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<br /> 97- i(3�.9"�'S
<br /> THIS agre�m�nt made on the 1 Sth day of August, 1997,between Craig C. and Msry E. f
<br /> Burchess� 112 North Adams Street,Grand Island,Hall County,Nebraska,and John and.Tehnifer L.
<br /> Nowicki,husband and wife, 1302 West lst Strat,Grand Island, Hali County,Nebraska.
<br /> RECITAI,S
<br /> A. Craig C.And Mazy E.Burchess,are the owners of the pre�nises at 112 North Adams,
<br /> Grand Island,Hall County,Nebraska,more fully described as:
<br /> Tbe Northerly Foriy-Three and Seven Tenths Feet(43.�of Lot Eigttt(8),in Block Six
<br /> (6), in Spaulding and Ciregg's Add�tton to the City�f�rand Island, Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> � hereinaf�er referred to as Lot(A).
<br /> B. xohn and Jennifer I,.Nowicki are the ownars of tla..e premises at 1302 West l st Street,
<br /> Grand Island,Hall County,Nebrasl.a,more fully descrlb�d as:
<br /> The Southerly Bigbty�Eight and Three Tenths(88.3)feet of Lot fiight(8),in Block
<br />: Six(�,In Spnulding end G•regg's Addition to tha City of Grand Island,Hall County,
<br /> ti
<br /> Nebrask�.
<br />-- heretaafter nferral to as Lot(I;).
<br />�
<br /> I.ot(A)Is i�nmediately adjo�nlnE Lot(B)w the North a�Lot(B).
<br /> �
<br /> = C. A wooden garage is located on both 4ot(A)and Iat(8).
<br /> ;
<br />� D. Ttro sauthem wall of dre garage located on Lot(A)and the nortl�ern wall of the garage
<br />�� located on Lot(B)form�common waU and bou�dary between Lota�(A)and(B).
<br /> � E. The parties desin to settle all questions nlating w the ownership and nse of the
<br /> �� common wcll and all diff:,renr,es beriveen thsm*elating to th�+.boumiary. �or tt�e reasons set forth
<br /> ebove, and In consideratlon of the mutual covenants and promises sct forth in this agreement, the
<br /> : pnrties agroe as follows:
<br /> � SECTION ONE
<br /> i
<br /> � The wall shall be a party wall,and the partics shall have tho right to an easement for use of the
<br /> : party wall and garago.
<br /> . If it becomes necessary or desirabie to r�pair or rebuild whole or any part of the wall, the
<br /> repuiring orrebuilding expense shall be borne equally by the pacties,or by their heirs and assigns who
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