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<br /> P�Y���Y n�bngcr ba roquirod.N ttw optbn of Lender,i[muttBaBc insurance coveragc(in oun an
<br /> Ilwt Lendcr rc9uirc�)Rm"Nlcd by en insurar eppmvod by I.eti�cr agatn baocncs availablc end is obtairwd.Borrowct ahxll p�Y [_
<br /> pranluma roquirod w m�►t�in mort��Ba insu�►r� in ctfnct,or to provfdc�bss reserve.undl tha rcqulrc�ricnt for mortgnEe
<br /> insuranco a�ds in acaxd�nee w!►h�►y wriuen agrasme�►t betwoen Bamwu and l.ender cx�pplicabb law. �� � �ive
<br /> 9.Ye�peetioN. l�codcr a its�ent may m�ko rea.9onabb�vies upon md inspoctians of the PropenY•
<br /> Aocrowet twtica at tho tima af or pkx w�inspxtian spocUYNB rea��c�uae tor tho inspectlon.
<br /> 10.Conde+aaatlon. Tho ��ds �f uny aw�rd or cWm fcx damaqc�,dlrxt or conxqaentW. in conncction wich my
<br /> c«�a«�►nujor►�r o�n� u�:ra�r ny �oc��o�cy cx fot conveyuncn in Iku of condemnatjon�are hcreby assignod�nd
<br /> a!►eU bo psid W l,�t. sNall be�PP].ied W the sums socurod by this Securicy Inaaurnent,
<br /> In tho event ot�toul takin8 of tho PrnpereY�t}w Proc�de �g of tha Proper►y in which the fair macku
<br /> Whqher or not thcn due,w;th eny ax�cess pald w Borrowa.In�he evait at a rudial
<br /> v�lno of�ha PeopenY immediuelY bcfore the tsking is oqual w or grcatcr then thc artwunt of thn sums securod by this SocuRCy►
<br /> Inatruma�t immodWelY bet'ao ths teking,unlass 8omowo[ and Let�det otixiwise a�oe in wridng,tF�a sums socurod by this
<br /> Securlty Instrumait ahall bo roducod by tNe amount of tha procaods muldpliad by tho[oUowing fraction�im,med�acely before the
<br /> the sums socurat Inun�di�i..lY bcfcfre Ihe taklt�S, dlvtdod by N) the fair mtricet valae of the PropatY _
<br /> y�B.�y��s�all bo p�W to Bortowcr.In�he event of a partW t�iCireB of the Pratix�rtY in which the fair mukec valua of the
<br /> ._y-..� .,���
<br /> ---
<br /> prc�p�ty immodxuely 6eCa�e tho taking i� less tlun the anwunf of�be-sums sxuiod immediuelY bet ""�lied tp the
<br /> Bortower and Let�da aUierwlvc tgroe In veriting or un{ess applkabk law Wlurwisa provjdcs.ihe proceeds shall be aPP
<br /> sums sxiuea ay thi�securiry Tnsuum«it wnaha or noe�ne sums.re thai aua
<br /> If the PmQenY is ab�ndonod by Bamwu�a if.eiter�wtice by Lender to Barowcr that thc condemnor ofter�o�mak�c an
<br /> awrd ar xttle a cWm for drn�es.Borm�ver fWs a�+rspond a l�aukr within 30 days o the Pr�patY�thess�ms secw+od
<br /> is as�ll�o�ixoa io oouect ma�pp1y u�e pcoccals,.e ib opdon.either w reswration«ce�tr
<br /> by Ihls Sacurity Instcutiria�t.rNe�hx or not t1►a�due. t shall not catcnd oc postPone
<br /> Unkss L�ender�Bormwa othawise a�oe in wridn8.anY et�Plic�tbn of proceods to princ Pal
<br /> �hu due datc of tho monU►lY p�Yma►ts ce[emd a in p�sg�a�hs 1 and?a chmgC the artKw�t of such ptymans.
