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<br /> ,-:� r� �.w.�;
<br /> ,.. , . . � .�.,,.. -
<br /> , . ----- - _ --- -�.��_ -
<br /> ' • L�nd�r m�y, �t uny tim�, ooMCt�d haW amounl� for Escrow Ilans fn���9a�Wt� �mount not to pccMd lh�m�cMnum
<br /> �mount lh�t m�y b�tsquked for Bartower'a �scrow acoount undK th�Fiwl Eit�te 3�ltiwninl Proc�duro� ACt AI 1974, 12 1f.9.C.
<br /> �2E01 !►�,�nd impMnNntinp r�puMtbnt,24 CFA Part 3500�as t►Ny rtNy W�m�ndrd trom tkn�to tlm� ("RESPA"),�xc�pt
<br /> Ihat tM eu�hio� or nsonw qMmN1�d bY RESPA lor untntiClpat�d disburcMn�ntd or h`u i����on « eortovrw�
<br /> p�ymKrtf�n walybM In th��ceount rtwy not b�bes�d on�mounte Eu� tor th�moAp�p�
<br /> II tM�mouet�hNd bY Lend�r la Escruw It�m�xcNd th��mounts permkted to b� hNd by RESPA,l�ndK sh�N�COOUr�O
<br /> l0 BOrrowM for tM�xCNS ItJndf af r�4uk�d by RESPA.I1 th��mounts ol lundf Mid by L�"dK�t�^y tlnM aro net wMbknt lo;
<br /> poy liw Bw:row it:tna tvhcn due,Lenc}e►may notity th� Borcowar end r�quW Borrower to maks up th�shoAap�at��Mmitt�d b� r
<br /> f�SPA.
<br /> TM Etcrov+ Funds�n pMdp�d as add"Abntl �ecurily lor�M sume s�cured by thb 6�curky instrum�nt.H 8orrowa t�n
<br /> to L:a�tM iux pe;rM^�^f�M such tuma,Borrow�s acaount ah�1 ba cnodN�d wkh th�b�luu� nrt+tlnMy kx aN Intla `
<br /> � (�1, (pI, �nd (o) �lnd any mortp�0� hnuranc� pnxnM+m hstarnM►t that Unda h�s not brca�w uLk�t:d La �Y tQ
<br /> S�crM+ry��nd l.�nd�r shaN promP�N�accou t shaN b�cndk�d�Nh usy tN�knc�nmaph ptfoea'N tnstssNrnmts lorfkoms a)�(o1/•
<br /> or Iu aoqulcklon by Lendx�BoaowM'a
<br /> �nd(o�
<br /> '�.1lpplia�tion of Payments. u+paym«�es und.r Parwnpns 1�nd 2 shall be aPP�Md by��as(oMows:
<br /> FIT�,lo ttw moApu9e�+sura��ce pramium to b�paid by LMd�t lo th�Secntery or to the monthly chup�by th�S�Cr�tY
<br /> Initrad oi tM monthy matpMi�hsurante pnmium;
<br /> Sacond, lo �ny tu�. dP�� ��°SSm°�ts, laasahold payrt�r+ts or yround �ents, and fire, tbod md otliw hwrd
<br /> -le�tx+�w'.!��Iums.as nquind� - ---.._. .__
<br /> TMrd�co int�nat du.und�r th.Nota;
<br /> Fp{I�h,ta amottWtbn of th�princpa�of tho Note;and
<br /> Fifth�to�t�aharyss dus under tho�tote.
