.�.� ,
<br /> ,'.,;_
<br /> Fe,: . „ . .y�'� ' '�.�:q c,
<br /> .iwwuc .wr,... _... . . . " . . . . . ,. � •- -� � _ .. ,., ..
<br /> �_ _._.V°-`�;`.
<br /> � DEED OF TRUST P�� a ``�-�� �
<br /> � ' OS-16-1897 (ConUnued) r,.;���
<br /> Loan No 639574 97'� 1�-�� ,°����W--
<br /> � nOw a MrMttp •� ;,�.
<br /> pK�prpp�rn. TM wads'P�non�l PropKty'maan all equlprtwnl,Bxtures, tnd `�With a�l�CC�pisl na�'p rb and addlUoM to, u •
<br /> , ! own�d by Tnntor,and now or hKNM�r atttahW a afAx�d to fh� RNI Properiy: oQ� , ;��� .F:s;-'
<br /> � npl�arrNnb of.tnd aA tubstitullono for, trry of auch pr and top�tMr with tll prxwd3 (Includlnp wNhout Nmltatlon �N Imurana
<br /> procMds and nfunds ol pnmlums)kom any aN a oth�r dlap ilon of th�Propwty ;'
<br /> . � prpp�rry. TIN wad"Prop�ty'm�ans colf�cUwty th�HMI Propwty and th�PwROnal PropMly. �• .
<br /> Tlw wadt'1i�1 Prop�rtY m�an lh�prop�AY�InlK�sb and rlphb dwcrib�d abow In IM'Conwy�nc��nd OnM'Nc�Yon• ,. +,.•.f,._-:
<br /> � R��I Prop�Ay. noloa� a�dN Wr��h�la�+ ,. ,�. ,,.�
<br /> h
<br /> . RNNW Doeum�nU. TM worda'f3clatad Dxumsnts' meetn�nd i������M��d trutt and W�olh�Irwtrumcnla,aareemmM.s artd
<br /> .• + I �prNm�nb�onvkonm�ntel apr�nb��wr�ntwa,wcurMY 0��^ +-�~
<br /> In conrnctlon with th�IndabMdrnes. '-`-'�`.-
<br /> � dxurtNrtb,wh�tMt now ot Mn�tlw�tlnp�ax�aulid '' ��----
<br /> .'' ,� ��.�
<br /> -.��� RMU. TM wo�d'�Wnts"m�ar�w�yt:o:��rd titltue nM►�,rawnws.Incom�,isaws�royalti�s�PrMb. and dhK b�nsAb d«iwd kom IIw : .��..
<br /> - �:t�i.�—
<br /> �-..>.t^AI�'i plppY�iy. _�_i.vN.
<br /> � TruqN.TM word"Tnn�'mKns UNITEO NEBRASKA BANK and any wbstNuM a�uooKSa lrust�. eµ�,�-:.-_-
<br /> � f thb ONd Of Tnitt,lndudnp wihoul Nmitttlon�N Tnistat's ntrtMd '_,��;�;`-'"_
<br /> TniHor. T�w ward'inntor rnwns any and W paaom and tntltl�oc�cutlnp ::•�..;=_
<br /> ' � �bow. i�.'..-_
<br /> .: QN TFE FOtbOWiNQ TERMSi pa �
<br /> �` of Tnnt a 1h�Y b�com�dw�aed sh��ctlY and ^I a tlewly manrnr pKform dl of Trustors obNWN�ni und�r th�NaM,t ONd W Tbn�t.a tlr
<br /> . � ? R�tsd Oxuments.
<br /> tMl Trustors ponKS�on and ua d Iho Pr�patY�Itoll pa 0owm�d bY =-_
<br /> :.. . �, P083ESSIOM AND MAINTENA1iC£OF TF�PROPEiiTY. Trustor a0nos _—__
<br /> � tM toNOwlnp Provbto�a:
<br /> pp�sNon�nd Wt. UntN tlw occurtenc�ot an Event of DehuR�Trusta maY (a)nmain in P�on�nd contrd of tha F�vp��y. @)�• �
<br /> � opwat�or mtn�W 1M PropKly�and (cI coll�ct any Ranhs kom tha ProP�Y• m�N�P�� r���ts.�nd m�inMrwinor
<br /> puty ip�Aalntdn. Trusta sh�Y maintaln tM Proparly in tananteble conditlon�nd prompdy p�Aa
<br /> n�assary to P��`M�`��.
