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<br /> , .''E-"t�` � ��'.�.:.r'Q1� .
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<br /> f"`•�� TO(�ETHER WlTli dl th� knprovementt now or hers�ftur �eated on th� propKty,�nd all e�semmta, apPurten�nces,and
<br />_"=�'_��� ,
<br /> --,,�� ' tixlur�� nnw or hKwfl�v�P�n ol th�propaty.N�r�pMcananta and�ddltlone sh�H�Iso be covered by thla S�curky Inttrumm-
<br /> ;;,,�.w,�� All of ihe taqalnp la rdared to in thle 3ecurity instrument ae ths 'RopertY•' --
<br /> BORROYVEH COVENANTS that Borrow s lu�wlu�N����xaep�lor tencumbe ce�i�record tl Borr wer�warrente snd w M
<br /> ::�C�` convey the PrapeRy �nd that th� Properry "
<br /> °�T��%'� dMend qertenl{y th�tNN to I h�Prop o r t y �W d n6 t�N clakna md dan�ndn, subJeat to any encumbnnaea o}reeord.
<br />_�t:a'.�••
<br /> ,. ., ,ti THI9 SECURITV IN9TRUMENT aombinea unNortn coven�nta lur natlonal use tnd non•unitorm coven�nis wN h N m i l y
<br /> � v�datlona by Judadlctlon ta constituts� untlorm aecurlty Instrumont covering rs�l propsrty ' _
<br />`�c�;:;;:, UNIFOAM COVENANTS. Borrowx and Lender covan�nt�nd apree�e toilowa:
<br /> :��_��.. 1.P�yin�nt ot Prinoipd �nd Int�r�st; Pr�pi►ym�rn�nd Lat� Ch�rs��, 6a►ower ah�9 promptly paY wh�n ,�_._
<br /> - "�± dua tho prNiclpnl of and Interest an the debt evldenced by the Note�nd any prep�yrtsee►and late cher9�e�sdN B ower sh otp'y �• _—
<br /> '="`�''�' 2.Fullds for Y�x�s and Insur�nw.3ubJect to �pplfcoWe law or to n v��tic�n sro4vM by ��.__
<br /> --°-;,�,—� to Lender on the d+ty monthly payments ue due under the Note, until tha Note Is p�ld (�Nl1,e aum ("Funds')��� lesse old
<br />°- '"_J�� texes Qnd�ssesamente whlch msy attaln prlority ovx this 3acudty Instmment�Insurenc premlums�P(dj/yeariY no d Inauruice
<br />--,�i pay���wdo uI 6iwi:3 C..Stl3 0^��t! PrnnwiN. H �11V: (6) VO��N hEZ��d Of an�8�R rl 1D'leby Fwnuwa+ t3�oi�3�rlsa ascar�."'1^^� —_.- .
<br /> _ - premlums,tl any,(e)yearty mortgnge Insunnr,e premiuma,if any;and�Oe I auranoePpremlums. These ftems ere caNed "Eac�ow�
<br /> wRh the provislons o1 pnrapreph 0, in Aeu of the payment of mortgag
<br /> '�'"'� items.' lenda may,'at eny time. cotlect Rnd hold Funda In en �mount not to exceBd the nwxlmum emount a lende+tor a
<br />-'<,,;;.•:�� ledenVy rewted mortgage loan may requke for BoROwer's esuow acc RESPA')�u le s�another IxwBthat nppAe�to the�nds ----
<br />�-�:'''�:��� p� o}�g7q ns emended trom time to tlme,12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq. ("
<br />`�'�`=•�� sets a lesser amount. If so, Lender may,at any Umn, collect end hoid Funds In an emount not to exceed the lesser amount.
<br />:.. -�,-.4A
<br /> :;..,�:1 Lender mey esWnate tha amount ot Funds due on thn besis of curtent dat� and reasoneb�e estimaten of expendituros o ture
<br />_r�_� � - Escrow Itema or otherwise fn accardenee with applicable Ixw.
