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<br /> � DEED OF'�d'ItUST
<br /> 3
<br /> �� � g7� 10 •�.�� (With Power of l9ale) —
<br /> � Au u t ,192Z.
<br /> THIB DEED OF TItUBT,made thi� 11 dsy ot
<br /> ' �� ��A Mitchell D. Lau Pnd Jona S. Lau Husband and fe as oi t Te a t .��
<br /> ' whoiemdiin�add+�i� 14915 S Bu£falo Rd Dnntnhan NF 68832-961_4 ' `� -
<br /> � ���� Stewart Title Guaran[ Com an \
<br /> whoeemaUinaaddressie 1 Kansas Citv P1 1220 Washin�ton Ste 100 Kansas Citv MO 64105 _,
<br /> 2319 N Webb Rd
<br /> - u Trwtee�and Norweat FinanrSs�l Nebrwka�Ina,who�e mallin(�addrett is ,as BeaefiouY�
<br /> ' ' Grand Island NE 68803
<br /> WIINEBSETFI.'Pru�tor�hereby irnvocably,�rnnt buQatn�seU,and oonvey W'huatee in truat,w[W Pcwer of eale.the tollowia�deecribed
<br /> . ProPeiRY�► Ha 11 County.Nebradu:
<br />_ , A Tract of Land Camprising a Portion of the Southwest } of Sectian 26, Toumship 9 North,
<br /> � Said Tract BPing More Particularly
<br />- RangP 10 West of the 6th P.N.., Hall County, NPbraska,
<br /> Described Fs Follows: With ReferPnce ko thp Southwest CornPr of S2.id Southwest }; Tha.ncP
<br /> � - • Running on an Aseumed Bearing of North 0 Aegress, 00 MinutPS, 00 Seconds EA�t on thP West
<br /> Line ot said Souchweat i io� a Bi�ts.^.ce ^f 3G5_On Feet to thP ActuaZ Point of Beginning:
<br /> r;'''`. :.�; ' Theace Continuing North 00 Degrees, 00 Minutea, 00 Seconds East on the West Line of Said
<br /> •'.'� � Southwest } for 4�0.58 Feet; Thence South 82 Degrees, 35 N.inutes, 27 Sec�onLd�s �4 i���ed)
<br /> _A-;�,'l:.�s; ' '�bQether w[th unomente�beruUtameute,end appurteaanoas thereunto belon�int or in anYwtb�PP�rtainin�
<br /> '_.� ..:t pro6ts thereo£
<br /> �., ._,:;;,,:�%; '�j conveyanoe i�iateaded for the p-•vjwae of seau�ini the W Y�nt to Bencfida*7 of'hwtor�'pro�ni�ory aote of even date iu ths�mount
<br /> C�t�;*„!..', oi i°`'320.00 ('1bW of PsYmenu).9nid 7bW otPRymeot�b ropRysble a000rdina W the terms ef�tid oose. Payment may be nade in
<br />�.�,�}�� nt thall.at t6e SeneBdar��option�nd wltLoat aotioe or demwd�t+oder
<br /> --�-,�,.-"�' �dvanoe i a W Y�u a t a!a t�v d m e. D e f anit ia makin[�1Y P�Y�
<br />'—�`=.�-�::.� the entire wnpRfd bdanoe of�aid loan a0 oaoe due wd payabk.leu saY�4yirsd nbate o f c h a r La.
<br />��'��n�*:� 'Ib protat tM�ecurity of this Deed of Rtu�t�Rtivator covenanu aad��eer.
<br /> --_ '��` .� 1.'!b teep t3ie propartY in�ood ooadiNon�ad mpair,w persnit no�aste thereof,w wwplete wY buildini.�teuetun or impmveroent loefns
<br /> _��s:s:
<br /> 3r,.:i!r��!_„_ , built ot�boat to be built tbereon:W t+etWre P�mpUY�.v bufld@►4.�tr+�CRare or lmprovw�oent thereoa�rhiCh maY be d.`maacd or der!.-a�+e .
<br />-��� and to oomply wiLd dl lavn,ordin�aa�,ro4u►ntbas.ooveaana.conditlons wd raMctlonr affecUn�t1�e proPerq'.