<br /> Mwrdous SuWtanc��. Tlw Nrms"hanrdous wasta;'twrardoua aubs4nca;'disPosal;'Yolwos;and'�w rntdon�and LJ�bMiry Act of =.
<br /> Dwd of Trusf.th�N haw tM iarrN mwdrps a wt forlh!n ttw Corr►Pntwrt3lw Envkonrtwnhi R�sDor►s��Comp�
<br /> 1980,at am�nd�d�42 U.S.G.Sactlon 96G1�ot ssQ•("CERCLA9.ths SW�rfund Am�ndrtNnb u�d R�aulhalaYOn Aot of 1oB8�Pub.L No. _
<br /> 99-499 l'SAA!►'�th�H�ardous Mat�rl�b TransPataUon Act.49 U.3.C.�or������P�u�y�yant�b�iny d ih�torqokp• 1'A� -
<br /> ,.
<br /> , � 42 U.S.G.Soctlon 8901,�t s�q.,a otMr�pPNcabM tiat�a F«Nrv laws, b a�y k�,.y�
<br /> �.,
<br /> .;.:',,, terms'h�Lrdow wasw"and"h�zardotq subs4na'th�M tlto indud��wiliwut Mrt�thhtlon�DMr�7tustars own�st�iD a tM Prap�ti��Iw
<br />--_�'.•�:;;;;;:_. � . !l�sto!and•�h!�str,s. Tnntor npr�nb and wartank to L�ndK thak (t)Durlrp 1Ar�a, e!eny�+•�rdais w�a st�fana bY�Y
<br />- , ;l bwn no us��W�don.manuh�atun.stonW�watm�ni.disPos�t�r.i:a:r��• Inatmmt tMDowl nMaw.a HruMrnd _
<br /> n on�undw��bout a Mom th�Prap�rM• (b)Truttor has no knowMdp�af�or nafon to bMkw tlnt 11�hs bNn��oaopt at 0►wlo�wf►
<br /> I �to and adcnowMdO�d bY L�r►dK In writlnp. (�)aeY u��W���^�manuhctun�s1a�. • �
<br /> r.aw a any nwrdoua w.sa a�u e a.n a o n,u n d K�a b o u t a l r o m tM Pr o p�r l y D y�ny prfa own�o►oxuD�nls o�IM Prop�rM a(��
<br /> � . actwl or thr�t�n�d WtlWtlon a ddmt af any kind by any pM�on nl�rnp lo such rtwdMrs;and (o)F�c+Pt�P���4 b a n d
<br /> adcnowNdWd bY L�nd�r tn wriHnp� pl��Ttustor not 1�ny Nrt�M�Ca�t�Ciw�spM�l or oU�au111plud uiM Of th�PtoPMly thM uM� ��
<br /> � p�n�raN.rtw�n u a c tun�s t o n�tr Mt.d b W a�o��or nlMt��ny Mz�rduut w�ot substtnoo on�und�r.abouC a kom th�Prop�rly and (i�� �
<br /> ' ` such activNY sh�N b�co+�duoMd In compM�^a wflA�II�DpNc+DN}�d�r��stats.and locd lawrs�n9uia qau a n d or d l n anoM�M�d t�d l n 0
<br /> YmAatlon 1hoW kvw�npuktlons.and ordinanoss d�sorib�d abow. TrusWr�uthafx��tdor a��+��d M�Prop�b�11+i�
<br /> � , m�k�wah k�p�cUorK and tats�at Tnnta'h�xpens��a L�ndK may d�em aPaopda
<br /> d tKts mld�by LMidr thUl W for L�nd�'s purposM onlfi tnd thaN not b�ootKtru�d b orMl�
<br /> . , aatlon of UN DMd of Tcust. My in�ctlont Th���nittl0�s 1nd w�anfi�s oonWrMd h1rMn W �.
<br />-- aeY r�Pon�tbllflY a Y�bNitY on th�Put of L�ntiK to Tn�ta or to any otl�p«son.
