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<br /> '� 1T. Tr�nsf�� of th� Rrop�►ly o� � B�n�flald Int�nst �n Borrow�r. It aq or �ny p�n of tne Roperty or
<br /> ��"':� '� • • �n InlKaat In It la aold or tr�nafernd (or N� benslicial Intarest In HoROwer fa sold or tr�nr,lerred and BorrowK le not� natund
<br />, ��,�• �f� person)without lender'e prfor wrftten consent, Lender may.et Hs option,requke Immodi�te paymenl In 1uM ot�N euma oecured by -
<br /> , � '-
<br /> , :� thb Securily U1sUumenl. How�ver,thls optlon ah�H not be exerclsed by Lendar H exerclen Is prohlbtted by bderal I�tv �s of t e r ._
<br /> � d�te ol lhln 3ecurlty Instrument. __
<br /> I1 lender exactses thls optlon, Lender shdl ylve Bortower no t i c e of eccaleretlon. The notke ehNl provlde s perlod ot not
<br /> � � � iess ttun 30 d�ys irom tha dete the notice Is delhrered or meNed wlthln whloh 8orrowo► mua�p�y 4N duma aecured by thla —
<br /> .•:, • :iecudry Instrument. 11 eorrawor In�ls tQ Qut turther n Uce or dtemsnd o�Bort,�,�a,thls period, lender mny I�voke eny remedles y _�.-
<br /> . •� permitted by this 5ecuritY�natrumer►t wHh
<br /> 18, 9o�soWA�'� f�ight to RelllBt�l�. II Bortower maets certain conditlons, BoROS�@sba�or euchhotherhperlod�es• '� �c•
<br /> �___
<br /> eniorcement of thls Secu�ib Inatrument dlscontinued at eny time prior �ursuant�toeany p wer of sale contained In this Security —
<br /> _,;..r-..,�,,. app4ic�ble law may apecity for reMatate+nant) botore aate of the Pr�perty P a s Lender aB _
<br /> • �,,,,.�� Instrument;or (b) entry ot n Judgment entordng t1�is Se�u���'^�m�p�Notegas ffnnotlacceferaUont had occuned;P(b) cures eny
<br /> ='"`'��►� aums which thea wauw pe aue unu�, tids�....�.��.f,..- �
<br /> ' detaul►ai any other cavenent or ngreements; (c) �ays all expensas incurred in entorcing thls Secudty Instrument, �nGuax�D• aut,�
<br /> . ,
<br /> � �,F��� not limited to, �easunahta�ttomeys'feea; and (d)takes such action as lender may reesonebly rcguire to assure that the Nen o � —
<br /> ••..,;. � ihls 3eeurilY instnimont, �unchan ed. Upon relnstatementnby B�m wer� thlg�Secu�Y Pnstrument andsthe obligaUonfs secured -----
<br /> ���� •�J- ' Instrument aht�it canllnue 9 In the case
<br /> t
<br />,;����•`•.:- haeby ahnll remaln tuly ettective as If no acceleraUon had occurrec!• Howe„e*��h�g�i9ht to reinstate shaN not app
<br /> ��ik.�:�-, ` of accele+aUon under paragraph t7.
<br /> ' ''`" � Chan�o of Loan S�1'VICOr. me Note or s a paHiai Interest In th6 Note (tog�ther wRh this
<br />�"°. ;�,,�; 19. SaIA of Notr
<br />;,��5t�,'�+�� Secur,ry InsWmmt) may be sold one ar more timea wlthout prlor noUce to 8orrower.A aaie rrwy roslnstrumenta Thers t�ao mey
<br /> �iP,-;:t,'�';
<br /> ,��t,w �noym aa th�•l.aan Servlcer')that coHeots monthly paflments due under the Nots end thla Sew
<br /> e''h�"�. b� one or nara ehonpee ot the Lo�n 3�rvlesr unret�ted to � nde o1 ths Note. II t!►en le� chanq� 01 the Loan 3�rvleer,
<br /> '•;e»��,�
<br />;..,u, ti Bortower wIN bs �Ivm wrktM nollce of ths ch�np�In �ccordmce wNh puagr�ph 14�bove �nd �ppUcab�e law. Tt►e notlG�wiM _
<br /> `�l`; ;���;�, st�te the n�me md�ddr�o� 01 Ih�nwv Loan SMVic�r�nd th��ddreas to whlch paymonta ehould be mada, Tha natla wHl�lao
<br /> � cont�h �ny oth�r inlormatlon requlrad by�pplic+ibte kw.
