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<br /> -_ owner of the prop�rty, h)a transter mto an inter vivos trust in which the Honower ie and ramains a beneticiary�nd
<br /> '�> ` which doea not rel�te to a transfer oi righta oi occupancy in the praperty,or(iy any other transfer ur dispositior
<br /> �,; _ ..,,_,`.�
<br /> described in reguletions pr�cribed by the Fateral Homb I.oan Bank Board, Borrower ahail ceuse to ba aubrnittad
<br /> • ^ ' information �equired by I.onder to ovsluate tho transieree ae if a new loan wero being made ta the transfere:e.Borrowar _
<br /> :-�� . . '� � will continue to be obligetod under the Note nnd this Dced of Tzust unlesa Lender releases Borrowor in writing.
<br /> ' a If Lender doea nc,t a�ree to such sale or transter,Lender may declare all oi the sums secured by thie Deed of Trust to �.y
<br /> >, '� be immediately due ead peyablo. It Lender exercises such option to accelerate, [.ender ehall mail Burcower notico of
<br /> � acceleration in accordanca with�ragraph 12 hereof.Such notice shall provlde a period ot not less than 3Q daYe fmm the
<br /> r„�'-'`�� • � aR,nAil�.i ���1rl;vrr�1 within which Bonower may paY the eums declered due. lf Borrower teileto pey
<br /> ,y- clst-the n�e:c. _
<br /> suah aums prior to tho expiration at such period, Lender may, withaut further nottce or demand on liorrower,tnvoke
<br /> _ i any remedies permittod by paragraph 17 hereof.
<br /> ' ��� NON-UIJIFOR141 COVENANTS.Borrower and L.ender further covenant and agreo as followe:
<br /> 17. Accelerstion; Ramedies. Except a,s provided in par�araph 16 horeof, or as otherRiso requiresl by law. -
<br /> upoa Borrower'e breach oi aay covenant or a�reoment of Borrower 1n thie Deed oi Truat. Iaclu�3in�
<br />_ . BonoROr's failure to pay. by the end of tea (10)calendar days aitar the d�te thoy are due. tay aume secured
<br /> ' by this Deed oiTruat, �.onder prior to acceleration s&all give aotice to Borrower as provided in psr��r+ph l2
<br /> �c- �� •.`�' hereof specityinj: (1) the braach; (2)the action required t�cure such brwch; (3) a dato,not less thaa 10 d�ys
<br />-"�'�'���"��'� �rom the date the notice Is mailed to Honower. by which such bruch must b�cured; aad (4) that failuro ta
<br /> tJ..
<br /> cure such breach un oe betaro the dato apecilied ia the notice may result in acce lent ion o f t he aumm a e c u r e
<br /> - _ .��-' by this Deed ot Trust and sala of tho Property. The notice sh�ll further tnform Borrower of the ri{ht to
<br /> • roinstate ait�r ixelention and the rit�t to bring court actton to assert the noaeziatence of• deisult or aay
<br />'�,�. othar defonse ot Borroear to acc�leration and sale. If the breach is not cured on or before the date specified
<br /> "- "".'"'�' in the not�ice, Leader, �t Loader's optioa, may declare a11 of tho sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be
<br /> ;�,r.•,,,rw• immtdiately due and payable without further dem�nd and miy invoko the power of sale aad �ny�ther —
<br />-_'"��`"`.�.` i remcdies pernnitted by applicable l�w. Leader sdall bs eatitled ta collect all costa aad expeases incurre�ia
<br />-_=�;�� ��•r, pureuln=the remedics provided ia this pananph 17 to the estent permitted by applicable I�w.
<br /> '==:,;�:�t If Leader involces the powar of sale. Lemder or Trustee shall mdl copies of a aotice oi s�le in the maanes
<br />.�_..: ,.
<br />- ����-,,_�W prescribed by �pplicable law to Bonowar aad to tho other persona prescribed by applicable law.Trustee shtll
<br />- Ru•�''v'� �tve aottce o!e�lo by public advortisetnent for the ttme and in the manner praacribed by appltca6le ltw.
<br /> '� -~�="�' - - iruaia, .:.i�,-.ut���r.=a�oa B�n��!"r,"h.11 ��II the Ptonerty at public auctioa to tho hi=heat bidder tor c�ah
<br /> -:__���`^�N,.�.� �t tho timo and place �nd undor the terms desi�nated in the notice of aale ia one or more parcels and ia auch
<br />__-=;�.,�� order�a Trusta�n�y deterrniae.Trusteo may postpone eale o!all or any p=tcel of the Property to any l�tor
<br /> --��{�� timo on the sime date by public �nnouncement at the tiaao and place o� �ny previoualy achoduled s�le.