<br /> i;.�..V:•G u•.��_..�t F�rh.�nwa Bv I.e�der Not�Waiver. Ti�cunsion of the tjme fa paYmmt a nwdificaBon
<br /> of amorti�atioa of the aum�eocurod by this Soc�ulry Instrument gnnud by Icnder w eny sua�etssor in int�aesc ot Bc�u�si�3
<br /> not operat,a a tckate the Wbiliry of the origiml Barowa or Barower's successas in inurest.L.cnder shall not 1�roquired to
<br /> oomma�ee Pmc�eod�°Sa��Y�in in�atist a cefux W cxtcnd time fa paymau a otha�vise modifY amo�of
<br /> the sums xcured by thit Soc�uiry Insaume�t by rwon ok'any danand made by the originel Barowa a Bamwa's auoces.9as
<br /> in intueu.My fabear�ncx by I,ender in aaerclsuig�ny right a�emody s]�aU not be a waiva of or pcoelude the eacercbe of any
<br /> right ar cemedy. T6e oovuw�ts ac�d agreuna�ts of d,�s
<br /> 12.Sw.�oe�on�ad As�nf Itou�+J°�°t�°d&vtr�l Li�bility;Co-si�sers.
<br /> Soc�rity In�man shnll bind nd 6areCt the suooessocs and assig�s of Leiida and Barowa. subjoct w the p�ovisions of
<br /> pan,graph 17. Bom�wer's ouva�ants and +��ements s1taU be joint md xva�l. My Barowa wta oo-signs this 5ocurity
<br /> Insnrument but does not execuk the Note: (a} is co-st�ning this Security Insuumait only a maxt8�8e.�ut 9nd oonvey tbat
<br /> gocrower's intaast in the P�apacY unda the tams of th�s Sxurity Insavmen�(b)is not Paso�11Y�uB��P�Y tha snms
<br /> � socurod by lhis Sxuriry Inswmenx tnd(c)t�'oes d�at I�nJ�and�ny ot�et Bomower may agroe w ea�ta�d,rtwdifY,faixarc a
<br /> rtuke�ny�caommodations wi�th ngard tn the tams of this Sec�uiey Insaumait ar the Nots witlwsn th�t Borrowec's consa��
<br /> 13.I.oan Ch�r�a. U the ban aocurod by this 5ocurity Inswmeat is aubjoct to a 4�v wrhich sets m�ucimum lo�►ct�rges.
<br /> alld(Il�t ItW 1S fIR9IIj►11tt�C!!d SO flli[fI1C{IIT�CSt Ot dliE[10aI1 C�IES COI{OCtOd d[10 bE COI�DC:��r�C C�b the
<br /> sxceal the PermiqAd IMia ttxae(a)any�ch loan char8�shall be rod�oed by the amoune nxessarY
<br /> pa�miuod limi�and(6)a�Y sums atre�dY colbeLed trom Bamwa which exocodai Pezmiwd l;,�dis wili be rfur�rd�Bo��rer.
<br /> [.en�f�i msy choose W mrce diis nfund by roducing the p�inciPa�owed unda the Note a by making a direct payment w
<br /> Bam�ver.If a nfnnd�+educes priadFal.tho reduction wUl be aeaud as�pactieil P�epaYrt�t wiitwut anY P�P�Y�t�So
<br /> undet th-s Nate.
<br /> 14.Notsees. My nodce w Borcowu providod for ta this Securiry Instn�ment shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it
<br /> by firat class mail unless p�liabk law requires use of anotl�er method. '11ie notjce shall be dirocted to the Propaty Address a
<br /> any Wlxsr addness Sarcowa daignat�s by notioe ta La►du.Any nodcc to Lender shaU be givcn by fust class mail W Landcr's
<br /> adcicess ststai Naein or any dher addrrss Lcndu designates by nodx to Bortowa.My notice pmvkLad for in thtg Securiry
<br /> Iastrument shalt be damed w heve boei►8iven to Borrower or Lendcr wt►en given at provldod in this paregr�ph.
<br /> 15.Govereiu�Uwr;SevenbWty. 'R�is Sceiuity InsUumcnt shall be govanaf by [ederal law and ohz law of the
<br /> j���on in which the Propxcy is located.In the ovent that any provision a clause of this Security Insuument a the Noee
<br /> �ont�s with applicable 4w.such oonflict st�ll not affnct othes provisbns of this Socurity L►stn►matt or the Note which can be
<br /> given eftoct wilhout the oonf11c8ng provisbn.To this end the pmvlsions of this Socurity Insuument and the Nota a�e decl�rod b
<br /> bo soverabk.
<br /> - For�n 304i �/Q0
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