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<br /> � . ,. ` , +,f;, : .
<br /> ��' ► , '� , •_:.::�,�._,�,..���. �-_-
<br /> , �
<br /> +�Ni , �, . .. ..,..,..,:e��.,w.�inA�4�;1,���'"a',':,��,::M::-_=:•a:: .— ,�--.-,--...,,_�,..
<br /> �._l .L^LSL.
<br /> � -.,P:wNt•-r�.4..`. . .. .-- �- - � ._ . . . . . 1
<br /> 'r,y. - -_ .. . .__.
<br /> i , ' ;� _
<br /> � D�ED OF TRUST P��4 -
<br /> �� pa.'Zp"1l�7 (Conitnued) g��' in�,�4 —=
<br /> , , Loan No 642332 �-_.:
<br /> 1 �-
<br /> 6�mHtMd to p�rticipet�in th�procMdlnp and to be repns�nt�d m ths proc«dnp by counsol of its own aholo�,and Trusta w�l dWvx o►
<br /> � �' cauw to h�dNlvK�d lo L�nde tuoh InslrurrHnts�e m�y b�roqu�st�d by II hom tlm�to tlme to p�rmit auch particlpallon. �4;
<br /> i �a8d����r,j Ep��FO Ehl ONd o1�Tru�sES�V�BVERNMENY/J�AUTHORiTIEB. Th�fdlowlnp pruvblorb tMaUnp to povsrntn�nW t�xM,
<br /> a,
<br /> � �}
<br /> Curnnt T�x�s,FNa�nd CM�rp��. Upon nques�by LmdK,Trusta shaA�x�cut�such doaurn�nb In idditlon W tNs W�d of Tnnt and tak�
<br /> whetevar othw aotion k r�quesbd by L�nder lo pM�►�nsf continw L�ndws Wn an„M Rw0��� D� �������
<br /> tax�a,as dqCribod bMow,topN►wr wflh�11 oxponscs Incurrod In rccord�n3s ps►fec�0 ��,
<br /> •. ��� Nmitatlon�N t�x�s.t�a�do�oum�ntary tUtmps��nd oth�r charqos for nCadinp ornpblwirq thb DNd of Ttust. e�..-
<br /> T�uc�s. TM idlowlrp thaN comlHuM trxa to whlch fhia�on appl�s: u� •a���v���ra•a o..d a rrua or uvon ar or ar�r �
<br /> -.'-� ti.A d th�Ind�bt�drnss Mcund bY IAk DNd d Ttutt; (b)t�p�cMlo tax on Tntslor wh{ah Tnntor a tuthotlnld or nQu�dr►�tt th�L�ndM a' �:`
<br />--..A�„_ . .... r . � en!hW M+A elf OYd d TNtt Ctil'OMbM� �
<br /> wwns�: P�Y�b on iM Ind�b��dn�ss NaurW by t��iYD��'a^a y PorUon W 1h�I�+d�bt�dn�s a on pr�ynwMt o1 Pdr�dp�l and InMrut rt�a�oy �,_.
<br /> . - n 1 �«dK of lh� Notr,and (d)a�p�clAo `
<br /> 1 gub�pwnt Tna�. If anY 1�x to which thla�acMOn apP���s�d���wnt b tM dat�of thls OMd of Truat,thk w+�nt�1W haw 1M
<br /> � � qrtN NNct aa an Ewnt uf D�tault lts daln�d b�low),�nd UndK may�xKC�st any or NI ol Its awltaDw nrt��e tor an Ewnt of Detautt u
<br /> pra�pNcyv ur�ss Tnnta NtMr (�)p�Ys the tex befao It b�coma d�lnqumt.a (b)conlab th�fax�s proNd�d abow In N►�TaxK and
<br /> �. Llwis ac8on and degosib wlth L�nder cash a a autflctent corporat�sunty boM or olh�r s�audty utlstactory to L�nd�r•
<br /> SECURITY A(iREEINEMT;FIHANCINO STAT�MENTS. The foliowlnfl provisions reyll�p 10 thb Ooad ot Trust u a s�curity�prMrrNnt ua s put ol
<br /> thls OwJ of Trust.