<br /> __`_._�� Lender or Leiader'a desi=neo may purchase the Property at any s�lo.
<br /> "`� �'�� Trustee eball d�livor to t6e purchaaer Trustee s deed conveyin�the Prope;rty so sold without�ny coveamt
<br /> �°�"'°!� or wutsaty, eipressed or impltad. The recit�ls iu tha Trusteds deed ahall be prima facie evidence o! the
<br /> —==��� truth of the st�temnente made therein. Truatee sball spply the proceeda of the e�le in the followla=ordor.(�)
<br /> -'"`="'°� to Ql reasoasble co�ts and ezpensee oi the sale, inoludia=. but nat limtted to. reasonwble Trustee'a teos �ad
<br /> -�"�� �ttorneya' fees�nd coate ot title evldenco; (b)to all sums secured by thia Deed of Trust; and(c)tne oicese,ii
<br /> -- �ny.to the pereon or persone leplly eatitled thereto.
<br /> 18. BonoRCi s Ri�bt to Retnstate. Notwithstanding Lender's accelerntion of the sume secured by this Deed of
<br /> Trust due to Borcower's breach, Borroaer shnll have the right to have any proceodinga begun by Lendet Ln eatorce this
<br /> -- �-�- Uood of Trust diecontinual at eny timn prior to the earlier to occur of (i) the fifth dny betore the eale of the Propecty
<br /> -- - �--- pursuant to the power oi sale conteined in this Dxd oi Trust or(ii) entry ot a judgment onforcing this Deed o!Tra�et it:
<br /> (a) Borrower pays I.ender all sume which would be thrn due under this Deed oi Trust and the Noto had no ecceleration
<br /> �,�-II cecvrrcr]; (b) �;nrrower cures all breaches of any other oovenants or agroements of Borrower contaiaui in this Deed oi
<br /> -- —� Truflt; (c) Banower pays all reaeonable expvnses incurred by L.ender and 'Trustee in enforcing the covenents end
<br /> sgroements of Borrower contained in this Deed of Trust,and in enfotcing Lendar's and Truetee'e remedies es providod
<br /> --- - in pntagcaph 17 Gereof.including, but not limited to,reaisonsble attomeys'fas to the extent pennitud by applic�blo ltw;
<br /> and (d) Horrower takes such action as Lestder may reasanably requiro to essure thst the lien of this Dced ot Trust,
<br /> - I,ender s intecest in the Propetty end Borrower's obligation to pay the sume sxured by this Deed of Trust s�iall continue
<br /> �„ unimpeired. Upon such pnyment and cure by Bonower, this Dad oi Trust and the obligationa secured h�nby shall
<br /> �--� --- remain in fu11 force and effect es if no acceleration had cecuned.
<br /> --r�r�=� 19. Assijnmeat of Roatd; Appolntnnent oi Recoiver; Lender in Possesaioa. As edditionel security herounder,
<br /> _j`,:_-�����,�.� Borrower heeeby assigns to I.ender the rents of the Property, provided that Bonower shell, prior to acceleration und�r
<br /> = pnragraph 17 hereof or abandonment of the Property, heve the right to collect and retain such rents as they becon�o due
<br /> -�' : ��:: and payabla .
<br /> :;". � : , Upon accelendon under paragraphy 17 hereof or abandonment of the Property, Lender. in petson, by agent or by _
<br /> ':�:t;:"''��'"' Y,;
<br /> __..,,,, Y. judicielly appointed receiver,shail be entitled to enter upon,take posse�ion of and manage the Proporty and to collect -
<br /> «:��`j-�• the rents ot the Propercy including those past due. Atl rents collected by Lender or the rocaiver shall be appliod first to _
<br /> ...,,;:..-..� .:
<br /> -�=��•'��' � payment of the costs of management of the Property and collxtion of rents, including, but not limited to. roceiver's _
<br /> ''x' � tee3,premiums ori receiver's bonds and r�asonable attorneys' fces,and then to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. _
<br /> � Lendet and the receiver shall be liable to account only for those rents actually received. _
<br /> '�'����, � _ .�.. n_.____ �r_.... .......,o....,f ott �uma r.e�r.urKi hv this Deed of Ttust.and,if�:his Deed of Trast secures n Rovolving
<br /> �:--- -., �............._......_------------._ ,
<br /> t Y' • •
<br /> �� �,; .,.;; �� I,oaa Agreecnent, �3orrower requ�sts Lendar to release thie De�d of Truat, I,ender shall cause thie Dead of Tru9t to _
<br /> releascd without chnrge to Bonower. Borrower shall pay alt ::osts of recordation,if any.
<br />