<br /> bwd on Trustah dw dINOMCO in Invatlp�Unp tM PropK�Y ta�►�watM and h�nrdou�subttana�. Tnrsta h�nby (a)n�M�s�nd
<br /> , , ��� wNws any tutun ddms ap�inat L�ndr fa Ind�mnlly or conhibutlon In th��n TarW 1�I�dat�Io�s��Nabilf�s,d�rtinp�t�P«���nd
<br />- ,... . + ; such kws�and (b)N��a to Indomnily and hdd hurt�a LK�+� Y
<br />� •�..:. �::,=� �, �ns�s wtAcA L�nde maY dk�ctlY a Indlnctlf'su�tdn a suthr naulUnO irom a bn�ch of thk s�cYoo of b Tn�tora owMrship or
<br /> =°,1::•. '• i; : epnt�qwnc�of any us�.W�����nu f actun�sior�p�.d�sP���W or MrNwn�d nMas�oocurtinG P�
<br />_:...r:,'t_...�. InNnst in th�Prop�rtY�wMther or nol 11►�stme wu or should htw M�n known to Tnnta. 71N Pr��of Ihls s�ctlon o f I M O M d of T n N t.
<br /> � � Inctudirq th�obliqaMO�to Ind�mnly,ah�survlw th�Paymenl of th�Ind�bNdrnss and tM a����^a a��d�
<br /> pMd uf Ttust�nd s1uN not b�atf�ctad bY L�nder's acqubltlon ot any Int�tast in tM P�oputy.wMtMr by foheksun a ollwrwis�•
<br /> _ ....,
<br />-r.. . .• � Nuta�nct,W�te. Tnntor ShaM not cause�conduct u P�ft any nutstnca na commit,D�t,or tufhr�rry sMPD�^�i of a waste on or lo Ih�
<br /> - • prop�rty a any patlon ot iM P�oportY. Wnhout imitinp the penerality of the torapdnp,7rustor wiN not nmoua�or 9raM to any olt�pMy IM -
<br />_ rlpht to nmow�any tlmbar�minenb pndudinp oll and pss).sdl�9nve1 a�ak preducts without ttM D�wrkf�n cons�nt W L�nd�r.
<br /> ;.:� ..,: •„
<br /> wfthoul tM prior wrAt�n oo�Nr+t
<br /> ' pNnoval of In►prov�m�nti. Trustor tF►�A nol d�mollsh or romow any ImprowrtMMs Nom tM FiNI ProPwtY � ����
<br /> -�a"•;'��,K of L�nd�r. ,�,s a conCWon to ihs nmoval of eny Improwm�nb,L.�nMr may r�4uin Trutto�to mdc��n�nb �
<br />_-- ,.r�w� -� npisa such Improwm�ns wNh Improwm�nb of at Nast�4w1 valu�. at Y rwsonbN WnM W�M�nd to
<br /> ��'�;ro;� .• LM�d�r'a Rlpht to Ent�r. L�nd�r,��a m•o•��•o�a rustors cortipNtna xw h th�1Kna e�ondYo+r o!Mi�DMd of Tnni.
<br /> >r! ,;;�„ Undws In1K�sls and to Ir�spoct th�PropKtY 1a P�P
<br /> Compllan�wlth Gaw►nmmtal R�4ul��nNnl�. Trusta sh�O��Db��PM wfth al kw T�a��i�t��r►y weh I�w,
<br />.-� NMct,ot�A o�^mmtal aulbaltNS�RP��to th�ua a ooc�W�Yk���w�PP�•a 1O^0�s Tnxtor has naWMd L�nd�r
<br />- ordirxna�or npulatlon and wfthhold ca��a durt�0�nY DrooMd�p, L�rtry nquk�
<br /> in wrl0np PAo�to dolnp so�nd fo Io�W os,in LN�s soM op�nlo�.Und�s tnl�nsb In thr R'aP�rty�n not popard�a�d•
<br /> wr
<br />` Tnntor to P��d�4w1��cuHY or a f►urlf►bond.ra�sorwbtY u�to undu�to protrct L�nd�s k�s�t.
<br /> �. , Tnnta a1W do Y otMr a�ls.in addltlon to thas�aeb - -r,
<br /> : �: Duly b Prot�t. Trucfor�praos naitMr to�btndon na Iww urutt�nd�th�Prop�Ay. b ovct and pr��rw tM Pro�lY• �--.