<br /> _ =a���=:� 2. 1b pay betoro deUnqucut�ll lawtt�l tares wd we�auent+nPon t6e pmperty;W keeP the D�P��Y��►d clear of dl other e6�r�es.
<br />-�"�"�v,��:'�.",�� Uem or encumbraxe�imPdrin��e��h'ot this Deed of 1�ut, c lo�s by tire or otber hnards
<br />��T__ S.Rb teep all buildint�now or hereatter erected oa We property de�crlbed henin oontinuou�ly in�ured sQai�u wd be in wch oomp�nie�
<br /> -„'��''�� . ia an amouat not leu thw the WW debt�ecund by tbts Deed of'I1nuR All pollde�thall De held by tLe He�nsthoa W� the'l�wtor. 7Le amoua�
<br /> r :+ . u the BaneBdary m�y appmve and luve lo�s p�yable Snt W tbe Beae6cia h�+�y����'�'uaeph o�i�d�er a�tbe Beneti8a*Y�LaU detarinine.
<br /> � ��� ooliected ander aay fa�urance pol�cy may be npplied u�pon indcJ��dacaa, to toreclo�e tbi�Deed oi 1�wt or cure or r►�ive aqr
<br /> - ,,•• 8uch appScadon by the Beneliciary slull not cauw'81�iij�ite'M�P�� ��ts oithe�llwtor in iruarame
<br />����' defstilt oe nottoe of deftult or invaUdate WY aM done p°�+�'�°°�� �: IR�eveat of foredauro,
<br /> --�--- - - -- polida then ia foroe�h�ll ptss w the purchuer Mt th!�rqeb iRii:' or rt thereof and u�Y
<br /> -_- ' . 4.'!b obtfin the weftten ooaseat of HeaeIIdary before�eUinQ�conveytne or otberwi�e trw�ferriaL i6e proPsrtY wY A+►
<br />-'�'�=�,io �uch uJe,oonveyanoe or trawfer�vithout the Beaefidary's wri4ten oon�ent rLaU oonstituLe a defaulL ander the termr hereot
<br /> u-,�.u�J"'--— 6.7b defend any acdon or proceedinQ Pnrpo*tin�to�'��°���3'bor°°f or t6e riaht+�r povrer�of&sne8cia*Y or R1v�tee.
<br /> �'
<br /> `=;;�:�_.;ti;'1"i- 8. 9hould a4wtor fail W pU'when due aW'�����°e,and tD�e amountpw p d,w�izh iatennL t Wrae ate set forth i�n t�o��iecured
<br /> -- � :�:'� ' P*'�PelCY here[aabove de�crfbed.BeueQctuS m�3'P=3'
<br /> '�� hereby,shall be added co aad beoome a put oithe debt�ecured in thie Deed of'I�usL u permitted by l�w.
<br /> , . .�, 1TIAMUTUALLYA(3REED fH!►T.
<br /> , 1. In Lhe event aily po*Hon ot the pmpertY i�taken or da°°t�ed ia�u eminent domaia pmeeedlnT.the entiTe anouat of the awud or�uch `
<br /> �u
<br /> -_ purtfon thereof u mq be neaeeary w fliliy satGfy the obli�tton aeured henby,thaU be paid to Beueflci�ry to bo appHcd w�dd obin�ad�
<br /> � 2. By acoepeinQ p+ymont o4 a�T�um�ecvred hereby gtter tu+due date.BeaeScfary doas not waive it+*f�hx Lo re4ui�e prompt PU�
<br /> due oi all oth�r suiae a�eeured or w declaro dctault for faiiure W w PaY• -
<br /> � ,. 9.The 91ru�tee�tull reooavey all or WY Part of!he pmpertY wveml by thtr Deed of'lfu�t to the penon entitled tLereto�on vrriuen re9uest
<br /> of tbe 1tuaWr�nd the Bene6ciary,or upon eatiifaction oi the ob1l�aHon sesured and written n'4uat for iseonveyaace mada by tLe HeaeSdary
<br /> �� . .� or the Person entitled thereto. _
<br /> __ : 879 07f87(NE)
<br /> -_ _,_,,,-.�-�i . -------°_...__�- ..... ..__. °-�._�.
<br /> , 1 ._..... --
<br /> ---
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