' � . 1..•.." ,...�r�_.
<br /> 9
<br /> ��,,� ..ufar�ri:ew�r+..,—
<br /> . . . ,r�..��hr���"^ .. �l/r. . . .. .� ' . . ..!'i...M;....,....�rlP!7�'� '���'- �Y��^.�'���� .JJ`14 '.t1.�pL�F{:ARj_. -�,.,. _ --
<br /> p._
<br /> . • �'�`�,
<br />_`' . "' ������ DEEO OF TRUST P�'�
<br />_. .. '. �'� Loan No 63�74 (Contlnued) 97� 1�s.�i�
<br /> ` put of tl� Ind�bNdr�Newsd by thM DMd of Truth, (b)��p�dAr,t�uc on Tnnta wt�lch Tnntor b authals�d a rpulnd to d�duCf kan _
<br /> • s p�yrtN�dt on IM IndrbNdr�s�CUnd by thi�NM of D�d nf Trush, (o)a tax on thls typ�ol O�ed o�Trust aharpubi��p�lnst th�LMid�r or
<br />_ � IM holdK d tM No��and (d)a sp�d�o tnc on aN a�ny patlo�d tM Ind�bt�dn�a on P�Yrnmb ol P��and Int�rwt rtrd�by �I
<br /> � ltuslo►. _
<br /> . i Tax1�. II any loc to whtch thls Mctlon�pplfK Is�cMd tubMquMl to tM dW mf tMt D»d d 7ru�f,ihla�w�t M�M h�w Ilw� -
<br /> w�ta�n Ewnf d DMieuM(a dNin�d Wtowl��nd L�ndM nKy�x�rciw any or NI of Ns avall�bl�nm�dbs ior�n EwM of DMauN a _-
<br /> . �l pravkwd DMow unwss Trwtor�NhK U)WY�ths Mx bMon k b�car�d�WWuent�a (b1 oonMsb tM f�uc u P�o+�abow{n Ih�T�x�s uid
<br /> „ LIeN Nctlon and d�P�wlth L�ndK cesh a p wfAr�M aaD�lr surMY bond a oihw s�curlN ulbt�ctafl 1��Md�►• _
<br /> � SE�i1TY AGREE�AEUTi FINANCINQ S'TATEMENYB. i M hWowlnp P�ovfs4�rw rolaUr►p la thls Deed o}TnNt e�n aecurNy eB►e�m�nl+n��pad of �
<br /> . :w,.:�� tMS DMd olTnnf. u -.
<br /> _ ,�� tw.�.e.w�.luy1 wA.p�n,��,� n� TNa InsaIIIIW�II�M JOIIrY��,�.N.�nu�r e�n.rtu�tundw th�Udlam CommKCl�l�Cods a am�nd�d kan Ilcrn ol
<br /> Y....^.�p'w�`•+�<f�fi LYINlW iiw�iw'v��........�..�... _ . . . _
<br /> Ym�. -
<br /> '� S�curlfy InNns�l. Upop nqu�st by Und�r.Trustor thaN execuM fin+irx;irW sLt�rn�nts and tak�whauvK othK actlon Is nquKad bY L�
<br /> � i = to p�A�ct and conUnw 4.�ndK's s�cu�Hy Inlonst In lh�Rmb�nd P�nont� RopwtY. In addflbn ta racardnp Ihfs ONd M Tnnt In th�►MI
<br /> �� ptp�porty ncords�LK�mty�at any tlrtM and wlthout hxlhK aulhodintlon ham Trustor,llls execuled counMrp�rb.oopMs or nproducrar af _
<br /> 1hls I�d of Tnbl as a Ilnandnp�tat�nNnt. Tnator sh�N rNmbuw L�rWK ta all�xp�nsN Incurt�d In piA�eMnO or conYnulnp thM McurNY
<br /> � Inl�nst. Upon dAtulf,Tnnlor stW asarrt�trM th�PKSOrW F�op�rtY In a manrnr and at�Dt�a nasonabN conv�iMnt to Tnufa and L�nd�►
<br />=� � tnd mtkw R�va9�b1�to I.�ndK withln tExN(3)daYs afMr ncatPt of wrNN�d�rt�and kom I.�nd�r.