<br />,.��' The Funds ahall be hdd in an Institutlon whose deposfta are Insurod by a federal nSencY.Inatrue�n�•to�A�en�«ow
<br /> �E�;�'""'�� �ender, it lender Is such an Institutlon)or in enN Federsl Home Loen Bank Lender aFul app�y
<br /> r the Funds, annually�nayting the escraw account,or verityic�g
<br /> {�t'� Items.Lender maY not charge Bortower 1or holding mnd applying
<br /> ' the Eacrow Items, w�less Londer pays Bonowet tntanast on the Wndn and epplixe��a�tDreel esta e taxtreportir►y 6sen'ice -
<br />''��' cha�ge. How�va, Lender maY requlre 6orrawer to pay a onedime charfle 4or an 3r. --
<br /> �;.',«r t r� uaed by lenakr In connecUon wkh thls loan, untesa eppHcatrle law �rovides otherwise. Unleas an agreement Is m�de or
<br />.`. '•' ' �� eppNcab4�lavv raqukes Interest to be�aid, Lender ahall not bo raquir4d to pay Bor►owe�eny Interest or eaminga on the Funds.
<br /> °����, Bo►rower Nd Lender may agree in writtng. however. that intereat shall be pald on Iha iunde. Lendar shall give to BoROwer,
<br />;�?� without cherge,an ennual acGOUnUng of the Funds, ahowing aredda and debfts to Ne Fundo and tho purposa for which each
<br />'��''� debR to the Funds was made. The Funde ere pledped aa additiond secudry for eN sums cacurod by the 3ecurity Inatrument
<br />--=':ra'��
<br /> II th�funds hNd by Lendx exceed ths emounts p�mdtted to bs held by�ppNable kw,Lender shW account to Bortower
<br /> for the ezceaa Funda In accord�nce wRh tha requkanents of appHc�ble kw. If ths �mouM o1 tb�Funda held by Len ar a any
<br /> -;=� time le not aulAclent to pay the Eec�ow It�ms when due, Lender rtry so notHy BoROws►M wAUnq,and,in suoh Gi� 6or►ow�►
<br /> __,,-;���,� shsl p�y to Under th� �mount neceasuy to make up ths deflclency. 8orrowx shd �n�lcs up tho de�lcl�nay In no more than
<br /> ���� dyak�monthry p�ym�►te,at L�ndK'a eole dlaaetion,
<br /> ."`� �pon Paym��in fuN ot aN".wnn�7l�l dK ehdla�cq�uke or eeN he Pr perty, l�nder,prlor to�e�tcqusRanWa s�t�ot 1h�
<br /> ° neid`uji iw`i...�, tSRtl�g-r'..-r.. - .
<br /> propKty,ihall apply�ny Funds hNd by Landn at the tlmo of acquisRlon or ed� w�� aWl��p�insE ini e1iu�: :xurr.���!.h.'
<br /> �.•,�•�� S�curKY h�WmMt. ents rec�Nad by Lmd�r und�r
<br /> 3. AppIlC�tl011 � P�Yue�d ntlrst�to Qn ��Ilubt�chures�due ut deY'the Noto�aeca►d,to�mounts p�yable under
<br /> '- - � panprwphs 1 �nd 2 nh�M bs�pp Y P�Ym g —
<br /> prnyraph 2;thkd,to k►t�nst dus;tourth,to prindp+�du�e�nd aaessments�chtr4ea�flntas•�nd�ImPositlona attribut�ble to the
<br /> 4. ChlPQA�; U�n�. 9ortower ahsA pay ta a ground rents.H any. t)orrowet ah�N
<br /> PropeRy whioh may�ttdn prlorkl►over thia Securtty Instrument, and le�sehold payman
<br /> pay the�e obNyations fn the m�nna provWed In pnray�Ph 2� or N not pald In th�t mwier,Bortower shaN p�y them on tlme
<br /> � dkectly ta the person owed PoYment. BoROwer ahaq prompUy fumt�h to Lendx d noUces of �mounts to be Wdd undu thla
<br /> --��--- pangraph, U gortower rtkkes these payments directly, Borrower shaB promptly turrdsh to lender receipta evldandn0 th�
<br /> — paytnents.