<br /> '�:i�;' '
<br />- '.,.i, 20. H�udou� 8ubstane��. Bortow�r ah�M not c�use ar permfl the presmce,us�, d�ePoad, etorape, or releaee o
<br /> `^? my Nrzudoue 6ubtt�nc�� cn or In th�Propeity. Bortower ehaM not da. not�Now �nyone�ise to do, �nythtnq �fl�otlnp the
<br />::a�:1:k�:�
<br />�._�?,�;y Prpprrty that h In vlokdlon o1 rny Environm�nUl Law• The precedlnp two eant�nces sh�N not appy to the prosancs, uae, or
<br /> '=��� atpraye on the Property of em�N quantNks of Hrzardaua Subat�nce�thct �re pansnkY recopnlzed to be �pproprl�te to nomul
<br />=�.v�_,�,� rosldK►t�l ueea n�d to mdnSmmee ot ths P►opsrty,
<br /> --- Borrower ehr�N prompty flNe L�nder wdtten noUca ot �ny Investlqatlon, cl�qn. demand lawsuft or other actlon by sny
<br /> �`�,'.�!J.�'!� Invoking the Property end eny Hazudoud Subauncs or Hnv)tonmental Law o1
<br /> G;�► pavr�nrnmtsl or repuktory apency or prNate p�rty
<br />::n'��:� take all
<br /> �t�;� whkh Borrnwer hes actusl knowledpe. If Borrower leems, or i� notifled by any qovemmenW or royulatory authorfty, t �t any
<br />•�W�:{ � � �� �ny Hazardoua 3ubatance attecting Property Is necesury.Bortower ah�N promptly
<br /> — ° rarrwrai 4r uih8� i::sis�.'SLO..
<br /> „�.a��l=
<br /> ,; �ln�,ti necagay remedG�l actlone in accordance wfth Environmente�Law•
<br /> .„��
<br /> _�Ly���1�� As uned U thls par�gnph 20.'Hazardoue Substances' are those substances defined e�e loxla or hezerdoua substanees by
<br /> •���Ry� Environmental I.aw and the tollowing subaunces: gesoline, kerosene, other ilammable a toxia petroleum producta, toxlo
<br /> ,�<.,o s.,
<br /> pesUddes and herbicidea, volnUle sokents, meterials contain{ng asbostos or tormaFdehyde,and radloactN Istmt��°'tha�t telate to
<br /> �:� pampn�ph 20, 'Envkonmental Lew' meuns tederal laws and laws of the)u�IsdicUon where the Property
<br />-"=--= he�Mh, safely or envkonmental protecUon.
<br /> NON•UNIFOHM COVENANT9.Borrower and Lender turther covenant and ngree ss tollowa:
<br /> --.�a� 21. Acc�l�ratton; Rsm�dl�o. L�ndar shatl giw no4lco to Borrowor prior to aac�i�ntlon
<br /> '°""""'— fcliowing Bor►ow�s's br�aah of any aaveneM or agr��mont In thia S�curky Instrumsnt (but not
<br /> .��.--- - pric�rr to accoloratlon under p�ragr�ph 17 unless appllaable law p�o+►id�: oth�n�ris�)• Th� notic�
<br /> == s1ui�� �pocfty; (�� th. d�fault; (b) th� actlon requlred to �y w� h th d�fault ust•b�cursd;t+md
<br /> 30 days from th� dat� th� nottc� is yiv�n to Borrower,
<br /> (d) ih�t fatlure to cur� tho dNauR on or batoro the dat� spacified in tha notic� may r�suit in
<br /> ��c���nitlon vf ths sums s�cur�d by this S�curHy Instrumsnt Aod a�lo of ths Prop�rty.Th� notice
<br /> �hdl turth�r Inform Borrow�r of th� right to rotnetat� aiter �ce�leration �nd ths rtght to brtng a
<br /> court action to �sssrt th� non-axist��na� of � d�f�ult or any oth�r dafons� of Borrowsr to
<br /> � sc¢ster�tlon and aab. If tho dehult is nat curod on or before the d�te spocifl�d in the notic��
<br /> ��� L.rnd�r at Rs optlon may requfr� Immediat� P�n oko ths p'a or Iot splo md ny oth�r r�medliis
<br /> =- Instrum�nt without tu�th�r dem�nd and may
<br /> _--_
<br />