<br />�"` Addn»es. Th�maYlnp addr�ssa of Tructor(dabta)and Undar(�c�eurod P�Y)�irom wh�h Infamallon conarnl�0 Ih�McurNY M�/Mn�t
<br />=�s,. . � a�by 1NS DMd d Tnxt maY b�obWn�d(MCh as n41�d by 1M UnMorm Comm�nClN Cotf�)��at aaMd on th��rtt R�G��Ihk OMd
<br />'. '. FIJiiTFEii ASStiiANCE33 AnORlIEY-IM-FACT. Th�IoNOwtr�p proN�oeK�1�0 b turlMr aMUnno�and�1tarwy-kf�d�r�!Pw d Mk
<br /> ONd of Tnxt.
<br /> furll�AalK�na�. Af�nY Mrtw��tnd irom ilm�to IIm�,upon h4u�t af L�nda�Truttor wiA mrc�,tx�cuM�nd dMlrr,r�a w0 o�uw b b�
<br /> .. mad���or,�cuNd a d�Nv�nd� to L�nd�r or b L.�ndr's d�slp�+and wh�n nquMbd DY L���cauw to b�NW�ncord�d.r�o►
<br /> t nncad�d�a th�cw rtKY b��at such tlmN and In such ofllon�nd pbc�s a l.�r►d�r may dMm aDProprlaN�ury and�M wch mafp�7K.
<br /> . • a..d�a tru�t.«cwih d��a.c+xily+a«m�r�ls.Ilnandnp s1.Mrt�na.carW+wuo+►sta+�rrwnb,�nsaum�nl.a furtN.r w,u.�o.,��.a
<br /> � �nd olh�docum�nb u rtMy.In th�saM optdo^ol L�nd�►. b�n�o�wl�or dakWl�In ad�►to�N�atud�.canpMM.D�f�Cb
<br /> pr�s�ryr (�)th�obNWtlont of Tnnta undK 1�NoM.thb DMd of Trust�and tM HMat�d Docum�nb�and (b)th�N�rK and s�CUrRy M►MrMb
<br /> _ .:..,;� .�H": �b y���M�Mawr t�ip�n����iN�'mbuct�L�ndK tor aM cotls and��ns�s bncurnd In ConMCtlpon�wlth�th�nxllM�rd�Mt b
<br /> '`�� ' � 1�M►��Dh.
<br /> ` ,.�' � Attom�Y-�F� It Truslor WM to do any W 1M tNrpt al�nrd'So In th�pno�d�n0 Pu��Ph�L.��tf�r may do sa ta�nd In thr nam�d
<br /> Yr��; , � Tnntor and at ltusto��^s�. Fa wch P�P�.Tru�to�henbY krwxablY�Ppolnb L�ndK ss Tru�tors atfo►�k►�ot la 1Mp�
<br /> . ..•. „ of m�kln0��x'�CUdnO�dMiw�inp�NktO�nc�dnp.and dd�0�ott�1hlnps as mq W rNO�wY a d�k�bM.In l.M�d�s tON opkwon���b
<br />�•� socorn�Ilsh ths mtttwt rNMnd!o{n 1tN pho�diep p�tapr�Ph.
<br /> t:r;F:�`�-�•�•:", Y tIM oblpaltor�s NIIDOSp Wai��'Wi�w!!�
<br />-,�';��;,;�' FUl PERFORMAkCE. ItTnisla p�yi�N th�Ind�bNdn�ss wh�n dw.and oth«wk�P�Aorms
<br />_;�'��,�:�r.�• D«d d Trus1. L�nda ah�N �x�cut�and dMIvK to Trust�a nqu�st for tuk nconwyana and sh�ll sx�cuM and dWwr b Tnnta sulYbt�
<br /> r-:•:.�;
<br />�';+�°t'� ncon� wy�no�1M nq�irrd Y kw sh b�i pald by T�rustnr� PK�by�PpWabN k�InMnst ln tM Fi�nls and th�PKSOr�I PraPMh�• MY
<br /> T�„�;y�'_:.,'.;.' DEFAU.T.EacA of Me tallowln0,at th�optlon d lendar�sh�N constiluts an woM ot dehWt('Ewnt of DMaulrl undor this Dvad of Tnn�
<br />`"=''�"s�" `' p�taWt pn Ind�Dhd�NSS.FaNur�of Trustor b melcs any paym�nt wMn dux an the Ind�bt�dn�ss.