<br /> 4. Fire� Flood and Other Hsx�rd Insu�anCe• Bortoxw sAtN insun aW ��prownwnts on th�Prop�rty, whMhYr
<br /> npw in�ocisbnco or subssquenty eractod, ipalnst any haurds, ctsuaRfes, and cantinpsnCbs, Includhp Hr�e,10► which L.w►d�r
<br /> nqut�c hsur�nce.Thk hfunrlC�61►�N b0 mthtaln�d M� tha amouMt and for th� p�riods that Landor nqulr�t. BorrowK shtll
<br /> alao Inwn aN hiprov�rtNnta on tM Prop�rty, whath�r now tn ucktmc+ a cubseqwntN ������st bss!sy fbods to th�
<br /> �ocbnt nquhd by tM S�cnt+ry. AM Insuanc�sh�q be curMd wilh con'�P�ntes�PProwd by LendK.Th�hsuronc�Poltabs �nd
<br /> �y��N���h�ld by UndK�nd shaN helud�bss payab4 ettus�t In hvor of,and h a(ortn acaplabM to,L�nd�r•
<br /> M tfN �wnt of loss, BortowK ahaN qIw LendK irnnwdf�ts not�� by m�A• L.MdM maY �k� proaf of bss N not �nad�
<br /> ��� �����,�, �� tqe��ranr_.w comnany concatnad Is henbY authorined and dk�ctsd to mak�PaYmmt fOr suCh bas
<br /> directy 10 l.onbx, Inst�ad o!to Bortowsr�nd to Lender lohty. AY or �ny WR of ths Insunnc�p�ocwds �:r �+:�F��;
<br /> l.�nd���t q= opUpn,Nth�r (a)to th� nductior of thw hdebtsdnsss und�r the Not� md thls Security Instrum�nt,Hnl to ony
<br /> ��t����py�In�h�prd�r h parapaph 3,�nd th�n to pr�Y�t of princlpal,or(b)to tM�Ktorttbn a npaY ol
<br /> � �Ynrp�d p►opwty. My �ppMC�tbn of th� procwds to th� pnc�pal shaN not �xt�nd or postporN tM dw daN ot tM
<br /> �q�y payn�nts urhbh �ro nfKnd to In Parapteph 2� a Ch� th� �mount of such payments. My pcc�ss Insurano�
<br /> prp�y�d�o�an�nfount nquYrd to pay al outstuid(ny Mtd�bt�dnas und�r th�Not�and this.°vcurity Instrwn�nt shal b�Wa
<br /> to tM�ntky Ip�b�ntRNd tMnto.
<br /> In tM rv�nt of torscbsun of thls S�curily 1nstNmeet or othK Uu�st�r o1 tNM to th� PropKtr th�t rodY�pultMs lh�
<br /> indrbMd�NSS,aN rqht,tkM and Intarat of Bortovwr h and to hsunmco pullaMs In fo�C��►�N pass ta th�purchaarr.
<br /> 5. Occups�icy� Pre�enration� M�Intensnce end P�otectlon oi the Property; 9onawer'a Lan
<br /> Appllcatbn; LQ�hO�d�. BortovrK sh�A occupy.tltabNsh,md us�th�P�opKty as Bortow�s p�+c(pa� n�fdMx�wNhln
<br /> slMy d�ya a1Nr th��oacutbn of thls Socurity Instrument(or wkhtn sERy diys o1 a rter sak or K�nsNt ol tM Prop�ty)�nd shaM
<br /> condnw to oocuPY tM Propwty as Borrowws princlpal nsldo^a for�t taast ona yosr aftK th� daa of occvp�+aY. �+^M�
<br /> L�ndu drbrmY�a tAat rrqukMn�nt W*causa undua hardshp tor Barower� or unMss ud�rnutlnp oMaumtts�rwys aMt whbh an
<br /> aypnd gorrow�s control. Borrovrw shaM noC�ly L�nder of �ny �xt�nuatinQ clrcumst�nc�s. Borrowe�ah�M not conMnk vws1�or
<br /> �_troy. d•m�o�or substantf�Ny chanp� ths Property w aMow th�PropKty to d�te►iont�, nasonabb�vNi'md 1Nr ae�PMd•
<br /> L«+dr rryy Nsp�ct tM PropKtY M th� ProPwtY b vacant or a0andoned or tM bw� is fn OWwlt.I.w�du mQy Wic� caasonaC� �
<br /> �ctlon lo prof�at ond pnt�such wcant or�Wndon�d Prop�rtfr.BorrowK shall also W h dM�uk R Boaorw�'.du�tq tM b+^
<br /> �{p�q.pp���paw rt�hNy t�lq or h�CCUr�b hfortnatbn a sul�n�+ts to l.�ndrr(or Rfwd to provldr I�nOK wkh�nY
<br /> rt��Ml htamatlon) h Conn�ctbn wkh tM ban�vldMC�d by tM Noh,hcludlnq,but not Itmk�d to, npirsmtatlons eonc�rt+1�D
<br /> �orrow�s oceupmoY o� th� Prop�rry as n prY�cpal nsldmc�. If thSs S�curRy InsWrn�nt Is on � M�t�hold, Bortov+K aAzU
<br /> compy wkh tl►�provfsbns ot ths leas�. �� BoROV+er acqukes tes lRle to tht Prop�Ay, th� Iwa�hold �nd IN tNb ahnN not b�
<br /> mK�d unlKS UndK WrMS to the merpw fn writhp.