<br /> at twth�bow In thb uctlon,wMch kom itw chNracl�r and tn�of tM Prap�rly an R+aionabN^��N' P� �,;,y^__
<br /> _ i:r N 1��II sum!s�Ct�d Dy ihM DNd ol Trus4 -. .�,�- _
<br /> Ol�ON SALE-CONSENT BY LENDER. Undor maY.at Hs cPlbn�d�clv�Imrtwdld�lY du�and PaY�b ,
<br /> upa►th�sW or trtnt�r�withoul ttN Landws Prla wrflt�r►cons�nt,W�11 a any part of thr Fioal PropKty.a+��y Mtentt k►IM RMI Prop�H• � :�•�S ,:•
<br /> � '9aM or transt�'mMro tM conwyana of Red Prop�rty or anY dGht,tltl�a Intanst thonin�wMtMr Ispd�!»�ticW or pu11�bM:wh�thK voluMary '�•j:, •�
<br /> ht saM,dwE,Inst�MrtNnt sal�conlnct.lan0 conlract.contnct ta d»d�I�is�halE Int�nst wkh a Mm+yn�1w th�n '�;:t;-�.
<br /> : or Involuntuy;whoih�r by outrlp ° _
<br /> ' 11xM(3)Y�•Nas�-oP�contract.or bY a�1��asslGnm�nt�a trar�stsr of any bsnMclal Inta�t in or to my knd frust hotdl tftl�b th�RMI
<br /> : , �rop�ny.or by any o►n.r�nod��"�snb��mon tnan�iw.nh�-a�w� �t�"ani c�%j a ti»vounv aocic��ar����s��'� � � .
<br /> ,
<br /> �raht�ko Midud�s�ny C npr w
<br /> - ----—` ._- ------..._ .,�r�.w w,W.wr.u�a mtlon th�M not W�x�ls�d by L�nd�r H tuah�x�rck�Is prohiEitod by Nd�rv
<br /> _ -- c�ny inwnsv,ns�n..a...�s�.,..... ..__._.. .---- -. . -
<br /> � I�w a by N�bnsk�kw.
<br /> TAXE8 ANO LIEflS. TM tdiowinp provkirins rot�tlnp to th�tucos and Yans on tM ProporlY an R put o�t�s�a T� Indu v+aMr
<br />- p�ym�►1. Trusta ahaN pay wh�n du�(and In all�wnb pda to daunqwncY)���S��P����"�"�'���� �
<br /> and wwK).tlnas and ImposlHons lovkd apNnst or on axount of tM Proporty,�nd thaM pty whon dW �cla�ms�a W°�d��a for
<br /> �rvlCac rendKad or mat�rfel 4urnlsh�d lo th�Propariy. Truslor shYA melntdn iM PropartY hM a aN I� w��'W D��Y o��p�b tM
<br /> Intonst ol LYnda uncNr thb Dasd of Trust,acpt la lh�Yen of taxas and ass�ssmenb not due,ac�D��a�M�Sn^O Ind�bt�dnas nhrt�d
<br /> to bNow,and�zoept�s othwwls�p�ovlckd In ihls Deed of Trust.
<br /> Ripht 4o Contest. Trustor may wtthhdd payrtwnl of�ny tax,assessmenl�or c�alm In connacUOn with�400d hiilh dispute ovor th�obMWtbn
<br /> to pay.so lorp a�L�nd�e Intanst In 1M Prop�rty Is not J�opud�d. It a Wn�rlsas a b fikd as a r�ult d nonpayrn�n�Trustor sl�wHNn
<br /> Atlssn(16)C�ys aflK tM Il�n arisfs a,M�Ii�n M fil�d,wtlhln IIMNn(16)days�It�r Trustor his naWcs d th�Rllnp�s�CUn tt�dischvp�Of tM
<br /> - cs
<br /> Ii�n.a H r�qWSted bY Undar,d�pos�l wllh UnWt cash or a sufRCMnt Corponta 8unty bond a ottw a�curi�Y utlshCtory to Und�r in an
<br /> " amouM�uMICMN to dfsCharq�tlw N�n plus any Cnsls�nd�ttarNys'Nrs ot otMtt Chup�s thtt coWd aCCru��s a nsult d�tor�Closur�a s�M
<br /> •; .
<br /> ' � )
<br />