<br />=.:���.^14�i,�•'�
<br /> - --.Y�,� p�f�ult on OttNr Paym�nt�. F�YUn of Trustor vritNn lM tlrt»roquM�4Y tNS DMd of Trust to m�ia any payrt��t ta yxrs a k�suranol,a
<br />-�;,--�Q��.�,� any oth�r Prym�nt Mo�ss�ry to P��+^�fillnp W or to Mt�ct dixhu0�of any Wn.
<br /> `�"•- - CpinpN�lp D�M1N� FaNur�d Trusior to ComPh►wlth lny dhlr 1Mm�ob(IWtbn.CowrwM or eondltlon ContdrNd Ir�tNt DMd d TnMt,�
<br />�,--.:`?;�•�, NoM a tn u�y aHtN qM�Md oocun�lt.
<br /> -•�:,:_.�:?'_„ FMM�td�nls. My w�r:aMy�npro���t{on a etaMtnKM m�d�a hmislMd b L��du by or on bNrlf d 7rt�ta undM IhI�DMd d Tru�
<br />" �---.� tlN Nab«tba HMaNd Doeunwn6t Is iW�ar n�MN�dIn01n aoY maMrW n�C4 Mtl�now a�t th�Iln�nMd�or hrnl�h�d.
<br /> -�'_`e%?9�5;.'+'1� DN�CMw CoMiMrnM�Mlon. ThM ONd of Ttt�t or an�►of Ih�R11aNd DocurtMnM oMS�s b b�In fi!laq und Mf�ct(M�oN�dnO iNu�ol�►
<br /> .Q.e,:��:'S'�� c�aMra1 documw+isb on�t�a v�d�nd P�Iw'bd neuMY�+iM'�st a A�nI�t anY wn�and tor�nY n�wri.
<br />--==-��� D�aih or kNON�I. Th�dnth of Tnxfor.fh�In�olvwicY d Tnxtar.1h�WPoIMrt�^�of�noNwr tor�ny P�of T�uttor�prapa�y,�nY
<br /> ��� tor Ih�bw�Ml W cndMan,��Y b'P�of cnd►ta worlcout� a th�comm�no�++t of��Y D�a'��o �+�+Y���P�Y a
<br /> $-_-'".�'� Intai�y�ws by or qNrwt Tnutor.
<br /> ���'F?'?? F�t�etoMU�o FtYla!lfx�.elc. Commen��t o1(er�+claur�s a torNilun P�ao��.whNh�r by JudlcW DrocMdlnD�sNl-�N4.���
<br /> " �" p•any ottwr mdlwd,bY�nY Credita of Tnulor or by any pownx��tW apsncY�p��Y a ltw Pirop�ty. Hawov��ti�tubt;�Sw^�t:.'all c�!
<br /> '�"G°� 4� �pply In th�svad of a pax!fa11h dispuM by Truislor�s b tM v a rc�ason�bNn�s d tM dalm whbb k th�basls of 1M bndosun a
<br /> °Td:..�:�++'�i tanNllun ProoMtMnp�D►oNd�d thut Trusta plv�s L�ndK nrtMMn�of such cWm and furNst�rrs�rws or a wnty bond tar ItN d�m
<br /> ---:.-�-_-- aaMff�ctory b L�ndu.
<br /> f�� !ln�ch W 01hK AarMnMnt. My bn�ch by Trusta und�r th�Mn�of any dhK p����bMwwn Tnnta and L�W�that k not hn�d
<br /> —�---v_ v�I1Nn anY 0�P�►lod Drovided ihsnrn�Indudlnp wllhout Amlhtlon�ny a{��nt conownln0�ny tnd�bMdnMi or onh�r cbMQitlon of Ttutta
<br /> �'��r� to LK�.whNh�►udstlnp now a kt�r.
<br /> -.�"`�� EYN1ts AA�Ctlnp GWraMor. My of 1M pr�ddlnq ownfs oOCIMS wllh t�c.'t to�ny t3uaraMor of any W Ih�Ind�bUd�s or a�y Gu1lnMOt
<br /> -=;J;.;°�c;�.�� � d N s a b�c o n►e t I n e o m P�t m t�o r n v o k a a d k PuMs tM vaYdlN a�a wbwtY undK.any Ownnry ot tt�Inc9�bUdnKS. I.�ndK.at kt oD��
<br /> - __ :-:;� m.r�bw a+.n no�a na�•d�o. PK►nft ttw Gwrantors M4t�to assurrN uncon d i tl o m N Y t t»o b Y p a tl o n�r f�n p u n d l r 1 M O w r a n l y I n a
<br /> ==:� � . manrw a�tlstadory to L�+d�.and,In d o lnp so,cun ttw Ewnt of Ghutt.