<br /> � ��r���and Lender shaA havahall of thetriyhis o�usa�c�urod p�lYt��th�tUnitam CommKCW Cods a amind�d kan tl�
<br /> persontl P opertY� --
<br /> �• flrtw.
<br /> gectKily Inta�st. Upon request by Lender,Trustor shall executa Antnclnp aLNm�nb In addid nhto ncordfoD thb ONd of�M�
<br />' �� to p�rYct rnd conUnu�Lenders secudy interesl In the Renb and Person�l RoP�dy � ���� _
<br /> prop�rty rocords,Lender may,at ony time and wilhout turther authorlratioe h'am Trusta,AM wcecuted oount�rp�rls,co� np�
<br /> „ ' thls pwd at Trust as�flnanctnp ntatement. Trusta shall reimbun�lendx fa aN u�ensss incurrod in peAeotlnO or contlnutnp thb Mcurity _
<br /> �, ' inleresl Upon default,Trustor shetl assemble the Personal Propwry in a mu��M'and at a pkc�tMSOn�bly conwnMnt to Tn�ta tnd I.�ndrr -
<br /> �nd m�k�N avaltable to Lender withln three(3)days atter rece!pt of wdite�demend hom L�nd�r. _
<br /> p�nnrt�d by this Deod ol�Trustdmn�y ebsa obtained(each tas�requked b�h�e Un�o�m Com��rtwrclal Cod�),�4n Rt sttt�d�h��lh�PW�o�thk DMd -
<br /> of 7n»G
<br /> q FUpT1�R ASSURANCFS;MTORNEY-IN-FACT. The tollowinp provhlons relalMq to futtMr tesuttnqs�nd atlorMy-IM�ct ar�4 P�rt a Mb
<br /> DNd of Trust.
<br /> ''? F�M�r As�unnc�s, At any llmo,and hom tlm�to tima, �pon�u�t owf��ndw,T�tl�y����«�a���'��a�1�O'�
<br /> i;�,,: :�.-- — mtd�,�cutW a Wxv�red.io I.�ndw �,r ta ta.z�.t!-JOR--•- ��may d�Mn aPProprN»��^Y a�i�"swn rimw ,
<br /> � re��cordsd�u the c�s�may be,al such Qm�s and In�uah ofNc:e�m�d P�
<br /> .,.:�.�'�'�:;�.' rtNnb�flr�neinp atut�nb�COntlnuallon sl�bne�tb�Inaturr��of furthK Mwrrna��
<br /> , �•��;a. dMds o1 trutt,s�ouri4 dwds.seourHY�pn�
<br /> i and othK dxurrNnb as rn4y.In!M nol� opinion at UndK,bo n�o�sw1'a��in ord�r to M�c1u�N,a�rripMM�P«No1�
<br />- . ' '� J� pns�rvs (a)ths obNp�Uons o}Tnutor undw the Nut�,thFS De�d a Trust,�nd Ih�RNaMd DocwMnis�md (b)tM M��d��1►�b
<br />!��jb';;:..'' ;,' cr�ted b y thb O»d of Trutt on tM Propwiy�whetMr now own�d a h�r�lMr�aqulnd bnound In wnn�atlpon w�lth�thi maiM�s��d/oNin
<br />��;,.�.��. contrvy bY�^�U wrHinO,Tnntor ahall n im burs�l e n d e r t a�M c o s b a n d�x p�
<br />-.; r��� � tMs Pu�+�Ph.
<br /> '�`'.� •'` Atlormy..k►.F�CG If Trustot hlls to do any of the thinys refeRed to In Ihe procedin9 PanO�aph�undK mty do to 1a tod In th�natrN af
<br /> S_"::N�'�:d�t'..
