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<br /> 9T-1as�s5 - _;
<br /> ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANT3. Bonower and Laader further oovanant and a�roe su loUows: .�.•
<br /> 17, AooekrsWn;R�en4odks. Except ab provfcled in pru�gnph 16 beroaf,upan Bonower'�breach of�ny coven�at ��'�`�`
<br /> ,�r.
<br /> or ag�eement of Bonower ln this Deed of 7'ru.9t,facluGlag Borrc�wer's faAure ta pwy,by tL1e end of 10 c�lenclar days
<br /> after they ero due,Qny sums secure.cl by tbLs Der,d of Trust,Lender pdor to aocolr+nUon�hsA glvo notico to Bonower
<br /> n
<br /> av provid�d ia paragraph 12 dereof 8pccit�iag:(1) the breach;(2)the rctlon rcquired to curo such breich;(3)a due� :
<br /> � not less Wan 2O days fcom the dute the notice is nnaAod to Borcower,by whlch such breach must ba cured;and(4)Ihat . _
<br /> r tailure ro cure such breach on or bafcsro tbe dato apa9iied ia the nodce msY rault ia acoalendon oY tho sutaa secuted
<br /> 1 by thts De.ed of Trust and salc of the Prapatry. 'rhe aodce sbaQ funhcr in[orm Harrower ot the r Dg ht to re l n statc a t ter -,
<br /> , ��� �� acceleraUoa and the dght to brIug a court Ystion to assart che aone�dstenoe oY a dafeu�t or any othcr defcnso ut -
<br /> Honower to acc.eleradon and sale. It the bresch is not cw�sd on or before tho date spxfi�eC fn the aotica.LenAer, _
<br /> �'"'°'y at Lender's optloa. may declare all af tba su�ns sewred by �bis Deed of Tnut tu tw tuu�r►eJinteiy duc aad �y�bic -
<br /> . without furtber demand aad may lnvoke ttue p�wer otsale and iny other romedies pccmttted by appUa�bla law. Lender
<br /> shall be eatitl�d to ooUect all reasonnbie coau and expensa incurred in puzsuing tdo remedles provided ln this
<br /> . paragraph 17,including,bu�not limitod to.reasonaDt��ttorncys'fas. _
<br /> ' U the power of sale is invok�d,Tn�stce shall reousd a nodce ot default ip each wunty ip which ths Froperty or
<br /> some part chereof is locatcd and shall cnzil oopim oi auch notioa in the manner pracribod by appUcable law to ,;;`
<br /> Borrower and to the othar persons pzeacrlbcd by appUable law. After the lapse ot such time ss may bo roquired by ``
<br /> applicable 1aw.Trustee sbal�give publSC aodoe of salo to the persoas and in the maaner praaibed by appllcable law. ;-
<br /> Trustce,without demaod qn Bornawer,sball seA tho Property at public auction to the higttat bldder at the timo oud �,�,-
<br /> � plaoe apQ uad�r th�e tams dcsi�n�tcyd in the aotta of sale in one or more paroela and ta such order as Trustoe ms�y �_:
<br /> deter�!nrs. Trugtse tr.�y pQStpann ualo af aU or any paroei of the Property by public anaounoetaent st the timo and ��_
<br />_ plaoa of uny pre.wfotu�ly schadulod st�Ye. I.ender or Lender's desigaee may purchase the Praparty at any sale. �_
<br /> ' Upon reoeipt of pzyment of thc prlce bid,Trustee shaU del[ver to We purcbaser'IYu.+tee's dad oanveyia8 Q►o
<br /> Property sold. '!he recitals in che'IYustee's deecA shaU be priraa tacle evldenoa of Wo tnsth oi the staumeata made x
<br /> m
<br /> thoraia Trustoc shall a the raooeQs of the sale in the follovvl�ag oMer:(a)to aU reasonablo cats and eupeases ��`'�
<br /> PPrY P
<br /> of the stU�,including,but not Wnited to,Trusue's fees actually inconod of aot more than 5.000 96 of
<br /> - the gross sale prioe,reasonable attorneys'fees and aosts of titk evidena;(b)w aU sums securod by Wis Deed of Trust; �_�_
<br /> �., and(c)We excess,if any,to We persoa or persons 1egaUy entitled thereto. �:'--
<br /> 1�, Bo�m�et's Ri�t►t to Rdatata Notwithsunding Leader's aaxleraUoa of tha sums secured by this Doed of -
<br /> 1" Trust,due to Sorrow�er's breach,Borrower shell have the rlght to have any proceedings bedun by I.ender to enforoe _
<br /> . � this Doed of Trust d3soontinued at any time prtor w the earlier to oocur of(i)the fttth day before aale of the P'roperty _
<br /> pursuant to the powcr of sale wntained in this Decd of 1Ynst or(U)entry of a judgmeat enforciug this Dced of'Ihist _
<br />- •� iE (a) Bonower pays I.ander aU swns which would be Wen due under[hls Uad oi iYUSC and ihe i�oce h�d no �
<br />��� ��� �r aaoeleratioa occutreQ;(b)Borrower cures all breaches of any other arvenante or agreements of Bormwer wnuined
<br /> in this Doed of Trost; (c) Borrower pays all reasoaable expen.ses incurnd by Lender ead Trustoe ta enfordng the
<br />;y �' oovenants and ag�ments of Bonowor coataiued in this Deecl of Trust and in enforctnd Lender's and Trustee's _
<br /> �•� � � nmedies as provlded in paragaph 17 hereo�ineiacling,but not limited to,reasonubla attarneys'tas;and(d)Barcow�ec
<br /> �j��.'.'`�� , takes such acUon as Lcnder may ceasonably reqnire to assure that the lien of this Deed oP 1Yust,Lancler's intereat ut
<br />��;'"-�:;:�:'- � tt�e Pcopeny and Borrower's abUgatloa w pay the suma sea►red by thls Dood of Trust s1u11 watinue unimpaired.