<br /> 6. Condemn�tlon. Tho proc�ed� of any award or Clalm for d+ma�es, direCt or Conspu�nt�.i,h Conrnotfon wkh�ny
<br /> eond�mn�Non or otMr uktnp of�ny part of the PropaAy.or tor conveyinCe h pwCe ot eondemn�tton,u�h�aby�ss�pMd+^d
<br /> shaM b� pald to L�ndK to th� sxtent ot ths lua amount of the Ind�bt�dn�ss that rsmahs unp�Id und�r th� Not� �nd this
<br /> S�curNy Intlrum�nt. Lsndsr ahaN�ppy such prxee9s to ths roductwn of the indebtednass under th� Note end thls Socurttyy
<br /> InttrumN+t,Nrst to �ny d�tnquont amaunts apPNed in tAe ordM p�ovid�d h PtrApnph 3,and th�n to prapaYment of prinapal.
<br /> My �ppleatlon ot tM prxNds to the prinalpal shaM not extsnd or poalpons the dus d�te ot the monthy pa�mw►ts,whfch�n
<br /> nhn�ld to In P�npnpA 2, or chtnp� th�amount of such p�yments• My sxCes� procaeds ovor�a amount rsquYsd to psy a01
<br /> outsWdtnp Ind�bt�d��ss under tM Nob md thVS Sacuriry Instrumant sAtll ba pald to lhe entity lepally entklN thercto.
<br /> 7. Chsr�es W Borrower and Protection of Lender'e Rlghte In the Property. BoROwK ahaN p�y ap
<br /> _ ..... de �„e Nr.r,dad h PerenreAh 2. Borrawes• shaN pay th�s�
<br /> qcv�mmMffal a munk�pat cnaryes, nnas ano ar�i,�anM•� ••�—. -- ••-• -
<br /> obNq�tlonf on tim� dkecty to the entity whlch Is owed the payment• It�ailure to paY wou�d adve�sey attoct Londor's Int�tst fn
<br /> tho Prop�ty,upon Lsndars request BoROwsr shail promptry fumisn to lende►recoipts evtdencing thes�paym�nts•
<br /> If Bortovrer taus to make these paYments or the payments required by Parapraph 2, or faUS [o perlorm sny othar cowmnta
<br /> �nd a�eafwnts Contahed h thfs SeGUrRy InsUument,or there IS a lagal proceedfn0 tAat mey slpnMiCB�Uy atleCt Lender6 rlphts In
<br /> the Prop�Ay (auah as�procoodln9 n bankruptay,for condemnatbn or to enforce laws or repu�ns),tAen��y do�nd
<br /> pay what�wr Is MetasuY to prol�ct tho value ot the Propaty end Lender's riphts In the Pro , Includh t of t�ca,
<br /> _= harard hsuranc�a�d othet k�ms mentbned h Para9roPh 2.
<br /> P�p�Y ol 6
<br /> F6N�.LIA('A(lIY7)
<br /> .� 55E -- -
<br /> - - - —
<br /> ..� --
<br />