<br />�:�>.., �a, Tnuta and at Yrustors wc�nsa. For auch purposes�Trusta henby Irr�vocabN+�PPdM�Und�r aa Tn�6tor�atto►rny-IM�t tor p►rPot�
<br /> •�.` p�m�clrp.�x�cuynp,daliverin�,Ailnp,recadinp,and dolnp ail other thlnps ea rruy be n�c�ssary a d�+b�.In l.�ndwa soN op�Nor►,lo
<br />���� •�• h th�,mttan reNrred to In tM precedinp peraqreph.
<br />-¢; ,:•�,�-.�.y� �ocomPlis Born Imposb upon 7YUtta und�t thN
<br /> 1�*�`,,-.rr�..•:
<br /> •,..• FUJ,PERFORMAMCE. It Tnislor Pnys a►��he Indabledness when dw,and olherwlso p�rtorms�I th�
<br />�s_'�:����,?;; pMd of Tnnt,Und�r shaN �xeoub tnd deliwr to Truslee a requost for tull reconwy�na tnd thaY�x�out�and dNiwr to Truttor w11�bN
<br /> ti,.a�,�a�• '_-,.�:-
<br /> i_r.�}fy,��, fb�Hm�nq pf t�rmin�Mon of any tinancin0 stst�moM on fiN�Ndancirp Lvnd��iaewfly lnt�nst in th�R�nb tnd tM PMfors4 Prop�rly
<br /> �,,, nCOnwyanc�te�roqulred by Iow shed be peld by Trustor,If permiNed by app�cabM law.
<br />--�iG;:,..,+�'
<br /> _�,.� pF�AI�T.Each of the touowinp,at the optlon ot Lender,shall constitute an event d dehuH('Evsnt ol D�fauM")und�r thb DNd of
<br />'��=t'`�'� DNM1R on Indebt�dn�ss. Fauure ot Tn►slor to meke any payment when due on th�Ind�bt�dn�ss.
<br />�._-��_.
<br />— -=w�? or
<br /> -- p��p�pqNr prym�nts. FaYUn ot Yrustor wlthin the Ume nquked by 1Nt Daed of Trust b muu any p�yrt�d a or
<br /> �y-��:l:��ti vent fllirq o1 a to el(ect dlsohup�of�ny Nn.
<br /> :..:,e*_.•� �ny o1hK paYmsnt naass�ry ic Vh
<br />-1��- 'Non conwned�o+nt�w.a a mMt.a�
<br /> r� - �` CpmpM�tK,y pahult. Feuurs of Trusta to camply wlth any other term,oblfpsilon�Covanant or Cond�
<br /> -_--F`:;�,� NoM a(o�ny of ttN Ftalated Oxuments.
<br /> " pN�sl�tNn�nls. Any wartanty,ropresentatlon or statement med�or lumislwd to LondK by a on MAW of Tnntot und�t 1hk D�d o�Trsst,
<br /> �-���,�� the NoN a t1►�6tNaud Oxurrwnb Is felse a mis�eadinp In any materiel respact,�IIhK now or at tM tlrM mad�or fum�twd.
<br /> -��r�° GNcMv�C011N�n1ia�tlon. Thls Daod�i Trusl a any of Ine f�o4t�d Doeum�nb cwa�s to b�in tuN torq�nd�M�ct('�ndudnp hllun W any
<br /> 4-•,.x, led securiry Intenst or INn)a1�ny Nrtw aed ta any naon.