<br /> '•;. i.� . •,�:,�, InMCYAly. LNIdlt k1 p00d tYHh dNrt1s ItSMf Ins�CUn.
<br /> -- . ,� � ��ycfrras��A me�r�of a y sWt a ottier asa on ta�ia�clo�a y�ixbtl+p M�n on riw Pr�bt on th�►�reDortf+acurM+o�anY E�++O
<br /> L RlpAt Ia dr�. If such a hNUn b curabM�nd ff Tnnta Iw not bMn piwn�notic�d a bn�c h o f t M tutw p r o M s l o n of 1N�DMd dTnnt
<br /> - ' . wftNn th�pr+ddlnp twMw(12)montlq.N maY b�Cund(and no Ewnt of D�hult wir haw ooCUrr�d)M Tnatot�atlsr l�nMr MrNls v+iN�n
<br /> noticr d�nrndkp cun af�ucn hllun: p)cuns th�hNUn wNNn Mn(10)day�:a (b)M th�Cun n4uln�man than Mn(t0)d�y�.Mrwr�Mry
<br /> ' �niY�Na sMPs�uMlcMr�t to cun th�hYuro.nd tt�wtNr conYnu��nd comPlMw dl n�sarbl�and Mc�wY sMPS��ro P�ua
<br /> _ �r?r,�• , Cdf�pllnq is IOOD tf 1'MfO�Mb�Y P��v
<br /> ---_ _t _ ac�rs�r�w a�wm�Ea a�o��utr. upa►a�.ooc�.�w�o.a.nr Ewr�a oa.u�.�d.t.or wn.d,.nanw.Tn�a�.«�..�,aw.a�s o�on,
<br /> _- - ,_
<br /> _�.._..�u.�. ��.hu{�rr
<br /> ' IINy�(C�N�1}I OM Of f110f�0�KM�O�O�MM1Q 11Qfls aIW IMIDOIS�Ifl�4P��N�q v�w��.r..�........�.�-r--'�--. -
<br /> .. .� �apo„uvon o�awr�aauo�w r+.e�.ai.�. M.ny.wn�a d.rWC oxu�.s a•�a�.+�d n,.Na...cu�.d n.nnr.�«�aa mar
<br /> ' ' d�Cl�n aM IntMbMdMSS wcut�d by tNs DMd of Tnst b b�dw�nd P�Y��nd IM s�m�sh�l t1�rwP��m�dtN�nd p�y�bN wNNaA
<br /> �� any prss�ntm�nt,d�nand,Prol�t a notlo�ot�ny kkb.TMnttMr.I.�nd�r nxY:
<br /> (a) Elth�r In p�rson or by Wont,wtlh or withoul brinpl^0�ny wUon or ProcMdlnp�or by a nc�lwr�pPolnMd by a court uid wNhaul ,
<br /> rp�rd to Ih�adWwcY d fb taurilY.�nMr uPon rnd Wc�pots�stlon d 1M RopKiy�or u►y Put th�nof�In Ns own nam�or Nt tM ntm�
<br /> of TruttN,and do�ny acb whVCh fl d�sms rnCKwY or d�sM�bN to P►�saw tM wlw.m.rk.�aewb a n�+�v a cn.�ov«ifr.a paA
<br /> of tM Prop�rty a InMnst In th�Prop�Alr,Incnas�Ih�IncortN kom th�Prop�rty or Prot�t the acurllY of t►r R'op�rty;and�vrNh or wllhout
<br /> Wclrp pawssbn W th�Prop�rly�at�tor or olMrwisa coN�ct Iha nnb,issua�nd profib of Ih�Prop�rty.Indudlnp tlws�pttt du�and
<br /> unp�ld,and�ppty tM sartw,Nu costt and�xp�r�s ot opantlon and colNcBon,Inc�udtnp Ntornoys'�a�s,to aoy Indabt�dn�ss s�cur�d
<br /> of aueh� Issu�s'a d Ipro�h and th�apPYCatlon therwf shal noThl G�untor wa Iv�a nny detautt'a no c�of dehuit undsr INs't�aoMClion
<br /> .
<br /> : I. . . . .. . .._ ....
<br /> � _—
<br /> � -- -- -
<br />