by any govemmental a regulatory authort�r.that aay <br /> cemoval a other nmodiation of any Harardaus Substance effe�cdng ihe Proputy is necessary�Borrowu s6ell promptty take all <br /> ae�essery t�enkciial acdons in eccordanoe with Envicoumental Law. <br /> ,4.y used in this p�agraph 20."Har.ardoas Substences" a�e thosa substances dafinod as w�cic or hezardous substances by <br /> Bnvironmental and the follorving substances: gacoline. ker�osene. otlxi flammable a wxic pe�+o�oducts. to�cic <br /> pesdcWos and he:bicides,voletile solvenu,materials contauiing a�heuos or fo�maldahyde�and radioacdve As nsod in <br /> this pec�grnph 20."Environrtkntal Law"means federal l�ws and laws of the jtuisdkdon where the Prondrty is located that rdate <br /> w hadth,safety a envlronmaital procectbn. <br /> � NUN-UNIFORM COVBNAIVI'S.Borrowu and Lendu f�rtha covenant aad agree as follows: <br /> ; 21.Accekratbs;Remediea.I.ender abaN aive ootice to Bomoner prbr to acakntion[o0owii`Borrawu'e breach of <br /> � an� oovenaat or �=reemeat !n thb Sernrity Isstrummt @ut wt prior to accekratbn �nda Wr�trnph 17 ��iess <br /> �� iPPYcabk I�w pmvldes ot6ere►ix).The notice srall apecity: (�) tk defaulh,(b)the actioe requfred to ture the deta�it,(C) <br /> • a date,�et!ae tLaa 30 dsya tb�tUe date t6e sotice is�ivm to Eorrow�ee�by M6h•L the default must be sured;ind(d3 <br /> ,-� tlwt fseii�re to cure the de�uuii o0 or bciure the daie�Led tn t�e cv3`.te msty resutt f,z rct�te.^stian Qi�e 5�s secs�resl <br /> by t6ie Secrrit�Iaatrument and aak ot t6e Property.T6e notice ahaU(Wrt6er iniorm Borrower ot t6e riaLt t�ni�sfate <br /> atter aooeleratbt and the ri`6t to brins�court actioo to a�ert tbe non�istence ot a defanit or aq� MLer dtfet�ne W <br /> ' Barow�er to aeeekration�nd sale.U tUe defiuk is not cured oa or belore tbe date apecNied in tk�otice,Len�kr�pt its <br /> � optbn�ma�reqnire immediate payment in tull ot sll sums securcd by thi�Securitr Instruneat wit6out M�demand <br /> and mar invoke t6e po�vrr ot sak and�nJr other remedies permltted by applkabk law�.Lender sWll Ee entitted to colkct <br /> wB expensea i�curnd tm�pnrsuin=the remedks provkled in tYie paraerap6 Zl,includin�,but not limited to�reaaooab{e <br /> �tWroeya'tea�wd caMs ot Htie evkleace. <br /> It tLe po�er af s�ie b invoked.Trustee ahall record a notke of defauk in ac6 oounty in whkh any part ot tde <br /> --- propp�ty b bcated and ahaU mail copid otsuc6 ndke in the mauer prescriDed by pppiicibk taw to Borrm�er and to t6e <br /> ----- oti�er per6ons pr�cribed by applka6k IAw.A(iter the time requJrtd by applicabk I�w,7Y�utee s6�i1�ive pubtic notice ot <br /> _--__-- i9ale to the per�sons and in the manner prescribed by applkxble �n.Trustee,without demand oa Borrower,s6a11 sdl tae <br />___;._��� Prvpertr at publk anction M t6e high�t 6idder at t6e time�nd placs and under the terms desi�n�ted fe tde notice ot sale <br />�.""..°� '�3.6v:� <br />=;::urrr�� <br /> '�==�'� Forn�502� l/�0 <br /> ---., <br /> --_--�-a �-dR(NE)t�2�21.0� Pap�6of1 Initiw: . <br /> u'�� <br />�•::�:�ii� <br /> Y i�M'"1 <br />—__`+� <br /> l!r" t . . .. -' ._._. ._r- +��we���w��� . .. _ <br /> '�h`�.�iaX�K, .. . . .. . � .. <br /> �'`:.'e .� .. .� . • .. . .r . <br />_ ♦ �.� <br /> - .• •' �.`, ' .� •� . . �\:Y• " . 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