<br />�_:�;� , cpN�Nal doCUrn�nb to cnata a vtl�d�nd pert�ec
<br />-:��,'�i:''r'�''4 ,. WNh or In�olv�ncY• TM death of Trusta.ih�Insdvency ot Trusta�►h�epPdntmm!of�roa1vK tor�ny urbK�banlwPbY o►
<br /> � "���=��� nmont tor 1M b�rwAt of cnditas, any typ� ot crodltor wakout,a th�comnWnam�nt of r�Y �q
<br /> ;,s����-:.. .;, :. i. ins I�wa by a aqainst Trustor. Howe�wr�the death ot any Trusta wiN not M an EwM of ONtuM If�s�natAt d ttM dMth of Tn�or It�
<br />'-_ �• Ind�bNdn�fs Is futry cownd by aedit Ni�insunrw�.
<br /> - ;.,�:��� .� Foncio+�un,Fahltun,�tc. Commencemsnt W tonclosure or fafNtun Droo»dnW,wMlhK by Judlcl�I��C•1Nt s�ubsicyonr�M r�+ot
<br /> - � , '"a. or any othM malhod�by my cradHor of Ttustor or bY��Y OovernmN►tai�petqy�ydr�t my of tM PtopKtY•
<br /> -• ;•�., �pply In 11N�wnt of R pood Mllh dispute by�Trustor u to the+nNdity a reuvn�bbnKS of th�cWm whieh i�ths baUt af tM tohdosuh a
<br /> torohRun D���"0•Provlded that Trustor pives Lender wriHon no�id of auah c1�im and firnhh�s nMr�N o��sun►Y bond for 1�c�►
<br /> sattthctory to lender.
<br /> !�^ gnaeh p�p�Mr AprNment. Any breaoh by Trustor under ihe terms of onydh4r�prartwM Wtw�n Tnntot and L�nda ttMt N not rM�BNd
<br /> � ���Ip��y pnip p�riod provided theroln.Includ�nq wilhout IlmitaBon any�praer►eent conc�min0 anv Indebt�dnus o�ofMr ObMCatlo�d Trustor
<br /> to LMd�r,whet►wr ox►sNnp nOw or later.
<br /> ��' � Eyents Aftectinp Quannta. Any of the precedlny events occurs wNh re�-pect to any Guaranta of any of th�Indobt�dnr..s or any 6uuenta
<br /> .�...w.,.,,..�..�„r.mm��mnt or revokes a disputes the va�ldity of,or I�bIWy under,any tivaanty of tlw Indebtadnoss. Landa,�t t!t opdon,
<br /> _ -.-_- '---•—
<br /> --u...� ..wt,.�u...,...M�.W,�wf.r Nr euuanN In a
<br /> ._____. __ ._�-, u....r.��...__"_' • . . _
<br /> � m��ut�8cio irbo�andee,e�d,�nedollrW so ou e�ha Event ol08taul�urn u�ti;,������.�.�� ,,.. ......,,.,_.,.___.. -..--- . - --- • .
<br />— InNCUIity. LYnda In pood falth deems(lselt InseCUre.
<br /> OcitHnp I�btedness. A detauit shali acur under any Fxistinp lndebtodness a under any Instrum�nt on 1M Propaty s�stxinq any F�dstlnp
<br /> � Ind�bl�drwss.a commencement ot any suft or other tctlon to foroclosQ�nY exlstlnp Ilen on it►�PropwN.
<br /> . Rlpfit to Cun. If such a tailure Is curable and ii Trustor hes not been piven o notice ot a brMOh of lh�eun�provhlon of this l�d d T�t
<br /> wNhln tM pr�dinp hveNe(12)months,ft meY ba cured(end no Event d DetnuR wN1 haw occurnd)M Truator,aMr L�nd�r a�nds wdlMn
<br /> Initl�tpds ps i tecclont toscuro'therlalluee nnd thereafter onUoiNS and ComPletesbiN'htso bt�i and n�ssary st�ps suMcbnt't prodt a
<br /> compNanc��s soon s�reesonebly pr4ctical.
<br /> " may�euarcis�any ons oEmwe of Ehe Iollowing dphts e dC e�nedles,f fn Qddition to my oliher phb or rertwdi� orp vid�d by laur. �nder,at Ib opdon,
<br /> 'i .
<br />