<br />_;x::;�.� Upon such payment and cure by Borrower.Wis Decd olTr�ut and Wa abllgations aecured bereby shtil nmain in full
<br /> �"�'"°�� foroe aad egoct�s iP na acceleratian 6ed oaaured
<br /> :-'"y"."`z � 19 A�i�teat ot Rents:AFPalntmeat o[ReoeiVr�r; Landa 1n Pb�ion.As�dditbnal socudry hereuader�
<br /> �._,:4.
<br />'r"`_��:;+��• : ' Boitawec heraby�sslgns to Iandcr the rents of the Property,ptovldod that Borrower sh�ll, pdor to saoeleration under
<br />�-T���� ' paragraph 17 hereof or abandonment of the Praperty,have the rlght to oollect and reuia euch nnts as thay bcxome
<br />:��:�:�"' _,
<br />-,v,��•� due aad piy�ble.
<br />_ , Upon sooeletatioa under paragraph 1?here�f or sbaadonment of the Propeny�Lender,la person.by agent or by
<br />_��_;r�f. judici�lly Appointed rafleiver shall be entiUed w enter upoa,take possession of and manage the Property and to oollect
<br /> _r=,;'r, the rents of tha Property Including those past due. All rcnts a�llated by Lender or tha reatver shall be appHed 8rst _
<br /> —�'��`�` to payment of tlie oosts of management of the Propeny and oollecxion of rents,tncluding,but not llmitod to�rece&eCs
<br /> ,��� fas�premiums on rreoeiver's bonds and re3sonuble ettorneys'foes,and then to tha sums sec�ued by thts Deed of Ttu.s� -
<br /> ----�-�- Lender aad the reeeiver shall be liable to account oNy for those ronts actnally noeived.
<br /> ""m'�`� — 2� R000QVeyaooe. Upoa payanent of all su�setvreci by thts Deed of Tiust, Lender shall request'IYustce to
<br />�� reconvry the Properry aad shall surrender th9s Doed of Trust and all nous evidencing iadebtodness secured by tbis
<br />,"',;;A,�='� Deod of Ttust w Trustce. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without ch�uga to the persoa or _
<br />_•=��� •a peisons legally entitled thereto. Such person or persQns shell pay all oosts ot r000rdadon,if any.
<br />-° � ''�' 21. 5obtitnta'lt�taa Lender.at Lender's opdon,may from time to time remove'hustea and appoint a suooassur `�-
<br />_" . �r`' uustoe to any 7Yustee appointed hereunder by an fastrumcnt recorded in the county{a whlch this Dad of Truss is '
<br />-;;'. -
<br /> , recorded. Without mnveyence of the Property, the successor trustee shall suoceed to aU t6e tiQe,pawer and duties ``"��
<br /> .�=%-
<br /> .. - conferred upon the'IYustee herein and by applicable law. �-'
<br /> � 22. Roqwrst tor Notias. Horrawer requests that oopies of the nutice of default and noda of sale be sent to `*=
<br /> - � Borrower's address which is the Property Address. ��'`
<br /> � i�� -
<br />_. REQUEST FOR NO'YItE OF D�AULT "::.r';
<br /> ' �.�°' MOR'PCiAC3BS OR DBBD6 OF'IRUST � _
<br /> . � e3orrower ana i.,enaer requesc cne noider oi any mongage,deen oi irusi or aiinbi cncaim`viba�z wiw 6 ucu wnicu -
<br /> -, � has prloriry over this Decd of'�kust to give Notice to Lender,at Lender's address set tortD oa page one of this Deed
<br /> of Tc�st,of any default under the super[or encumDrance and of any sale or other foreclosute action.
<br />- - - Docrrm�ot 9y�tem4lm.fA70)be�ll62 pBgC 4 0(S
<br /> � l
<br /> !
<br />