<br /> Barcwer ehell prompty discharge eny Iien which has prloriry aver this Security InaWrnant uniesa BoROwer: (�) ��rees in
<br /> wrflh� to the p�yma►t of the obNyaUon secured by the Ifen in a manner accepta6le to lander. (b) conteate in yood hflh the
<br /> Nen by,a detends �p�lnst entorcement ot the Nen In, legsl proceedinga whkh In the lender'a opk►lon opents to prevent the
<br /> en}orcement of the Wen; or(c) secures from the holder of the Ilen nn a9reoment a�Yshdoryto Lende�eubordin�tln0 the�Man^Io�
<br /> tfila Sea�ty Instrument if Lender determinoa that any part of the the Uen.tBorrow�shd isatlsty ths Qan or Wcs�s or more of
<br /> Security InsUUment, Lender mny 91ve Borrowa•�notico IdenUtyk�g
<br /> the aclims aet toAh sbove wRhln 10 ddya ot the gNlnp af noUce.
<br /> 5.HaZ�I'd or Prop��ty In�uranc�. Borrower ehall keep the Improvemmta now exisUny or heroatter erected on the
<br /> —r�—'_' property Insured aqainst loss by tlre. hazards inc!uded wRhin 1he term "exlmded covaage' and any othet hazuda,hdudiny
<br /> tloods a ftooc!ing,tor which Lender requirea inaunnce. Thls Insurance ah�n be mek�telned In the�mounta and ior the periods
<br /> tlnt Lender roqukes. Tho inaursnce curler provldiny the Insur�nca ahaW be choaen by Borrower subJact to Lender'e+pproval
<br /> whlch ahall not be unreisonsby wNhhNd. (t Borrower fsfis to meintain coveraqe desc+ibed �bove, Lender m�y. at Lender's
<br /> option,oDtain coverage to proteet Lender's rlphte In the PiropeRy In eccordance with pangraph 7.
<br /> A�hsurence polldes and reneweNt eh�U be acceptable to Londer and ahaA hGude�P�g mortyRye ci�uae. Lender
<br /> -•�:'� 3hd h�ve the r{ght to hold the policies and renewals. It Lender requkes. Borrower ah�i tve to Lendx dl recetpte of
<br /> =;.� pald premiuma and renawal notices• In the event ot loss,BoROwer shaB gfve prompt notice to the insumnee cartler and Lender.
<br /> — Lender me�y m+ike proof of toss H not made promptly by Bortower.
<br /> — Unbsa Lender and BoROwer othervvlae agrce in writing, Insurance proceeds ehall 6e epplied to �cstoration a repak of the
<br /> _.,a.�.__�.o propeny damaged,H the restoration or repak is economlceNy feeslble and Lender'e secuity la not lessened.I}the restoraUon or
<br /> repsir Is not economlcaNy(eenible or Lender's security would be leasened, the Insure�ce procoeds shall be npplied to the aume
<br /> -- aeeured by thla Security InsWment, whetha or not then due,wRh eny exceas peid to Bomower. It Borrower abendons the
<br /> �—W'�'�" Properly� or does not answer wtthin 30 daya a nottce fram l.ender that the Insurence carrfer has ottead to settle a dalm. then
<br /> ��—w_�� lendu may coAect the fnsurcnce proceeda, Lender may uae the proceeds to repalr or restore the PropMy a to pey sums
<br /> °°°--�� secured by this Securriy Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30�day pedod wGl begin when the notice Is gNen.
<br />